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Science 5: Scientific Method, Puberty, Reproduction Worksheet

A. Identify what is being asked. Choose your answer from the list of words below.
control variables
scientific method
independent variables observing
_______________________1. They generate knowledge using the scientific method and seek to explain
the events in the natural world.
_______________________2. It requires the use of your sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.
_______________________3. It means making a forecast of what will happen in the future.
_______________________4. These are variables that remain the same throughout the experiment.
_______________________5. This is the process of grouping objects and ideas that are alike in some
_______________________6. It is the possible explanation to a scientific question.
_______________________7. This is the factor that can be changed in an experiment.
_______________________8. It is the process of discovering the similarities and differences in the
properties of objects and events.
_______________________9. It is the step by step process of solving problems.
_______________________10. These are the traits, factors or conditions in the experiment that differ in
amounts or types.
B. Put a check if the statement is correct. Otherwise, correct the underlined word to make the
statement true.
____________________1. Puberty begins at ages 7-9.
____________________2. Progesterone triggers the development of secondary male characteristics.
____________________3. Testosterone triggers the development of secondary female characteristics.
____________________4. The first period is called menarche.
____________________5. Puberty indicates the maturation of the sex organs for both male and female.
C. Write G on the blank if the change in the body during puberty occurs among girls, B if it is for boys
and GB if it occurs for both.
_______1. Voice becomes deeper
_______6. Voice becomes higher
_______2. Larger and stronger muscles
_______7. Onset of menstruation
_______3. Rapid growth in height
_______8. Wet dreams are experienced.
_______4. Enlargement of breasts
_______9. Hips get bigger
_______5. Sweat glands become active
_______10. Skin and hair become oily
D. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which organ produces sperm?
a. epididymis
b. uterus
c. testes
d. fallopian tube
2. Which organ does not belong to the group?
a. glans
b. penis
c. uterus
d. scrotum
3. What will happen if living things are unable to reproduce?
a. Population will decrease.
b. Population will increase.
c. Competition among animals will intensify.
d. The organisms will not be able to adapt to their environment.
4. Which part of the male reproductive system serves as the passageway for the sperm from the testes
to the seminal vesicle?
a. prostate gland
b. urethra
c. vas deferens
d. scrotum
5. Which part of the female reproductive system releases the egg cell and hormones like estrogen and
a. ovary
b. cervix
c. vagina
d. oviduct
E. Match Column A with Column B.
Column A
Column B
____1. Connects the uterus to the vagina
a. ova
____2. Produces sperm cells
b. testes
____3. Also called the womb
c. uterus
____4. The monthly bloody discharge
d. diploid
____5. Cell with a complete set of genetic materials
e. ovaries
____6. Female sex cells or gametes
f. cowper’s gland
____7. Union of the sperm and egg cell
g. penis
____8. Sac-like skin structure that supports the testes
h. fertilization
____9. Transports sperm cells to the urethra
i. fallopian tube
____10. Copulatory organ of males
j. prostrate gland
k. scrotum
l. menstruation
m. cervix
F. Put a check if the statement is correct. Otherwise, correct the underlined word to make the
statement true.
_______________________1. The canal through which eggs pass from the ovary to the uterus is called
the cervix.
_______________________2. A few species of fish possess both sets of sexual organs, and they are
called hermaphrodites.
_______________________3. The cloaca is an opening through which sperm, egg and waste materials
_______________________4. The modified fins of male sharks and rays are called papilla.
_______________________5. Birds have two functional ovary/ovaries.
_______________________6. Both male and female birds have no cloaca.
_______________________7. The oviduct of the female cat is the actual site where fertilization occurs.
_______________________8. Sexual dimorphism is the difference between males and female sex
_______________________9. Metamorphism is the term used to describe organisms that carry both
sexual organs.
_______________________10. The vagina is a structure that receives the sperm delivered by the male
through the penis.
G. Identify what is being described. Choose from the list below.
Internal fertilization
External fertilization
sexual reproduction
asexual reproduction
__________________________________1. It is a mode of reproduction where cells from only one
parent are used and no reproductive organs are involved.
__________________________________2. It is a mode of reproduction where two parent organisms
are involved.
__________________________________3. It is the process of introducing sperm cells inside the body of
a female animal.
__________________________________4. This is the period of between conception and birth during
which a fertilized egg develops into a more complex organism.
__________________________________5. It occurs when an organism grows a bud from its main body.
__________________________________6. This is a kind of asexual reproduction that occurs naturally
In some invertebrates like the species of wasps, bees and ants.
__________________________________7. It is the union of the egg with the sperm cell.
__________________________________8. This type of fertilization takes place inside the parent’s
__________________________________9. It is a process of releasing a large amount of eggs in the
water which are immediately fertilized by sperm cells.
__________________________________10. This animal gives birth to one offspring after the gestation