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African Wildlife Safari Interview Transcript

David talks about
the wildlife in his
home country
Shirley: David, so earlier, I
was telling you I've always
wanted to go to Africa and
I'm just wondering, is that
whole safari scene the
David: It's not a cliche, but
it's something real you have
to experience when you get
there on the safari. What
you see on National
Geographic and this ... you
know .. documentaries is
true. It's nothing ... it's not
anything that ... they
wouldn't show you that's not
true that you'll find in Kenya.
Shirley: Wow! So I could be
just out there ... what driving
around in my car and on my
own just seeing all those
David: No, you don't get to
drive in your own car. They
provide services for you
like ... we have like for
instance in Kenya we have
an institute called KWS:
Kenya Wildlife Service that
does that and it has its own
warders that are highly
trained to protect you when
you're in the forest.
Shirley: OK, so the tourists
are kind of regulated?
David: Yeah, sort of.
Shirley: All right. So what
could I expect to see if I go
David: You can expect to
see the wildlife itself:
animals in their own habitat,
some sleeping, some
walking, some hunting. You
never know. It depends on
the time when you're doing
your safari.
Shirley: Am I gonna get
chased by a rhinoceros?
David: No, they actually
don't chase you cause, you
know, most of the time
you're just passing by.
You're not disturbing them,
but at times you get into
contact with animals. You
know, animals live in packs,
so when one animal is
excommunicated from its
pack, it's an angry animal.
For instance, buffalo, so
when you find one buffalo
by itself, that's not a really
nice thing.
excommunicated from it's
pack and it cannot join the
other pack so it attacks at
anything, you see,
sometimes they are really
dangerous and that's why
you need the game warders
who carry like ammunitions
just to protect the tourists.
Shirley: Wow! Really! So
what's the chance of me
getting attacked by a wild
David: One in a million. But
you never know. You can
never rule these things out.
Shirley: So it doesn't
happen very often?
David: It doesn't happen
very often but at times in the
past it's happened.
Shirley: So, what would
happen if I found a buffalo
by itself?
David: That's what we call a
charged buffalo. It's really
angry. It's been
Go online for the slide show, interactive quiz, and free downloadable MP3 of this interview:www.elllo.org : Interview #922
Practice makes Perfect
Main Points: Answer the following questions about the interview.
1! David says the safaris are _____ .
a! sort of a cliche
b! just like National Geographic
c! hard to arrange
2! You can view the animals _____ .
a! from your car
b! with KWS
c! only in summer
3! It is _______ to see the animals hunting.
4! The animals are most dangerous when
they are ___ .
a! passing by
b! excommunicated
c! in their community
5! Bu"alos are most dangerous when they
are ______ .
a! hungry
b! alone
c! tired
a! common
b! rare
c! illegal
Unscramble: Put the mixed up sentences in the correct order.
drive! the animals! to see ! my car! can I ! ?
2. see ! if I go to Kenya! could I! expect to! what ! ?
3. I will be ! chased! is there! a chance! by a rhino! ?
4. what ! happen! would ! a water buffalo ! if I found ! by itself ! ?
Discussion: Can you remember how David answered the above questions?
Go online for the slide show, interactive quiz, and free downloadable MP3 of this interview:www.elllo.org : Interview #922
Complete the missing
Option 1: Read the text and
try to predict the missing
Option 2: Listen the audio
from elllo.org and complete
the gaps.
Shirley: David, so earlier, I
was telling you I've always
w________ to go to Africa
and I'm just wondering, is
that whole safari scene the
David: It's not a cliche, but
it's something real you have
to experience when you get
there on the safari. What
you see on N__________
Geographic and this ... you
know .. documentaries is
true. It's nothing ... it's not
anything that ... they
wouldn't show you that's not
true that you'll find in Kenya.
Shirley: Wow! So I could be
just out there ... what
d________around in my car
and on my own just seeing
all those animals?
David: No, you don't get to
drive in your own
c________. They provide
services for you like ... we
have like for instance in
Kenya we have an institute
called KWS: Kenya Wildlife
Service that does that and it
has its own warders that are
highly trained to protect you
when you're in the forest.
Shirley: OK, so the tourists
are kind of regulated?
David: Yeah, sort of.
Shirley: All right. So what
could I expect to see if I go
David: You can expect to
see the w________ itself:
animals in their own habitat,
some sleeping, some
walking, some hunting. You
never know. It depends on
the time when you're doing
your safari.
Shirley: Am I gonna get
c________ by a rhinoceros?
David: No, they actually
don't chase you cause, you
know, most of the time
you're just passing by.
You're not disturbing them,
but at times you get into
contact with animals. You
know, animals live in packs,
so when one animal is
excommunicated from its
pack, it's an a________
animal. For instance,
buffalo, so when you find
one buffalo by itself, that's
not a really nice thing.
David: That's what we call a
charged buffalo. It's really
angry. It's been
excommunicated from it's
pack and it cannot join the
other pack so it a________
at anything, you see,
sometimes they are really
d________ and that's why
you need the game warders
who carry like ammunitions
just to protect the
Shirley: Wow! Really! So
what's the chance of me
getting attacked by a wild
David: One in a
m________. But you never
know. You can never rule
these things out.
Shirley: So it doesn't
happen very often?
David: It doesn't happen
very often but at times in the
past it's h________.
Shirley: So, what would
happen if I found a buffalo
by itself?
Go online for the slide show, interactive quiz, and free downloadable MP3 of this interview:www.elllo.org : Interview #922
Keep the Conversation Going
Te!ing a story about an experience with animals
is a great way to keep a conversation going.
A: I!m surprised that so many people have dogs for pets.
B: I love dogs, but I travel a lot so it!s hard for me to have one as a pet.
A: In my experience, dogs ________________________________________________
Do you think __________________________________________________________?
A: This morning there was a deer eating the grass in my back yard.
B: Yeah, that!s actually pretty common around here, but it is still surprising.
A: I remember when ____________________________________________________
Have you ever ________________________________________________________?
Go online for the slide show, interactive quiz, and free downloadable MP3 of this interview:www.elllo.org : Interview #922
Practice makes Perfect: ANSWERS
Main Points: Answer the following questions about the interview.
1! David says the safaris are _____ .
a! sort of a cliche
b! just like National Geographic
c! hard to arrange
2! You can view the animals _____ .
a! from your car
b! with KWS
c! only in summer
3! It is _______ to see the animals hunting.
4! The animals are most dangerous when
they are ___ .
a! passing by
b! excommunicated
c! in their community
5! Bu"alos are most dangerous when they
are ______ .
a! hungry
b! alone
c! tired
a! common
b! rare
c! illegal
Unscramble: Put the mixed up sentences in the correct order.
drive! the animals! to see ! my car! can I ! ?
Can I drive to see the animals?
2. see ! if I go to Kenya! could I! expect to! what ! ?
What can I expect to see if I go to Kenya?
3. I will be ! chased! is there! a chance! by a rhino! ?
Is there a chance I will be chased by a rhino?
4. what ! happen! would ! a water buffalo ! if I found ! by itself ! ?
What would happen if I found a water bu"alo by itself ?
Discussion: Can you remember how David answered the above questions?
Go online for the slide show, interactive quiz, and free downloadable MP3 of this interview:www.elllo.org : Interview #922