Mitosis NOte Organization & REview

Do the following in your notes, worksheets, etc/. If there is something you can’t find then write it
in your notes.
Highlight the following terms and definitions in Your notes. IF you can’t find them in your notes,
then write them in your notes and highlight them in orange. (if possible)
Why do cells divide? Draw a red box around the answers to this question. If this
information isn’t in your notes, then add it.
a. DNA can’t be copied quick enough in a big cell
b. Cell gets too big to transport nutrients and wastes.
c. New cells are needed for growth, repair, development
2. What are sister chromatids? Underline in blue and draw a circle around an illustration of
a sister chromatid...if you don’t have a picture then draw one.
3. Why does DNA become more compact during interphase? Underline in red. It
condenses so it fits into the cell.
4. Draw a green box around the picture and information about binary fission, underline in
red the organism that undergoes binary fission.
5. Look at your cell cycle doodle notes, highlight the part of the cell cycle that the cell stays
in for most of its life.
6. Where do the newly divided cells go? They either go into the G1 phase or the G0
phase. Rewrite this in RED and draw an arrow from the daughter cells in mitosis to the
G1 phase. On your cell cycle doodle diagram
7. Write IPMAT in PURPLE letters at the Bottom of you cell cycle doodle diagram. This
represents the correct sequence of the cell cycle.
8. G0, cells that aren’t dividing go here. Write this in green and then highlight on your cell
cycle doodle diagram
9. Cell cycle doodle diagram: circle in red duplicates chromosomes in S phase .
10. Interphase is composed of: G1, S, G2 - write this in blue on cell cycle doodle notes
where you wrote in interphase..I think it was the right hand side of the page.
11. What happens during metaphase? Highlight this information on your mitosis summary
notes or your card sort assignment
12. Be able to identify which cells are in which phase of mitosis. You have the summary
notes : highlight the following words/phrases:
a. Interphase - dna duplicates
b. prophase - spindle fibers appear, nuclear membrane breaks down, chromsomes
c. Metaphase - X’s in the middle
d. Anaphase - sister chromatids pulled to opposite ends of cell….highlight them on
both ends of cells
e. Telophase and cytokinesis - cleavage, nuclear membrane begins to reform
13. Highlight the number of chromosomes that daughter cells end up with in mitosis (2 n)
and know that this is a result of ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION, results in an EXACT copy
of parent DNA in new cells.
14. Draw a red box around the Cell Plate. This forms in Plant cells...draw a leaf in green
above the word cell plate.
15. Cyclins and Kinases = proteins. They are internal factors that regulate the cell cycle,
highlight the words internal factors. Draw a blue circle around the words cyclins and
Kinases then write “= proteins” in blue ink next to these words.
16. Cancer = result of cells not responding to checkpoints = uncontrolled division . Highlight
uncontrolled division then write “=skips checkpoints”
17. What happens during Prophase? Circle in red Mitosis Card sort note summary
18. What happens during Anaphase? Draw a blue line under this, see mitosis card sort note
19. Stem cells: become different and have different functions. They become “different”
because of the place they are located in the embryo. FInd this under stem cell notes
and highlight. IF you don’t have this information then write it in and highlight it in yellow
20. Examples of asexual reproduction: vegetative reproduction, budding, fragmentation,
write these in under asexual reproduction and then draw a red box around these words
and an an arrow pointing to asexual reproduction.
21. Underline the importance of stem cells. THeir importance is their ability to differentiate
22. There are 3 types of stem cells: Pluripotent, totipotent and multipotent.
23. Totipotent stem cells can develop into all other cell types. Draw a box in GREEN around
this word and underline the definition in red.
24. Draw an ORANGE box around the advantages of sexual reproduction over asexual
25. IVF - draw a purple box around this word and the write “where most stem cells are