SUCCESS IN ONLINE COURSES DURING COVID-19 COVID-19 has caused many abrupt changes that none of us expected including moving from face-to-face instruction to remote instruction. With all of the changes that have occurred, it is important to know what skills and steps you need to take to be successful. By the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Prepare yourself for success in an online course Know the resources that are available to you during COVID19 Know the daily steps needed to continue to be successful in an online course while in quarantine UPCOMING LIVE WORKSHOPS TIME MANAGEMENT: IS IT MANAGING YOU? *Live via Zoom on February 9 from 12:00 - 1:00 p.,m. and March 17 from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Join the Workshop on February 9 Join the Workshop on March 17 *If you are on your phone login to the Teams app with your Flashline credentials. If you are on a computer, you can join via the web browser without logging in, or through the app with your Flashline credentials. Time management is one of the essential tools to have in college. Join us to learn how to manage your time better so you can be more successful in college and your personal life. At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Understand where you are spending your time and how to make better use of it Know how to set realistic goals Know techniques for overcoming procrastination TIME MANAGEMENT: DON’T GO CRAY, PROPERLY PLAN FOR THE SEMESTER *Live via zoom on February 16 from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. and March 24 from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Join the Session on February 16 Join the Session on March 24 *If you are on your phone login to the Teams app with your Flashline credentials. If you are on a computer, you can join via the web browser without logging in, or through the app with your Flashline credentials. Proper planning is key to being successful in college and in your career. Learn techniques that can help you plan out your time properly and help you keep your sanity. Create a plan for the semester Know how to use Google Calendar ADULTING…IT’S REAL *Live via zoom on February 24 from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. and March 4 from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Being an adult is hard. Come learn key things you need to know or have in the real world to be a successful adult. At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Set a schedule –Prioritizing / Decision making Navigate changing family relationships Navigate and build healthy relationships Identify resources that support your financial literacy Identify and access healthcare Develop a transportation plan Locate food and other community resources Name key elements in renting a home Be Assertive –Adult Communication Skills Using your free time to refresh YOU! TIME MANAGEMENT *Available in your Blackboard Course under Geauga Academic Workshops Time management is one of the essential tools to have in college. Join us to learn how to manage your time better so you can be more successful in college and your personal life. At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Understand where you are spending your time and how to make better use of it Know how to set realistic goals Plan your semester, monthly, weekly, and daily calendar Know techniques for overcoming procrastination GET ORGANIZED Have you ever felt overwhelmed with assignments, deadlines, papers, appointments, etc.? As a college student, you will need to keep track of it all. Learn how you can get organized for your classes and be prepared to excel. At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Know the reasons for disorganization Identify the benefits of being organized Understand how to get organized and stay organized SUCCEEDING IN THE CLASSROOM *Available in your Blackboard Course under Geauga Academic Workshops Knowing how to be successful is the first step to academic success. Learn the key ingredients to what it takes to thrive in a college classroom environment and develop the skills needed to succeed. At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Understand the different techniques for note-taking Decide what note-taking method is best for you Understand techniques for active listening Identify ways to know what information is important during your lectures Know different reading strategies Identify important information in a text Participate and interact with classmates and instructors of different viewpoints STUDY STRATEGIES *Available in your Blackboard Course under Geauga Academic Workshops Investing time to learn how to study will help you get the most out of your college career. Develop and strengthen good study habits to perform well in your classes. At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Use your text to study Use your notes to study Know studying techniques Create a study plan Use a study guide Improve your memory Be confident in your studies STAYING MOTIVATED Do you struggle to get motivated to complete your assignments, go to class, or study? Motivating yourself can be one of the most difficult things in college, but it is crucial to your success. Learn how to build and recover your motivation. By the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Recognize the challenges that impact your motivation Know techniques for recovering your motivation Identify strategies for building motivation CONFIDENCE BUILDING *Available in your Blackboard Course under Geauga Academic Workshops Confidence is an important aspect of our lives that many struggle with. The value we place on ourselves can play a crucial role in our success. While it is natural to care about performing well, it is important to feel good about ourselves, mistakes, and all. Learn how to build confidence despite your shortcomings. By the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Understand the barriers to confidence Build self-confidence Project confidence to others TEST YOUR BEST *Available in Your Blackboard Course under Geauga Academic Workshops Taking tests can be stressful. Learn methods to improve your chances of performing better on your tests as well as recognizing and overcoming test anxiety. At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Learn techniques to reduce test anxiety Know how to prepare for your tests Identify strategies for essay exams vs. multiple choice exams CONFIDENCE BUILDING *Available in your Blackboard Course under Geauga Academic Workshops While it is natural to care about performing well, it is important to feel good about ourselves, mistakes, and all. Learn how to build confidence despite your shortcomings. Understand the barriers to confidence Build self-confidence and project confidence to others EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE: IMPROVING YOUR COMMUNICATION SKILLS Having effective communication skills is critical to success not only in the classroom but in the career environment. Emotional intelligence is one of the most crucial elements that play into our communication skills. Learn how to use your emotions to create positive relationships and improve your communication skills. At the end of this workshop you will be able to: Know your EI score Understand why EI and communication skills are important Be aware of your emotions Identify techniques for controlling your emotions Improve your EI and communication skills Express your feelings in a positive way Know the difference between passive, assertive and aggressive responses Know the key points to effective communication ACADEMIC SUCCESS COACHING If you would like to receive information about any of these workshops in a one-on-one session or need personal help in implementing the information presenting in these workshops, please contact Brandie Blankenship or call 330-888-6314. Check out the Academic Success Resources video in this guide to learn how to access the workshops online!