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Total Station, Laser Tracker, CMM Lab

421/521 Lab 5
Total Station, Laser Tracker and
Coordinate Measuring Machine CMM
• Become familiar with three types of precision 3D
measuring devices
• Not to become experts, but to be aware of their
existence and their potential to solve problems
• To large extent computers make these
instruments useful to the common person
• They can be lifesavers in certain situations
– Total stations and laser trackers can be leased
– Can buy time on a CMM, or contract inspection
Total station
Read instructions
Go through set up
Measure length of a ruler at end of lab
Measure distance to ruler with tape measure
Does math make sense? Don’t believe any
measurement with a new instrument
Try measuring size of light fixture
– Does the math rectify the shape?
Total Station
More fun with the TS
• Set the TS up outside behind the East Wing
• There is a bench mark in the sidewalk to the
• Measure some features of the buildings visible
• Check that dimensions make sense by
measuring a brick
• Pick a easily identified point and do a reversal
– Do you get the same answer both times?
– This is the classic check of a theodolite or transit
Laser tracker
• Get help from the TA or knowledgeable user
• These are very expensive instruments
• Use the LT to measure some of the same
features measured with the total station
• How do the two sets of measurements compare?
• Which measurements are more precise, axial or
lateral (azimuthal)? Why?
Laser Tracker
• Adopting spherical coordinate
system, R(radius), Θ(Azimuthal
angle), Φ (Elevation angle)
– R: measured by
• IFM: distance measuring laser
• ADM: measuring time taking the
light travel between the tracker
and SMR
– Θ(Azimuthal angle), Φ
(Elevation angle)
• Precision rotary encoder
• Versatile precision measuring
tool in large volumetric target
SMR(Sphere Mounted
Lab: Measure OD and ROC of
an optic
Install and set up Laser Tracker
Home the Laser Tracker using a
given SMR
Sample OD of a given optic(Lens
or Mirror)
Establish coordinate frame
Sample the surface of optic
OD of the optic
RoC of the optic
Surface figure
Compare the measured OD and
RoC to the result from Vernier
calipers and 3-ball spherometer
• Go through start up check list
– Written by Marco Favela and Todd Horne
• Follow through with the measurement of the
Master ball to establish the machine coordinate
• Measure several artifacts and use the software
to see the best fit shape
• Adopt Cartesian
coordinate, X, Y, Z
– Linear coordinates XYZ are
implemented in a precision
guide way(typically
– Each position is measured
by a precision linear
– Touch trigger probe (a
switch) trigger the signal to
record position
Lab: Measurement features
• Install the part provided on
• Establish coordinate frame
• Measure dimensions, write
down the reading and see if
the measured value meet the
• Compare the result to the
result from the measurement
using Vernier calipers,
Micrometer and other
mechanical measurement
• All the instruments are very expensive
– Little to no money to fix them if broken
– Money earning projects rely on the CMM and LT
• Do not force anything, move slowly and
deliberately. Don’t drop anything
• Think about each step before making a move
• The CMM probe tip is very delicate, move up to
work slowly and gently