Curriculum Vitae 1- Personal data: Name: Hamdon Ali Abdelrhman Mohammed Date and place of birth: 01.01.1980, Abumatarig- East Darfur StateSudan Nationality: Sudanese Gender: Male Language: Mother tongue is Arabic and fluent in English language IELTS: 5.5 + completed tertiary English program of the four English skills in Faculty of Modern language-University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia Home Address: Faculty of Natural Resources & Environmental studies, University of Kordofan .P.O.Box .160 Elobeid, Sudan. E. Mail , HP: +249122219107 Journal editorial team Citations aTQ7iNvg&user=KaabMtMAAAAJ 2- Qualifications: 1- Degree: B.Sc. (Honours) in Forestry and Range Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental studies, Department of Forestry and Range Sciences-University of Kordofan-Sudan First class with CGPA (3.60), from year 1998 to 2003 2- M.Sc. Degree, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Product and Industry, University of Khartoum-Sudan from July 2007 to 1 August 2008 and the senate January 2009. 3- PhD awarded from Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest products, Department of Techno Economics in Biocomposite- University Putra Malaysia (UPM)-Malaysia from February 2013 to June 2017 First class with CGPA 3.75 out of 4.0. 3- PhD main Field 1- Environmental assessment (Carbon footprint, carbon sequestration and carbon stored. 2- Environmental economic 3- Financial and Economic Cost Benefit Analysis of manufactured product. 4- Carbon based materials 5- Biocomposite technology and its applications 4-Experience and Training: 1 - Participated as a trainee to the villagers in the Development, implementation and evaluation of the natural Resources management pilot project in three villages in North Kordofan State from January to December 2008 Funded by German Organization for Development (DED). 2- Participated in the workshop on institutional analysis (Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies) organized by DElphe project (Kenya) held in Elobeid during the period 18th- 22 November 2008. 3- Participate in a workshop on Pedagogical skills, held in University of Kordofan Elobeid -Sudan during the period 21-24 Sept.2010. 4- Participate in the basic course of academic staff Professional development in the period from 23-28Oct 2010. 5- Participated on a workshop on Pedagogical skills sponsored by RUFORUM and British Council under Delphi Project. 6- Participated as a trainee to the rural community in North Kordofan State villages in a program of the increasing their local income in the Agricultural practices, these programs include: a- Land preparation for crops cultivation, such as (Dura, Millet, Okra etc…) b- Seeds beds preparation, and seed quantities for better raising and production c- Agro forestry practices d- Evaluation of the viability of crop cultivation and harvesting e- Teach them how to raise the horticultural plants and home garden practices. 7- Participate in Thompson and Reuter’s workshop for research development and commercialization 2013 held in UPM, Malaysia. 2 8- Participate in workshop of Economic Valuation on Natural Resources and Environment 2016 held in Faculty of Economic and Management, UPM, Malaysia for three days. 9- Participate in workshop of Cost Benefit Analysis: A hand-on Approach 2016 held in Faculty of Economic and Management, UPM, Malaysia for three days. 10- Participate in different local and international workshops and conferences as speaker and organizer 11- Participate in workshop and program of National Forest Inventory+ REDD+ organized by FAO from 28 January 2018 u to October 2018. 12- Participate in Workshop of forest wildfire Management, Monitory and Mapping organized by FAO for seven days held in Khartoum. 13- Participate in Workshop of Sustainable forest management and costing using GIS and Remote Sensing as tools organized by FAO for two weeks held in Forest National Corporation Khartoum. 14- Participate in Introduction to teaching workshop for two weeks organized by UPM to the tutors of the faculties. 5- Administrative tasks and Experiences 1- Country representative at University Putra Malaysia International Student Association (UPMISA) at year 2014-2015, 2- Tutor and Research Assistant (RA) University Putra Malaysia, Faculty of Economic and Management and INTROP 2015-2017 3- Head Department of Forestry and Range Sciences, University of Kordofan August 2018- December 2019 4- Leading Natural Forest Inventory Program which funded by World Bank and supervised and monitored by Food and Agriculture Organization FAO, United Nation from January 2018 to December 2020 and implemented by our department 5- Committee of Wildfire Mapping and Monitoring, Sudan FAO, United Nation from May 2019 to December 2020 6- Registrar Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, University of Kordofan December 2019 up to date 7- Establishing, leading and help in buildup constitutions and laws of many societies and organization of community civil organizations nationally and international 3 6-Online courses and certificates NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Certificate Authorship and responsibilities Content ownership Demystifying Permissions Ethics responsibilities for Reviewers Why get involved in peer review? How do Editors look at your paper? How Reviewers become Editors How to become a Reviewer and what do Editors expect? How to get published: structuring your article How to get your book published Making sense of science stories Plagiarism Preparing your manuscript Publishers: Origins, roles and contributions Peer review in Asia: special tips for Reviewers Step-by-step guide to reviewing Successful grant writing Tell your research story with Audio Slides The Impact Factor and other bibliometric indicators The journal publishing cycle The reviewing process Using proper manuscript language Ways for researchers to store, share, discover, and use data Why write a book? 4 Date of enroll and Completion 31 August, 2015 1 September, 2015 1 September, 2015 1 September, 2015 1 September, 2015 31 August, 2015 1 September, 2015 1 September, 2015 31 August, 2015 31 August, 2015 1 September, 2015 31 August, 2015 31 August, 2015 1 September, 2015 1 September, 2015 1 September, 2015 31 August, 2015 31 August, 2015 1 September, 2015 1 September, 2015 2 September, 2015 31 August, 2015 2 September, 2015 31 August, 2015 7- Academic Working experiences: 1- Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Natural Resources & Environmental studies, Department of Forestry and Range Sciences from 05.06.2004- 26.11.2006. 2- Lecturer, Faculty of Natural Resources & Environmental studies, Department of Forestry and Range Sciences-Forest Product and Industry from 25.08.2008- June 2017. 3- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources & Environmental studies, Department of Forestry and Range Sciences-Valuing of Forest Product and Industry from 12.10.2017- up to date 4- Head Department of Forestry and Range Sciences-Forest from August 2018 to December 2019 6- Currently work as Registrar Faculty of Natural Resources & Environmental studies, University of Kordofan 7.1 Working and Consultations 1- Paragon House Company, Malaysia 2- Co-editor Current Trends in Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering (CTFTTE) 3- Editorial Board En Press Editorial board membership Journal of Transdisciplinary Biomedicine 4- Consultant in many national companies and organizations 8- Field of specialization 1- Forest Product and forest industry (Techno- Economic in Biocomposite) 2- Cost Benefit Analysis and Economic Valuation of Natural resources and Environment. 3- Forest Fire Modelling and Economical cost 4- Valuation of Natural Resources ecosystem The area of fire research and training 1- Development of fire modeling and its impact on desertification 2- Build Fire management strategies and it’s impact on national ecocnmy 3- Assessment of land uses and forest cover maps, change assessment and classification according to species and patterns 4- Create a profile of land monitoring system methodology using different procedures and methods. 5- Fire mapping and monitoring using GIS and Remote sensing tools 6- Environmental impact of fire 6.1 The impact of Fire effluents in the surface water in forest area 6.2 The impact of Fire effluents in the terrestrial environment 6.3 The methods of quantification of the different effluents and their impact on 5 Environment using Athe impact estimator Also the methods followed to estimate and calculate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; air emissions of criteria pollutants (total emissions and onsite emissions) including nitrogen (NOx), sulfur oxide (SOx), and particulate matter (PM); water consumption; resource consumption (landfill space and top soil consumption); and Fire fighter safety (risk of fatality, injury and lost hours). 7- The impact of wildfire on bees and wildlife, building model for environmental and economic sustainability using a life cycle analysis (LCA), economic valuation methods and BCA 8- Fire information and their impact on global problem 9- Risk assessment tools for forest fire 10- Socio-economic impact of seasonal wildfire on forest, pastoralist and wildlife Biodiversity 9- The courses that I teach in University of Kordofan course 1-Wood technology and Industry 2 – Forest surveying and mapping 3- Environmental studies and climate change 4- Forest Economic 5- Costing the environment Research Methodology for Applied Economics as tutor Environmental Economics and Management Level Undergraduate Postgraduate student Undergraduate and postgraduates 10- Dissertation supervised by me Date of issued 2002 2002 2000 2002 2002 2002 2017 2017 Main Supervisor degree Title of research B.Sc. The economical and Social impact of Prosopis chilensis species in Bara Province. - The study of interaction of the villagers on utilization and usage of the forest resources - The estimation of carbon dioxide emission in Sheikan Locality. - The effect of salinity on germination of some acacias seed germination - The effect of Pre-treatments and density on Azadirachta indica and Khaya senegalensis wood-cement aggregates - The effect of some treatments on Acacia nilotica wood extraction - Financial and Environmental Assessment of Gum Arabic Production in North Kordofan State - Physical and Mechanical Properties of Mosky Wood-Cement Composite 6 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2020 2020 - The Estimation of Carbon Stock and Credit in Alain Reserved Forest - Techno economic of Producing Commercial Wood-Cement Composite M.Sc Developmental of Financial Model and Monetary Carbon Of Gum Arabic Production - The Impact of Tree Species Usage on the Reduction of Desertification in Abu Zabad Locality-West Kordofan StateSudan M.Sc Economic Cost and Environmental Assessment of Wildfire Modeling in Gum Arabic Belt Using Remote Sensing and GIS M.Sc The Influence of Forest Taxation and Incentive Program on Forest Afforestation and Rehabilitation, West Kordofan State M.Sc Economic Valuation of Ecosystem in Eldiling Forest 11- PUBLICATIONS 1Paridah MT, Abdelrhman AH, Shahwahid M (2017) Cost Benefit Analysis of Kenaf Cultivation for Producing Fiber in Malaysia. Arabian J Bus Manag Review 7: 310. doi: 10.4172/2223-5833.1000310 2Abdelrhman, H. A., Shahwahid, M., Paridah, M. T., Jawaid, M., & Noureldeen, H. A. (2017). Carbon Stored in Kenaf Fiber Utilization of Biocomposite Applications into Automotive Components. Carbon, 2(07), 46-53. 3Hamdon A. Abdelrhman, Mohd Shahwahid, Norfayanti.K and Ashraf. MA Abdalla. 2016. The effect of Pretreatment of Wood Particles on the Our Density and Compressive Strength of Cement Bonded Particleboard. Enhancement in Natural Fibre Composite UPM press, 2016. Published Book chapter. 4Abdelrhman, H. A., Shahwahid, M., Paridah, M. T., Samad, A. R. A., MAAEI, H., & Ogeri, A. (2016). Financial and Technical Assessment of Kenaf Cultivation for Producing Fiber Utilized in Automotive Components. Business and Economics Journal, 1-8. 5Abdelrhman, H. A., Paridah, M. T, Shahwahid, M., Samad, A. R. A., & Abdalla, A. M. A. (2015). The effects of pre-treatments, wood-cement ratios and partial cement substitution by gypsum on Prosopis chilensis wood composites. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 73(4), 557-559. 6Abdalla Noureldeen Abdalla, Hamdon.A.Abdelrhman, Heba Abdalla Noureldeen, Mohd Shahwahid and Paridah .M.T (2015). The influence of Seed Origin and Soil Media On Acacia polycantha Nutrient Concentration, Proceedings of the International Conference on Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Sciences Madhya Pradesh.India– 2015, ISBN 978-93-84124-25-0 17 7Abdelrhman, H. A., Noureldeen, H. A., Ahmed, D. M., and Shahwahid, M. (2014).Effects of Soil Media and Seed Origin on Germination Rate and Seedling Propagation of Acacia polycantha (Wild) subsp. campylacantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Brenan. 7 8Abdalla, A. M. A., & Abdelrhman, H. A. (2013). Suitability of Prosopis Chilensis (Mesquite) wood for cement bonded aggregates. J Forest Prod Ind, 2(4), 16-21. 9Abdelrhman, H. A., Shahwahid, M., Paridah, M. T., Samad, A. R. and A., MAAEI, H Profitability and Environmental assessment of kenaf cultivation in Malaysia accepted chapter in Institute of Green Economic, Oxford University 2017, Editor: Mariam Kennet. 10- Abdalla Nour Eldeen Abdalla, Heba A. Noureldeen, Ahmed Ainuddin Nuruddin & Hamdon A Abdelrhman. 2017. Seedlings Growth assessment of Acacia Polycantha as affected by Soil Media and Seed Origin”. 5th International Conference on Chemical, Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CBAES-2017) Sept. 28-30, 2017 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)). Proceeding paper (P 9-12) 11- Species composition, structure and diversity of woody vegetation at El-Salam Locality, West Kordofan, Sudan. 12- The economic and Environmental Assessment of Wildfire on Gum Arabic Production Paper under Review 13- Emission characteristics of pollutants from forest fires of main forest types under review 14- The Impact of Forest Wildfire on Environmental Degradation and Forest Deforestation in West Kordofan State under review 11- Course and workshops given by UPM during the PhD period Course/Workshop year Research Methodology in Applied Economics 2013 Environmental and Natural Resource Economics 2014 Cost Benefit Analysis A hands-on approach workshop 2016 Economics Valuation on Natural Resources and the Environment workshop 2016 12- Membership 1- American Society of Wood Science and Technology 2- World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology membership 3- UPM Alumni 4- British Ecological Society 13- Prize and award 1- Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research-Sudan scholarship 2- International Graduate Research Fellowship (IGRF) school of Graduates Studies-UPM 3- Special Graduate Research Allowance school of Graduates Studies-UPM 8 4- One of the best ten postgraduate students of more than 400 students from 37 countries competed in year 2015 and selected by School of Graduate Studies, UPM in research quality and publications. Referees 1- Prof.Dr. Moore, Peter (FAO) consultant Forest Fire Management & Disaster Risk Reduction, Email: 2- Rasha Abdalla, Fire department coordinator, Forest National Corporation, Sudan E-mail: 3- Dr. Hind Abdelrhman Salih, Dean Faculty Natural resources and Environmental Studies - University of Kordofan-Elobeid-Sudan P.O.Box160. Mobile: +249911421023 9