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IIEI General Catalog 2006-2007: Import-Export Education

International Import-Export Institute
Fall 2006 – Summer 2007 General Catalog
Effective September 1st, 2006 through June 30th, 2007
International Import-Export Institute
11225 North 28th Drive Suite B-201
Phoenix, AZ 85029 USA
Internet Address:
(602) 648-5750
(800) 474-8013
(602) 648-5755
Board of Directors
Dr. Donald N. Burton
Richard Oxford
Valeri A. Burton
Robert Geiges
IIEI Program Directors
Dr. Donald N. Burton
Dr. Frank Toney
Dean of Education
Caulyne Barron
Online Programs Director
Effective September 1st, 2006 through June 30th, 2008
International Import-Export Institute
Fall 2006 – Summer 2007 General Catalog
General Information................................................................................6
Welcome Message from the President .......................................................................... 8
About the International Import Export Institute............................................................... 9
Official Academic Calendar: Fall 2006 – Summer 2007 .............................................. 12
Distance Learning and the Virtual Classroom.............................................................. 13
Student’s Right to Know– Institute-Wide Policies ........................................................ 16
IIEI Departments ........................................................................................................... 18
Open Enrollment: Resources and Information.....................................22
Open Enrollment ........................................................................................................... 24
General Student Admissions and Program Completion .............................................. 24
Disciplinary Actions: Student Probation, Suspension, and Expulsion ......................... 33
Degree-Seeking Students: Resources and Information.........................36
Degree Seeking Students ............................................................................................. 38
Available Programs of Study ........................................................................................ 38
Undergraduate Admissions .......................................................................................... 40
Undergraduate Students Progression through the Program ....................................... 53
Leaving the Undergraduate Program ........................................................................... 55
Disciplinary Actions: Student Probation, Suspension, and Expulsion ......................... 56
Undergraduate Programs Commencement and Graduation ....................................... 58
Grading Criterion ..................................................................................62
Course Grading Criterion and Final Grade Determination........................................... 64
Final Course Grades’ Impact on Official Records........................................................ 67
International Import-Export Institute
Course Listings – Fall 2007 through Summer 2008 .............................. 70
General Information Regarding Courses Offered by IIEI............................................. 72
Fall 2006 through Summer 2008 Courses Overview ................................................... 73
Industry Certification............................................................................ 86
General Information: Certification & Continuing Education in Trade Compliance
Professions ................................................................................................................... 88
Industry Certification Examinations .............................................................................. 92
The International Import-Export Institute reserves the right at any time to add or delete from certain courses,
programs, or areas of study as circumstances may require, to make faculty changes, to modify tuition rates
and fees, and to make policy changes it believes will enhance the quality and delivery of educational
services. Please see our web site at www.iiei.edu for current information.
International Import-Export Institute
General Information
International Import-Export Institute
International Import-Export Institute
Welcome Message from the President
Welcome to the International Import-Export Institute! As an accredited international
university, our mission is to provide quality educational opportunities to adults worldwide
who are seeking a sound educational experience with a focus on international trade
related topics.
The International Import-Export Institute is a unique university where the needs of the
international trade industry and the professional interests of global adult learners are
melded together to enhance the learning experience. Since it’s founding in 1995, the
International Import-Export Institute has pioneered the growth and development of
progressive educational online offerings in the field of international trade related topics.
This publication serves as your guide to a unique academic experience in higher
education. Our administrators, faculty, and staff are eager to respond to your questions
and to guide you through the admissions process, and to assist you in your effort to
achieve academic success at this institution that will serve you well in your career
Welcom e to our global learning community!
Dr. Donald N. Burton
International Import-Export Institute
About the International Import Export Institute
Prior to the International Import-Export Institute’s founding in 1995, there was no established
worldwide standards organization that offered international trade certification. As the international
trade industry continues to grow exponentially, there is an increasing need for validation of
professional proficiency.
The need for a validation process that is continually updated to reflect the ever-changing
environment of international trade is now greater than ever. With the prompting of numerous
industry experts worldwide, including government, college and university scholars, the
International Import-Export Institute was created to fill that need.
The International Import-Export Institute provides accredited specialized international trade
training courses and programs globally via an “asynchronous” online format. Through this
distance-learning model, the Institute has worked with various companies to educate individuals
from all over the world to be more effective in the area of international trade.
The International Import-Export Institute provides an interactive learning environment that allows
for the interaction between students from different countries with varied industry experience.
Through this distance-learning model, courses can be completed at home, at work or anywhere
you have Internet connectivity. This rich learning environment builds upon the experiences of all
students and each participant is viewed as a learning resource.
The Institute is the international authority and is setting the standards for certification in the area
of international trade. Individuals that take a specific training and pass the certification
examination will have the distinction of being certified by the International Import-Export Institute.
The Institute is dedicated to providing learning experiences that enhance an individual’s current
skills or that introduce the student to international trade. This is accomplished with the assistance
of advisors, college and university experts and industry professionals. Whether an individual
student is interested in taking one class for personal development or a full certification program,
the Institute’s courses are designed to create a rich educational environment in the international
trade business. Courses are designed to build skills and provide practical knowledge for both
domestic and international students.
The International Import-Export Institute is a private corporation, established by Dr. Donald N.
Burton of Glendale, Arizona, to set educational standards for professionals in the international
import -export industry. The Institute offers individual courses to corporate groups to assist them
in understanding the demands of the export/import environment. The Institute has developed
training that can be delivered in a variety of learning models but primarily is delivered through an
online delivery method. Training course topics include introduction courses for those individuals
just beginning to work in exporting and/or importing, plus more advanced courses in trade
finance, logistics, documentation and compliance regulation. In addition, a U.S. Customs Broker
Examination Preparation course has been designed to assist students in preparing to take the
U.S. Customs Broker Examination.
Courses developed by the Institute can be presented on-ground at an employer’s chosen location
or online. The online classroom has proved to be the most advantageous for employers,
International Import-Export Institute
students and international students. With a focus on international certification, students reside all
over the world within different time zones. Students generally are already working within the
international trade arena and many travel for their companies. These issues presented a unique
opportunity for the Institute to create an online classroom that allows students to enter and attend
a class at their own convenience from any location worldwide. Each Institute course has 36
hours of instruction and is offered at a low cost per student or corporation.
Mission Statement
In service to the evolving world of international trade, IIEI provides leadership in the development
of innovative products and services that define, support and enhance the highest professional
standards of education and certification of individuals serving the global business community.
Our continued efforts will focus on providing a rich environment that fosters the growth of the
global village concept.
Educating local, national and international students in international trade:
? To assist students, whose access to the traditional model of education is limited or nonexistent.
? To provide basic to advanced level courses to assist students in being more effective in their
chosen field.
? To provide learning assistance for the U.S. Customs Broker Examination.
? To provide quality continuing education and certificates in a variety of geographical locations.
? To provide affordable courses to students from different economic backgrounds and standards
of living.
? To support the personal, professional development and academic improvement of students
through education, training and professional involvement.
? To generate the financial resources to support the Institute’s mission through the development
of new courses and certification opportunities.
The International Import-Export Institute is accredited by the
Accrediting Commission of the Distance Education and Training
Council (DETC). The Commission is listed by the U.S.
Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting
agency and is a recognized member of the Council for Higher
Education Accreditation (CHEA).
International Import-Export Institute
IIEI is a member of the Career College Association (CCA), a voluntary membership organization
with over 950 members, provides educational opportunities for more than a quarter of a million
individuals each year.
Career College Association (CCA)
10 G Street, NE, Suite 750
Washington, DC 20002-4213
(202) 336-6700
IIEI is also a member of the American Council on Education:
American Council on Education
One Dupont Circle
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 939-9340
International Import-Export Institute
Official Academic Calendar: Fall 2006 – Summer 2007
Defining the IIEI Academic Year and Terms: Fall 2006 through Summer 2007
Term ID
(Term Start Date)
(Term End Date)
Registration Deadline
Fall 2006
Spring 2007
Summer 2007
Official Office Calendar: Fall 2006 – Summer 2007
Students may contact the Institute’s main office at anytime to Office Hours: 8am to 5pm Monday
through Friday (Arizona Time Zone) Arizona does not participate in Daylight Savings Time.
Therefore, from April into October, ATZ is the same as Pacific Standard Time. During the Winter,
ATZ is the same as Mountain Standard Time.
The Institute’s offices are open weekdays except the following days should they occur during the
Calendar Year - 2006
Labor Day:
Thanksgiving Day:
Day after Thanksgiving:
Christmas Eve Day:
Christmas Day:
News Years Eve Day
September 4th, 2006 November 23rd, 2006 November 24th, 2006 December 24th, 2006 December 25th, 2006 December 31st, 2006 -
Close at 1pm
Close at 1pm
January 1st, 2007 February 19th, 2007 May 28th, 2007 July 4th, 2007 September 3rd, 2007 -
Calendar Year - 2007
New Years Day:
President’s Day:
Memorial Day:
Independence Day:
Labor Day:
International Import-Export Institute
Distance Learning and the Virtual Classroom
Distance Education – Developing Virtual Course Curriculum
Course curriculum is designed around specific educational outcomes that are listed in each
course syllabus. Course curriculum is developed through extensive research and draws from
professional experience of instructors and curriculum developers. The curriculum provides
students with the knowledge and skills necessary to master the listed topics in the course of
The curriculum is designed to be taught in a six-week period (for most courses). Concurrent
enrollment in more than one class is not encouraged due to the accelerated and focused nature
of the courses. Sequential enrollment encourages students to focus their attention and resources
on one course of study, thereby creating an environment for the student to master a particular
The Virtual Classroom Environment
The Virtual Classroom seminars will be accomplished using an Internet based classroom. In this
environment educational activities will be replicated that are normally conducted in a traditional
classroom setting. Students can "attend" the Virtual Classroom discussions at times convenient
to them rather than having to be at a specific place at a specific time. Students are encouraged
to review and make comments to submissions by other students. Typically, students will
complete projects in a word processing program and then attach the document to a submission in
the virtual classroom discussion area or by copy and pasting into a new message in the Virtual
Classroom discussion area.
Optionally, work that is not to be shared with the team/classmates (such as examinations) can be
directly submitted to your Instructor through a private electronic mailbox. All work will be graded
by the Instructor and returned to the teams or individuals electronically to their personal electronic
Interactive Learning Model
The Institute uses an online distance-learning model that assists students from all over the world
to achieve their continuing education goals at their convenience. The online virtual classroom
provides the syllabus for the course, outlines course objectives and gives the assignments in a
clear and concise delivery. The virtual classroom allows students to interact with each other and
post assignments for comments. This interactive model allows each student to bring to the
classroom their own experiences and education and allows for each student to gain valuable
insight as it relates to “real world” business experiences.
Code of Student Responsibilities and Ethical Behavior
The International Import-Export Institute’s code of student responsibilities is important in the
overall educational experience. It is expected that students recognize and follow the Code of
Student Responsibilities and Ethical Behavior when involved in the virtual classroom experience:
International Import-Export Institute
? Acknowledge and respect ones self, other students, faculty and staff.
? Maintain confidentiality about information revealed during a course by other students and
? Show respect for students, faculty and staff regardless of their origin, gender, ethnicity, religious
or political beliefs.
? Accept the responsibility for ones own actions when communicating verbally and in written
? Acknowledge sources of information when submitting written assignments.
? Show the ability to work in a self-reliant manner when completing assignment within the context
of individual assignments and group assignments.
? Harassment, sexual or otherwise, that creates a hostile or offensive “classroom” environment
will be cause for dismissal from the class and possible suspension from future courses at the
? Plagiarism by a student in regard to a written assignment is taken very seriously and may result
in dismissal from class, failing course grade and possible suspension from future courses at the
Suspected code violations must be submitted in writing to the Director of Institute Services for
Ethics Committee review. Please contact IIEI’s Administration for information regarding such
reports. After research and review by the Ethics Committee, a final decision will be issued.
Online Classroom – Rules of Engagement
International Import-Export Institute’s electronic classroom is an open academic environment that
promotes a free, open and honest exchange of experiences and ideas. One of the many benefits
of having participants from around the world with a wide range of disciplines and diverse
backgrounds is sharing lessons learned, positive and negative.
Each individual (instructor and student alike) has an obligation to be sensitive to subjects that
may or may not be suitable for discussion in the classroom. It may be appropriate to sanitize a
situation, not discuss it or discuss it off-line. Instructors will generally tell you if your sensitive
discussion in inappropriate for the classroom, but it is still each individual’s responsibility to insure
sensitive information is kept confidential.
Generally, our per IIEI’s policy, that which is discussed in the IIEI classroom stays there.
Classroom discussion is intended to be a non-attribution off-the-record exchange. We ask
everyone to be keenly aware of ethical and possible conflict of interest concerns as well.
Discussing all the details of a potential disclosure with your classmates is not prudent. Revealing
knowledge of an actual or potential violation of the law places IIEI, the course instructor and your
classmates in a bad situation. You could also jeopardize yourself and your company. Therefore,
we ask each of you to use your best judgment and discretion when raising issues or responding.
The goal is to maximize this valuable and unique learning experience without sacrificing anything.
International Import-Export Institute
Technology Recommendations for Students
? IBM compatibility (TXT) for downloading, sending and receiving e-mail and accessing the
? Pentium or equivalent, using operating systems Windows 95 or higher
? 32MB of RAM or more
? 2 GB hard disk or higher
? VGA Monitor
? Printer
? Internet Service Provider
? Adobe Acrobat Reader (4.0 or later)
? Ability to access course and program material on the Internet
? E-mail capability
? Complete, send, receive messages, read messages and assignments from other students and
? Use an appropriate virus application to prevent virus transmittal from submitted assignments
International Import-Export Institute
Student’s Right to Know– Institute-Wide Policies
Institute Services Statement
Institute Services at the International Import-Export Institute endeavors to assist individuals to
complete their chosen area of study. Frequent ongoing evaluations at the completion of each
course are encouraged to continually provide high quality services to students and faculty in the
most efficient and effective ways possible. Students may request paper copies of the course of
study evaluations by calling the Institute at (602) 648-5750 or by e-mail at
ADA Compliance Statement
It is policy and practice of the International Import-Export Institute to comply enthusiastically with
the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and its implementing regulations. This policy
covers all personnel and admissions practices, planned recruitment, or advertising,
compensation, and selection practices of the International Import-Export Institute. The Institute
will provide all reasonable and appropriate means to assist eligible students who present the
required documentation of their need for accommodation.
Equal Education Opportunity Statement
The International Import-Export Institute is committed to the policy and practice of equal
educational opportunity to ensure that all students receive fair consideration and are treated fairly
during their tenure at the International Import-Export Institute without regard to their age, race,
color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, political affiliation or physical impairment.
IIEI shall provide for the prompt, fair, and impartial consideration of all complaints of
discrimination at the International Import-Export Institute because of age, race, color, sex, sexual
orientation, religion, national origin, political affiliation, or physical impairment. Any such complaint
should be promptly forwarded in writing to the Director of Institute Services.
Academic Freedom Policy
Academic freedom protects the rights of faculty and students in the learning enterprise, and
carries with it duties correlative to its rights. It requires all members of the university community to
permit colleagues to pursue such studies unimpeded by restrictive personal behavior or coercive
institutional action. Differing viewpoints will interfere neither with the work itself, nor with the
advancement of learner or faculty scholars. Full freedom in research and publication of results is
a right, as long as the dignity, health, privacy, and other rights of human and animal subjects are
Student Rights to Privacy
The Institute follows the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) enacted in 1974. The
purpose of the privacy act is to protect the rights of the student concerning the records that are
maintained by the Institute. The law requires that the Institute:
International Import-Export Institute
The Institute will not disclose the following information to any third party individuals as it relates to
transcripts, social security numbers, grades, grade point average, course schedules, employment
information, academic performance and admission information.
Student’s written consent will be required prior to releasing any information to a third party,
including their employer. A written consent for release of information to a specifically identified
third party must be signed by the student prior to any release of information.
Educational records will be released if ordered by a judicial body or a lawfully issued subpoena,
but only once the student has been notified of the Institute’s intent to release the information to
comply with the order.
Student records are confidential. Institute faculty and staff will only have access to student
records on a “need-t o-know” basis. The office responsible for any particular student record will be
responsible for ensuring that confidentiality is maintained.
Student Records Retention and Disposal Policy
NOTE: This policy applies to ALL students of the International Import-Export Institute, regardless
of what program or course for which they have registered or enrolled. For policy purposes, a
student is defined as an individual who has completed a registration for or completed at least one
class in any of the available programs.
All student records are permanently property of the International Import-Export Institute. This
includes any student enrollment information, all domestic and foreign transcripts, and/or any other
relevant information pertaining to the student’s involvement with the Institute. In compliance with
state and federal laws, the Institute retains all official records for all admitted students indefinitely.
These records are kept in the Institute’s secure headquarters, and are only accessible to
authorized supervisory staff.
Applicants who were not admitted to the Undergraduate degree programs and have never
enrolled in any courses with the International Import-Export Institute are kept on file for a period of
5 years. These archived files are disposed of using standard Institute methods to ensure that the
information is kept private and secure before, during and after records disposal.
Students wishing to have access or additional information to their personal records need to
contact the Office of the Registrar in writing at registrar@expandglobal.com.
International Import-Export Institute
IIEI Departments
Academic Advising Department
The purpose of the Academic Advising Department is to provide students with a primary point of
contact for any information, documentation or assistance that they may need throughout their
enrollment here at the International Import-Export Institute. Knowledgeable Student Advisors and
Degree Counselors are available to answer questions, offer enrollment solutions, and will actively
work with the other departments within the Institute on the behalf of the student.
Your advisor or counselor can help you with the following services:
? Pre-Enrollment Advising and Support
? Course Registration and Enrollment Assistance
? Course Registration Adjustments or Cancellations Assistance
? Direct students to the appropriate department supervisor or staff member in situations that fall
outside their jurisdiction
Interested in meeting your Student Advisor or Counselor today? Please refer to the insert located
at the front of your catalog for our directory of friendly staff. You may also contact the Advising
Department directly and begin planning your education today.
Advising Department Contact Information
Registration Desk
The Institute’s Registration Desk is the area that operates under the Office of the Registrar to
process and confirm all student course registrations and final records changes. Registration
confirmation emails, welcome letters, and other official documentation will be sent by
Registration Desk Administration Staff.
Available student services:
?Processes Student Course Registrations
?Confirmation of Student Course Registration
?Confirmation of Student Registration Adjustments or Cancellations
?Final Grades Processing and Distribution
Registration Desk Contact Information
Office of the Registrar
The Office of the Registrar maintains all student records in coordination with other administrative
departments. Transcripts and admissions documentation is handled strictly by authorized
personnel within the department.
The Office of the Registrar staff are also responsible for coordinating efforts with degree
counselors to guide students through the various degree programs. Admissions evaluations,
International Import-Export Institute
progress through the program, and graduation are all closely monitored by the counselor and
Registrar staff.
The Office of the Registrar Staff can assist students with the following:
? Degree Program Application and Admissions
? Program Commencement and Graduation Services
? Transcript and records orders
Office of the Registrar Contact Information
1-800-474-8013 ext. 102
Fiscal and Accounting Departments
Students or companies inquiring of a financial matter must contact the Fiscal and Accounting
Departments. This includes cost of attendance payments that are not covered by federal financial
aid programs, as well as most corporate or employer tuition reimbursement resources.
The Fiscal and Accounting Office should be contacted for the following reasons only:
? Students request financial records, including invoices
? Students seeking refund requests*
? Students who need to make or confirm a payment for tuition or course materials
? Faculty members inquiring about payment for completed courses ONLY. Scheduling
information would be available through the Faculty Manager.
*Important Note: All refund requests or concerns about monies due to the student should be sent
in writing to refunds@expandglobal.com or to the Institute’s mailing address.
Fiscal and Accounting Departments Contact Information
Global Relations Department: IIEI Membership and Chapter Opportunities
IIEI Chapters serve an important roll in establishing and supporting a worldwide network of local
clubs where members can interface with other international business professionals. Students are
not required to be a member of the Institute to take courses.
Membership to the Institute is the passport to global opportunities and world-class benefits.
Institute members form a worldwide network of individuals, chapters and organizations that create
an international exchange of trade links and resources throughout the global community.
Members can also take advantage of the Institute’s Internship Program, Job Net (a résumé and
job opening posting board) and local Institute Chapters. As a group, members enjoy reduced
rates on courses, bookstore purchases, certification examinations and Institute publications.
Members also benefit from IIEI's many other affiliations, including special arrangements with the
International Trade Association to offer special privileges and discounts to our members. IIEI
provides members with an interface to federal, state and local trade organizations.
International Import-Export Institute
Local and regional IIEI Chapters provide IIEI members a forum for the exchange of ideas,
information, and resources in the area of international trade. IIEI Chapters offer a place for
professional networking in a dynamic environment between various individuals and groups.
Guest speakers provide practical information and timely insight into the various facets of
international trade.
Global Relations Department Contact Information
1-602-648-5750 ext 101
Faculty Management Department
IIEI’s Faculty Management Department is responsible for employing qualified instructors and
ensuring that IIEI faculty maintain and improve upon our standards of success.
The Faculty Management Department should be contacted for the following reasons only:
? Students wishing to file a complaint against an instructor
? Faculty seeking scheduling information or course assignment confirmation
? General information and employment inquiries with IIEI
Faculty Management Department Contact Information
Requirements: Education Levels & Professional Experience Statement
Faculty employed by the Institute meet a minimum requirement of a Master’s Degree from an
accredited institution or have outstanding professional experience and have demonstrated
contributions in the area of study. The Institute utilizes instructors that are proficient in the online
Virtual Classroom environment and are effective communicators. The role of the faculty member
is to not only to teach via the Virtual Classroom, but to encourage and facilitate student
International Import-Export Institute
International Import-Export Institute
Open Enrollment
Non-Degree-Seeking Students
Resources and Information
International Import-Export Institute
International Import-Export Institute
Open Enrollment
Open enrollment is for individuals seeking to take courses that are not admitted into a degree
program. People who would fit into this category of General Student Admission are individuals
taking classes to prepare for any of the international trade certification examinations or who are
simply taking courses without pursuing a degree.
General Student Admissions and Program Completion
Contact Your Advisor: Pre-Enrollment Information and Support
The Institute encourages all students to stay in communication with their primary point of contact
with the school – their academic advisor or degree counselor. The knowledgeable Student
Advisors and Degree Counselors are available to answer questions, offer enrollment solutions,
and will actively work with the other departments within the Institute on the behalf of the student.
The Advising Department has information about all available IIEI courses programs, including our
industry certifications and undergraduate programs.
àHow Can My Advisor Assist Me?
Generally, students will receive specific instructions and all necessary forms or
documents from their advisor to enroll in class. The advisor or counselor will also
complete the necessary procedures internally to enroll a student into the scheduled
course by all applicable deadlines. From then on, the advisor is available to assist the
student for the duration of the program.
àHow Can I Assist In My Enrollment?
It is the responsibility of the student to contact their advisor with any questions,
comments or concerns in a timely manner. Students are also expected to comply with all
current IIEI policy and procedure. As courses fill up quickly, IIEI encourages the student
to begin the pre-enrollment steps to registering for a course several weeks prior to their
anticipated start date.
General Student Admissions Requirements
Students are required to meet the admissions requirements as outlined below to be admitted for
single course registration or an academic program:
Must be at least 18 years of age
Must have equivalency of 12 years of school
Proficient in reading and writing of the English language
Completion of Enrollment Agreement
Acknowledgement and acceptance of tuition policies
Completion of Pre-Course Assessment
Completion of Pre-Course Computer Survey
International Import-Export Institute
Steps to Course Registration and Enrollment Assistance
Students may register for courses in the following ways:
? Website registration at www.iiei.edu
? Telephone at (800) 474-8013 or (602) 648-5750
? Fax at (602) 648-5755
Registration for classes must be accompanied by payment of course tuition and fees. Upon
receipt of the course fees, registration and confirmation of the class start date will be provided.
Minimum information required for any registration is:
? Full name and address
? Contact information including e-mail address, shipping and billing addresses and phone
? Education level
? Desired course
? Desired start date
? Desired payment method (credit card, plans for transmittal of check/cash)
? Confirmation that the enrollment agreement and refund/tuition policies have been
reviewed and agreed upon by the student. Students will not be able to complete online
registration without affirming the review of the enrollment agreement and financial policy
documents online.
Financing Your Education:
àMaking a Tuition and Fees Payment Online
Students who may use a personal credit or debit card or a company card to purchase items and
pay tuition at the Institute’s Online Store. This site is available via a direct link located on the
Institute’s website at www.iiei.edu. Cardholders must submit all required shipping, billing, and
authorization information needed for payment verification.
àContacting the Fiscal and Accounting Department to Make a Payment
Student’s may use debit or credit cards, checks, money orders, or any other currently accepted
form of payment to pay balances to the Institute’s Accounting Department. To do so, the student
or party authorized to make the payment on behalf of the student must contact the Accounting
Department in writing, detailing the amount that is to be paid, method of payment, and a written
authorization to charge or submit the payment.
Students may also contact their advisor to determine if their account is paid. However, for
detailed information regarding account balances or to make a payment by telephone, please
contact the Accounting Department at 1-800-474-8013.
International Import-Export Institute
àNon-Federal Financial Aid and Student Loans
Important Note: IIEI does not offer Federal Financial Aid Programs at this time, IIEI is in the
application process and are tentatively preparing to administer Title IV Financial Aid at a later
date that is to be determined. Please contact an advisor or counselor for more information.
Sallie Mae Career Training Loans
Sallie Mae offers many private loan options to help finance your education with IIEI. The most
popular option with IIEI certification and undergraduate students is the career training loan, which
allows the student to indicate the cost of their program up front. Students must meet the minimum
qualifications, and the student’s credit history does impact their eligibility to borrow. Please
contact Sallie Mae Financial Services for more information.
If you have not already specified the program you want, please be sure to speak with an
Academic Advisor or Degree Counselor prior to class registration.
àVeteran Education Benefits
The International Import-Export Institute (IIEI) is a great match for students who have Veteran
Education Benefits from military service, as IIEI is fully approved by the Arizona Department for
Veteran’s Services State Approving Agency (VA-SAA). IIEI accepts veteran education benefits
like vocational rehabilitation, tuition assistance, and general MGIB benefits*.
The VA pays education benefits to qualified veterans and reservists who are attending approved
courses or programs. Approved students will receive a monthly benefit check based upon the
type of training and training time. Because VA Education benefits and limits vary, please discuss
your eligibility with your VA regional branch.
The Arizona Department for Veteran’s Services website is available here: http://www.azdvs.gov.
*Please verify with your VA Educational Representative to confirm eligibility of the student to
participate in IIEI programs.
To determine eligibility, students should contact their local VA Branch office for current criteria
and/or complete the application for the benefits. The application (VA Form 22-1990) will be
reviewed by the VA, and the agency will determine if the individual is eligible.
1. Students must complete a 22-1990 in either electronic or printed form and submit it to the
appropriate VA regional office (list of locations available online).
2. Once the student has been approved by the VA, the student will contact an advisor to register
for their class.
3. Upon receipt of completed registration, an IIEI Certifying Official will electronically “certify” or
approve the courses that the student has just enrolled in.
4. The VA reviews the student, the course or program for which they are enrolled, and IIEI’s
certification. Once all requirements have been met, the student is reimbursed for the course or
program on a 30 day cycle. Deferred payment options are available with IIEI to accommodate this
reimbursement cycle.
International Import-Export Institute
àCourse Refund Policy: (Adopted May 25, 2006)
Tuition is due upon student acknowledgement of enrollment agreement. Final class
registration is complete upon receipt of full tuition payment. Course refund policy dictates the
A. Cancellation of a course within five (5) days of registration but prior to the Class Start
Date. 100% refund of class tuition. Any refund issued for cancellations will be refunded
within thirty (30) days of the withdrawal form.
In lieu of a refund, during this period, a student may request a credit for full tuition for any
future class of equal or lesser value to be used within one (1) year from issue date. If
payment for the course in question was granted using a Deferral Agreement, the credit card
shown on the Deferral will be charged prior to granting the credit. No refunds are
permitted whatsoever after a credit has been issued.
B. Cancellation of a course after five (5) days of registration but prior to Class Start Date. A
100% refund of all tuition less a 15% registration-processing fee shall be assessed to the
student if IIEI receives written notification (e-mail is acceptable) of intent to cancel the
student's enrollment after five (5) days of enrollment and prior to the start of class. Enrollment
is defined as “Tuition is paid or Deferral accepted and student registered and confirmed for
class”. Any refund issued for cancellations will be refunded within thirty (30) days of receipt of
the withdrawal form.
In lieu of a refund, during this period, a student may request a credit for full tuition for any
future class of equal or lesser value to be used within one (1) year from issue date. If
payment for the course in question was granted using Deferral, the credit card shown on the
Deferral will be charged prior to granting the credit. No refunds are permitted whatsoever
after a credit has been issued.
C. Cancellation of a course after start of Class:
a. Up to and including 10% of the course delivered. A student is charged 10% of the
refundable tuition (tuition charges remaining after subtracting the non-refundable 15%
registration-processing fee already retained.) Any refund issued for cancellations will be
refunded within thirty (30) days of the withdrawal form. This category only applies to nine (9)
week duration courses.
In lieu of a refund during this period, a student may request a credit for any future class of
equal or lesser value to be used within one (1) year from issue date. If payment for the
course in question was granted using a Deferral, the credit card shown on the Deferral will be
charged prior to granting the credit. No refunds are permitted whatsoever after a credit has
been issued.
b. Between 10% and 25% of the course delivered. A student is charged 25% of the
refundable tuition (tuition charges remaining after subtracting the non-refundable 15%
registration-processing fee already retained.) Any refund issued for cancellations will be
refunded within thirty (30) days of receipt of the withdrawal form. This category applies to
withdrawals after week one is opened to the student of a six (6) week course.
In lieu of a refund during this period, a student may request a credit for the same exact course
at a later date to be used within one (1) year from issue date. If payment for the course in
question was granted using a Deferral, the credit card shown on the Deferral will be charged
prior to granting the credit. No refunds are permitted whatsoever after a credit has been
International Import-Export Institute
c. Between 25% and 50% of the course delivered. A student is charged 50% of the
refundable tuition (tuition charges remaining after subtracting the non-refundable 15%
registration-processing fee already retained.) Any refund issued for cancellations will be
refunded within thirty (30) days of receipt of the withdrawal form. This category applies to
withdrawals after week two is opened to the student to the student of a six (6) week course.
In lieu of a refund, during this period, a student may request a credit for the same exact
course at a later date to be used within one (1) year from issue date. A course transfer fee of
$75.00 will be assessed at the time of registration for the future course. If payment for the
course in question was granted using a Deferral, the credit card shown on the Deferral will be
charged prior to granting the credit. No refunds are permitted whatsoever after a credit has
been issued.
d. Over 50% of the course delivered. The school retains all tuition. No credit issued for
future courses. This category applies to withdrawals after week three is opened to the student
of a six (6) week course.
D. Cancellation of a Program (i.e. CUSECO, CITM) after the Start of the first class: Sections
A, B and C apply to the first course. Subsequent courses in the program for which the
student has not been matriculated, a 100% refund of prepaid course fees will result as long as
Section A condition has been met for the remaining courses. Non-refundable fees such as
test application fees will not be refunded.
? The percentage amount of the course completed is the ratio of seminars attended
(opened to the student) as compared to the total number of seminars in the course.
Therefore, a six-week course has six (6) seminars that are each 16.66% of the
? Issue date is the date of the original class registration start date.
? Enrollment is defined as "Tuition is paid or Deferral Agreement accepted and
student registered and confirmed for class".
? Deferral Agreement is defined as a qualified Tuition Assistance Program and/or
Company reimbursement.
? A seminar is defined as a unit of content delivered; a seminar is one (1) week in
duration unless otherwise noted in the course syllabus.
? A seminar attended is defined as when the student has access to the seminar’s full
content (i.e. when the seminar is open to the student online).
? The refundable tuition amount is tuition remaining after subtracting the nonrefundable 15% registration-processing fee.
Refund Example:
For example, if a student requests to cancel a course at any time after the start of, but prior to
the end of seminar two (2) of a six (6) week course, the student will have completed 33% of
the course (Each seminar is 16.66% of the course). Therefore, if the course tuition paid was
$785.00, the student will be assessed the 15% registration-processing fee ($117.75), which
results in the refundable tuition amount of $667.25. Of the refundable tuition amount, the
student is charged 50% of the tuition, which results in the student receiving a refund of
Transfer Eligibility:
To be eligible to obtain a transfer from one course to another while attending IIEI, the tuition
must be paid in full for the class from which the student seeks a transfer.
International Import-Export Institute
Required Textbooks and Materials for Class
Students may purchase books through the Institute’s online store or their chosen bookseller.
Some courses do require the purchase of proprietary books published by the Institute. These
books can be purchased through the bookstore online at: www.expandglobal.com .
Navigating the Virtual Classroom
àInteractive Learning Model
The Institute uses an online distance-learning model that assists students from all over the world
to achieve their continuing education goals at their convenience. The online virtual classroom
provides the syllabus for the course, outlines course objectives and gives the assignments in a
clear and concise delivery. The virtual classroom allows students to interact with each other and
post assignments for comments. This interactive model allows each student to bring to the
classroom their own experiences and education and allows for each student to gain valuable
insight as it relates to “real world” business experiences.
àCode of Student Responsibilities and Ethical Behavior
The International Import-Export Institute’s code of student responsibilities is important in the
overall educational experience. It is expected that students recognize and follow the Code of
Student Responsibilities and Ethical Behavior when involved in the virtual classroom experience:
? Acknowledge and respect ones self, other students, faculty and staff.
? Maintain confidentiality about information revealed during a course by other students and
? Show respect for students, faculty and staff regardless of their origin, gender, ethnicity, religious
or political beliefs.
? Accept the responsibility for ones own actions when communicating verbally and in written
? Acknowledge sources of information when submitting written assignments.
? Show the ability to work in a self-reliant manner when completing assignment within the context
of individual assignments and group assignments.
? Harassment, sexual or otherwise, that creates a hostile or offensive “classroom” environment
will be cause for dismissal from the class and possible suspension from future courses at the
? Plagiarism by a student in regard to a written assignment is taken very seriously and may result
in dismissal from class, failing course grade and possible suspension from future courses at the
Suspected code violations must be submitted in writing to the Director of Institute Services for
Ethics Committee review. Please contact IIEI’s Administration for information regarding such
reports. After research and review by the Ethics Committee, a final decision will be issued.
àOnline Classroom – Rules of Engagement
International Import-Export Institute’s electronic classroom is an open academic environment that
promotes a free, open and honest exchange of experiences and ideas. One of the many benefits
of having participants from around the world with a wide range of disciplines and diverse
backgrounds is sharing lessons learned, positive and negative.
International Import-Export Institute
Each individual (instructor and student alike) has an obligation to be sensitive to subjects that
may or may not be suitable for discussion in the classroom. It may be appropriate to sanitize a
situation, not discuss it or discuss it off-line. Instructors will generally tell you if your sensitive
discussion in inappropriate for the classroom, but it is still each individual’s responsibility to insure
sensitive information is kept confidential.
Generally, our per IIEI’s policy, that which is discussed in the IIEI classroom stays there.
Classroom discussion is intended to be a non-attribution off-the-record exchange. We ask
everyone to be keenly aware of ethical and possible conflict of interest concerns as well.
Discussing all the details of a potential disclosure with your classmates is not prudent. Revealing
knowledge of an actual or potential violation of the law places IIEI, the course instructor and your
classmates in a bad situation. You could also jeopardize yourself and your company. Therefore,
we ask each of you to use your best judgment and discretion when raising issues or responding.
The goal is to maximize this valuable and unique learning experience without sacrificing anything.
Technical Support Center
àTech Support FAQ’s
Q: When am I going to get information about my class?
A: Specific setup and navigating instructions will be sent to you no sooner than the Tuesday or
Wednesday before the class starts, usually in the afternoon. The email, referred to as the
‘welcome letter,’ will usually have a subject line similar to ‘Welcome to [Course Name] !’ If you do
not receive your welcome letter by Wednesday evening prior to the class start date, please
contact IIEI.
Q: The class icon isn’t on my desktop.
A: Sometimes icons can be layered and an old class icon can be covering your new course.
Move around your icons to make sure that it is not overlapped over another icon. If you still do not
have the icon for your course available, contact IIEI’s Tec h Support as it probably a permissions
Q: I get the error that there is no server on that network.
A: This could be several things. First, are you connected to the internet? If not, connect and try
again. This is the most common firewall error. Try changing the settings on your firewall program
to allow the First Class client around the firewall. If you are at work, you may need to contact your
IT department.
If this still does not work, the web version will allow you to do everything you need to do in the
classroom. Please consider using it by accessing it at www.expandglobal.com and clicking on
‘Online Learning,’ followed by ‘Enter Classrooms.’ Your same login and password will work on
either the web or downloaded versions.
Q: I can’t log in. It says something about my username and password.
A: The most common problem with logins is a misspelled name, which can be easily fixed by the
IIEI Tech Staff. Also, please contact IIEI for username and password information if you do not
have access to your welcome letter. At the student’s request, IIEI can reset the student’s
password to a default for them to change later.
Q: My instructor isn’t getting all of my assignments.
A: It is important to check and make sure that messages do not have a little white flag next to
them in the student’s mailbox. It looks just like the red flag that tells us a message has not yet
been read, but it indicates that a message has not been sent. Many instructors understand that
sometimes we think a message was sent when it was not, and are often very understanding as
International Import-Export Institute
students get used to classroom. Please contact IIEI’s Faculty Manager if you think there are other
problems with communicating with your instructor.
Q: I don’t understand how to do everything in the classroom.
A: There is an available ‘tour of the classroom’ for advisors or IIEI Administration staffers to walk
students through the following: 1. finding your class on the desktop, 2. reading assignments and
other posts. 3. how to post a message to a conference, and 4. introduction to the mailbox and
how to send a message to an individual. The basics take about 15-20 minutes.
Q: My instructor is not answering my emails fast enough.
A: After the Tech Support team determines that the emails have been sent and received by the
faculty member, the Faculty Manager will step in and discuss the lapse in communication with
the instructor. Students will not be penalized for an unresponsive instructor, though both faculty
and students should give each other a minimum of 36 hours to respond to their message.
àContacting the Tech Support Staff at IIEI
Students who are unable to login and/or perform any necessary functions in the classroom should
call IIEI immediately at 1-800-474-8013 and ask for the Tech Support Staff. Any situation that
cannot be resolved immediately will be investigated by the staff, and the student will be contacted
as soon as the problem has been identified and corrected.
Repeating Required Coursework – Grade Replacement Policy
The purpose of this policy is to allow students who have done poorly in a course to repeat the
course and remove the weight of the earlier grade from the student's cumulative grade point
average. Grade replacement will usually involve the student’s application to repeat the course
when the have earned a grade of D or F, but the Institute will allow students to petition to repeat
courses in which they have earned any letter grade.
The condition of this policy is that a student may not repeat more than 15 cumulative or total
hours for program credit. This is to discourage students from repeating the entire program and
maintain satisfactory academic progress for all federal, state, and institutional purposes.
Grade Reporting Policy
At the conclusion of each course, the student receives an official grade card which reflects the
student’s current grade, current grade point average (GPA), and cumulative grade point average
(GPA). Please allow a minimum of two (2) weeks after the conclusion of the course to receive
your official records via US mail.
Students who do not receive their grade cards or need to discuss any changes or concerns
regarding their final certificates need to contact the Office of the Registrar directly at 1-800-4748013 or via email at registrar@expandglobal.com.
Course Completion Certificates
At the conclusion of each course, the student receives a certificate of completion if they earned a
final letter grade of ‘C’ or better (2.0+ on a 4.0 scale) in each course. This certificate of completion
signifies that the student has met the minimum requirements of course completion as outlined in
International Import-Export Institute
the current Academic Year General Catalog. Please allow a minimum of two (2) weeks after the
conclusion of the course to receive your official records via US mail.
Students who do not receive their certificates or need to discuss any changes or concerns
regarding their final certificates need to contact the Office of the Registrar directly at 1-800-4748013 or via email at registrar@expandglobal.com.
International Import-Export Institute
Disciplinary Actions: Student Probation, Suspension, and
IIEI Policy on Expected Student Behavior
Students of the International Import-Export Institute are expected to demonstrate acceptable
standards of conduct that reflect the qualities of character, scholarship, decency of behavior, and
mature judgment expected of members of an academic community. Students are afforded the
freedom to develop and explore their interests in a supportive academic setting, and IIEI faculty
and staff expect students to contribute positively to this setting.
All students, faculty, and staff are required to conduct themselves in a manner that acknowledges
and demonstrates respect for other individuals. Any actions that harass, demean, or subject
others to any form of physical threat, psychological stress, or humiliation are unacceptable. Basic
honesty is expected at all times within academic pursuits and in those interactions that take place
inside and outside of the classroom.
In developing a sense of responsible student conduct on campus, counseling, example,
admonition, and formal discipline all play a role in the protection of the community’s educational
purpose. In keeping with that purpose, judicial and disciplinary proceedings, when required, will
be kept simple and informal whenever possible, consistent with the philosophy of fundamental
fairness and the educational purpose of the Institute’s community. Sanctions will be based on the
specifics of the incident, past precedent if applicable, and recommendations from governing
It is all students’ responsibility to acquaint themselves with both publications and the policies
contained within the current catalog and Student Handbook. Ignorance of a published policy will
not exempt students from disciplinary action that results from violating it.
Academic Probation and Suspension
Academic-based probations and suspensions are handled internally by the Office of the Registrar
in compliance with state and federal rules regarding student program progression. Per IIEI’s
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policies, students must maintain a 2.0 grade point
average (GPA) throughout the program for which they are enrolled. Students dropping below a
2.0 cumulative GPA will immediately be placed on academic probation and counseled as to the
ramifications of such action.
A student will have three (3) courses or one (1) Academic Term to bring their cumulative GPA to
“C” average (2.0+ on a 4.0 scale) or better after being placed on probation to avoid being
suspended. Students not meeting these requirements after the probationary period will be
academically suspended for one year for not meeting satisfactory progress.
All funds paid prior to the probation or suspension are not eligible for a tuition refund. Students
who were admitted into any program requiring application and admissions evaluations must reapply once they become eligible after the period of suspension.
International Import-Export Institute
Scholastic Probation and Suspension
Students that have violated the student behavior code as determined by the Institute’s Academic
Review Committee are eligible for a scholastic probation or suspension. Students placed on
scholastic probation have met with Disciplinary Review Committee and an action has bee
determined. Such actions may range from a temporary suspension with detailed action plan,
through a final and permanent suspension or expulsion of the student from the Institute as a
Scholastic suspension is categorized as an approved expulsion, which effectively removes the
right of the student to enroll in any future course or program offerings after a determination has
been made by the Disciplinary Review Committee and all other applicable governing bodies.
Student Expulsions: Committee Approved Action
Student expulsions may be based on student academic or scholastic behaviors. Expulsion
effectively removes the right of the student to enroll in any future course or program offerings
after such a determination has been made by the Disciplinary Review Committee and all other
applicable governing bodies.
Students may challenge the expulsion ruling of the committee by submitting a written petition of
appeal to the Institute no more than thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the original
determination. The appeal will be reviewed, along with any additional relevant information the
student may supply, and the student will be notified of the final decision within thirty (30) calendar
All funds paid prior to the probation or suspension are not eligible for a tuition refund. Students
who were admitted into any program requiring application and admissions evaluations must reapply once they become eligible after the period of suspension.
International Import-Export Institute
International Import-Export Institute
Degree-Seeking Students:
Resources and Information
International Import-Export Institute
International Import-Export Institute
Degree Seeking Students
Degree seeking students are students who have been formally admitted into a degree program,
having applied for acceptance into the university, met the entry requirements and who are
pursuing a degree.
Available Programs of Study
The International Import-Export Institute offers an accredited Bachelor in Science in International
Trade Management degree. This baccalaureate four-year degree program was developed in
association with industry and government leaders to provide an understanding of the practical
application of industry knowledge, a solid comprehension of the underlying theories of
management, and a strong understanding of government regulations affecting international trade.
The central focus of the curriculum is to provide practical “how to” industry knowledge and
managerial skills needed by managers as they conduct international business, move goods and
services across national boundaries, and manage day to day operations.
This degree is comprised of 120 credit hours, of which up to 62 credit hours may be lowerdivision transfer credits earned at a community college or equivalent post secondary institution.
There is a formal application process to be admitted into this program. Once admitted to the
program, students may declare any of the following emphases
àBachelor of Science – International Trade Management
(Trade Compliance Emphasis)
àBachelor of Science – International Trade Management
(Global Supply Chain Emphasis)
àBachelor of Science – International Trade Management
(Project Management Emphasis)
Undergraduate Program Structure and Scheduling
The undergraduate degree programs were built as single track, with all students progressing
through the courses in a set sequence. Certain courses have pre-requisites or co-requisites –
please refer to the course listings for scheduling requirements.
àDefining the IIEI Academic Year and Terms: Fall 2006 through Summer 2007
Term ID
(Term Start Date)
(Term End Date)
Registration Deadline
Fall 2006
Spring 2007
Summer 2007
International Import-Export Institute
àFederal Financial Aid Award Year
Both the current Federal Financial Aid Award Year and IIEI Academic Year run from July 1st,
2007 through June 30th, 2008.
àOfficial Office Calendar: Fall 2006 – Summer 2007
Students may contact the Institute’s main office at anytime to Office Hours: 8am to 5pm Monday
through Friday (Arizona Time Zone) Arizona does not participate in Daylight Savings Time.
Therefore, from April into October, ATZ is the same as Pacific Standard Time. During the Winter,
ATZ is the same as Mountain Standard Time.
The Institute’s offices are open weekdays except the following days should they occur during the
Calendar Year - 2006
Labor Day:
Thanksgiving Day:
Day after Thanksgiving:
Christmas Eve Day:
Christmas Day:
News Years Eve Day
September 4th, 2006 November 23rd, 2006 November 24th, 2006 December 24th, 2006 December 25th, 2006 December 31st, 2006 -
Close at 1pm
Close at 1pm
January 1st, 2007 February 19th, 2007 May 28th, 2007 July 4th, 2007 September 3rd, 2007 -
Calendar Year - 2007
New Years Day:
President’s Day:
Memorial Day:
Independence Day:
Labor Day:
International Import-Export Institute
Undergraduate Admissions
The International Import-Export Institute seeks qualified applicants for the Bachelor of Science in
International Trade Management degree program who will benefit from the unique educational
opportunities that the Institute offers. Toward that goal, pre-admission advising is offered for all
prospective students who are exploring available educational options.
Prospective students are connected with advisors who can discuss goals, evaluate past
academic backgrounds and future needs and help the applicant determine if the International
Import-Export Institute’s programs provide the best method of learning for the applicant’s needs.
The pre-admission advising process also helps to determine whether the applicant has the
appropriate skills, motivation and interest to successfully complete the undergraduate program.
Applying to the Program
àContact Your Counselor: Pre-Enrollment Information and Support
The Institute encourages all students to stay in communication with their primary point of contact
with the school – their academic advisor or degree counselor. The knowledgeable Student
Advisors and Degree Counselors are available to answer questions, offer enrollment solutions,
and will actively work with the other departments within the Institute on the behalf of the student.
The Advising Department has information about all available IIEI courses programs, including our
industry certifications and undergraduate programs.
àCompleting the 2006-2007 Admissions Application
Students interested in seeking admission to the undergraduate degree programs must complete
the Admissions Application, which they may request from any Advisor or Counselor. There is a
non-refundable $50.00 application fee which must also be submitted to the Institute.
Students must complete the application and submit any additional materials listed on the
application by current deadlines to ensure that the application and any course registrations are
processed by the start of term. Please refer to the current Application and IIEI’s website for
updated application deadlines.
àMinimum Academic Entrance Requirements for Undergraduate Programs
In addition to any institute-wide entrance requirements, undergraduate degree-seeking students
must meet the following:
? Must be at least 18 years of age
? Must have equivalency of 12 years of school (high school diploma or equivalent)
? Proficient in reading and writing of the English language
? Completion of Enrollment Agreement
? Acknowledgement and acceptance of tuition policies
? Completion of Application for Admission
? Transcripts or official records for all post-secondary educational institutions previously
? Written Acceptance of IIEI Offer of Admission
International Import-Export Institute
àProviding IIEI With Required Documentation
All students must provide IIEI with the appropriate and official documentation for program
admission, which includes but is not limited to the following:
? High school diploma or equivalent
? Application for Admission with Non-Refundable Application Fee
? Transcripts or official records for all post-secondary educational institutions previously
? Written Acceptance of Offer of Admission
àIIEI Admissions FAQ
Q: How do I apply and get started?
A: Individuals interested in the degree program should discuss their options with their advisor or
counselor. IIEI Staff will send interested students the application, which must be returned with the
non-refundable $50.00 application fee. Students must also send in transcripts for all postsecondary schools attended for evaluation.
Q: How do I send in my transcript for evaluation?
A: Student must request official transcripts from all schools previously attended. Students should
contact the school’s administration to determine the proper procedure and payment for these
records to be released to IIEI. Official transcripts must be sent to IIEI’s Office of the Registrar
directly and students must pay all fees associated with ordering the records from the original
Q: How will I find out the results of my evaluation?
A: IIEI’s Office of the Registrar will mail the official results of the admissions evaluation to the
mailing address provided. The student, if offered admission, needs to reply to the offer as soon as
possible and either accept or deny the offer. The official letter of acceptance will be sent out once
confirmation is received.
Q: What happens after I am accepted?
A: Your degree counselor will customize a term schedule of classes and will guide you through
the registration processes. Usually your counselor will enroll you in 2 or 3 courses at a time, or for
a full term. Your counselor will also be able to answer questions about specific courses, texts and
materials, plus degree requirements.
Transferring Prior College Credit or Work Experience to Your Course of Study
àInstitute Policy Regarding Transfer Credits Evaluations
MINIMUM TRANSFER REQUIREMENT: All applicants to the degree program previously
must have completed a minimum of 27 credit hours from a recognized institution to qualify for
entrance into the program during the 2003-2005 academic years. This requirement does not
apply to incoming applicants effective September 1s, 2006 to accommodate students wishing to
complete their entire degree at IIEI.
MAXIMUM TRANSFER REQUIREMENT: The maximum number of credit hours the Institute
will accept via transfer for any undergraduate student is 62, which is the general requirement for
an Associate’s Degree. This does not include course waivers. Regardless of how many the
student initially transfers in, ultimately they will need to transfer in the appropriate amount of
credits to complete their degree.
International Import-Export Institute
agreement with the specific college that issued the associates degree, IIEI does not automatically
transfer all associates degrees or “college transfer” degrees, nor does IIEI automatically accept
all the credits leading to a degree the student may possess. As the Institute offers an industryspecific degree and training, the Registrar cannot guarantee students that all or any their credits
will be accepted- each evaluation is based on specific requirements that the student’s record may
or may not meet.
CONCURRENT COURSE ENROLLMENT: The student may take courses from any other
accredited institution either separately from or in conjunction with their IIEI courses. If the student
has any questions or concerns about finishing the degree requirements, the assigned Degree
Counselor will be able to answer any questions regarding the admissions process in general.
àInstitute Policy Regarding Foreign Transfer Credit Evaluations
Individuals who have completed university coursework at an institution in a country other than the
United States must obtain a complete evaluation of foreign transcripts, degrees and other
relevant documents through a transcript evaluation service prior to application to a nursing
These organizations are private enterprises which charge a fee for their services. Individuals
pursuing foreign transcript evaluation must follow the procedures outlined by the organization
providing the evaluation. In all instances, original, official documentation will be required when
requesting the evaluation.
NOTE: Agencies approved by the International Import-Export Institute – Faculty Services
Department are as follows:
Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc.
P.O. Box 92970
Milwaukee, WI 53202-0970
Phone: 414/289-3400 Fax: 414/289-3411
World Education Services
Application for Evaluation of Foreign
Educational Credentials
P.O. Box 745
Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10013
Phone: 212/966-6311 Fax:
(Note: WES is not authorized to evaluate
coursework from Spain)
International Education Research Foundation,
Credentials Evaluation Service
P.O. Box 66940
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Phone: 310/390-6276 Fax: 310/397-7686
Institute for International Credentials
Evaluations at CSU Fresno
5150 North Maple Avenue, M/S 56
Joyal Administration, Room 211
California State University, Fresno
Fresno, CA 93740-8026
Phone: 209/278-7622 Fax: 209/278-7879
Educational Records Evaluation Service
777 Campus Commons Road, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95825-8309
Phone: 916/565-7475 Fax: 916/565-7476
All of the listed evaluation agencies offer rush
services at an additional cost. Contact the
agency for more information on fees and other
requirements for the evaluation.
International Import-Export Institute
àCollege Board CLEP and AP Programs Policy
IIEI also accepts up to 30 total semester credits of College Level Examination Programs (CLEP)
and/or Advanced Placement Credit (AP) credit from the College Board. As with official transcripts,
IIEI must receive the official grade or credit notification directly from the College Board’s Exam
àCourse Waivers
A course waiver, if issued, means that the student has taken an equivalent course from another
institution that meets IIEI’s graduation requirements and therefore is not required to take the
course from IIEI. A waiver does not grant additional credit hours. Students may seek waivers for
up to nine credit hours within the major requirements. Courses must be equivalent in credits and
content to be approved. A course waiver does not impact the overall requirement of number of
credit hours required to graduate.
For a waiver to be approved, the course must meet the following requirements: course content is
equivalent, course is at the same level or higher, and the course is of equivalent credit. Waiver
requests must be submitted in writing to the Appeals Committee. Students must present a
transcript showing the school, date course taken, description, grade and credit received for the
course that is being requested to replace an IIEI course. The Admissions Appeals Committee will
review the waiver. Decisions from the Admissions Appeals Committee are final.
àExperiential Waivers for Single Course Registration
Experiential waivers must be requested in writing to the Admissions Appeals Committee. A
minimum of three weeks is required to review the appeal. Students must present documentation
from their employer along with a personal statement, identifying the content of their present and
past experience.
Notice to Degree seeking students: No Experiential Waivers will be granted for courses that are a
requirement of a degree and are intended to be used for that purpose.
Accepting Your Offer of Admission
àUnderstanding Your Offer of Admission
Students will receive all materials relating to their offer of admission or their reason for denial
together via US mail. This admissions packet will contain pertinent information regarding both the
student’s financial and academic situation at the Institute and how they may enroll in the
undergraduate programs. This mailer will contain the following, all of which must be carefully
reviewed and completed:
? Offer of Admission including Transfer Credit Evaluation (if applicable)
? ‘Acceptance of Offer of Admission’ Form
àCompleting the ‘Acceptance of Offer of Admissions Packet’
Students who have reviewed and understand their Offer of Admission are free to turn down the
offer and choose to not attend IIEI for whatever reason. For those students who elect to enroll in
International Import-Export Institute
the program for which they applied, the Institute needs the student to complete the ‘Acceptance
of Offer of Admission’ Form. This form informs IIEI that the student is committing to enroll in
By completing the student acceptance form, the individual accepts all the policies and procedures
dictating their admission into and progression throughout the program. Please refer to the current
form and contact the Office of the Registrar at 1-800-474-8013 for further details.
Financing Your Education
àMaking a Tuition and Fees Payment Online
Students who may use a personal or company credit card (or authorized form of payment as
listed online) to purchase items and pay tuition at the Institute’s Online Store. This site is available
via a direct link located on the Institute’s website at www.iiei.edu. Cardholders must submit all
required shipping, billing, and authorization information needed for payment verification.
àContacting the Fiscal and Accounting Department to Make a Payment
Student’s may use debit or credit cards, checks, money orders, or any other currently accepted
form of payment to pay balances to the Institute’s Accounting Department. To do so, the student
or party authorized to make the payment on behalf of the student must contact the Accounting
Department in writing, detailing the amount that is to be paid, method of payment, and a written
authorization to charge or submit the payment.
Students may also contact their advisor to determine if their account is paid. However, for
detailed information regarding account balances or to make a payment by telephone, please
contact the Accounting Department at 1-800-474-8013.
àDeferred Payment Plan Options
Individuals with veteran education benefits or employee tuition reimbursement may elect to defer
all tuition charges for thirty (30) calendar days after the start of class. This policy is in effect to
help eligible students avoid or limit the amount of interest and finance charges the student may
incur while in class. Students who are eligible for deferred tuition payment plans must pay with a
valid credit card or bank account to ensure that the payment can be made after the 30 day
waiting period.
àNon-Federal Financial Aid and Student Loans
Important Note: IIEI does not offer Federal Financial Aid Programs at this time, IIEI is in the
application process and are tentatively preparing to administer Title IV Financial Aid at a later
date that is to be determined. Please contact an advisor or counselor for more information.
Sallie Mae Career Training Loans
Sallie Mae offers many private loan options to help finance your education with IIEI. The most
popular option with IIEI certification and undergraduate students is the career training loan, which
allows the student to indicate the cost of their program up front. Students must meet the minimum
qualifications, and the student’s credit history does impact their eligibility to borrow. Please
contact Sallie Mae Financial Services for more information.
If you have not already specified the program you want, please be sure to speak with an
Academic Advisor or Degree Counselor prior to class registration.
International Import-Export Institute
àVeteran Education Benefits
The International Import-Export Institute (IIEI) is a great match for students who have Veteran
Education Benefits from military service, as IIEI is fully approved by the Arizona Department for
Veteran’s Services State Approving Agency (VA-SAA). IIEI accepts veteran education benefits
like vocational rehabilitation, tuition assistance, and general MGIB benefits*.
The VA pays education benefits to qualified veterans and reservists who are attending approved
courses or programs. Approved students will receive a monthly benefit check based upon the
type of training and training time. Because VA Education benefits and limits vary, please discuss
your eligibility with your VA regional branch.
The Arizona Department for Veteran’s Services website is available here: http://www.azdvs.gov.
*Please verify with your VA Educational Representative to confirm eligibility of the student to
participate in IIEI programs.
To determine eligibility, students should contact their local VA Branch office for current criteria
and/or complete the application for the benefits. The application (VA Form 22-1990) will be
reviewed by the VA, and the agency will determine if the individual is eligible.
1. Students must complete a 22-1990 in either electronic or printed form and submit it to the
appropriate VA regional office (list of locations available online).
2. Once the student has been approved by the VA, the student will contact an advisor to register
for their class.
3. Upon receipt of completed registration, an IIEI Certifying Official will electronically “certify” or
approve the courses that the student has just enrolled in.
4. The VA reviews the student, the course or program for which they are enrolled, and IIEI’s
certification. Once all requirements have been met, the student is reimbursed for the course or
program on a 30 day cycle. Deferred payment options are available with IIEI to accommodate this
reimbursement cycle.
International Import-Export Institute
àCourse Refund Policy: (Adopted May 25, 2006)
Tuition is due upon student acknowledgement of enrollment agreement. Final class
registration is complete upon receipt of full tuition payment. Course refund policy dictates the
A. Cancellation of a course within five (5) days of registration but prior to the Class Start
Date. 100% refund of class tuition. Any refund issued for cancellations will be refunded
within thirty (30) days of the withdrawal form.
In lieu of a refund, during this period, a student may request a credit for full tuition for any
future class of equal or lesser value to be used within one (1) year from issue date. If
payment for the course in question was granted using a Deferral Agreement, the credit card
shown on the Deferral will be charged prior to granting the credit. No refunds are
permitted whatsoever after a credit has been issued.
B. Cancellation of a course after five (5) days of registration but prior to Class Start Date. A
100% refund of all tuition less a 15% registration-processing fee shall be assessed to the
student if IIEI receives written notification (e-mail is acceptable) of intent to cancel the
student's enrollment after five (5) days of enrollment and prior to the start of class. Enrollment
is defined as “Tuition is paid or Deferral accepted and student registered and confirmed for
class”. Any refund issued for cancellations will be refunded within thirty (30) days of receipt of
the withdrawal form.
In lieu of a refund, during this period, a student may request a credit for full tuition for any
future class of equal or lesser value to be used within one (1) year from issue date. If
payment for the course in question was granted using Deferral, the credit card shown on the
Deferral will be charged prior to granting the credit. No refunds are permitted whatsoever
after a credit has been issued.
C. Cancellation of a course after start of Class:
a. Up to and including 10% of the course delivered. A student is charged 10% of the
refundable tuition (tuition charges remaining after subtracting the non-refundable 15%
registration-processing fee already retained.) Any refund issued for cancellations will be
refunded within thirty (30) days of the withdrawal form. This category only applies to nine (9)
week duration courses.
In lieu of a refund during this period, a student may request a credit for any future class of
equal or lesser value to be used within one (1) year from issue date. If payment for the
course in question was granted using a Deferral, the credit card shown on the Deferral will be
charged prior to granting the credit. No refunds are permitted whatsoever after a credit has
been issued.
b. Between 10% and 25% of the course delivered. A student is charged 25% of the
refundable tuition (tuition charges remaining after subtracting the non-refundable 15%
registration-processing fee already retained.) Any refund issued for cancellations will be
refunded within thirty (30) days of receipt of the withdrawal form. This category applies to
withdrawals after week one is opened to the student of a six (6) week course.
In lieu of a refund during this period, a student may request a credit for the same exact course
at a later date to be used within one (1) year from issue date. If payment for the course in
question was granted using a Deferral, the credit card shown on the Deferral will be charged
prior to granting the credit. NoInternational
refunds are
whatsoever after a credit has been
c. Between 25% and 50% of the course delivered. A student is charged 50% of the
refundable tuition (tuition charges remaining after subtracting the non-refundable 15%
registration-processing fee already retained.) Any refund issued for cancellations will be
refunded within thirty (30) days of receipt of the withdrawal form. This category applies to
withdrawals after week two is opened to the student to the student of a six (6) week course.
In lieu of a refund, during this period, a student may request a credit for the same exact
course at a later date to be used within one (1) year from issue date. A course transfer fee of
$75.00 will be assessed at the time of registration for the future course. If payment for the
course in question was granted using a Deferral, the credit card shown on the Deferral will be
charged prior to granting the credit. No refunds are permitted whatsoever after a credit has
been issued.
d. Over 50% of the course delivered. The school retains all tuition. No credit issued for
future courses. This category applies to withdrawals after week three is opened to the student
of a six (6) week course.
D. Cancellation of a Program (i.e. CUSECO, CITM) after the Start of the first class: Sections
A, B and C apply to the first course. Subsequent courses in the program for which the
student has not been matriculated, a 100% refund of prepaid course fees will result as long as
Section A condition has been met for the remaining courses. Non-refundable fees such as
test application fees will not be refunded.
? The percentage amount of the course completed is the ratio of seminars attended
(opened to the student) as compared to the total number of seminars in the course.
Therefore, a six-week course has six (6) seminars that are each 16.66% of the
? Issue date is the date of the original class registration start date.
? Enrollment is defined as "Tuition is paid or Deferral Agreement accepted and
student registered and confirmed for class".
? Deferral Agreement is defined as a qualified Tuition Assistance Program and/or
Company reimbursement.
? A seminar is defined as a unit of content delivered; a seminar is one (1) week in
duration unless otherwise noted in the course syllabus.
? A seminar attended is defined as when the student has access to the seminar’s full
content (i.e. when the seminar is open to the student online).
? The refundable tuition amount is tuition remaining after subtracting the nonrefundable 15% registration-processing fee.
Refund Example:
For example, if a student requests to cancel a course at any time after the start of, but prior to
the end of seminar two (2) of a six (6) week course, the student will have completed 33% of
the course (Each seminar is 16.66% of the course). Therefore, if the course tuition paid was
$785.00, the student will be assessed the 15% registration-processing fee ($117.75), which
results in the refundable tuition amount of $667.25. Of the refundable tuition amount, the
student is charged 50% of the tuition, which results in the student receiving a refund of
Transfer Eligibility:
To be eligible to obtain a transfer from one course to another while attending IIEI, the tuition
must be paid in full for the class from which the student seeks a transfer.
International Import-Export Institute
Course Enrollment and Getting Ready for Class
àRegister for Class with Your Counselor
The Institute encourages all students to stay in communication with their primary point of contact
with the school – their academic advisor or degree counselor. The knowledgeable Student
Advisors and Degree Counselors are available to answer questions, offer enrollment solutions,
and will actively work with the other departments within the Institute on the behalf of the student.
The Advising Department has information about all available IIEI courses programs, including our
industry certifications and undergraduate programs.
àHow Can My Advisor Assist Me?
Generally, students will receive specific instructions and all necessary forms or
documents from their advisor to enroll in class. The advisor or counselor will also
complete the necessary procedures internally to enroll a student into the scheduled
course by all applicable deadlines. From then on, the advisor is available to assist the
student for the duration of the program.
àHow Can I Assist In My Enrollment?
It is the responsibility of the student to contact their advisor with any questions,
comments or concerns in a timely manner. Students are also expected to comply with all
current IIEI policy and procedure. As courses fill up quickly, IIEI encourages the student
to begin the pre-enrollment steps to registering for a course several weeks prior to their
anticipated start date.
àProcessing of a Student Course Registration
All students who enroll in a course or program are processed in the same manner in the order in
which they are received. All students must adhere to the registration deadlines posted in the
catalog and online.
Once all documentation is received by your advisor, payment will be verified by the Fiscal and
Accounting Office. At this point students who have passed these two checkpoints before deadline
are accepted into the class, and are sent the Registration Confirmation and the welcome letter
prior to class start. Please do not be alarmed if it takes a week or two to process your registration,
and please contact IIEI directly if you have any concerns about enrollment.
àStudent Confirmation Receipt
Students will receive their Registration Confirmation from a member of IIEI’s Administration once
all of their paperwork and payment have been approved. This email effectively acts as your
receipt until your welcome letter is sent with specific login information. If you do not receive a
registration confirmation within a week of enrolling and paying for your class, please contact your
advisor for an update.
àRequired Textbooks and Materials for Class
Students may purchase books through the Institute’s online store or their chosen bookseller.
Some courses do require the purchase of proprietary books published by the Institute. These
books can be purchased through the bookstore online at: www.expandglobal.com .
International Import-Export Institute
àGetting Ready for Class: Tips and Strategies
Tip 1: If you "do not have time" for studying, you may be saying that it is not important to make
time for studying. You need a schedule, and the more strictly you can keep to it, the better your
schedule will work. If you set aside, for example, Tuesday evening and Sunday afternoon to
study, be very strict with yourself about studying during that time for a few weeks and loudly
object if you are interrupted. Purchase an answering machine or service, if that will help. And
after just a few weeks, you will find that you automatically head for the books at the appointed
time. If you have a strict schedule, you do not have to put energy into finding time to study and
you can get to work quickly.
One student (who completed two or three courses each semester, even with three children under
the age of three) gave this advice, "Take yourself seriously. Do not let yourself be interrupted.
You do not need to think that studying is unimportant or interruptible."
Tip 2: Your schedule will work better if you also have a regular place to study. The public library is
an option, as is a local college library. You can make a place to study at home, too, and it will be
best if the place is only (or primarily) used for studying. The same recliner in which you watch TV
is not the best place to sit for serious studying--you associate that place with relaxation. A regular
study place, if carefully adhered to early on, will have the same effect on your work habits as a
regular study place.
Also, as much as possible, keep all books, papers and supplies for your school work in one place
and threaten dire punishment if anything is borrowed. This may mean that each member of the
family gets a study box or "office," which is fine, if it makes it possible for you to sit down and get
to work without hunting all over for notebooks.
Navigating the Virtual Classroom
àInteractive Learning Model
The Institute uses an online distance-learning model that assists students from all over the world
to achieve their continuing education goals at their convenience. The online virtual classroom
provides the syllabus for the course, outlines course objectives and gives the assignments in a
clear and concise delivery. The virtual classroom allows students to interact with each other and
post assignments for comments. This interactive model allows each student to bring to the
classroom their own experiences and education and allows for each student to gain valuable
insight as it relates to “real world” business experiences.
àCode of Student Responsibilities and Ethical Behavior
The International Import-Export Institute’s code of student responsibilities is important in the
overall educational experience. It is expected that students recognize and follow the Code of
Student Responsibilities and Ethical Behavior when involved in the virtual classroom experience:
? Acknowledge and respect ones self, other students, faculty and staff.
? Maintain confidentiality about information revealed during a course by other students
and faculty.
? Show respect for students, faculty and staff regardless of their origin, gender, ethnicity,
religious or political beliefs.
International Import-Export Institute
? Accept the responsibility for ones own actions when communicating verbally and in
written format.
? Acknowledge sources of information when submitting written assignments.
? Show the ability to work in a self-reliant manner when completing assignment within the
context of individual assignments and group assignments.
? Harassment, sexual or otherwise, that creates a hostile or offensive “classroom”
environment will be cause for dismissal from the class and possible suspension from
future courses at the Institute.
? Plagiarism by a student in regard to a written assignment is taken very seriously and
may result in dismissal from class, failing course grade and possible suspension from
future courses at the Institute.
Suspected code violations must be submitted in writing to the Director of Institute Services for
Ethics Committee review. Please contact IIEI’s Administration for information regarding such
reports. After research and review by the Ethics Committee, a final decision will be issued.
àOnline Classroom – Rules of Engagement
International Import-Export Institute’s electronic classroom is an open academic environment that
promotes a free, open and honest exchange of experiences and ideas. One of the many benefits
of having participants from around the world with a wide range of disciplines and diverse
backgrounds is sharing lessons learned, positive and negative.
Each individual (instructor and student alike) has an obligation to be sensitive to subjects that
may or may not be suitable for discussion in the classroom. It may be appropriate to sanitize a
situation, not discuss it or discuss it off-line. Instructors will generally tell you if your sensitive
discussion in inappropriate for the classroom, but it is still each individual’s responsibility to insure
sensitive information is kept confidential.
Generally, our per IIEI’s policy, that which is discussed in the IIEI classroom stays there.
Classroom discussion is intended to be a non-attribution off-the-record exchange. We ask
everyone to be keenly aware of ethical and possible conflict of interest concerns as well.
Discussing all the details of a potential disclosure with your classmates is not prudent. Revealing
knowledge of an actual or potential violation of the law places IIEI, the course instructor and your
classmates in a bad situation. You could also jeopardize yourself and your company. Therefore,
we ask each of you to use your best judgment and discretion when raising issues or responding.
The goal is to maximize this valuable and unique learning experience without sacrificing anything.
Technical Support Center
àTech Support FAQ’s
Q: When am I going to get information about my class?
A: Specific setup and navigating instructions will be sent to you no sooner than the Tuesday or
Wednesday before the class starts, usually in the afternoon. The email, referred to as the
‘welcome letter,’ will usually have a subject line similar to ‘Welcome to [Course Name]!’ If you do
not receive your welcome letter by Wednesday evening prior to the class start date, please
contact IIEI.
Q: The class icon isn’t on my desktop.
A: Sometimes icons can be layered and an old class icon can be covering your new course.
Move around your icons to make sure that it is not overlapped over another icon. If you still do not
have the icon for your course available, contact IIEI’s Tech Support as it probably a permissions
International Import-Export Institute
Q: I get the error that there is no server on that network.
A: This could be several things. First, are you connected to the internet? If not, connect and try
again. This is the most common firewall error. Try changing the settings on your firewall program
to allow the First Class client around the firewall. If you are at work, you may need to contact your
IT department.
If this still does not work, the web version will allow you to do everything you need to do in the
classroom. Please consider using it by accessing it at www.expandglobal.com and clicking on
‘Online Learning,’ followed by ‘Enter Classrooms.’ Your same login and password will work on
either the web or downloaded versions.
Q: I can’t log in. It says something about my username and password.
A: The most common problem with logins is a misspelled name, which can be easily fixed by the
IIEI Tech Staff. Also, please contact IIEI for username and password information if you do not
have access to your welcome letter. At the student’s request, IIEI can reset the student’s
password to a default for them to change later.
Q: My instructor isn’t getting all of my assignments.
A: It is important to check and make sure that messages do not have a little white flag next to
them in the student’s mailbox. It looks just like the red flag that tells us a message has not yet
been read, but it indicates that a message has not been sent. Many instructors understand that
sometimes we think a message was sent when it was not, and are often very understanding as
students get used to classroom. Please contact IIEI’s Faculty Manager if you think there are other
problems with communicating with your instructor.
Q: I don’t understand how to do everything in the classroom.
A: There is an available ‘tour of the classroom’ for advisors or IIEI Administration staffers to walk
students through the following: 1. finding your class on the desktop, 2. reading assignments and
other posts. 3. how to post a message to a conference, and 4. introduction to the mailbox and
how to send a message to an individual. The basics take about 15-20 minutes.
Q: My instructor is not answering my emails fast enough.
A: After the Tech Support team determine that the emails have been sent and received by the
faculty member, the Faculty Manager will step in and discuss the lapse in communication with
the instructor. Students will not be penalized for an unresponsive instructor, though both faculty
and students should give each other a minimum of 36 hours to respond to their message.
àContacting the Tech Support Staff at IIEI
Students who are unable to login and/or perform any necessary functions in the classroom should
call IIEI immediately at 1-800-474-8013 and ask for the Tech Support Staff. Any situation that
cannot be resolved immediately will be investigated by the staff, and the student will be contacted
as soon as the problem has been identified and corrected.
International Import-Export Institute
Grade Reporting Policy
At the conclusion of each course, the student receives an official grade card which reflects the
student’s current grade, current grade point average (GPA), and cumulative grade point average
(GPA). Please allow a minimum of two (2) weeks after the conclusion of the course to receive
your official records via US mail.
Students who do not receive their grade cards or need to discuss any changes or concerns
regarding their final certificates need to contact the Office of the Registrar directly at 1-800-4748013 or via email at registrar@expandglobal.com.
Individual Course Completion Certificates
At the conclusion of each course, the student receives a certificate of completion if they earned a
final letter grade of ‘C’ or better (2.0+ on a 4.0 scale) in each course. This certificate of completion
signifies that the student has met the minimum requirements of course completion as outlined in
the current Academic Year General Catalog. Please allow a minimum of two (2) weeks after the
conclusion of the course to receive your official records via US mail.
Students who do not receive their certificates or need to discuss any changes or concerns
regarding their final certificates need to contact the Office of the Registrar directly at 1-800-4748013 or via email at registrar@expandglobal.com.
Contacting the Undergraduate Admissions Office
International Import-Export Institute
Undergraduate Admissions Office
11225 North 28th Drive
Suite B-201
Phoenix AZ 85029
Telephone: 602.648.5750
Fax: 602.648.5755
International Import-Export Institute
Undergraduate Students Progression through the Program
Policy on Satisfactory Academic Progress
Per IIEI’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policies, students must maintain a 2.0 grade
point average (GPA) throughout the program for which they are enrolled. Students dropping
below a 2.0 cumulative GPA will immediately be placed on academic probation and counseled as
to the ramifications of such action. Students must also complete all available post-course
surveys at the conclusion of each course within the program.
Students’ academic standing and progress are closely monitored, and at the end of each term all
students are evaluated for SAP. Those individuals not maintaining the minimum standards are
placed on academic probation and notified of their status by the Office of the Registrar. Refer to
the section of the catalog on Academic Probation and Suspension for further details.
Attendance and Participation Requirements
Students are required to attend the virtual classroom five out of the seven days during a seminar
week. Assignments are due on the day of the seminar specified (before midnight) and must have
the appropriate day recorded in the sign-on logo (or an earlier date) for full credit. Participation is
measured by recording the date of each entry the student makes to the system - whether it is a
response to one of the assignments, a comment on the work of another or a question to the
group or to the instructor. An absence does not excuse the student from the responsibility of
participation, assigned work and/or testing. Students may be dropped for poor attendance after
two consecutive weeks of absences are accumulated. Seminar days are defined as follows:
Day One is Thursday
Day Two is Friday
Day Three is Saturday
Day Four is Sunday
Day Five is Monday
Day Six is Tuesday
Day Seven is Wednesday
Repeating Required Coursework – Grade Replacement Policy
The purpose of this policy is to allow students who have done poorly in a course to repeat the
course and remove the weight of the earlier grade from the student's cumulative grade point
average. Grade replacement will usually involve the student’s application to repeat the course
when the have earned a grade of D or F, but the Institute will allow students to petition to repeat
courses in which they have earned any letter grade.
The condition of this policy is that a student may not repeat more than 15 cumulative or total
hours for program credit. This is to discourage students from repeating the entire program and
maintain satisfactory academic progress for all federal, state, and institutional purposes.
Administrative Drops for Non-Participants
Students who do not participate in class within the first 2 weeks of the course will be dropped by
the Administration after no more than 50% of the course has been delivered. Dropping nonparticipants protects the integrity of the course materials and discussion by restricting access to
students who may complete the course successfully and allowing faculty to manage students who
are actively participating and contributing to the learning environment.
Students receiving an Administrative Drop will reflect a grade of ‘AD,’ which negatively impacts
their cumulative GPA, and is reflected on official records including transcripts. For further details
on grades of AD, please contact the Office of the Registrar at 1-800-474-8013.
Program Release Policy and Re-Application Process
Once admitted into the bachelor degree program, students must maintain “continuous enrollment”
in courses with IIEI to continue their status as regularly admitted. “Continuous enrollment” is
defined as taking courses with not more than a nine months period of time elapsing between the
completion of an IIEI course and the commencement of the next IIEI course.
International Import-Export Institute
Should a student fail to maintain continuous enrollment, the student will be administratively
withdrawn from the program and will be required to reapply for admittance in the program and will
have to meet the degree requirements in effect at the time of the new admission into the program.
From the date of acceptance into the degree program, students have five years in which to
complete their degree.
International Import-Export Institute
Leaving the Undergraduate Program
Policy Regarding Course Transfers and Drops Within A Term – Undergraduate
Students may withdraw from one course during a term at their discretion by completing either the
Course Withdrawal Request or the Course Transfer Request forms. These forms are available by
request from all degree counselors or the Office of the Registrar. Students must complete the
forms and submit them to the Office of the Registrar via fax at 602.648.5755
Students who are unable to complete a scheduled course within any given term may withdraw
from the course permanently or transfer to a later start date. Please refer to the most recent
edition of IIEI’s Refund Policy for more information on tuition refunds for drops and withdrawals.
Please refer to the “Grade Criterion” section of this publication to see how drops, withdrawals,
and transfers impact your academic record. Students’ financial aid awards may be void due to a
course withdrawal, and students are responsible for any unpaid account balance due to refunds
to the Department of Education or any private lender.
Policy Regarding Complete Term Withdrawal
Students may withdraw from all courses during a term at their discretion by completing the Term
Withdrawal Request, which must be approved and signed by a member of IIEI’s Administration.
This form is available by request from all degree counselors or the Office of the Registrar.
Please refer to the most recent edition of IIEI’s Refund Policy for more information on tuition
refunds for drops and withdrawals. Please refer to the “Grade Criterion” section of this publication
to see how drops, withdrawals, and transfers impact your academic record. Students’ financial aid
awards may be void due to a course withdrawal, and students are responsible for any unpaid
account balance due to refunds to the Department of Education or any private lender.
Institute Recognized Leaves of Absence
PETITION: Admitted undergraduate students may take an approved voluntary or involuntary
leave of absence without negatively impacting their financial or academic standing at the Institute.
Students wishing to take a recognized leave of absence from the undergraduate programs must
complete the Leave of Absence Student Petition, and include their anticipated date of return to
class. On this petition, the student should cite any personal, medical, financial or academic
reasons for the leave. All petitions are subject to review and approval from IIEI’s Administration.
LENGTH: Students may not take more than 180 cumulative calendar days of leave without
jeopardizing their Financial Aid Awards per the Department of Education. IIEI allows students to
take one (1) or two (2) term(s) of recognized leave per academic year. These terms may be
WHAT HAPPENS: Students who take this period of leave effectively suspend their degree
program studies for the 12-18 week term. They must inform the Administration in writing
regarding any change to their anticipated return date that is listed on the Leave of Absence
Student Petition. Admitted students, upon return, will not need to reapply for admission and are in
no danger of being released from the program due to a recognized leave of absence. Please
contact the Office of the Registrar or your degree counselor for more information.
International Import-Export Institute
Disciplinary Actions: Student Probation, Suspension, and
IIEI Policy on Expected Student Behavior
Students of the International Import-Export Institute are expected to demonstrate acceptable
standards of conduct that reflect the qualities of character, scholarship, decency of behavior, and
mature judgment expected of members of an academic community. Students are afforded the
freedom to develop and explore their interests in a supportive academic setting, and IIEI faculty
and staff expect students to contribute positively to this setting.
All students, faculty, and staff are required to conduct themselves in a manner that acknowledges
and demonstrates respect for other individuals. Any actions that harass, demean, or subject
others to any form of physical threat, psychological stress, or humiliation are unacceptable. Basic
honesty is expected at all times within academic pursuits and in those interactions that take place
inside and outside of the classroom.
In developing a sense of responsible student conduct on campus, counseling, example,
admonition, and formal discipline all play a role in the protection of the community’s educational
purpose. In keeping with that purpose, judicial and disciplinary proceedings, when required, will
be kept simple and informal whenever possible, consistent with the philosophy of fundamental
fairness and the educational purpose of the Institute’s community. Sanctions will be based on the
specifics of the incident, past precedent if applicable, and recommendations from governing
It is all students’ responsibility to acquaint themselves with both publications and the policies
contained within the current catalog and Student Handbook. Ignorance of a published policy will
not exempt students from disciplinary action that results from violating it.
Academic Probation and Suspension
Academic-based probations and suspensions are handled internally by the Office of the Registrar
in compliance with state and federal rules regarding student program progression. Per IIEI’s
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policies, students must maintain a 2.0 grade point
average (GPA) throughout the program for which they are enrolled. Students dropping below a
2.0 cumulative GPA will immediately be placed on academic probation and counseled as to the
ramifications of such action.
A student will have three (3) courses or one (1) Academic Term to bring their cumulative GPA to
“C” average (2.0+ on a 4.0 scale) or better after being placed on probation to avoid being
suspended. Students not meeting these requirements after the probationary period will be
academically suspended for one year for not meeting satisfactory progress.
All funds paid prior to the probation or suspension are not eligible for a tuition refund. Students
who were admitted into any program requiring application and admissions evaluations must reapply once they become eligible after the period of suspension.
Scholastic Probation and Suspension
Students that have violated the student behavior code as determined by the Institute’s Academic
Review Committee are eligible for a scholastic probation or suspension. Students placed on
scholastic probation have met with Disciplinary Review Committee and an action has bee
determined. Such actions may range from a temporary suspension with detailed action plan,
through a final and permanent suspension or expulsion of the student from the Institute as a
International Import-Export Institute
Scholastic suspension is categorized as an approved expulsion, which effectively removes the
right of the student to enroll in any future course or program offerings after a determination has
been made by the Disciplinary Review Committee and all other applicable governing bodies.
Student Expulsions: Committee Approved Action
Student expulsions may be based on student academic or scholastic behaviors. Expulsion
effectively removes the right of the student to enroll in any future course or program offerings
after such a determination has been made by the Disciplinary Review Committee and all other
applicable governing bodies.
Students may challenge the expulsion ruling of the committee by submitting a written petition of
appeal to the Institute no more than thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the original
determination. The appeal will be reviewed, along with any additional relevant information the
student may supply, and the student will be notified of the final decision within thirty (30) calendar
All funds paid prior to the probation or suspension are not eligible for a tuition refund. Students
who were admitted into any program requiring application and admissions evaluations must reapply once they become eligible after the period of suspension.
International Import-Export Institute
Undergraduate Programs Commencement and Graduation
Undergraduate Baccalaureate Programs – Graduation Requirements
All students wishing to receive their degree diploma and graduate from the International ImportExport Institute between September 1st, 2006 and June 30th, 2007 must complete the
requirements listed below per the 2005-2007 Degree Requirements.
Bachelor of the Sciences in International Trade Management – Degree Course
Emphasis: Trade
Compliance Management
Emphasis: Global Supply
Chain Management
(Degree Code BS-01)
(Degree Code BS-02)
Course Name
Course Name
IIEI 201
Documentation for the Global
Port Authority: A Critical
Element of the Supply Chain
IIEI 201
Documentation for the Global
Port Authority: A Critical
Element of the Supply Chain
IIEI 140
IIEI 230
Importing: Duties and
21st Century International
Modern Management
Business Accounting Concepts
IIEI 230
Importing: Duties and
21st Century International
Modern Management
Business Accounting Concepts
IIEI 302
Global Finance Methods
IIEI 302
Global Finance Methods
IIEI 345
IIEI 307
IIEI 345
Organizational Behavior
Warehousing: Principles and
Practices in a Global Economy
Purchasing in the Global
IIEI - 412
Global Supply Chain Strategies
IIEI 403
Organizational Behavior
Understanding the Export
Administration Regulations
Understanding ITAR:
(International Traffic in Arms
Documentation for U.S. Export
Ethics in Trade Compliance
Global Marketing
IIEI 303
IIEI 403
International Business Ethics
Global Marketing
IIEI 401
Global Culture
IIEI 401
Global Culture
IIEI 402
IIEI 450
Global Strategic Management
International Economics
IIEI 402
IIEI 450
Global Strategic Management
International Economics
IIEI 404
Researching the Global Village
(Project Plan I)
Global Business (Project Plan
Total Credit Hours
IIEI 404
Researching the Global Village
(Project Plan I)
Global Business (Project Plan
IIEI 225
IIEI 125
IIEI 140
IIEI 202
IIEI 335
IIEI 306
IIEI 311
IIEI 405
IIEI 225
IIEI 125
IIEI 202
IIEI 335
IIEI 405
International Import-Export Institute
All students must:
? Complete of 120 semester credit hours, with the following provisions:
1. No more than 62 semester credit hours completed at any other institution than the
International Import-Export Institute unless approved on an individual basis by the
Office of the Registrar.
2. At least 48 semester credit hours must be completed in the area of study at through
the International Import -Export Institute. Of these 48 credits, at least 43 of them must
be upper-level courses. Upper Level courses are defined as those at the 300 level or
The following 30 semester credit hours must be completed under the University
General Education requirements:
A total of 6 semester credit hours in communications, 3 of which must
meet the English Composition requirement.*
A total of 6 semester credit hours in the humanities
A total of 6 semester credit hours in mathematics
A total of 6 semester credit hours in the social sciences
A total of 3 semester credit hours in Science Technology
A total of 3 semester credit hours in the physical sciences
Note: Preparatory or sub-graduate work that is developmental in nature is not
considered for undergraduate studies credit, unless elective. Any course given
with a grade of pass or fail, or for participation only, will not qualify for University
General Studies, and therefore will not meet these requirements unless approved
by the Office of the Registrar on an individual basis.
? Maintain a grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.
? Receive grades of “C” or better (2.0+) in all credit hours that satisfy the University General
Education Requirement.
? Maintain the progression standards of continuous enrollment for the duration of the program by
not allowing a gap of more than 9 months between the end of one course and the start of the next
and completing the course of study in no more than 5 years.
? Meet or exceeded the standards for program admission and acceptance, based on true and
accurate information
Completing the Application for Graduation and Degree Diploma Forms
When the student is nearing their final term (2 months minimum before their last course start
date), the student’s Counselor will discuss their academic standing and the requirements of
commencement. If the student has met the criterion, or is close to doing so, the academic
counselor will send the student the Application for Graduation. The student must complete the
forms and fax or mail IIEI’s Office of the Registrar a signed and dated copy, with all fields
complete. This includes the payment details for the $50.00 Degree audit (“Student Check Out”)
Students will also be required to complete the Degree Diploma Form, which students must
complete with the name, applicable honors and/or degree emphasis they would like displayed on
the final degree diploma.
International Import-Export Institute
DISCLAIMER: The responsibility of graduation and commencement lies with the student. Though
the student’s Counselor will discuss graduation requirements, forms or paperwork to complete,
and what is expected of the student, it is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they
follow the policies and procedures as outlined in the current catalog and student handbook. If
individuals do not follow the official policy, IIEI is not to be held accountable for a delay or
revocation of a degree diploma awarded.
à Approval or Denial of Graduation Application
After receiving the Application for Graduation and all supporting materials, the Office of
the Registrar will evaluate the student’s records and make a final approval or denial
determination. Students will then receive the Official Recommendation form in the mail,
which outlines any reasons for the denial of an application for graduation, or is an official
notification of approval.
Although the student received official notification of whether or not they were approved to
graduate in the Official Recommendation Form, until students complete all courses
required of the program, they are considered approved on a conditional basis. That is,
until the student finishes the required courses with a passing grade, he or she will not
receive a diploma nor official transcripts.
Degree Diploma Awards and Special Honors Recognition
The student has the final decision in what appears on the final degree diploma, and they may
include up to everything listed on the Degree Diploma Form they complete with the Application for
Graduation. Applicable honors and/or degree emphasis that may be displayed on the final degree
diploma will be listed here.
‘Graduating with honors’ is based off of the student’s cumulative grad point average, which is
calculated at the start of the student’s final term prior to graduation. These honors within the
major are defined as the following:
? Summa Cum Laude = 3.80 to 4.0 Cumulative GPA
? Magna Cum Laude = 3.60 to 3.79 Cumulative GPA
? Cum Laude = 3.40 to 3.59 Cumulative GPA
Student Official Commencement Materials and When to Expect Them
Students will receive in their final Graduation and Commencement materials mailed to them
approximately two (2) to four (4) weeks after they have successfully completed their last course in
their program of study.
These Commencement Materials include: degree diploma, official transcripts, letter of distinction
from the Institute’s President. Additional proof of graduation may be requested by contacting the
Office of the Registrar at 1-602-648-5750.
Job Placement Policy
The International Import-Export Institute does not offer or guarantee job placement for graduates
upon completion of courses, certification program or graduation.
International Import-Export Institute
International Import-Export Institute
Grading Criterion
International Import-Export Institute
International Import-Export Institute
Course Grading Criterion and Final Grade Determination
Course Levels
Each course has a number that begins with the four-letter institute prefix (IIEI) followed by a
three-digit number that may be followed by a single-letter code and the course title. This system
ensures consistency in the numbering of courses and helps to signal upper- and lower-level
courses and the complexity of their content with respect to the individualized Degree Plan.
? 100-199 designed for freshman level students but may be taken by more advanced learners.
? 200-299 designed for sophomore level students but may be taken by any learner who satisfies
the prerequisites or obtains the consent of the Academic Committee.
? 300-399 designed for junior level students but may be taken by any student who satisfies the
prerequisites or obtains the consent of the Academic Committee.
? 400-499 designed for senior level students but may be taken by any student who satisfies the
prerequisites or obtains the consent of the Academic Committee.
Course levels are reflective of the intended degree of complexity or expected student
comprehension. Lower-level courses are survey or introductory in content. Upper-level courses
build on lower-level courses or knowledge, and show more advanced analytical skills. Courses
accepted in transfer from community and other two-year colleges will be classified as lower level
Grade Determination – Letter Grades
The following chart outlines the scoring used to convert a point percentage into the appropriate
letter grade. The 4.0 scale shown is used to calculate Grade Point Average (GPA). By utilizing a
point system outlined in the grade criteria section of this catalog, Instructors will assign letter
(4.0 scale)
(4.0 scale)
Plus and minus designations may be assigned to any of the grades defined and are intended to
describe work that is "between" the primary A, B, C or D designations.
? Students receiving a grade of "A" will demonstrate the following performance in their work:
Clearly stands out with excellent performance. Performs "A" work in each of the areas listed in
the grading criteria. Work is consistently of a superior nature and represents performance that
would normally be considered excellent in a working environment.
Example: "A" work should be of such a nature that it could be put on reserve for all students to
review and emulate.
? Students receiving a grade of "B" will demonstrate the following performance in their work:
Demonstrates a consistently good and above average comprehension of the subject matter.
Accomplishes all requirements outlined in the module and the syllabus. Displays above average
initiative. Communicates orally and in writing at an above average level for an undergraduate
college level student. Has a good understanding of all basic concepts.
Example: "B" work represents above average work for the students in an undergraduate college
level program or class. A student receiving a "B" has met all requirements and exceeded some
International Import-Export Institute
requirements, including deadlines, of the course. A "B" grade should be considered a good
grade. The "B" student must be a student whose work the Institute would be willing to exhibit.
? Students receiving a grade of "C" will demonstrate the following performance in their work:
Demonstrates a quality and quantity of work that is generally acceptable and of an "average"
nature. Generally accomplishes only the nominal requirements of the program and displays
nominal initiative.
Example: "C" work represents average work for the students in a program or class. This is only
the average expected performance level of an undergraduate college level student. A student
receiving a "C" has generally met the requirements, including deadlines, of the course. The work
of a "C" student would not generally be used as a positive example of expectations for the
Bachelors student.
? Students receiving a grade of "D" will demonstrate the following performance in their work:
Demonstrates a quality and quantity of work that is below average and barely acceptable.
Example: "D" work is passing by a slim margin but would usually result in an academic probation
status and possibly a requirement for the course to be retaken.
? Students receiving an “I” instead of a grade specification: Students that receive an “I” or
incomplete have contacted their Instructor and have made arrangements to have additional time
(up to three weeks) to complete their assignments. The circumstances surrounding the granting
of an “I” will be left up to the instructor’s determination. The Instructor will issue a letter grade
upon completion of curriculum requirements. The grade will be transcripted as I/letter grade (for
example: I/B or I/C).
Good grades usually correlate with regular attendance and with assignments (written, reading,
design projects, etc.) completed and on time. On the other hand, poor grades are often
correlated with frequent absences and missing, incomplete or tardy assignments.
? Class Audit: Students may choose to audit any course offered by the Institute. Students who
audit a class have access to all class materials the same as any “graded” student, but do not
receive a grade for the course. This status requires full tuition.
Students enrolled under the status of “Audit” will be expected to self manage his or her
involvement in the course. Participation in the course classroom discussions and submission of
assignments is not mandatory for those who audit a course. The student auditing the course
determines his or her personal participation. Course assignments submitted to the instructor will
be reviewed to the same standard as other students and will be returned with feedback to the
auditing student. Faculty cannot issue a grade for the course and no credits are awarded by the
Institute to those that select “Audit” status.
Students may change from “Graded” to “Audit” any time prior to the last week of a course by
submitting a signed written request. Email communication of status change is not permitted.
Students that complete a course through Class Audit may not request a change of status from
Audit to Graded after the start date of a class. Students cannot use a course completed as an
“Audit” to meet or waive any course or meet any Institute requirement.
International Import-Export Institute
Sample Course Grade Criterion
The sample course guidelines below are presented as a means of communicating the
relationship between performance expectations and grades. Individual faculty members will
further clarify these requirements in terms of their particular classes and subject areas.
Weekly Written Assignments………
Virtual Classroom Participation……
Midterm Examination………………
Final Examination………………….
International Import-Export Institute
Final Course Grades’ Impact on Official Records
Standard Letter Grades (A, B, C, D, and F)
Students receiving a grade of A, B, C, D, or F have completed the course and have earned the
respective amount of points to qualify for the final letter grade awarded. Students wishing to
challenge a grade may contact IIEI regarding a course grievance. Course grievance procedure is
outlined under the General Information tab of this catalog, and is available online at
Standard Letter Grades:
are reflected on official grade cards and official transcripts
do impact the term and cumulative grade point averages (GPA’s)
are eligible for grade replacement policy when repeating the same course
may be challenged with a course grievance
must be in compliance with IIEI transfer policies and tuition policies
Non-standard Letter Grades (XF, DP, WD, I, AD, AU and WF)
Students receiving a grade of XF, DP, WD, AD or WF have not successfully completed the
course for credit due to a voluntary or involuntary withdrawal or transfer.
Students receiving and I or incomplete may still receive full credit for the course after completing
the requirements of the Incomplete Contract. Incompletes allow students additional times to make
up assignments at the instructor’s discretion for courses that have been paid for in full. All terms
of the incomplete should be included in the Incomplete Contract.
Students may also take a grade of ‘AU’ for audit if they are unable to commit to completing all
class work for courses that have been paid for in full. This serves students who are committed to
learning but may be unable to finish all assignments. Faculty cannot issue a final grade for the
course and no credits are awarded by the Institute to those that select “Audit” status. Please see
the list below to determine what each grade means and how it impacts you as a student:
àFinal Grades: XF or Transfer
? are not reflected on official transcripts
? do not impact term or cumulative grade point averages (GPA’s)
? are eligible for grade replacement policy when repeating the same course at a later
? must be in compliance with IIEI transfer policies and tuition policies
? may not be challenged with a course grievance as the student voluntary left the cours e
àFinal Grades: DP or Drop
? students may only receive a drop if they apply for the drop within the first 50% of the
course (ex: by the end of week three in a six week course)
? are not reflected on official transcripts
? do not impact term or cumulative grade point averages (GPA’s)
? are eligible for grade replacement policy when repeating the same course at a later
? must be in compliance with IIEI transfer policies and tuition policies
? may not be challenged with a course grievance as the student voluntary left the course
? may void financial aid awards
International Import-Export Institute
àFinal Grades: WD or Withdrawal
? students will receive a WD if they apply for the drop after the first 50% of the course
(ex: after the start of week four in a six week course)
? are reflected on official transcripts
? do negatively impact term or cumulative grade point averages (GPA’s)
? are eligible for grade replacement policy when repeating the same course at a later
? must be in compliance with IIEI transfer policies and tuition policies
? may not be challenged with a course grievance as the student voluntary left the course
? may void financial aid awards
àFinal Grades: WF or Withdrawal Failing
? students will receive a WF if they apply for the drop after the first 50% of the course
(ex: after the start of week four in a six week course) and have a failing grade at that
? are reflected on official transcripts
? do negatively impact term or cumulative grade point averages (GPA’s)
? are eligible for grade replacement policy when repeating the same course at a later
? must be in compliance with IIE I transfer policies and tuition policies
? may not be challenged with a course grievance as the student voluntary left the course
? may void financial aid awards
àFinal Grades: I or Incomplete
? students must request the incomplete, which must be approved by the faculty member
and IIEI
? are not reflected on official transcripts
? do not impact term or cumulative grade point averages (GPA’s)
? must be in compliance with IIEI incomplete course policies and tuition policies
? may not be challenged with a course grievance as the student is bound by the
incomplete contract
? may be challenged with a course grievance
àFinal Grades: AD or Administrative Drop
? students will receive an AD if they are not active participants in the course by the
conclusion of the first 50% of the course
? are reflected on official transcripts
? do negatively impact term or cumulative grade point averages (GPA’s)
? are eligible for grade replacement policy when repeating the same course at a later
? must be in compliance with IIEI transfer policies and tuition policies
? may be challenged with a course grievance
? may void financial aid awards
àFinal Grades: AU or Audit
? students must request to take the course as an audit in writing no later than prior to the
last week of the course
? are reflected on official transcripts
? do not impact term or cumulative grade point averages (GPA’s)
? are eligible for grade replacement policy when repeating the same course at a later
? must be in compliance with IIEI transfer policies and tuition policies
? may not be challenged with a course grievance as the student voluntary enrolled as an
? may void financial aid awards as no credit is earned
International Import-Export Institute
International Import-Export Institute
Course Listings –
Fall 2007 through Summer 2008
International Import-Export Institute
International Import-Export Institute
General Information Regarding Courses Offered by IIEI
Important Information for All Students!
Course Cancellation and Start Date Changes
The International Import-Export Institute may be required to post-pone or cancel the start dates of
courses when necessary. Students will be informed of the date changes or cancellations as soon
as possible. Any course payments that have been paid will be rolled over to the new start date or
applied to the rescheduled course.
Special Course Offerings
There is no refund or credit memo issued for SPECIAL COURSE OFFERINGS after the
registration DEADLINE. A special course offering is any course scheduled to meet industry or
government scheduling or special use, or has very limited seating, such as a course that
prepares an individual to sit for the U.S. Customs Service Licensed Customs Broker Examination.
Once a student has paid the tuition and the final registration deadline has passed (i.e. the course
start date) for ENROLLING in the special course offering there are no refunds unless the course
is cancelled by IIEI due to lack of enrollment or other circumstances that prohibit the class from
proceeding. The U.S. Customs Broker Examination Preparation course (IIEI-304) is a special
course offering.
Directed Study Course Policy
Almost any course* offered by the Institute can be taken as Directed Study, which means you are
paired one-on-one with an instructor. Students complete all of the assignments as though you are
in a online regular class. The main difference is that individuals have more flexibility on when
assignments are due and when to participate. Directed study opportunities allow students to
complete a course as an individual, and interact solely with their faculty in the classroom
For example, if you cannot start a class on the regular start date for it, and if you opt to take the
course Directed Study, you can start it when it works for you personally and submit assignments
as they fit your schedule, as long as they are completed by the scheduled course end date. There
are still defined start and end dates for the course, but the rest is up to the student. If you're
traveling a lot or want to compress course assignments into a shorter time span, this may be
exactly what you were looking for.
The additional fee for Directed Study is $185.00, which covers the added cost of bringing you
your personalized course. Please contact your advisor for more information on current pricing and
course availability.
*Direct study courses are available for some classes at the Institute’s discretion. The fee and
available courses are subject to change without notice.
Course- Specific Credit Information
All courses are designed at a college level with college semester credit hours awarded for
successful completion of a course. The number of credit hours assigned depends on the length
of the course, course workload and the difficulty. The contact hours for a six-week, three credithour course is 45 hours. (See individual course information for the number of credit hours
International Import-Export Institute
Fall 2006 through Summer 2008 Courses Overview
IIEI 101
IIEI 116
IIEI 125
IIEI 132
IIEI 140
IIEI 145
IIEI 151
IIEI 171
IIEI 201
IIEI 202
IIEI 214
IIEI 225
IIEI 230
IIEI 257
IIEI 270
IIEI 302
IIEI 303
IIEI 304
IIEI 306
IIEI 307
IIEI 308
IIEI 309
IIEI 312
IIEI 314
IIEI 320
IIEI 325
IIEI 335
IIEI 345
IIEI 350
IIEI 376
IIEI 379
IIEI 401
IIEI 402
IIEI 403
IIEI 404
IIEI 405
IIEI 412
IIEI 442
IIEI 450
Getting Started: A New International Business
Export Compliance Appreciation for NonCompliance Personnel
Port Authority: A Critital Element in the Supply
Introduction To Psychology
Importing: Duties and Regulations
Security & Awareness: Practices for Int'l Trade
Introduction to American Government
Introduction to Physical Science
Exporting/Importing Environment
21st Century International Logistics
Trade Compliance Environment I
Documentation for the Global Villiage
Business Accounting Concepts
Orientation for Empowered Officials
Introduction to Anthropology
Global Finance Methods
International Business Ethics
US Customs Broker's Exam Prep Course
Understanding ITAR
Understanding EAR
Mastering ITAR Exemptions
Commerce License Exemptions
Export Compliance Documentation Course
ITAR Appreciation for Senior Executives
Dual Use Export Compliance
Ethics in Trade Compliance
UK Export Control Regulations
Modern Management Principles
Organizational Behavior
People's Republic of China Export Controls
Purchasing in the Global Marketplace
Warehousing: Principles & Practices in a Global
Global Culture
Global Stategic Management
Global Marketing
Researching The Global Villiage
Global Business Plan
Global Supply Chain Strategies
Global Project Management Leadership
International Economics
International Import-Export Institute
Getting Started: A New International Business IIEI-101
Course Description: This introductory practical course provides individuals with an understanding
of how to explore the trade opportunities that exist in international marketplace and then how to
get started in their own business. It walks a person through the lengthy process of being able to
determine whether starting an importing or exporting business will work for them.
Typically, the person who finds this course useful is someone who has visited a foreign country
and has seen a product or service that he/she thinks might have sales potential in his/her
domestic market or a person who has family or relatives in a foreign country that might bring
value to the process.
Course Credit: Three Semester credit hours
Prerequisite: None
Export Compliance Appreciation for Non-Compliance Personnel IIEI-116
Course Description: This three-week course provides non-trade compliance personnel with a
general understanding of export compliance regulations and illustrates how these regulations
impact the duties and responsibilities of individuals throughout the organization. This course is
best suited for employees of organizations whose products are regulated by either the U.S.
International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) (22 CFR 120-130) as administered by the
Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) (15 CFR.
728-774) as administered by the Bureau of Industry and Security and compliance regulations
from other government agencies.
Individuals who should consider taking this course are: international sales personnel, international
sales managers, operation managers (who have subordinates that perform the export compliance
function), and other operations and support personnel who are involved (directly or indirectly) in
the exporting of goods and services that fall under these two important sets of regulations. This
course is not intended for export compliance personnel who should instead take: Understanding
ITAR (IIEI-306), Understanding EAR (IIEI-307) or other courses.
The focus of this course is providing a general understanding of the broad issues and problem
sets that must be considered by a company that must conform to these regulations. Causes of
export violations are explored and proactive measures and policies are considered that can help
a company comply and mitigate the liabilities associated with compliance. Discussion also
centers on personal liability issues individuals (directly and indirectly involved parties) may
encounter as a party to an export violation.
This course is well suited to being a Private Online Course reserved exclusively for a single
company's employees. This course is only scheduled upon request. Ask a Registration Counselor
how to schedule this course for your company.
Prerequisite: None
Course Credit: 1.5 Credit hours
Port Authority: A Critical Element of the Supply Chain IIEI-125
Course Description: This course provides the student with the knowledge and understanding
needed to utilize the full range of capabilities of a modern Port Authority. It examines in detail all
of the products and services that can be available through a port authority, whether the port is a
land or sea port. The special concerns and issues related to a port authority, including special
terminology, form the backdrop for identifying the major issues and challenges facing the modern
port authority. This course teaches the student how to investigate popular port authorities and
their capabilities online.
International Import-Export Institute
Course Credit: Three Semester credit hours
Prerequisite: Export/Import Environment IIEI-201 suggested but not required.
Introduction to Psychology IIEI-132
Course Description: In this survey course, the science of psychology is explored. Students
develop an understanding of the various approaches to psychology, the physical structures of the
human brain and their impact on behavior, how people learn and memorize, explores motivation
and personality, and culminates with providing a general understanding of psychological
disorders. Students learn how psychological research forms the basis for the discipline.
Prerequisite: None
Course Credit: Three Credit hours
Importing: Duties and Regulations IIEI-140
Course Description: This hands -on course is provides students with an understanding of the
current import regulations of the United States, with specific emphasis on compliance
determination with the Customs Regulations of the United States and use of the Harmonized
Tariff Schedule of the United States.
Course Credit: Three Semester credit hours
Prerequisite: None. Export/Import Environment IIEI-201 course or one-year industry experience
is suggested but not required.
Security and Awareness Practices for International Trade Professionals IIEI-145
Course Description: This six-week course examines issues related to homeland security from the
perspective of the import -export professional. Special focus is placed on building an
understanding of proactive and sensible measures that can be taken to reduce the risks
associated with moving goods and services across national boundaries. Particular emphasis is
placed on the movement of physical goods, movement of financial resources, patterns of
movement of these items and the individuals supporting them that might indicate a threat to
homeland security. An overview of government laws and regulations serve as a foundation for
this course. Scenarios are used to demonstrate concepts and to facilitate learning.
Anyone interested in or responsible for maintaining an organization's security against acts that
threaten national security, especially terrorist acts, as it relates to international trade should
consider this course.
Course Credit: Three Semester credit hours
Prerequisite: None
Introduction to American Government IIEI-151
Course Description: This six-week course examines the American system of government, with
particular emphasis on the U.S. Constitution. This course presents a solid introduction to the
historical, political, and philosophical foundations of the U.S. Constitution, with a focus on the
original Constitution, its amendments over time, and judicial interpretations.
Course Credit: Three Credit hours
Prerequisite: None
Introduction to Physical Science IIEI-171
International Import-Export Institute
Course Description: In this survey course, the world around us is explored to understand the
physical properties of objects and their relationship to the universe. The general laws and
theories of science form the basis for the exploration process that examines the physical world
around us.
Prerequisite: None
Course Credit: Three Credit hours
Exporting/Importing Environment IIEI-201
Course Description: This course provides the student with a practical understanding of the
principles, terminology and relationships within the exporting/importing environment. It is an
excellent basic exporting and importing skills building course and a great refresher course for
those needing to revisit the discipline. The major concerns and terminology of international trade
are addressed in the hands-on activities and topic papers that form the basis of this course.
The course has been designed, and is certified by the International Import-Export Institute, when
combined with other courses to prepare an individual to successfully pass the written examination
for the following levels of certification: Certified Exporter, Certified International Trade
Specialist (Finance, Logistics or Documentation specialty areas) and Certified International
Trade Professional.
Course Credit: Three Semester credit hours
Prerequisite: None
21st Century International Logistics: Supply Chain Management IIEI-202
Course Description: This course provides an in-depth examination of the major issues and
practical concerns confronting the 21st century global logistics specialist. This course builds on
the foundation knowledge gained in the Exporting/Importing Environment course while accessing
the detailed specifics of global supply chain management, including logistics regulations, current
state-of-the-art technological processes, the current logistics problem set and procedures that are
common among all nations.
Course Credit: Three Semester credit hours
Prerequisite: Exporting/Importing Environment IIEI-201 is suggested but not required.
Exporting/Importing Environment and 21st Century International Logistics and their associated
IIEI Bodies of Knowledge help prepare an individual to successfully pass the written examination
for Certified International Trade Logistics Specialist.
Trade Compliance Environment I – IIEI-214
Course Description: This three-week course is for new, entry-level personnel who need or want
to familiarize themselves with the US trade compliance environment. Upon completion, a student
will possess a basic understanding of the duties and responsibilities of those working in regulated
trade compliance—import/export—within an organization, the function of government in
mandating trade compliance, the most common trade compliance problems, and the career
possibilities in choosing this profession. Students seeking an in-depth understanding should
enroll in advanced (300-level) courses that deal with these topics
Prerequisite: None
Course Credit: 1.5
Documentation for the Global Marketplace IIEI-225
International Import-Export Institute
Course Description: This course provides an understanding of the current, practical
documentation knowledge needed by those involved in exporting from or importing to the United
States. The course perspective is from the point of view of the need for documentation that
moves cargo, satisfies government requirements and is used for international payments.
Course Credit: Three Semester credit hours
Prerequisite: Exporting/Importing Environment IIEI-201 is suggested but not required.
Exporting/Importing Environment and Documentation for the Global Marketplace and their
associated IIEI Bodies of Knowledge help prepare an individual to successfully pass the written
examination for Certified International Trade Documentation Specialist.
Business Accounting Concepts IIEI-230
Course Description: This course presents an integrated view of accounting as an information
system that serves diverse needs of users. The focus is on providing an understanding of the
basic principles of accounting, including recording financial operating events and activities, and it
explores how accountants recognize financial events. Special emphasis is placed on
understanding accounting planning activities, recording activities, and finally on evaluation the
results of such activities.
Students learn how to apply accounting principles as they construct the most common financial
reports, and learn how to evaluate financial information.
Course Credit: Three Semester credit hours
Prerequisite: None
Orientation for Empowered Officials IIEI 257
Course Description: This six-week course examines the role of the Empowered Official (EO)
within an organization responsible for ensuring compliance with all US Government (USG) trade
and related regulations (imports and exports). This entry-level course helps individuals develop
an understanding of the diverse duties and responsibilities of the practicing EO.
Credits: 3
Prerequisite: None
Introduction to Anthropology IIEI 270
Course Description: This six-week course provides an introduction to anthropology, which is the
study of people and cultures. Students learn about anthropology as a science, the different
branches of anthropology, evolution and physical anthropology, the concepts of culture, ethnicity,
race and social construction, and how it relates to their lives.
Prerequisite: None
Course Credit: Three Credit hours
Global Finance Methods IIEI-302
Course Description: This technical course builds on the basic skill sets obtained in the
Exporting/Importing Environment course, adding an in-depth examination and understanding of
the role and tasks of the international trade finance specialist within a banking or corporate
finance environment. Particular attention is focused on understanding the processes and practical
tasks associated with performing this critical role in today’s dynamic environment.
International Import-Export Institute
Course Credit: Three Semester credit hours
Prerequisite: Exporting/Importing Environment IIEI-201.
Exporting/Importing Environment and Global Finance Methods and their associated IIEI Bodies of
Knowledge help prepare an individual to successfully pass the written examination for Certified
International Trade Finance Specialist.
International Business Ethics IIEI-303
Course Description: In this course, the historical roots of Western ethics are the starting point for
understanding the role of an ethical value system in conducting international business in all
countries. Short real-life scenarios and case studies are used to demonstrate how ethical
dilemmas are viewed in business and their impact on modern business practices worldwide.
Different systems of ethics found globally are contrasted to enable international business people
to understand and appreciate the difference ethics has on conducting international trade.
Course Credit: Three Semester credit hours
Prerequisite: None
U.S. Customs Broker Examination Preparation IIEI-304
Course Description: This six-week, online SPECIAL COURSE OFFERING is presented by the
International Import-Export Institute to prepare individuals to sit for the "U.S. Customs Broker
Examination" administered by the U.S. Customs Service. All topics that have been historically
included in the U.S. Customs Broker Examination will be presented and discussed during this
course. Special emphasis will be placed on creating a working understanding of the material that
will not only prepare individuals for the exam, but will also be useful in the day-to-day tasks of a
licensed U.S. Customs Broker. This course is open to people worldwide who want to master
these topics. However, only U.S. Citizens are eligible to become licensed U.S. Customs Brokers.
Course Credit: Three Semester credit hours
Prerequisite: None. However, it is recommended that students have a good basic understanding
of the industry prior to taking this course.
Disclaimer Notice: This course is not endorsed by any U.S. Government agency.
Understanding ITAR: International Traffic in Arms Regulations IIEI-306
Course Description: This course is designed to assist those who are or aspire to be responsible
for corporate export compliance to understand the International Traffic in Arms Regulations. The
focus of this online course is on current ITAR regulations, regulations of the Office of Foreign
Assets Control (OFAC), and appropriate portions of the United States Code.
Course Credit: Three Semester credit hours
Prerequisite: None. One-year industry experience suggested but not required.
Understanding the Export Administration Regulations (EAR ) IIEI-307
Course Description: This six-week, advanced technical course examines the current U.S.
Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security’s Export Administration Regulations
(EAR) from the perspective of the practicing professional who needs to know, understand and
use this knowledge on a regular basis. Special focus is placed on building a strong understanding
International Import-Export Institute
of all BIS regulations to ensure that all goods entering and exiting the United States do so in
accordance with all applicable U.S. laws and regulations.
Course Credit: Three Semester credit hours
Prerequisite: None. One-year industry experience suggested but not required.
Mastering ITAR Exemptions IIEI-308
Course Description: This advanced six-week online course explores all the existing ITAR
exemptions in depth, providing an understanding of each, their usage and applicability in meeting
license requirements. This course applies each exemption in context of its usage requirements
and associated concerns to real life situations. Upon completion of this course, students will know
how to properly utilize license exemptions when submitting license applications.
Prerequisite: Understanding the ITAR (IIEI-306)
Course Credit: 3.0 Credit hours
Commerce License Exceptions IIEI-309
Course Description: This six-week course provides an in-depth exploration and detailed
understanding of the use of the US Department of Commerce’s Commerce Control List (CCL),
Country Chart and Country Groups as needed by the practicing export control professional in
determining license requirements and exceptions. With the knowledge gained in this course,
students will be able to identify, critically evaluate and assess potential license exceptions based
on the current CCL requirements and restrictions.
Prerequisite: IIEI-307 or instructor approval.
Course Credit: Three Semester Credit hours
Export Compliance Documentation IIEI-311
Course Description: This three-week course provides students with a detailed understanding of
documentary and regulatory requirements for U.S. export documentation of products and
services that require a validated export license. Taken from the perspective of the clerical need to
understand all aspects of the documentation and reporting processes, this hands-on practical
course is intended to develop a working knowledge of the vast array of regulatory forms and their
use as used to comply with EAR and ITAR regulations.
The content of this course provides the knowledge necessary to successfully pass the
documentation section of the examination for Certified U.S. Export Compliance Officer.
Course Credit: One and one-half Semester credit hours
Prerequisites: Recommended, but not required are: Three years relevant industry experience, or
one-year relevant industry experience and IIEI-307, Understanding the Export Administration
Regulations (EAR) or IIEI-306, Understanding the International Traffic in Arms Regulations
International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) Appreciation for Senior
Executives IIEI 312
Course Description: This three-week course is for senior executives whose organization's
products, services or technical data are regulated by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations
(ITAR) [22 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 120-130] as administered by the U.S. Department
of State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls. (DDTC). This high-level course is not intended
International Import-Export Institute
for senior compliance officers or administrators who should instead take: Understanding the
ITAR (IIEI-306).
The focus of this course is on providing a general understanding of the broad issues and problem
sets that complying with the ITAR pose for company executives responsible for overseeing and
managing business operations in a competitive, demanding and dynamic global marketplace.
Causes and consequences of ITAR violations are explored and proactive measures and policies
are considered for complying with the regulations and mitigating liabilities and risks associated
with non-compliance. Case studies relevant to class participants are analyzed for lessons
learned and preventive strategies that can be adopted to avoid ITAR violations and enforcement
This course is offered with a PASS/ FAIL grade only. It may be audited only with prior approval
from the IIEI.
Prerequisite: None
Course Credit: 5 IIEI CEU's ONLY
Dual-Use Export Compliance IIEI 314
Course Description: This three-week course explores the topic of dual-use commodities licensing
of US exports and related concerns and issues. With the knowledge gained in this course,
students will be able to identify, critically evaluate and assess potential dual-usage items within
the export compliance arena to determine the proper licensing procedures.
Prerequisite: IIEI-306 and IIEI-307
Course Credit: 1.5 Credit hours
Ethics in Trade Compliance IIEI-320
Course Description: This six-week course explores the topic of ethics as it relates to international
trade compliance regulations. Upon completion, students will be able to access the forces that
shape business ethics, the trade compliance environment in which business ethics exists, and the
most common factors impacting ethical performance in the compliance workplace. With the
knowledge gained in this course, students will be able to critically evaluate possible ethical
situations within the export compliance arena and will know the critical importance of their ethical
actions in maintaining full compliance.
Course Credit: Three Credit hours
Prerequisite: None
UK Export Control Regulations IIEI-325
Course Description: This six-week online course examines the United Kingdom’s (UK) Export
Control Act of 2002 and subsequent Amendments. This course provides a full review of this
important legislation and subsequent Amendments. A general understanding of the requirements
of the UK government (and inherent European Union requirements) that impact the export of
controlled goods and services is presented.
Prerequisite: None
Course Credit: 3.0
***Available in 2007***
International Import-Export Institute
Modern Management Principles IIEI-335
Course Description: This course examines the topic of management from the perspective of the
practicing manager to insure that students understand the functions of a manager in modern
business environment. The various functions a manager performs are appraised and related to
real world events in this global economy.
Course Credit: Three Semester credit hours
Prerequisites: None
Organizational Behavior IIEI-345
Course Description: This course provides an examination of organizational behavior from the
perspective of the practicing manager. Understanding group and individual behavior as they
relate to the organization are explored as critical factors in developing successful communication,
motivation, leadership, culture, and a working organizational structure. This course discusses the
necessity of assessing the internal and external environment of an organization as it relates to
interpersonal skills in a dynamic and ever-changing business
Course Credit: Three Semester credit hours
Prerequisites: None
People's Republic of China Export Controls Overview IIEI 350
Course Description: This six-week online course provides an introduction to China's Export
Control regulations after a general review of the legal system in the People's Republic of China
(P.R.C). The regulatory agency roles of various P.R.C. government bodies and the
interdepartmental controls, policies and processes used are reviewed as they impact export
compliance. The broader global export regulatory environments in which the P.R.C. rules and
regulations exist are also a topic of discussion.
This is the first in a series of nine courses that in total prepare individuals to sit for the Certified
P.R.C Export Compliance Officer certification that is expected to be available in Winter 2007.
Disclaimer Note: This is a high-level orientation course intended for individuals seeking to
understand the workings of the P.R.C export compliance regulatory effort. This is not a law or
policy course. People needing legal advice related to the topics within this course should seek
independent legal counsel.
Prerequisite: None
Course Credit: 3.0
***Available in 2007***
Purchasing in the Global Marketplace IIEI-376
Course Description: This six-week course examines the organizational purchasing function within
the global marketplace. Upon completion, students will have demonstrated in-depth conceptual
and practical knowledge of the role, duties and functions of a purchasing professional. Case
studies are used by students to apply their understanding of course concepts to real-life
Prerequisite: None
Course Credit: Three Credit hours
International Import-Export Institute
Warehousing: Principles and Practices in a Global Economy IIEI-379
Course Description: This six-week course examines the principles and practices of modern
warehousing. Particular emphasis is focused on understanding how warehousing can be used as
a competitive advantage in the global marketplace. This course investigates and defines the
activities and functions common to most warehouses as it develops an understanding of the
principles of modern warehousing within the context of the global economy. Upon completion,
students will be able to analyze and assess warehousing needs and conceptually design
warehousing solutions.
Course Credit: Three Semester credit hours
Prerequisite: 21st Century Logistics (IIEI-202)
Global Culture IIEI-401
Course Description: A historical perspective of culture’s impact on international trade is examined
by students as a basis for building an understanding of cultural diversity in global business.
Students learn how to be culturally proactive in pursuing international trade in today’s dynamic
environment. Case studies are used to demonstrate cultural concerns and problems. Practical
methodologies for including culture issues in the planning process as firms enter new
international markets are formulated and practiced.
Course Credit: Three Semester credit hours
Prerequisites: None
Global Strategic Management IIEI-402
Course Description: In this six-week course students apply the modern principles of strategy
management toward understanding and then solving the practical strategic problems of entering
the global marketplace. The course focuses on building an understanding of the need for
awareness of, and accommodation to change in a company's internal and external environments.
The student will perform a strategic situation analysis of a real firm chosen by the student. The
student will complete a strategic plan for the proposed export (or import) product and company as
preparation for entry in the global marketplace.
Course Credit: Four Semester credit hours
Prerequisites: None
Global Marketing IIEI-403
Course Description: This six-week course is designed to help the student apply the modern
principles of marketing toward understanding and then solving their own practical problems of
entering the global marketplace. This course provides an understanding the need for awareness
of, and accommodation to change in a company's internal and external environments. Case
studies are utilized by students to demonstrate their knowledge of the practical marketing issues
and concerns confronting firms seeking to be successful in participating in the global
marketplace. A special emphasis is placed on using the Internet for market research and for ecommerce.
The student will perform a strategic situation analysis of a real firm chosen by the student. The
student will complete a domestic marketing plan for the proposed export (or import) product and
company as preparation for entry in the global marketplace.
Course Credit: Three Semester credit hours
Prerequisite: Exporting/Importing Environment IIEI-201.
International Import-Export Institute
Exporting/Importing Environment, Global Marketing, Global Culture and their associated IIEI
Bodies of Knowledge help prepare an individual to successfully pass the written examination for
Certified International Trade Marketing Specialist.
Researching the Global Village: (Project I) IIEI-404
Course Description: In this six-week applied-research course, students demonstrate their
understanding of the course material by individually assuming the role of an Export/Import
Manager who is seeking a new international market for his/her firm's product(s). This is part one
of the student’s capstone project. The research techniques designed and demonstrated in this
course, and knowledge learned in earlier courses are applied toward answering this real world
export/import problem.
Using the company's internal and external strategic situation analysis obtained in the course
Global Marketing, the student designs a research strategy aimed at providing the information
necessary to complete an actual Export or Import Plan in the final course, Global Business Plan
(Project II). Much of the effort put forth in this course comes to fruition in the final course as the
raw data and key issues uncovered here become woven in the final course into a focused,
practical strategy for the firm's global success.
Course Credit: Four Semester credit hours
Prerequisites: Exporting/Importing Environment IIEI-201, 21st Century International Logistics
IIEI-202, Global Finance Methods IIEI-302, International Business Ethics IIEI-303, Global Culture
IIEI-401, Global Strategic Management IIEI-402 and Global Marketing IIEI-403.
*Requires a course in Quantitative Methods from an accredited institution.
Global Business: (Project II) IIEI-405
Course Description: This nine-week course is the second and final course in the capstone
business plan project. The research data complied in Researching the Global Village course,
along with the other knowledge gained throughout the program, is used by the student to prepare
a practical Export or Import Plan for a real company. This course relies heavily on information
gathered in the prerequisite courses.
Course Credit: Four Semester credit hours
Prerequisites: Researching the Global Village IIEI-404.
Global Supply Chain Strategies IIEI 412
Course Description: Building upon concepts learned in earlier courses, this six-week course adds
more depth and complexity as it examines the concept of the integrated global supply chain—the
borderless flow of materials, both raw and processed, information and resources that support
performance of organizations competing in the global marketplace. The main elements within the
supply chain that link members of the supply chain are explored as a means of developing a
strategy whereby global efficiencies can be leveraged for comparative advantage. Case studies
are used by students to apply their understanding of course concepts to real-life situations.
Prerequisite: 21 Century Logistics (IIEI-202), Warehousing (IIEI-379) and Purchasing
Course Credit: Three Credit hours
Global Project Management Leadership Excellence IIEI 442
Course Description: This six-week course, details scientifically supported leadership practices
and skills that can be immediately applied to maximize the probability of project goal
International Import-Export Institute
achievement, optimize team performance, and increase profits through higher sales and reduced
costs. The leadership practices presented are observable, measurable, and significant. They are
appraised in the context of their validation from benchmarking, scientific research and workplace
application. Each leadership practice is examined in relation to its impact on project team
efficiency, speed and effectiveness.
Global project leadership excellence is composed of two major components. The first is the
infusion of the individual with the elements of excellent leadership practices and skills. The
outcome of this component is an individual who is prepared for the leadership role. The second
component addresses how excellent leaders apply their practices and skills to leading groups.
Through the application of these excellent leadership competencies, team performance is
transformed to higher levels of performance than any single team member ever thought possible.
It includes the leadership and team practices that result in excellent project goal achievement.
The measurable results are dramatic lead time to market improvement, lower project costs, and
the maintenance of high quality standards.
A key element of the transformational leadership process is building team spirit and projecting a
sense of leadership spirit. Consequently, woven throughout all of the leadership components is
the theme of spirit. Addressed in the course is the concept of team spirit as well as the spirit of
the individual. Current research as well as general agreement among practitioners, supports that
spirit adds a vigor and vitality that is not available from any other source. The course details how
project leaders can develop an ambiance of spirit that permeates every activity performed by the
project team. The sense of team spirit translates into immediate bottom line improvement and
higher quality, better performing project teams.
Prerequisite: None
Course Credit: Three Credit hours
International Business and Economics IIEI-450
Course Description: This nine-week, senior-level, four-credit-hour course assesses the basic
theory of supply and demand and provides an extensive examination of international trade theory
and policy issues. Analysis is from the perspective of the person involved in international trade
that must know and understand these principles. The course concludes with a thorough
examination of balance of payments and an appraisal foreign exchange rates. The intent of this
course is to provide the student with a good understanding of the forces that shape international
trade and influence international trade policy decisions.
Course Credit: Four Semester credit hours
Prerequisites: None
International Import-Export Institute
International Import-Export Institute
Industry Certification
International Import-Export Institute
International Import-Export Institute
General Information: Certification & Continuing Education in
Trade Compliance Professions
Purpose and Availability of Certification Programs and Continuing Education
The international trade industry certification examinations are offered after an individual
completes the required course of study for a particular certification program. IIEI Certified
individuals can be found at high levels in many global corporation positions.
For costs, call an Advisor or see current fee structure online at www.iiei.edu
Certification Programs
Certified Exporter (CE )
Certified International Trade Documentation Specialist (CITDS )
Certified International Trade Finance Specialist (CITFS)
Certified International Trade Logistics Specialist (CITLS )
Certified International Trade Marketing Specialist (CITMS)
Certified International Trade Professional (CITP)
Certified International Trade Manager (CITM )
Certified International Trade Educator (CITE)
Certified U.S. Export Compliance Officer (CUSECO)
Individuals who take single course registration can choose to take appropriate certification
examinations once they have satisfied the minimum test registration requirements through IIEI
courses or equivalent transfers.
An individual completing courses for the Degree Program that desires to sit for any of the industry
certification exams may do so by meeting the courses requirements that prepare an individual to
sit for that specific industry examination.
Which Certification is Right for You and Your Career?
An International Import-Export Institute Certification is a professional distinction of achievement
for individuals serving the international trade community worldwide. It consists of levels of
certification from entry-level specialist to senior-level professional and involves a course of study
followed by an examination. Once an applicant has successfully completed the examination,
achieved an acceptable grade, certification is then awarded for the level of achievement
Whether someone lives in China, Brazil, Germany or the United States, the proficiency
examination and certification requirements are the same. Professionals working in the arena of
international trade need to be able to quickly assess the proficiency of those in other
organizations and countries with whom they interface. IIEI provides that validation and
professional certification.
International Import-Export Institute
As more and more employers seek specific skill sets within the international trade arena, the
need for specialists in all areas has grown. This section includes suggestions on which
certification designations may fit your job description or task assignment. However, there is no
absolute rule or single certification that applies to everyone. There is some overlap in skill sets
and expertise, especially in the specialist arena. Equally important is the acquired skills and
experience of the person seeking certification.
IIEI Certification is not a requirement for obtaining employment within the international trade
industry at this time. However, many companies presently encourage their employees to seek
academic improvement and industry certification through IIEI's validation process to be more
effective in their positions. Like most maturing industries, those individuals who are new entrants
to the industry may find IIEI's certification more important than someone who has been involved
in international trade for many years. Because IIEI’s testing standards are constantly updated in
response to input from our advisors in government, industry, colleges and universities around the
world, IIEI certification is becoming an important component of preparing for a career in
international trade.
The procedures and processes, and especially the terminology, of international business are
different from any other industry. This field is special, and it requires a certification process to
assure organizations of the proficiency of the professionals operating within its boundaries.
International Import-Export Institute
Available Certification Programs and Compliance Training
Each certification requires specific courses to be taken prior to sitting for the certification
examination. The course requirements are shown in the following chart:
Course Title
21st Century
Documentation for
the Global Village
Global Finance
Certification Title
Business Ethics
Global Culture
Global Strategic
Global Marketing
Researching the
Global Village
Global Business
Understanding ITAR
Understanding EAR
Documentation for
Export Compliance
Note: An "X" in a specific column indicates the courses from which that certification
examination's questions are derived. All courses are six-weeks in duration except for
Documentation for Export Compliance IIEI 310A which is three weeks.
Certification Maintenance
The procedures, processes and terminology of international trade are rapidly changing.
Therefore, to maintain the highest standards and to protect the acceptance of the
International Import-Export Institute’s certification as a true process of proficiency
validation, the right to remain certified must be proven periodically. Proof of acceptable
continuing education and an updated résumé must be submitted at specified intervals.
(Continuing education may be approved college courses pertaining to international
trade, international trade seminars and workshops, etc.) If continuing education is not
International Import-Export Institute
maintained, an individual will be required to re-test and pass the current certification
examination for their certification level.
To maintain certification, each certification level has different requirements for the
renewal time period and for the number of Continuing Education Units (CEU) that must
be completed within that specified time period (see chart below).
Certified Exporter® (CE®) - Re-certification is required every five years. Requires completion of
nine CEU's prior to the expiration of certification or the certification examination must be retaken.
Certified International Trade Documentation Specialist® (CITDS®) - Re-certification is required
after five years. Requires completion of 12 CEU’s prior to the expiration of certification or the
certification examination must be retaken.
Certified International Trade Logistics Specialist® (CITLS®) - Re-certification is required after five
years. Requires completion of 12 CEU’s prior to the expiration of certification or the certification
examination must be retaken.
Certified International Trade Marketing Specialist® (CITMS®) - Re-certification is required after five
years. Requires completion of 12 CEU's prior to the expiration of certification or the certification
examination must be retaken.
Certified International Trade Professional® (CITP®) - Re-certification is required after five years.
Requires completion of 16 CEU's while certified and a current résumé must be submitted to verify
continued international trade work experience.
Certified International Trade Manager® (CITM®) - Re-certification is required after five years.
Requires completion of 20 CEU's while certified and a current résumé must be submitted to verify
continued international trade work experience.
Certified International Trade Educator® (CITE®) - Re-certification is required after three years.
Must have taught a minimum of one International Import-Export Institute course at least once each
year of the three years. Requires completion of five CEU’s or have taught three different CEU
courses while certified. Also required is a current résumé to verify that the individual is affiliated
with an educational institution.
Certified U.S. Export Compliance Officer® (CUSECO®) - Re-certification is required after five
years. Requires completion of 20 CEU's while certified and a current résumé must be submitted to
verify continued international trade work experience.
International Import-Export Institute
Industry Certification Examinations
The certification process requires individuals to periodically take an examination to demonstrate
professional proficiency. The comprehensive exams ensure that IIEI's Certified Specialists,
Professionals, Managers and Training Coordinators meet the highest standards of excellence.
Scheduling and Preparing For Your Certification Exam
The responsibility of scheduling, preparing for, and sitting for any industry certification exam lies
with the student wishing to take the exam. Advising staff and the Certification and Testing
Department coordinate the details with the student after receipt of an official exam application.
Important: As of September 2000, only those individuals who complete the prescribed course of
study for a particular certification examination may sit for the certification examination. Each test
application will be compared to that student's file to insure that the required courses have been
IIEI recommends that students begin the process of scheduling their exam within 30 days of
completing the prescribed course of study at a licensed training organization, college or university
or trade school worldwide. To schedule an exam, the student must do the following:
àComplete the Application Online:
The student can arrange a test date by completing the IIEI online application and submitting the
appropriate test application fee. All test applications must be received at IIEI's Testing Center at
least 60 days prior to the test date requested on the application. IIEI's Certified Members must
submit an application fee ($50.00 for members and $80.00 for non-members) for recertification
within the last year of their current five-year certification period.
The application is located on IIEI’s website at www.expandglobal.com.
Along with the application, the student must submit contact information for college or university
testing centers in their area. Following the receipt of the test application, Institute personnel will
qualify the testing center, arrange the test date and pay required fees to the testing center.
All Test Applications must be accompanied with paperwork required for the certification
designation examination to be administered. This includes all supporting documentation, a copy
of the applicant's résumé (attached to application), letters of recommendation, applicationprocessing fee and test fee. The Certification Committee will determine if an individual is
qualified or not qualified for the requested certification exam. Non-qualifying individuals can still
take the exam, but will find the level of certification reduced to the appropriate level. Should a
reduction be deemed necessary by the Certification Committee, the individual will be notified in
advance of the test date.
àConfirmation from IIEI Certification and Testing Department:
To confirm the details of your examination, the Certification and Testing Department will email the
student an Entry Ticket, which contains all the information regarding that student’s proctor, test
site, and time/date information. Students must review their Entry Ticket and use it as their pass
into the selected testing facility.
International Import-Export Institute
àSit for the Exam:
IIEI’s Certification Manager will issue a list of applicant names specifying what level of
examination they will be taking to each exam site. No individual can walk-in and take exam if
their name is not on this list. This list, the individual exams, answer sheets and proctor
instructions are mailed to the test location by express service.
Test locations should receive the test package no later than one day before the scheduled test
date. This allows the proctor time to review all material and call the Certification Manager with any
questions. Exams must be locked in a secure and confidential location until exam time.
Applicants are required to be present for the examination from the scheduled start time indicated
on their entry ticket until completion of all examination sections unless previous special exam
times are scheduled. An indivi dual is not required to be an IIEI member to take the examination
àRescheduling or Canceling Your Exam:
If an individual needs to cancel or re-schedule the exam site and exam date, they must provide
IIEI's Certification Manager written notification of change at least 10 working days prior to
examination date. A $25.00 Cancellation Fee will be assessed to individuals seeking to cancel or
reschedule. Failing to provide this 10 day notice will result in a $100.00 cancellation fee being
assessed. All individuals have one year to take the IIEI Certification Examination from the date of
their original application. If they do not, they must reapply by submitting another IIEI application
and the full application and exam fees.
Proctor and Testing Site Information
Organizations that may proctor the examinations consist of licensed training organizations,
licensed in-house training programs within corporations, accredited colleges and universities and
trade schools worldwide. Individuals may select one of these organizations near where they live
by entering its name on their testing application.
Industry Certification Examination Fees
As of October 1, 1999 the following Certification Examination Test Fees apply (see chart on next
page). The Global Test Fee structure varies depending on the country in which the person
seeking certification resides. Using several indicators to determine the level of economic
development of each country (and standard of living), IIEI's Certification Board has assigned each
country to one of three categories.
(See www.iiei.edu for complete country listing.)
Within each category, the testing fee varies depending on the certification level. The fee structure
is reviewed each December. Any changes in fees will be announced in the next issues of IIEI
publications and online at IIEI's website, generally in the second week of January or at other
times as deemed appropriate by IIEI's Certification Board. Every country has been assigned to
only one of these four country categories based on the World Bank Published Purchasing Power
(All fees are stated in U.S. dollars.)
International Import-Export Institute
Certification Examination Fees
Highly Industrialized
US$20,000+ per capita
annual income
US$12,000 to $19,999
per capita annual
Country Category
Test Application Fees
Certified Exporter (CE )
Certified International Trade
Documentation Specialist
Certified International Trade
Logistics Specialist
Certified International Trade
Marketing Specialist
Certified International Trade
Finance Specialist
Certified International Trade
Finance Specialist in Risk
Management (CITFSRM)
Certified International Trade
Professional (CITP )
Certified International Trade
Manager (CITM)
Certified U.S. Export
Compliance Officer
Certified International Trade
Trading Coordinator
Re-test Fees for member
Re-test Fees for non-member
US$5,501 to $11,999
per capita annual
Category A
Category B
Less than
US$5,500 per
capita annual
Category C
Category D
$ 255
$ 105
$ 240
$ 165
$ 245
All fees are subject to change without prior notice as
published in IIEI’s publications.
International Import-Export Institute
Results Reporting and Certification Records Release Information
The Institute follows the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) enacted in 1974. The
purpose of the privacy act is to protect the rights of the student concerning the records that are
maintained by the Institute. The law requires that the Institute receive the student’s written
consent prior to releasing any information to a third party, including their employer. This includes
certification and testing documentation and materials. A written consent for release of information
to a specifically identified third party must be signed by the student prior to any release of testing
For information on this release waiver and how to report your results to authorized third parties,
please contact IIEI’s Certification and testing Department at 1-800-474-8013.
Maintaining Your Industry Certification
The procedures, processes and terminology of international trade are rapidly changing.
Therefore, to maintain the highest standards and to protect the acceptance of the International
Import-Export Institute’s certification as a true process of proficiency validation, the right to remain
certified must be proven periodically. Proof of acceptable continuing education and an updated
résumé must be submitted at specified intervals.
(Continuing education may be approved college courses pertaining to international trade,
international trade seminars and workshops, etc.) If continuing education is not maintained, an
individual will be required to re-test and pass the current certification examination for their
certification level.
IIEI's Certified Members must submit an application fee ($50.00 for members and $80.00 for nonmembers) for recertification within the last year of their current five-year certification period.
International Import-Export Institute
International Import-Export Institute
© Copyright 2006 – All Rights Reserved
International Import-Export Institute
International Import-Export Institute