1. Create a Java Class named “IT233_JavaActivity2_1”. Given the table below, declare the following variables with the corresponding data types and initialization values. Output to the screen the variable names together with the values. Variable Name Data Type Initial Value number integer 10 letter character a result boolean true str String hello The following should be the expected screen output, number = 10 letter = a result = true str = hello 2. Create a Java Class named IT233_JavaActivity2_2. Create a program That gets the sum of three numbers. Let the values of the three numbers Be: 10, 20, 45. The expected output is, Variable Name Data Type Initial Value num1 integer 10 num2 integer 20 num3 integer 45 sum integer number 1 = 10 number 2 = 20 number 3 = 45 sum is = 75 3. Create a Java class named IT233_JavaActivity2_3. Given three numbers, Write a program that outputs the number with the greatest value among the three. Use the conditional operator ?: that we have studied so far (HINT: You will need to use two sets of ?: to solve this problem). Given the numbers 10, 23 and 5, your program should output, Number 1= 10 Number 2 = 23 Number 3 = 5 The highest number is = 23