Chapter 13 PAGE 1 1.When tire blows out, you need to gain control of your vehicle without braking. Decelerate and drive off the roadway slowly, turn on hazards and find a good place to stop 2.When brakes fail, pump the brakes three or four times, downshift into lower gears and apply parking brake and search for open zone. 3.If it sticks, shift your car to neutral and apply brakes, move to an escape path that leads to an open zone, and turn off engine 4.Use emergency swerve when your cannot prevent a collision by stepping down hard on the brakes. 5.Use horn and hazard flashers to show and emergency, lift foot from accelerator , do not brake, shift to lower gears and switch on parking break. 6.Control steering wheel and steer straight toward target. Take foot off of accelerator and brake gently to 5 or 10 mph. Straddle roadway, check traffic , and steer sharply left and right until front wheels get onto roadway PAGE 2 1.Slowdown down to prevent damage. 2.Brake gently as soon as you realize your problem , brake but do not lock your wheels, half way through the curve look to target and accelerate gently to stabilize vehicle. 3.1. Unfasten seatbelt and unfasten passenger seatbelts,open window that is most out of water ,exit through window. 4.Maintain control, brake hard, blow horn flash lights, continue braking and move to the right. Steer right toward shoulder, Do not steer left. 5.Stop immediately, aid injured, prevent further damage, call police, exchange information. 6.Record witnesses names and addresses, Give police the facts file necessary reports. CHAPTER 14 PAGE 1 1.Night blindness 2.Color blindness 3.Tunnel vision 4.Depth perception 5.Glare recovery time 6.Visual acuity 7.Emotions 8.Carbon monoxide 9.Glare resistance 10.Speed smear 11.Correct 12.Incorrect 20/40 13.Incorrect central 14.Incorrect need to 15.Correct 16.More clear PAGE 3 1.Glare recovery 2.Color blindness 3.Glare recovery 4.Depth perception 5.Color blindness 6.Glare recovery 7.Depth perception 8.Glare recovery 9.Color blindness 10.Glare recovery Control emotions, change lanes if possible, slow down. CHAPTER 15 Page 1 1.Inhibitions 2.BAC 3.DWI 4.Depressant 5.Field sobriety test 6.Over the counter medicine 7.Peer education 8.Hallucinogen 9.DUI 10.Stimulant 11.Intoxilyzer 12.Prescription medicine 13.Euphoria 14.Zero tolerance law 15.Peer pressure 16.Implied consent law 17.Nystagmus 18.Designated driver Page 4 1.False 2.True 3.False 4.True 5.False 1.Four 2.Three 3.Four 4.One 5.Three CHAPTER 16 PAGE 2 1.Used dealer 2.Private owner 3.Private owner 4.Used car dealer 5.Used car dealer 6.New car dealer 7.New car dealer 8.Private owner 9.Private owner 10.New car dealer 1.Minus 2.Minus 3.Plus 4.Plus 5.Minus 6.Minus 7.Minus 8.Minus PAGE 3 1.B 2.A 3.F 4.C 5.G 6.D 7.H 8.B 9.A 10.E 1.Lower 2.Higher 3.Higher 4.Lower 5.Lower 6.Higher 7.Higher 8.Lower