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Information Technology Security in Organizations

RUNNING HEAD: Importance of information technology in organization
Importance of information technology in organization
Information Systems Security BA6327G418
Prof Jerry Westfall
Importance of information technology in organization
Importance of information technology in organization
Abstract: Data security is significance in any associations, for example, business, records
keeping, budgetary, etc. This data security will assist the associations with fulfilling the
requirements of the clients in dealing with their own data, information, and security data. There
are a couple of difficulties looked by the associations in dealing with the data so it would fall
close by of unapproved individual or programmers. Plus, a powerful data security the board
framework can lessens the danger of emergency in the associations. So as to find out about the
significance of data security, the associations need to defeat the difficulties first. Other than that,
all associations must have their approaches in secure their data with the goal that the data can be
kept securely.
Keywords: Information security, association, data.
Importance of information technology in organization
In the advancement of high innovation these days on the planet, every one of the associations are
more relies upon their data frameworks. The general population wind up on edge of the
utilization of the framework in sparing their data, information and particularly their own data.
Likewise, the risk from the framework programmers and data fraud has included their worry the
utilization of data framework since these days there are such a significant number of
programmers from all around the globe. Along these lines, numerous associations will
distinguish their data as their critical task which they have to secure as their one of inside control.
The alarms issues about stolen or missing information are turning into an incessant in all feature
news as associations depend increasingly more vigorously on PCs to store delicate corporate and
client data. It is important to be stressed over data security since a significant part of the
estimation of a business is focus on the estimation of its data. As indicated by Grant (2000), he
expressed that the data is the reason for the upper hand and not revenue driven segment which
expanded open familiarity with fraud and the intensity of data. While, as indicated by Turnbull
(2003), he guaranteed that it is likewise the region of an association's activities that which needs
the most control. Without the data, either organizations or not revenue driven division could
work on the grounds that the esteem and the ensure of data are essential errands for the cutting
edge association. To completely comprehend, the association must recognize what is the
importance of data security in association with the goal that they will think better about this
cases. Associations of all sizes will gather and store a tremendous volumes of private data which
might be about their representatives, clients, research, items or money related activities. The vast
Importance of information technology in organization
majority of the data is gathered, handled and put away on PCs and transmitted crosswise over
systems from one PC to different PCs. It could prompt lost business, claims, fraud or even
liquidation of the business if this data fell into the wrong hands (About.com, 2014). These days,
data security likewise has advanced fundamentally and become significantly increasingly
essential lately. Based from vocation viewpoint, there are an ever increasing number of regions
where an expert can work in the field. As per About.com site (2014), they expressed that, a
portion of the claim to fame regions or fields inside data security are including system security,
security testing, data frameworks inspecting, application and database security, business
progression arranging and computerized criminology science are additionally among others.
1.1 What is information security?
As per The Open University site (2014), expressed that the importance of data security is the
accumulation of innovations, norms, strategies and the board rehearses that are connected to data
to keep it secure. Other than that, data security is likewise implies shield the data and data
frameworks from unapproved access and use, exposure of data, disturbance data, adjustment or
pulverization of data so as to give the uprightness, classification and furthermore the accessibility
if data. An uprightness implies secure against inappropriate data adjustment or devastation which
incorporates guaranteeing the data non-contradiction and genuineness. While for secrecy which
implies approved limitations which safeguard on access and revelation which incorporates
ensuring individual protection and restrictive data and ultimately, accessibility is to guarantee the
auspicious and dependable access to and utilization of data (Information Security Handbook,
2014). This definition depends on the idea which an individual, business or government will
Importance of information technology in organization
experience the ill effects of mischief if there is lost uprightness, privacy or accessibility of data
since that is the job of data security to limit the likelihood that such damage will happen. The
terms additionally can change either data security, PC security or data affirmation are habitually
1.2 Characteristics of information security
The estimation of data and ensuring data are critical errands for all the cutting edge associations.
The data were anything but difficult to esteem and ensure yet be that as it may, the associations
would most likely purchase or get off-the-rack data security the executives arrangements from
different associations or nations. There are three attributes of data security that make this
inconceivable. Most importantly, the normal for data security is the accumulation of impacts to
which every association is uncovered changes with the other association. The data security in
which the data innovation that the association utilizes, its work force or representatives, the
region or field in which it does organizations and the physical area. These affect data security
(Open Learn, 2014). Furthermore, the normal for data security is that impacts each basic and
social part of an association. This implies the hole or need in a security fence can allow data to
be stolen. As, a tainted PC, for example, open to infections, malware, Trojan, etc., that is
associated with an association's system can devastate the data. Other than that, a measure of
beverage spilt on a PC console can avert access to data in light of the fact that the PC console is
harmed. Ultimately, every person that comprise of workers, businesses and furthermore the best
administration that communicates with an association in any capacity is additionally the normal
for data security. It will make his or her very own positive or negative commitment to the data
Importance of information technology in organization
security of the association either from the potential client perusing the site, to the overseeing
executive, from the noxious programmer, to the data security administrator, etc. (Open Learn,
In completing this examination paper, a few methods has been used to engage through and
through appreciation about the hugeness of information security in an affiliation. The principle
procedure that had been used in by means of looking on the web which are from online databases
from University Technology of Mara and besides the open sources, for instance, Google. The
information aggregate from the web is about the significance of the information security which
are from various sources. Also, the centrality of information security is moreover had been
gathered with the objective that the information can be used in this exploration venture. Other
than that, the challenges of information security in affiliation in like manner been accumulated.
The second method that has been used to get some answers concerning noteworthiness of
information security relies upon observation. This method is used by viewing Jabatan Hal Ehwal
Agama Terengganu (JHEAT) about the way their managing the information in affiliation. This
observation help the understudy's examination paper in fulfill their necessities in social occasion
and grabbing the information about the noteworthiness of information security in an affiliation.
Importance of information technology in organization
Data Technology or as known as IT has turned into a fundamental piece of and package of the
association world today. Truth be told, it will keep turning into an ever bigger factor later on.
Associations will interface their IT frameworks because of connecting to the Internet and other
systems administration frameworks. The majority of the elements may hold a data security
hazard for an association in light of the fact that an association are endeavor to verify their own
IT condition despite the fact that they have little power over the IT frameworks that they
interface with. In the event that the system that the association interface with IT conditions are
shaky, the data security may represent a danger to the IT frameworks in the host condition. This
research project talk about the significance of data security in an association. As individuals
know, data security has turned out to be vital in nearly associations. This is on the grounds that,
the data access and use and furthermore the assets has turned out to be less demanding with the
development of data innovation, for example, the web and electronic trade that is use by certain
association. In this way, so as to ensure that the data security is efficient, the association need to
guarantee that their data is appropriately secured and that they keep up an abnormal state of data
security. The data in an association should be secured on the grounds that it has an incentive to
the association. The association as a rule hold association and individual records. As, the
association may hold touchy data of their workers, pay data, budget summaries and furthermore
the marketable strategies for an entire year. Furthermore, the association additionally hold
exchange privileged insights, inquire about and other data that gives a focused edge for their
organization. Other than that, for individual, the association hold the data about their own data
that is delicate on their home PCs which regularly perform online capacities, for example,
Importance of information technology in organization
managing an account, shopping and person to person communication, imparting their touchy
data to others over the web (MindfulSecurity.com, 2014). As increasingly more of this data is put
away and handled electronically and transmitted crosswise over organization systems or the web,
the unapproved get to hazard will increments and the association are given developing
difficulties of how best to secure it. As per MindfulSecurity.com site (2014), they told that there
is a means that must be placed so as to secure the data. A similar standard can be connected by
the association as a similar when individuals were doing when turned out from the house, as,
individuals will close the entryway, close the door, lock the key, etc. when they turned out from
the house. On the off chance that the data isn't ensured, at that point the data can be gotten to by
anybody. Additionally, if the data is fall on the wrong hand, for example, robbery, programmers
and wholesale fraud, it can cut down the business and can submit mischief to the entire
3.1 Top three (3) reasons why information security is importance
In light of the title, there are three best reasons why data security is significance to an
association. The reasons is as following:
3.1.1 Proving that the organization has a secure and stable network assures the customers
that their information is safeguarded
It is imperative to think about a security rupture as far as cash lost in tasks. The business, client
administration, staff efficiency and work process could all be influenced by the downtime that
will happen. Indeed, even after frameworks are reestablished commonly, an extra checks should
Importance of information technology in organization
be done to guarantee that all variables of the system are spotless before business can come back
to an ordinary operational state. These days, if there is data break, the normal expense of an
information rupture is on the ascent. Expenses went up by over 30% somewhere in the range of
2006 and 2007 (Slade, 2009). As indicated by Slade (2009), notwithstanding these costs, the
association may likewise lose clients from the negative attention and might be subject and looked
to on-going security reviews to guarantee the occurrence does not happen once more.
3.1.2 The insurance company are increasingly interested in how companies secure their
information assets
These days, there are such a large number of online organizations that for the most part in web
based life, for example, Facebook and Instagram and web journals. Since clients are starting to
accomplish a greater amount of their business on the web, this is one factor that will start to
impact with all organizations either little or huge organization or the pattern will just keep on
developing with different sort of online business either in sound items or beautifying agents
items. Along these lines, the insurance agency are starting to trust that the organizations will
ensure the client's protection. The insurance agency will turn out to be increasingly more typical
for them to request verification that delicate data is secure and organize security programming is
forward-thinking (Slade, 2009). On the off chance that individuals keep up secret customer data
on the system, for example, government managed savings numbers, charge card numbers, and
other monetary information, they ought to has requested help and conversed with IT advisor
about evaluating the quality of the firewall in the PC to keep from data rupture. A firewall can be
Importance of information technology in organization
depicted as a guard to permit organize activities from confided in gatherings and keep out
unapproved clients and destructive infections. There are additionally a few different ways a
firewall can be designed and there are pluses and minuses to each (Slade, 2009). To maintain a
strategic distance from undesirable issues, the PC must be best secured with incorporated
firewall to cover the product, equipment and intranet. In addition, it may be best to introduce a
few autonomous systems with custom dimensions of insurance.
3.1.3 Having consistent security practices and IT maintenance procedures ensures a
smooth road for business operations
The association must ensure that the PC arrange in the association is safely designed and
effectively keep from obscure dangers. Another strategies to shields from obscure dangers are
rising each day to shield from malware programs that can be inadvertently introduced on client's
or representative's machine, which an endeavor to phishing that delude them into surrendering
private data, to infections, worms, and key wholesale fraud endeavors. One of the advantages of
having a reliable innovation master on the association program is that the master can offer a
quick response time and be proactive in protecting association IT framework when new
admonitions initially rise. The IT arrange proficient can likewise assist the association with
maintaining a protected virtual condition by checking on all PC resources and deciding an
arrangement for preventive support. This likewise incorporates routinely tidying up superfluous
or risky projects and programming, applying security fixes and performing routine outputs to
Importance of information technology in organization
check for interruptions. In addition, it is additionally critical for the IT proficient in association to
change the secret key of their worker's PC much of the time, with the goal that the data can be
secure legitimately.
3.2 Information Security Policies
The composed approaches about data security fundamental to a protected association. Everybody
in an organization needs to comprehend the significance of the job they play in looking after
security. The best approach to achieve the significance of data security in an association is by
distributing a sensible security arrangements. These strategies are archives that everybody in the
association should peruse, sign and mandatory to be pursued when they gone ahead board. On
account of existing representatives, the approaches ought to be appropriated, clarified and after
sufficient time, requirement for inquiries and dialogs. One key to make a compelling approaches
is to ensure that they are clear, and as simple to consent to as could reasonably be expected.
Approaches that are excessively confused just urge individuals to sidestep the framework. So as
to execute this, there a couple of approaches that should be trailed by the workers.
3.2.1 Internet usage
As indicated by About.com site (2014), expressed that the web contain all data that
representatives need. It is essential to the association to gather and picked up the data from the
web. In any case, the web can likewise convey risks to them. As, the web get to which
incorporate the downloading of pernicious programming, for example, malwares, infections and
Importance of information technology in organization
Trojans can influence the data security. A web utilization arrangement ought to be squeezed
regardless of whether the representatives are permitted to utilize the PCs at the organization for
individual employments. Other than that, the arrangement likewise should ensure that just the
framework head can downloaded the product in organization's PC. The web use arrangement
likewise need to think about whether the representatives can utilize media social utilizing the
organization's PCs or amid organization time.
3.2.2 Email or social networking
As individuals know, these days, there are such huge numbers of person to person
communication that can be found on the web, for example, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and
Linked. These interpersonal interaction is being utilized to associate the general population either
there are close or far from one another. Other than that, the email likewise a way people use to
send the information or data to other individuals. These advancements make it exceptionally easy
to disperse data. Be that as it may, these kinds of data must be recognize the individual or
associations. When the data is leaves from the building, it can infrequently be reviewed. In this
way, the representatives should and should address fitting substance for organization messages
and online networking pages. Representatives should dependably believe that not all private data
can remain be private on the web. They should utilize an appropriate path by following the
approach to ensure that the organization's picture will remain spotless and private data stay be
Importance of information technology in organization
3.2.3 Visitor Management
The guest is imply that the general population other than the representatives of an association.
The guest the board must be oversee legitimately so that an unapproved or unescorted guest don't
barge in the association. This is on the grounds that an unapproved or unescorted guest can be a
physical danger and can likewise take delicate data. Before a guest can go into the association,
all the data about the guest must be check. In the event that there is issue, the security protect
must make a move. In view of the strategy, the guest may be escorted consistently particularly in
classified territories. The guests are required to wear an identification and should sign in and sign
out if essential. On the off chance that the strategy is being utilized, the association will feel
more verified and ensure the significance data.
3.2.4 Key Control
In contrast to an electronic access gadget, mechanical keys can be copied and utilized without
leaving a trail. The association key control approach ought to incorporate a way to follow who is
as of now holding mechanical keys and who has consent to copy those keys. Furthermore, all the
keys that has been copied must be put on a safe spot, for example, in security room.
Representatives must compose their name on the book to ensure that when the key is lost, the last
name of the workers that utilization the key can be track down. Other than that, the association
must make an approach to utilize the brilliant card perused other than utilizing the mechanical
Importance of information technology in organization
keys. The approved individual, for example, the workers just ought to have the shrewd card to be
utilized to check when entering the spots which contain significance data.
3.3 Information Security Management Committee
A standout amongst the most critical thing in keeping up the data security in association is by
creating data security the board advisory group. It is one of the obligations in guaranteeing the
successful usage of data security. A data security the board advisory group as a rule comprises of
the unit of offices in an association. The offices, for example, Human Resources, Legal,
Financial, Information Systems, etc. ought to give agents from every one of the offices which for
the most part the master and proficient, and has compelling in the data security zone and anyone
who need to speaks to their areas of expertise. As indicated by Cybersecurity (2014), they
expressed that, there are a couple of variables that has made the execution of data security inside
an association fruitful. The components, for example, the data security strategy, targets, and
exercises that reflect business goals, noticeable help and duty from all dimensions of the board
and viable promoting of data security has made the data security fruitful to ensure the important
data. These elements has support in setting up the data security the board advisory group. The
information from every division will help in accomplishing the objectives of an association, for
example, to recognize the adjustments in associations precisely, to connect the partition among
the executives and specialized and to isolate obligations in actualizing data security
(Cybersecurity, 2014).
Importance of information technology in organization
Diagram 1: The concepts of Information Security
(Sources: Charles, 2013)
The C.I.A ideas or otherwise called C.I.A triangle is the ideas utilized in data security. The C.I.A
is represents secrecy, trustworthiness and accessibility. As per Charles (2013), they educated that
the privacy implies the data which guarantees that just those with adequate benefits or approved
individual just may get to certain data. While for uprightness is the quality or condition of being
entire, finished and uncorrupted. The respectability of data is compromised when it is presented
to defilement, harm, pulverization, or other disturbance of its real state. What's more, finally,
accessibility is a path in making data open to the client to access without impedance or
impediment in the required arrangement (Charles, 2013).
In executing the data security in association a few issues and difficulties about this has been
found. This issues and difficulties have come about the data security that will be executed
postponed. There are a few issues or difficulties that have been found in actualizing the data
security in the association.
Importance of information technology in organization
5.1 Failure to understand about Information Security
So as to deal with the significance data in association, the representatives must have the
comprehension about the data security in their association. As the workers need to the dimension
of security training and learning inside their associations, the representatives must comprehend
what is the arrangements that they have to pursue, the sorts of information’s they control, how to
discover the administrations the clients need, etc. A definitive goal is to give the specialty units a
chance to partake in data security chance administration. The data security insight is a
component of deceivability in the association. Be that as it may, these days, not all that numerous
individuals worry about the data security. They purposely posting about the phony data about the
association on their internet based life which can prompt the harms of the association. They don't
consider the impact of such posting on the web. Some portion of bringing issues to light includes
customizing dangers for chiefs, demonstrating to them how vulnerabilities could influence them
as people and furthermore associations (Johnson and Goetz, 2007).
5.2 Mobile Workforce and Wireless Computing
A standout amongst the most often challenges was the versatile workforce and remote figuring.
These days, there are such a significant number of sorts of advanced mobile phones situated in
the market. These advanced mobile phones give the remote association with the web. The
Importance of information technology in organization
landing of portable registering gadgets had a critical effect on individuals' regular day to day
existence. Remote interchanges discharge the workers and purchasers from depending on
telephone lines to convey. With the combination of these gadgets, the data on them should be
ensured on the grounds that it might be contain the private data about the associations as workers
use it to play out the business exercises on their cell phones. Quite a while prior, every one of the
associations work was being finished utilizing the organization's PCs and just can be utilized on
the organization. Be that as it may, these days, every one of the works should be possible
utilizing the cell phone. The data, for example, name, address, telephone numbers and all other
individual information can be follow by other individuals effectively just by utilizing the cell
phones. The workers must realize that the organization's PCs has been furnished with the counter
infections that they can't get it for their cell phones. In this way, the associations must take a
genuine way and cautious contemplations when taking care of with the remote gadgets.
5.3 Shortage of Information Security Staff
Finding a certified data security staff is a troublesome undertaking, which will probably keep on
being the situation sooner rather than later. The associations has not had room schedule-wise to
develop the staff essential for these jobs. Furthermore, the data security challenges continue
Importance of information technology in organization
developing at a quick pace, always extending the rundown of innovation to be sent, and the data
security staff can't stay aware of the rise of data innovation. The associations need additional
time and cash to get the staff prepared on industrially accessible items. Other than that, the most
and most prominent test around there is finding a pioneer who has a
Expansive foundation in the field and who can pull together a viable data
Security group in the associations. The group can't be work appropriately if the pioneer is
likewise does master in dealing with the data security.
5.4 Information Security Attacks
Security episodes that are identified with pernicious code, for example, worms, infections, and
Trojans have developed from marginally to altogether harming to business activities. A PC
infection is a bit of malignant code that joins to or taints executable projects, for example,
programming in the PCs. In contrast to worms, infections depend on clients to execute or
dispatch a contaminated program to duplicate or convey their payloads. An infection can erase
information or harm framework documents. This test is the usually occur in any associations.
Importance of information technology in organization
So as to set up data security in an associations, a couple suggested arrangements has been
featured. It is been prescribed to defeat the present issues or difficulties that had been happens
nowadays. Without the prescribed arrangement, the associations can't set up the data security
which is essential to them. There are a couple of arrangements that are identified with the present
issues or difficulties have been prescribed.
6.1 Find an expertise in information security
So as to actualize the great data security, the association must discover an aptitude in data
security. On the off chance that the association has the correct individuals to actualize security,
which means people who take responsibility for and fabricate great associations with others in
the association and outer accomplices, the data security can be execute effectively. In spite of the
fact that it is elusive the mastery, yet the association can discover the general population who
truly know and see how to clarify the hazard compensate exchange off and can move
arrangements inside the association.
6.2 The use of mobile security (Fore Scout)
Importance of information technology in organization
So as to keep from the stolen of individual data and association data, cell phones must be ensured
by utilizing the portable security. The most well-known versatile security is the Fore Scout. Fore
Scout gives continuous deceivability and authority over advanced cells, tablets and remote
gadgets on the system. With Fore Scout, it can let clients to appreciate the efficiency advantages
of versatile figuring gadgets while guarding the system from information misfortune and noxious
dangers. Moreover, it is a robotized security control stage that gives IT security directors a
simple method to decrease versatile security dangers. Fore Scout Counteract gives continuous
deceivability of individual and cell phones on, as far as possible the system access of those
gadgets, and keeps those gadgets from spreading malware on system (Fore Scout, 2014).
Regardless of where individuals are, the association in which on the purchaser IT reception range
that include blocking, enduring, supporting or advancing the utilization of individual cell phones
for business use, they need an approach to authorize security strategy. Thus, the utilization of
Fore Scout is important to keep this issue.
6.3 Training of information security to the employees
An association's prosperity is relies upon the aptitudes and mastery of its individual
representatives which can credited to them. To ensure that every one of the workers had what it
takes in data security, the preparation ought to be finished. The associations can make a course
about the data security and let the workers comprehend what is the data security. Additionally,
the association likewise can welcome the mastery from other association to help the
representatives in overseeing and ensuring the important data in their places. In spite of the fact
that the preparation will cost additional time and cash, however it is worth on the grounds that
Importance of information technology in organization
the data which had the incentive to the association can be kept legitimately. Other than that, the
clients additionally will pick up the trust in keeping their own detail with the association.
6.4 Protect computers from anti-viruses
Shielding the PC from infections and different dangers isn't troublesome, however clients must
be constant. There are a couple of moves that can be made by the clients or representatives in
keeping the PC from infections and dangers. Right off the bat, by introducing an antivirus
program and staying up with the latest can help protect the PC against infections. Against
infection programs filter for infections endeavoring to get into the email, working framework, or
documents. The new infections may seem day by day, so clients must set the counter infection
programming to introduce refreshes consequently. Also is the utilization of firewall. Windows
Firewall or some other firewall can help caution to suspicious movement if an infection or worm
endeavors to interface with the PC. It can likewise square infections, worms, and programmers
from endeavoring to download conceivably hurtful projects to the PC. In conclusion, clients
must not open an email connection except if know the substance of the email. This is on the
grounds that, numerous infections are connected to email messages and will spread when open
the email connection. Clients must maintain a strategic distance from open an email that is
As an end, data security is significance to the improvement of an association that keep the
information or data about their clients or organization. The advancement of current associations
Importance of information technology in organization
are relies upon the accessibility, secrecy and respectability to guarantee data security. Other than
that, the broad utilization of data innovation had improves the effectiveness of the business,
however opens the association to extra dangers and difficulties, for example, inability to
comprehend about data security, versatile workforce and remote processing, deficiency of data
security staff and data security assaults. The execution of the data security is a procedure that is
by a long shot more mind boggling than the usage of the other administration because of the
extensive number of elements that may influence its adequacy. To guarantee data security, the
association ought to comprehend that data security isn't exclusively a mechanical issue. The
association ought to likewise consider the non-specialized part of data security while building up
the data security. Plus, it ought to be noticed that, all around executed data security in association
can lessen the danger of emergency in the association.
Charles, K. (2013). The C.I.A. triad or C.I.A. triangle and other security concepts. http://www.
Deutsch, W. (2014). 6 security policies you need: an introduction to creating effective security
policies. http://bizsecurity.about.com/od/creatingpolicies/a/6_policies.htm
Fore Scout. (2014). Mobile security. https://www.forescout.com/solutions/mobile-security/
Garret, C. (2012). Importance of a security policy. http://www.slideshare.net/charlesgarrett/
Information Security Handbook. (2009). what is Information Security? http://ishandbook.