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TG tactics 2

Tulsi Gabbard tactics
They repeatedly make the arrogant mistake of trying to bully from their pulpit believing they can destroy
a person of obvious character into submission who dissents from foreign policy orthodoxy, the true
third-rail of American politics.
The hope is that Gabbard will make a mistake which can be then played ad nauseum, ad infinitum until
she slinks off the stage in shame.
Gabbard didn’t waste time, taking the fight to The View before they knew what was happening.
Because she has learned in this game that you do not fight on ground prepared by your opponent.
You set the stage. You command the field. It’s safe to say she’s learned something while being in the
military for the past seventeen years.
Speaking of careers, like it or not, Donald Trump Jr. has a future in politics. He came onto The View, like
Gabbard the day before, armed to the teeth and ready use everything at his disposal.
He knows walking into that arena they aren’t going to fight fair, that they’ll fall back on the laziest of
arguments, like Meghan McCain virtue signaling her false eyelashes off over “Gold Star Families” who
are disrespected by President Trump’s private locker room conversation, while disgustingly wrapping
herself in her dead father’s flag.