INTRODUCTION TO ROBOTICS CPSC - 460 Lecture 3A – Forward Kinematics DH TECHNIQUES A link j can be specified by two parameters, its length aj and its twist αj Joints are also described by two parameters. The link offset dj is the distance from one link coordinate frame to the next along the axis of the joint. The joint angle θj is the rotation of one link with respect to the next about the joint axis. DH TECHNIQUES •Link twist αi :the angle from the Zi-1 axis to the Zi axis about the Xi axis. The positive sense for α is determined from zi-1 and zi by the right-hand rule. •Joint angle θi the angle between the Xi-1 and Xi axes about the Zi-1 axis. DH TECHNIQUES 4 DH TECHNIQUES The four parameters for each link ai: link length αi: Link twist di : Link offset θi : joint angle With the ith joint, a joint variable is qi associated where 5 TRANSFORMATION MATRIX Each homogeneous transformation Ai is represented as a product of four basic transformations 1. Rotation of about current Z axis 2. Translation of d along current Z axis 3. Translation of a along current X axis 4. Rotation of about current X axis Ai Rot z ,i Transz ,di Transx ,ai Rot x ,i 6 TRANSFORMATION MATRIX Ai Rot z ,i Transz ,di Transx ,ai Rot x ,i C i S Ai i 0 0 S i C i 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 ci s Ai i 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 d i 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ai 1 0 1 0 0 0 C i 0 1 0 0 S i 0 0 1 0 0 -c isi s isi ci c i s i -s i ci c i 0 0 0 S i C i 0 0 0 0 1 a i ci a isi di 1 7 TRANSFORMATION MATRIX The matrix Ai is a function of only a single variable, as three of the above four quantities are constant for a given link, while the fourth parameter is the joint variable, depending on whether it is a revolute or prismatic link ci s Ai i 0 0 -c isi s isi ci c i s i -s i ci c i 0 0 a i ci a isi di 1 DH NOTATION STEPS 9 DH NOTATION STEPS 10 DH NOTATION STEPS ci s Ai i 0 0 -c isi s isi ci c i s i -s i ci c i 0 0 a i ci a isi di 1 From Tn , the position and orientation of the tool frame are calculated. 0 TRANSFORMATION MATRIX r11 r12 r r 21 22 T r31 r32 0 0 r13 r23 r33 0 dx dy dz 1 EXAMPLE I - TWO LINK PLANAR ARM • Base frame O0 •All Z ‘s are normal to the page 13 EXAMPLE I - TWO LINK PLANAR ARM Where (θ1 + θ2 ) denoted by θ12 and 14 EXAMPLE 2 15 FORWARD KINEMATICS OF EXAMPLE 2 16 EXAMPLE 3 - THREE LINK CYLINDRICAL MANIPULATOR 17 EXAMPLE 3 - THREE LINK CYLINDRICAL MANIPULATOR 18 EXAMPLE 3 - THREE LINK CYLINDRICAL MANIPULATOR 19 EXAMPLE 3 - THREE LINK CYLINDRICAL MANIPULATOR 20 EXAMPLE 4 – THE SPHERICAL WRIST 21 EXAMPLE 4 – THE SPHERICAL WRIST 22 EXAMPLE 4 – THE SPHERICAL WRIST 23 EXAMPLE 4 – THE SPHERICAL WRIST 24 EXAMPLE 5 - CYLINDRICAL MANIPULATOR WITH SPHERICAL WRIST T30 derived in Example 2, and T63 derived in Example 3. 25 EXAMPLE 5 - CYLINDRICAL MANIPULATOR WITH SPHERICAL WRIST 26 EXAMPLE 5 - CYLINDRICAL MANIPULATOR WITH SPHERICAL WRIST 27 EXAMPLE 5 - CYLINDRICAL MANIPULATOR WITH SPHERICAL WRIST Forward kinematics: 1. The position of the end-effector: (dx ,dy ,dz ) 2. The orientation {Roll, Pitch, Yaw } Rotation about X axis{ROLL} Rotation about fixed Y axis{PITCH} Rotation about fixed Z axis{YAW} 28 ROTATION – ROLL, PITCH, YAW The rotation matrix for the following operations: Z Rotation about X axis{ROLL} Rotation about fixed Y axis{PITCH } Rotation about fixed Z axis{YAW} R Rot ( z , ) Rot ( y, ) Rot ( x, ) 0 C S 0 C 0 S 1 0 S C 0 0 1 0 0 C S 0 0 1 - S 0 C 0 S C CC SS CSS CSC SS SC CSS CS CS SSC S CS CC X 29 Y EXAMPLE 4 THE THREE LINKS CYLINDRICAL WITH SPHERICAL WRIST How to calculate , , and r11 r 21 r31 r12 r13 r22 r32 r23 r33 Compare the matrix R With the rotation part of T60 CC R SC S S r31 Sin (r31 ) 1 S S C S S C S S C S C S C S r32 Sin 1 ( r32 ) C C S C S S C S S S C C C SC r21 sin 1 ( r21 ) C 30