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Poetry Test: Cat, Silver, Your World

(TAKE HOME)Test: Poetry: Cat, Silver, Your world
Name: ______________________________
Mrs. Torres
Date: May 5, 2014
Score: ___/ 100 pts.
Use the answer sheet at the end of the test and hand it to the teacher on Wednesday, May 7.
Use the vocabulary words to fill the blanks below. (12 pts.)
gleam [GLEEM] v. shine
horizon [huh RY zuhn] n. where the land or water seems to meet the sky
peers [PEERZ] v. looks hard at something as if to see it more clearly
scampering [SKAM per ing] n. running with short, quick steps
scatter [SKAT er] v. to toss around here and there
throbbed [THRAHBD] v. beat quickly; pulsed
I stand at the front of the boat, watching the sun [1] _____________________ and sparkle on the
waves. As far as I can see, all the way to the [2] _____________________, there is nothing but the sea.
Standing beside me, my little brother [3] _____________________ into the water. He wants to see a
dolphin. I remember when I was his age and saw a whale emerge from the ocean. My whole body had [4]
_____________________ with excitement. My yells of joy had sent everyone [5]
_____________________ as fast as they could up the deck toward me. Now, years later, I hope my
brother can see a whale, too. Suddenly, just ahead, a giant form
seems to [6] _____________________ the waves everywhere as it shoots up toward the sky.
“A whale!” my brother and I scream.
II. Write the letter that shows the correct answer ( 42 pts.)
7. In “Cat!” how does the speaker seem to feel about the cat?
A. pleased
B. annoyed
C. affectionate
D. sad
8. Which word best describes the cat in “Cat!”?
A. lazy
B. cuddly
C. spooky
D. fast
9. In these lines from “Cat!” what sound does the made-up onomatopoeic word scritching try to imitate?
“Scritching the bark Of the sycamore tree”,
A. the sound of scratching
B. the sound of barking
C. the sound of chewing
D. the sound of weeping
10. Which phrase best describes the mood of the scene in “Silver”?
A. magical and peaceful
B. tense and scary
C. dark and depressing
D. beautiful but sad
11. Based on the context, what does shoon mean in these lines from “Silver”?
Slowly, silently, now the moon
Walks the night in her silver shoon.
A. hat
B. shoes
C. moonlight
D. night
12. Which sound is repeated most often at the start of words in “Silver”?
A. the s sound
B. the k sound
C. the l sound
D. the th sound
13. What change in herself does the speaker in “Your World” describe?
A. She was once bold and daring, but now she is less confident.
B. She was once like a child, but now she is more mature.
C. She once lived a narrow life, but in time she grew more adventurous.
D. She once was more worldly, but now she has become more spiritual
14. What does the context suggest that abide means in these lines from “Your World”?
I know, for I used to abide
In the narrowest nest in a corner
A. obey
B. welcome
C. conceal
D. remain
15. Based on the following lines, which statement most accurately describes the rhyme pattern in “Your
1 Your world is as big as you make it
2 I know, for I used to abide
3 In the narrowest nest in a corner
4 My wings pressing close to my side
A. The last words in each pair of lines rhyme.
B. The last words in lines 1 and 3 rhyme, as do the last words in lines 2 and 4.
C. The last words in lines 2 and 4 rhyme, but the last words in lines 1 and 3 do not.
D. There is no rhyme pattern in “Your World.”
16. Which poem in this collection makes the most frequent use of onomatopoeia?
A. “Cat!”
B. “Silver”
C. “Your World”
D. none of the above
17. Which of the three poems show a lot of examples of sound devices?
A. “Cat!”
B. “Silver”
C. “Your World”
D. none of the above
18. Which of the poems shows more imagery?
A. “Cat!”
B. “Silver”
C. “Your World”
D. none of the above
19. One example of simile that we found in one of the poems is:
A. Couched in his kennel, like a log
B. Your world is as big as you make it.
C. And cradled my wings on the breeze
D. Where the sky line encircled the sea
20. An example of personification is found on the second line of the poem
A. “Cat!”
B. “Silver”
C. “Your World”
D. none of the above
21.One of the examples of onomatopoeia that we found in the poems discussed in class was
A. Hithery/ Thithery
B. Whiskery spitter!
C. Pftts! pftts!
D. Scat,/ Cat!
22. How many lines can we find in the poem Cat!
A. 15
B. 20
C. 25
D. 35
23. The poem Your World has 3
A. couplets
B. sestests
24. The rhyme scheme for the poem Silver is
A. aabbccddffgg
B. aabcbcaaddfg
C. abcdefgabcdefg
D. ababdefgabab
25. The author of the poem Cat! Is
A. Walter de la Mare
B. Eleanor Farjeon
C. Georgia Douglas
C. quatrains
D. sestets
26. The author of Silver started to write when
A. he was in his lunch break at work
B. he took his kids to bed at night
C. the British government gave him a grant
27. Georgia Douglas Johnson has also a career as a
A. news reporter
B. secretary
C. teacher
D. columnist
28. Write together the words that rhyme on lines 9-14 in the poem Silver (6 pts.)
III. IMAGERY:Decide which senses ( sight, taste, hearing, touch, smell) are connect to the phrases below
(20 pts)
29. They go up and down steep hills: _______________
30.Handsome roosters still dream about beautiful hens: _________________
31.Their legs take cold showers of morning dew on the weeds ________________
32.Step aside to make way for their rushing feet: ___________________
33.They hear the peyee-peeyee of the crickets, and the twee-twee of half-awake lizards ____
34.They run …like fish dancing with sea waves ___________
35.The bread sellers rushing to keep their breads hot for their customers __________
36.Roads of white turf and roads of red clay ____________
37.Butterflies brush their powder-covered wings against the children’s sweat-dripping faces ___________
38.Singing their grandparents’ last words ________
IV.Staple to the answer sheet the exercise figurative language from the practice on the blog April 2
(20 pts)