TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES INVENTORY Study Objective The main objective of this study is to identify, classify, and record various traffic control devices along the survey route(s) (during off peak hours). Need for the Study Traffic control devices (signs) are installed along travel routes to facilitate orderly and predictable movement of all traffic. These devices provide guidance and warning as well as insure the safe and informed operation of individual vehicles using the road system. Study Components In conducting a traffic control device inventory, the following signs are identified, classified, and recorded: Regulatory Signs, Warning Signs, Guide Signs, Recreational and Cultural Signs, and Construction and Maintenance Signs Field Work and Data Collection The traffic control devices data in the field are collected along the designated roadway. The signs installed on both sides of the street are recorded. The data collected are the type of traffic control device, color, shape, code, and condition. For future reference, the direction of travel such as eastbound, westbound etc. are also recorded. In practice, the data collection is done by videotaping the street signs. The collected video data are analyzed in the office and entered into a software developed specially for traffic control devices. For maintenance and identification purposes, the field data are used in practice. Tasks List the type of traffic control devices, including colors, shapes, and messages, installed on the survey route Record the total number of regulatory, warning, guide, and other signs installed along the survey route State the condition of signs installed along the survey route Check the consistence of the traffic control devices in reference to standards from MUTCD and Tanzanian Manual (if any) Propose improvements (if any) required with respect to traffic control devices along the survey route DATE: TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES INVENTORY DAY: WEATHER: PAGE: STUDENTS NAMES/GROUP NUMBER: ORIGIN: DESTINATION: STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: SIGN DESCRPTION STOP SIGN TYPE CONDITION PARTICULARS REGULATORY GOOD University Road -Ardhi Main Gate