Chapter (4) 1 TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY STUDY Lecturer.Ahmed El Rawas chapter content What is technical study? Transformation process Classification of products materials and utilities Costs of raw materials and supplies 2 Lecturer.Ahmed El Rawas (1)What is a Technical Feasibility Study? The Technical Feasibility Study assesses the details of how you will deliver a product or service (i.e., materials, labor, transportation, where your business will be located, technology needed, etc.). Think of the technical feasibility study as the logistical or tactical plan of how your business will produce, store, deliver, and track its products or services. 3 Lecturer.Ahmed El Rawas Technical study includes 1-Technology and operational This involves questions such as whether the technology needed for the system exists, how difficult it will be to build, and whether the firm has enough experience using that technology. The assessment is based on an outline design of system requirements in terms of Input, Processes, Output, Fields, Programs, and Procedures. This can be quantified in terms of volumes of data, trends, frequency of updating, etc in order to estimate if the new system will perform adequately or not. 4 Lecturer.Ahmed El Rawas Technical study 2- location analysis. Location analysis typically involves testing geographic locations for a real estate development project, and usually involves real estate land. Market Feasibility take into account the importance of the business in the selected area. 5 Lecturer.Ahmed El Rawas Technical study includes 3-Resource availability This involves questions such as how much time is available to build the new system, when it can be built, whether it interferes with normal business operations, type and amount of resources required, dependencies, etc. 4-Culture In this stage, the project's alternatives are evaluated for their impact on the local and general. an enterprise's own culture can clash with the results of the project. 6 Lecturer.Ahmed El Rawas Supply & Demand Operations & Supply Chains Supply Supply Supply Sales & Marketing > Demand Wasteful Costly < Demand Opportunity Loss Customer Dissatisfaction = Demand Ideal Basic Functions of the Business Organization Organization Marketing Operations Finance The Transformation Process Value-Added Inputs •Land •Labor •Capital •Information Transformation/ Conversion Process Outputs •Goods •Services Feedback Feedback Control Feedback Feedback = measurements taken at various points in the transformation process Control = The comparison of feedback against previously established standards to determine if corrective action is needed. Classification of products Agricultural products Livestock and forest products Marine products Mineral products 10 Lecturer.Ahmed El Rawas materials and utilities Electricity Fuel Water Packaging materials 11 Lecturer.Ahmed El Rawas Spare parts all machinery and equipment will finally break down after a certain lifetime. Various spare parts will be required to keep a plant in operation. 12 Lecturer.Ahmed El Rawas Availability and supply A feasibility study must show how the materials and inputs required will be provided. General availability, data about materials, potential users and supply sources and programs will have to be analyzed and described. 13 Lecturer.Ahmed El Rawas (5)Costs of raw materials and supplies Unit costs (the unit cost of basic materials) Overhead costs of supplies Total cost = ( Q*V + f ) 14 Lecturer.Ahmed El Rawas Tech study main points ( project) Material inputs Spare parts Cost of raw materials ( unit cost, annual cost, overhead cost) Finished product ( output ) Sources of supplies. Detailed assessment of the utilities required ( electricity, water, fuel ) Packaging materials. 15 Lecturer.Ahmed El Rawas Technical study main points ( project) Location analysis (location choice ) Accessibility. Infrastructural conditions ( transport, communications ) Ecological conditions ( soil, site hazards, climate ) Cost of land, construction requirement 16 Lecturer.Ahmed El Rawas