Progesterone only contraceptives COCs [Combined oral Contraceptives] [Prog. only Pills] =Minipills Generations EE2 Gestagens 1st generation Types & Composition POPs 50 µg 1st generation gestagens[NET] nd 30 -35 2 generation 2nd generation gestagens[LNG] rd 3 generation 20 -30 3rd generation gestagens [desogestril, norgestimate & gestodene] th 20 -30 4 generation drospirenone (Yasmin) Contain gestagen only → mainly (LNG) mostly 30µg e.g, Microlut: 35pills Long acting injectables =PICs Depot-provera [DMPA] 150 mg, every 3m' Noristerat [NET-EN] 200 mg, every 2m' Norplant 6 match sized capsules Gestagen LNG [levonorgestrel] Duration 5 y' Implanon 1 rod capsule [4cm X 2mm] Gestagen Etonogestrel [3-keto-desogestril] Intra uterine device (IUD/IUCD) Non-medicated IUD (inert) -Obsolete now -Polyethylene & barium only 1-Lippes loop double S-shaped + 2 nylon threads less effective inserted by pushing tech. (high incidenc of perforation) life long 2-Safe T-coil &Dalkon Shield Medicated IUD (active) in a rate of 40 mg/d' -Used nowadays Duration 3 y' -Polyethylene & barium + loaded Types Monophasic (same dose of EE2 & gestagen) EE2 Dose Use Emergency high dose pills > 50 µg contraception (HDP) Not used now moderate dose 50 µg pills (MDP) low dose pills 20-30 µg used now (LDP) Biphasic pills (not used now) 7d' 14d' EE2 30 30 µg NET 0.5 1 mg Triphasic pills (not used now) 6d' 5d' 10d' EE2 30 40 µg 50 LNG 50 75 µg 125 Subdermal implants Javelle with certain material May be: 1-Cupper medicated as norplant but 2 rods Types EE2 =ethinyl estradiol NET=norethisterone family NET-EN= norethisterone enanthate LNG= levonorgestrel Oral MPA [Provera] =medroxy progesterone acetate Injection DMPA [Depo MPA or Depo Provera] -cupper T T2oo, T220, T380 A (most used) (No. represent SA of cupper wire) -cupper 7 200 ‐multiload 350, 375 -cupper & silver nova –T more effective. inserted by withdrawal tech. (less perforation) duration for 10 y 2-Progesterone medicated (merina) (IUS) T-shaped with progesterone in vertical limb (duration 5 y) 3-Anti-fibrinolytic medicated 1 COCs [Combined oral Contraceptives] Central [Estrogen& progesterone] Estrogen (-ve) feedback e' FSH Progesterone (-ve) feedback e' LH Both (--) ovulation [anovulation] Mechanism of action Peripheral [Progesterone] hostile cervical mucous not suitable for penetration atrophic endometrium not suitable for implantation ↓ motility of the tubes (less effect as estrogen is antagonistic) Progesterone only contraceptives POPs [Prog. only Pills] Long acting injectables Subdermal implants Central (-ve) feedback e' LH → (--) ovulation → [anovulation] Peripheral hostile cervical mucous not suitable for penetration atrophic endometrium not suitable for implantation ↓ motility of the tubes. Intra uterine device (IUD/IUCD) Polyethylene & barium components Local sterile inflammatory reaction in endometrium -swollen, edematous, devitalized endometrium Not suitable for implantation. -↑ acidity in endometrium→ hostile for Sperms &early developed zygote -↑ Mφ (engulf sperm or early zygote) -Leucocytic infiltration Local PGs release Uterine Contraction & Tubal Motility -Prevention of implantation -expulsion of early implanted ovum Mechanical factor Dislodge the zygote Medications 1-Cu -↑ local sterile inflammatory reaction -↑ Mφ release - Disturb the enzymes & glycogen metabolism of endometrial cells needed for growth of implanted zygote - Silver [ ↓ fragmentation of Cu ]→ prolong of life span of IUD 2-Progesterone -As a Contraceptive see periph action of POPs -As a ttt of DUB see DUB 3-Antifibrinolytics -↓ bleeding with IUD 2 COCs [Combined oral Contraceptives] Progesterone only contraceptives POPs Long acting Subdermal [Prog. only Pills] injectables implants Initiating During 1st 7 days of the cycle (preferably on 1st day of menses) At any time provided that pregnancy is surely excluded Postpartum: Non-breastfeeding women → Delay until 6 wks after birth (d2 high postpartum risk of DVT) Breastfeeding women → Delay until 6 m' after childbirth or until breastfeeding is discontinued (Estrogen component ↓↓ breast milk) Post abortion: → Start immediately How to use or within 1st 7 days after abortion Schedule Whatever type of pill -take 1 pill every day till all pills in pack are finished (21 pills) -then rest for 7 d' [during w' withdrawal bleeding "pseudomenstruation" occurs] -then start again Missed pill regimen Missed 1 pill ■Take missed pill as soon as remembered. ■ Keep taking remaining pills on schedule ■ No need for backup method Missed ≥2 pill ■Take 1 pill immediately & the other next day ■ Take remaining as usual ■ Backup method for 7 d' Intra uterine device (IUD/IUCD) Initiating Insertion During 1st 7 days of the menstrual cycle (preferably on 1 day of menses) st At any time provided that pregnancy is surely excluded Postpartum Non-breastfeeding women → after 3 wks Breastfeeding women → Delay until 6 wks after childbirth Post abortion: → Start immediately or within 1st 7 days after abortion DMPA Injection /3m' ± 2 wk (not > 2 wks to maintain efficacy) Norplant implants / 5 y' Implanon implants / 3 y' NET-ET Injection /2m' ± 2wk ⓑNot breast feeding or > 6m' ■ Backup method for 48h' after delivery of placenta or CS Advantages -Cx is fully dilated easy painless Insertion -Spotting after insertion is mistaken e' Lucia Incidence of infection, inflam, displacement & perforation ⓑDelayed postpartum: → Missed pill regimen for POPs Insertion ⓐBreast feeding within 1st 6m' cycle because 1- Pregnancy is excluded. 2- Cx is still opened easy & painless Insertion 3- Spotting after insertion is mistaken as menses At any time provided that pregnancy is surely excluded Postpartum Disadvantages (not > 2 wks to maintain efficacy) Late in taking pills > 3 h' During last few days of the ⓐImmediate postpartum Schedule -Take 1 pill/day until all pills in pack finished &repeat again èout break. -Taken èin 3 h' of same time each day Timing By minor surg technique using special applicator Removal By minor surg technique removed at date or on request Implanon easier in removal & Insertion After 4 wks of birth (vaginal or C/S) Post abortion: → Immediately or after 4 wks of abortion Methods Pushing tech.(e' Lippes)→ ↑ incidence of perforation Withdrawal tech.(e' other types) → ↓ incidence of perforation . Removal Removed after expiry e.g, Cu-T 380 A → 10y' 3 COCs [Combined oral Contraceptives] Indication Contraceptive Use females 20-35y' if not C/I Non-Contraceptive Use 1-DUB 2-Endometriosis. 3-Hirsuitism 4-Spasmodic dysmenorrhea. 5-PMS 6-Acne 7-Functioning ovarian cyst 8-Postpone menstruation Long acting injectables POPs [Prog. only Pills] Subdermal implants Contraceptive Use Contraceptive Use -lactating -if age > 35 y' -if COCs is C/I -in lactating mothers -if age > 35 y' -if COCs is C/I Intra uterine device (IUD/IUCD) if preg. spacing for many years or terminal contraception -if pregnancy spacing >1 y or Terminal contraception -sickle cell disease [↓↓ frequency & severity of crisis] -Epilepsy [↑↑ seizers threshold & not -in lactating mothers -if age > 35 y' -Female refusing hormonal contraception -In multipara having children (never in nulligravida as it causes PID) Non-Contraceptive Use 1-DUB by prog. & antifibrinolytic IUD 2-After adheseolysis in Asherman's syndrome by Lippe's IUD [only indication of Lippe's nowadays] affected by antiepileptic drugs] Non-Contraceptive Use Effectiveness 1-DUB 2-Endometriosis. 3-Hirsuitism 4-Endometrial Carci 5-Fibroid. 6-Precoicous puberty Use Failure = 1-2 /HWY Method failure = 0.1 MC cause of failure incorrect use Use Failure = 2-4 /HWY Use Failure < 1 /HWY Use Failure = 2-4 /HWY Nearly as tubal sterilization 4 COCs [Combined oral Contraceptives] POPs [Prog. only Pills] Long acting injectables Subdermal implants Intra uterine device (IUD/IUCD) ⓐGeneral advantages from Scheme Advantages General advantages of any Contraceptive methods Effective* Reliable Easy to use* Reversible [Rapid return fertility] Cheap* Available Safe [ S/E] No need medical supervision Not affect sexual relation Accepted by couple Except in……. POPs Progesterone only injectable COC *Subdermal Implant Not Cheap & Not easy to use [Inserted, removed by minor surgical technique] *IUD Not Effective [High failure rate] & Not easy to use [need doctor for Insertion & removal] l ⓑRisk of ⓑSuitable for Lactating mother & When COCs are C/I 1-Ovarian & endometrial cancers 2-Bg breast dse 3-Ectopic pregnancy 4-PID 5-Anemia. 6-Menst. Irregularities ⓒRisk of ⓒNon-Contraceptive use ⓓNon-Contraceptive use ⓑSuitable for Lactating mother & When COCs are C/I 1-Ovarian & endometrial cancers 2-fibroids 3-↓ Endometriosis symptoms ⓒNon-Contraceptive use 4-Ectopic pregnancy 5-PID. 6-↓ frequency & severity of sickle cell crisis ⓓDurable & can be removed at ⓓDurable & can be any time e' rapid return of fertility Disadvantages removed at any time e' rapid return of fertility ⓐRequires regular daily intake ⓐRequires ⓐ Inability to ⓐ Minor surgical ⓐInsertion & removal need & resupply. regular daily ……… withdraw the drug interference & Complications trained HCW ⓑLess Effective ⓑLess Effective ⓑDelayed return of fertility (at least 4 m') Incorrect use & missed pills are common → ↓↓ efficacy ⓑ Delayed return of fertility (May reach 3 m') [Contraceptive effect &S/E can't be stopped immediately] Abscess & difficult removal d2 fibrosis ⓑCosmetic or tender ⓒNo protection against STDs including HIV ⓓ Side effects ()تُكتب 5 COCs [Combined oral Contraceptives] Menstrual disturbances Anticosmotic effect S/E [risks-Complications] Wt gain, Skin pigmentation & Acne Alopecia Pseudopregnancy state E2 Progesterone Nausea, -Loss of vomiting, appetite headache -Depression dizziness Breast effect - Suppression of lactation - Breast tenderness -↑ incidence of cancer breast -↓ incidence of Bg breast lesion Oncogenic effect - ↑ incidence of cancer breast if used before 36 y' - ↑ Bg & Mg Tm of the liver - ↑ incidence of fibroids & endometriosis [HDP] - ↑ risk of invasive cancer Cx if used >5 y' may be d2 other factors e.g, smoking & multiple sexual partners POPs [Prog. only Pills] Long acting injectables Subdermal implants Menstrual disturbances MC & the main cause of discontinuation. 1) Breakthrough bleeding or spotting. 2) Amenorrhea. 3) Heavy or prolonged bleeding تكتبُمعُ؟؟ Wt gain & Depression incidence of ectopic pregnancy d2 motility of tubes Breast enlargement & mastodenia Bone density ( Risk osteoporosis) Carcinogenesis [controverse] -Overall incidence is not ed, but ↑ may be d2 early diagnosis since regular visits or pre-existing breast cancer Intra uterine device (IUD/IUCD) Menstrual disturbances ⓐBleeding MC complication mainly menorrhagia A/E -IUD disturb PGs → 2ry DUB -local causes e.g, polyp . ttt exclude local causes then deal as 2ry DUB (may give prog. medicated IUD) ⓑAmenorrhea [Missed period] IUD +Missed period pregnancy until proved otherwise & this pregnancy is ectopic till proved otherwise. -If pregnancy excluded → it's a case of 2ry amenorrhea (IUD has no role) Insertion complications vaso-vagal attack, perforation, failure of insertion Expulsion Extraction difficulties PID & Pain Discharge [serous, serosanginous or mucous] Failure (Pregnancy) Threads Inability to feel threads (missed IUD) Discomfort of male d2 very long Threads 6 COCs Intra uterine device (IUD/IUCD) [Combined oral Contraceptives] Fertility -Proteins anabolic →↑ weight (E2) Mainly d2 faulty insertion Expulsion -unskilled provider -postpartum insertion -high parity -nulliparity -big IUD -closed IUD A/E 3m' after stoppage of pills Teratogenic if given in 1st trimester causing anomalies in Vertebral bodies & Limb Esophageal, Tracheal &Anorectal, Cardiac & Renal Metabolic effects Perforation - Delayed -CHO diabetogenic (E2) PID -Septic IUD -Pelvic Actinomycosis Israeli -threads act as a ladder Incidence 1.5 times > normal (specially in 1st m' after insertion). -H2O salt & water retention → ↑ wt. (E2) ⓫GIT effects - Nausea, vomiting & malabsorption - ↑ incidence of gall stone formation, cholecystitis, hepatic Tm pelvic congestion & Cx erosion . Acute abdominal pain d2 perforation , acute PID & ectopic pregnancy . Chronic lower abdominal heaviness d2 chronic PID & pelvic congestion . d2 abnormal position inside uterus C/P CVS effects -E2 → ↑ incidence of thrombosis, salt & water retention -Progesterone → ↑ incidence of atherosclerosis So, ↑ incidence of -IHD -Systemic Vascular occlusions - HTN -DVT & Pul. embolism CNS effects - ↑ incidence of headache, migraine & mood changes - ↑ incidence of cerebral strokes Low backache MC Uterine cramps & dysmenorrhea -Clotting ↑ clotting (E2) ttt S/E [risks-Complications] -Fat ↑ LDL & ↓ HDL (progesterone) Pain acute abd. pain during insertion -vaginal spotting localized peritonitis [e' medicated] See missed IUD -Irreg bleeding -Pain -Pregnancy see PID tubal adhesions → infertility (never used in nullipara) Loop extraction & ttt of PID ttt of the cause & analgesics Failure of IUD (Pregnancy) (missed period) -IUD + amenorrhea → pregnancy until ………….(1/30 pregnancies). -If pregnancy is extrauterine ectopic preg.→ deal as ectopic pregnancy -If pregnancy is intrauterine pregnancy on top of IUD A/E -Perforation -Expulsion -low insertion of IUD -Expiry - Cong. anomalies of uterus e.g, bicornuate uterus . Risks abortion : septic abortion till proved otherwise.(50%) preterm labor (4 times ↑ risk) & no ↑ risk of congenital anomalies . Management if threads accessible→ immediate removal & follow up (↓ risk of abortion to 25 %) if not accessible→ leave IUD & follow up as high risk pregnancy 7 COCs Intra uterine device (IUD/IUCD) [Combined oral Contraceptives] ⓬Drug interaction Missed IUD [ Inability to feel threads] ▶ Drugs that ↑ activity of hepatic microsomal enzymes → ↑ destruction E2 & Progesterone → ↑ failure rate e.g, Rifampicin, tetracycline, sedatives, hypnotics Definition S/E [risks-Complications] ▶↓ Action of Anticoagulants. Antidiabetic [oral hypoglycemics] Antihypertensive Patient unable to feel the threads A/E Deep vagina + short fingers Adherent threads to vaginal wall or Cx Cut threads Pregnancy Expulsion Perforation Abnormal position of IUD in uterus Management Careful Vaginal examination [PV & speculum] Threads are present Threads are not present Thread not felt d2 d2 one of the following Deep vagina + short fingers Pregnancy Adherent threads to vaginal wall or Cx Expulsion Cut threads Perforation Abnormal position of IUD in uterus Continue by the following investigations 1-Pregnancy test +ve Pregnant -ve Do Pelvi-abdominal x-ray not Seen Expulsion IUD seen Do Old or recent methods 2-Pelvi-abdominal x-ray IUD 3-Plain x-ray + sound intrauterine[ If overlapping in x-ray e' sound Intrauterine IUD] or HSG [old methods] TVS or Hysteroscope [recent methods] Intrauterine IUD Perforation Laparoscopic removal or If not removed mini laparotomy & removal + repair of any injury Extrauterine IUD Abnormal position of IUD in uteru Try to remove by Bozeman's forceps or Novack currette If not removed hysteroscopic extraction (or D & C if no hysteroscope available) 8 [Indications to stop] Warning signs COCs Pill-danger sign POPs [Prog. only Pills] Abdominal pain (may be ectopic preg.) Abdominal pain (may be MVO) Chest pain (may be pul. embolism) Missed period (may be pregnancy) Severe Headache (may be prodroma of cerebral stroke) Long acting injectables Subdermal implants Weight gain Depression Heavy vaginal bleeding Headache Eye symptoms Intra uterine device (IUD) pain (severe abdominal pain may be ectopic pregnancy) Amenorrhea (may be pregnancy) Inability to feel the threads Noticeable discharge e' fever (infection) (may be retinal artery occlusion) Absolute C/I WHO MEC* category 4 C/I 1-Pregnancy WHO MEC category 4 WHO MEC for starting injectable category 4 2-Unexplained vaginal bleeding. 4-Breastfeeding < 6 wks after childbirth 5- Heavy smokers 6-Complicated diabetes. 7-Severe HTN 8-Current or past Hx of IHD 9-Current or past Hx. of thromboembolism . 10-Valvular Ht dse e' complication. 11-Past thrombo-vascular accidents. 12-Prolonged immobilization 13-Migraine. 14-Epilepsy. 15-Active liver dse, cirrhosis, liver Tm 3-Breast cancer 4- Breastfeeding <6wks after childbirth 5- Current ttt with ABx (rifampin, griseofulvin) or AED 6-Gallbladder dse. 7-Active liver dse, cirrhosis, liver Tm WHO MEC for starting IUD category 4 1-Pregnancy 2-Unexplained vaginal bleeding. 3-Cx, endometrial or ovarian cancer. 4-Current or recent PID, STDs, septic abortion or pelvic TB. 5-Distorded uterine cavity *Standard abbreviation for Medical Eligibility Criteria AED =Antiepileptic drugs Relative C/I WHO MEC category 3 1-Age ≥35 2-light smoker. 3-Breastfeeding 6w'- 6m' postpartum 4-Non-breastfeeding women 3wk postpartum [after childbirth] 5-Mild and moderate HTN 6-Certain ABx or AED** 7-Gallbladder diseases WHO MEC for starting injectable category3 1-Breastfeeding <6wks 2-Severe HTN 3-Complicated diabetes. 4-Current or past Hx of IHD 5-Past thrombo-vascular accidents. 6-Active liver dse, cirrhosis, liver Tm WHO MEC for starting IUD category 3 1-Risk of developing STDs 2-HIV/AIDS infection. 9