Nildip Patel A00101853 FOODISTA PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Version <1.0> <13/08/2020> Quality management plan Foodista VERSION HISTORY Version # 1.0 Implemented By Nildip Patel Revision Date 13/08/20 Approved By Abhijeet Singh Page 2 of 8 Quality management plan Approval Date 13/08/20 Reason This is the first time the document has been got approved Foodista TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 4 1.1 Purpose of The Project Quality Management Plan ...................................... 4 2 PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW ................................................... 4 2.1 Organization, Responsibilities, and Interfaces ............................................. 4 2.2 Tools, Environment, and Interfaces ............................................................. 4 3 PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT ....................................................................... 4 3.1 Quality Planning ........................................................................................... 4 3.1.1 Define Project Quality ............................................................................. 4 3.1.2 Measure Project Quality .......................................................................... 4 3.2 Quality Assurance ........................................................................................ 4 3.2.1 Analyze Project Quality ........................................................................... 5 3.2.2 Improve Project Quality ........................................................................... 5 3.3 Quality Control ............................................................................................. 5 APPENDIX A: PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN APPROVAL .................... 6 APPENDIX B: REFERENCES ........................................................................................ 7 APPENDIX C: KEY TERMS ........................................................................................... 8 Page 3 of 8 Quality management plan Foodista 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN The Project Quality Management Plan documents the necessary information required to effectively manage project quality from project planning to delivery. It defines a project’s quality policies, procedures, criteria for and areas of application, and roles, responsibilities and authorities. The Project Quality Management Plan is created during the Planning Phase of the project. Its intended audience is the project manager, project team, project sponsor and any senior leaders whose support is needed to carry out the plan. 2 PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW 2.1 ORGANIZATION, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND INTERFACES Name Nildip Patel Vipin Gehlot Abhijeet Singh 2.2 Role Project Manager Team Lead Sponser Quality Responsibility Quality mentoring & coaching Quality audits Approver TOOLS, ENVIRONMENT, AND INTERFACES Tool ISO 2000 Jira Description Industry recognized benchmarks To manage the changes or the implementations 3 PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT At the highest of levels Quality Management involves planning, doing, checking, and acting to improve project quality standards. PMI PMBOK breaks the practice of Quality Management into three process groups: Quality Planning (QP), Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC). The following sections define how this project will apply each of these practice groups to define, monitor and control quality standards. 3.1 QUALITY PLANNING This Plan is directly in relation to the intent described in ISO 9001:2008 – Quality Management System – Requirements. Not only is this plan used as a directional resource for the Halikos Group, it is also an enabling methodology for resourcing the responsibilities for the Project outputs. This plan describes the unique requirements of this project and its application throughout the project lifecycle. This plan will also be the prescribed mechanism for the quality compliance benchmark throughout the project. 3.1.1 Define Project Quality Identify quality standards and expectations for customers, the project, organization and federal regulations, define customer and project goals, quality standards, critical success factors, and metrics for which to measure success, and outline acceptance criteria for project deliverables and product performance. 3.1.2 Measure Project Quality The correct requirements to be implemented are listed here. This is an abstraction of the requirements sign-off document. Having requirements noted in the project quality plan helps the quality assurance team to correctly validate Page 4 of 8 Quality management plan Foodista them. This way, quality assurance function knows what exactly to test and what exactly to leave out from the scope. Testing the requirements that are not in the scope may be a waste for the service provider 3.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE This specifies the controls and procedures used for the design phase of the project. Usually, there should be design reviews in order to analyse the correctness of the proposed technical design. For fruitful design reviews, senior designers or the architects of the respective domain should get involved. Once the designs are reviewed and agreed, they are signed-off with the client. With the time, the client may come up with changes to the requirements or new requirements. In such cases, design may be changed. Every time the design changes, the changes should be reviewed and signed-off 3.2.1 Analyze Project Quality Two Technical Review Meetings will normally take place at discretion and under convocation of the EC or the FA. During these meetings the EC, with the help of external evaluators, will evaluate the progress of the project during the reporting period of reference. Besides the Coordinator, the WP leaders and the partners in general could be requested to participate at discretion of the Coordinator or under specific request of the EC.The Executive Board should help the Coordinator in managing these meetings and preparing all the relevant materials 3.2.2 Improve Project Quality Identify ways of doing things better, cheaper, and/or faster. For projects, identify ways of eliminating unsatisfactory performance. 3.3 QUALITY CONTROL Identify those monitoring and controlling actions that will be conducted to control quality throughout the project’s life. Define how it will be determined that quality standards comply with the defined standards outlined earlier in this document. Identify owners of ongoing monitoring and improvement of project processes. Page 5 of 8 Quality management plan Foodista Appendix A: Project Quality Management Plan Approval The undersigned acknowledge they have reviewed the <Project Name> Project Quality Management Plan and agree with the approach it presents. Changes to this Project Quality Management Plan will be coordinated with and approved by the undersigned or their designated representatives. Signature: Nildip Print Name: Nildip Patel Title: Project Manager Signature: Abhijeet Print Name: Dr Abhijeet singh Title: Project Sponser Signature: Vipin Print Name: Vipin Gehlot Title: Team Lead Page 6 of 8 Quality management plan Date: 13-08-20 Date: 13-08-20 Date: 13-08-20 Foodista Appendix B: References [Insert the name, version number, description, and physical location of any documents referenced in this document. Add rows to the table as necessary.] The following table summarizes the documents referenced in this document. Document Description Name and Version Common data Project events Dissemination Events Supporting documents Internal material Work packages this area may be written only by the project coordinator but can be readaccessed by all partners. It contains four sub-directories With all documentation (presentations, minutes) of the project meetings With papers and presentations of all events where SmartNet results are presented; Including two sub-folders project documentations (Grant Agreement, Consortium Agreement, amendments…) Including eight sub-folders, one for each WP, managed as unstructured area to be organized under responsibility of the WP leader. Here, deliverables are modified in a shared way and papers and presentations are drafted. Working sub-folders are also possible, whenever needed. Each WP folder must contain a sub-folder named Meetings where a subdirectory is created each time a new WP or task webco or WP physical meeting is carried out for containing the minutes and all presentation material (names should be YYYYMMDD – Tx.y WebCo or YYYYMMDD – WPz WebCo or YYYYMMDD – WPz Physical meeting). In case of meetings that involve tasks belonging to more than one WP (overall WP8 WP coordination meetings excluded), the organizer WP includes a sub-folder in his own space. Page 7 of 8 Quality management plan Foodista Appendix C: Key Terms [Insert terms and definitions used in this document. Add rows to the table as necessary. Follow the link below to for definitions of project management terms and acronyms used in this and other documents. The following table provides definitions for terms relevant to this document. Term <term> <term> <term> Definition <definition> <definition> <definition> Page 8 of 8 Quality management plan