OSH ENGAGEMENT SESSION WITH ZAMRI SAHARI 2021 HIRARC for ISO45001- Hazard AWAS HAZARD DALAM PEMBENTANGAN INI ADA UNTUK KATOGERI HAZARD FIZIKAL SAHAJA Hazard, risk, danger and opportunity 3.22 occupational health and safety opportunity OH&S opportunity circumstance or set of circumstances that can lead to improvement of OH&S performance (3.28) 3.21 occupational health and safety risk OH&S risk combination of the likelihood of occurrence of a workrelated hazardous event(s) or exposure(s) and the severity of injury and ill health (3.18) that can be caused by the event(s) or exposure(s) Workers Examples of opportunities to improve OH&S performance include the following: • Identification of hazards, how they are communicated, analysed and controlled; • Enhancing the inspection and auditing functions; • Introduction of job safety analysis and task-related assessments; • Modification of working processes including the alleviation of monotonous and repetitive work; • Implementation of permit-to-work processes; • Incident or nonconformity investigations and corrective actions; • Implementation of ergonomic and other injury prevention-related assessments; • Integration of occupational health and safety considerations at the earliest stage in the design life cycle of plant and equipment; • Integration of occupational health and safety considerations at the earliest stage in planning for facilities relocation, and/or process redesign; • Introduction of new technology; • Improvement of the occupational health and safety culture of the organization; • Enhancing the visibility of top management’s support for the OH&S management system; • Enhancing the incident investigation process; • Improving worker consultation and participation; • Benchmarking of the organization’s OH&S performance against that of other organizations; • Collaborating in forums that review issues relating to occupational health and safety. 3.19 hazard source with a potential to cause injury and ill health (3.18) Note 1 to entry: Hazards can include sources with the potential to cause harm or hazardous situations, or circumstances with the potential for exposure leading to injury and ill health. Danger: Relative exposure to Hazard Dangerous Less Dangerous Hazard 1. 2. 3. Source, situation, or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health , or a combination of these(OHSAS 18001:2007) Source, situation, or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health and damage to property. (MS1722:2011) Source or a situation with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health, damage to property, damage to the environment or a combination of these. (HIRARC Guideline 2008) 3.19 hazard - source with a potential to cause injury and ill health (3.18) • Note 1 to entry: Hazards can include sources with the potential to cause harm or hazardous situations, or circumstances with the potential for exposure leading to injury and ill health. (ISO45001 : 2018) 4. Saya tunggu NIOSH dan DOSH Malaysia buat pengumuman untuk pengunaan istilah hazard di bawah ini. Keseragaman istilah penting untuk SHO dan peserta WPA@P4 Pihak Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka pada 10 September 2020 melalui Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Istilah Semasa DBP Bil. 64 (7/2020) telah mengemaskini daftar perkataan Hazard dalam daftar bahasa Melayu. •Andai kata DOSH dan NIOSH dah bersetuju dengan istilah di atas, nota SHO hendaklah di semak semula dengan kadar segera. •Walaubagaimana pun, kena ingat ye, istilah hendaklah selari dengan ISO45001:2018 ye. • Pakai Dewan bahasa terjemah boleh ke? • Jawapan saya boleh. • Kendatipun, jika terjemahan kita menggunapakai Level Standard 3, maka pengiktirafan perkataan hanyalah diperingkat negara sahaja. Level 1 apa ya? Ada lima Level semuanya. • Jika Syarikat anda MNC, nak pakai Level 3 or 1? • ISC W kata apa? Level 1-5. Nak ikut Level 3 atau yg diiktiraf masyarakat dunia? • Wakil kita dalam ISO TC 283 sudah bersetuju. Takkan bila balik Malaysia, tukar pulak apa yg sudah dipersetujui dalam Meeting TC tempohari. • Ini bermakna ISO TC283/ISC W diketepikan semasa terjemahan dilakukan. • Nasihat saya. Sesiapa yg menjadi wakil nanti dalam persidangan ISO TC 283, minta bersedia dgn jawapan bernas, kenapa Malaysia menukar makna Hazard. Jangan pula kata kami ikut Dewan Bahasa Pustaka pula. • Sila selesaikan penterjemahan agar pengamal OSH tidak keliru dan tidak diperkecil kecilkan di peringkat antarabangsa. • Moga semua dipermudahkan. Amin. Hazard –OHSAS vs. Hazard –ISO45001 HIRADC – OHSAS18001 (Semua jenis penaksiran) Hazard Categories • Physical – HIRARC DOSH • Chemical – CHRA DOSH • Biological – Untuk Malaysia saya tidak pasti • Psychosocial – Untuk Malaysia saya tidak pasti 4 /12 /2020 presentation Methodology pengenal pastian hazard – Beberapa contoh je ni, methodology lain ada banyak lagi yang belum dibincangkan. 1. Observation – Proses pemerhatian dilakukan dengan memerhatikan: • tingkahlaku pekerja semasa melakukan kerja • memerhatikan persekitaran kerja seperti: • • • • • Cahaya Pergerakan udara Saiz ruang kerja Getaran Bunyi Pada akhir proses ini penemuan, hazard dan ERC akan direkod dalam checklist. 2. Observation checklist Hazard Existing control measure Sound Smell Temperature Moisture Air movement Vibration Object on the floor Signage Drain First aid box Inspection – Proses ini dilakukan dengan memeriksa: a) Kesihatan- saliran, pencahayaan, pengalihudaraan, kebersihan dan kesesakan/kepadatan b) Keselamatan- pemagaran, penyangkul(hoist), pengangkat, tali, kren, lantai, tangga, pintu masuk dan keluar, peralatan pencegah kebakaran untuk operasi menyelamat c) Kebajikan- Kemudahan pembersihan, penginapan dan pertolongan kecemasan. Pada akhir proses ini penemuan, hazard dan ERC akan direkod dalam checklist. 3. Remarks Interview – Proses ini dilakukan dengan bertanya tentang pendapat pekerja tentang persekitaran kerja dan rekod kemalangan yang pernah mereka jumpa. Pada akhir proses ini penemuan, hazard dan ERC akan direkod dalam checklist. Inspection checklist Hazard Existing control measure Calibration sticker Procedure/Work instruction Floor plan layout Approval tag (scaffold green tag) Level indicator functionality Remarks Safety record Permit record Interview checklist Hazard Existing control measure Describe your task here When was last incident What was the incident Who involve Why the incident occurs Where did you sent the injured person Are you confortable here Are you provided with PPE Do you have any concerns pertaining to occupational safety and health Remarks Conducting HIRARC No.1 No.2 Stop No.13 No.4 No.3 Approved No.5 Start No.7 No.6 No.8 No.9 11 No.10 No.11 No.12 Hazard (English) Hazard (Bahasa Malaysia) Unguarded platform Uneven floor Heavy load Pelantar yang tidak berpenghadang Lantai yang tidak rata Beban yang berat Soggy platform Hot temperature in the work station Sharp object on the floor Pelantar yang reput Suhu panas di stesen kerja Objek tajam di lantai Cutting blades without guard Unguarded machine maintenance area Mata pemotong yang tidak berpenghadang Kawasan penyelengaraan yang tidak berpenghadang Projectile fragments in the work station Objek terpelanting di stesen kerja Awas, Lain tempat, lain syarikat, lain Which can cause dan lain Effect, Apa yang terdapat dalam slide ini adalah sekadar contoh sahaja Hazard Which can cause Effect Lantai licin di pejabat ? ? Lantai licin di ware house ? ? Lantai licin di pentry ? ? Lantai licin di plant ? ? Lantai licin di sampling line ? ? Lantai licin di tepi reactor ? ? Lantai licin di dough mixer ? ? Lantai licin di production line ? ? Lantai licin di toilet ? ? Lantai licin di varenda ? ? Lantai cicin di lobby hotel ? ? Lantai licin di swimming pool ? ? Lantai licin di ladang ? ? Lantai licin di atas bangunan ? ? Hazard Which can cause Effect Plastik di anak tangga Terjatuh patah, mati “Extention wire” yang koyak Renjatan elektrik mati Pisau di lantai Terhiris/tercucuk objek tajam luka Cawan yang sumbing Terhiris luka “Skateboard” di lauan Terlentang Terseliuh, patah, mati Meja membaca yang rendah Regangan otot Sakit belakang Kerusi yang longgar Terjatuh Patah, terseliuh Kipas siling yang longgar Dihempam kipas Patah, mati Soket outlet yang longgar Renjatan elektrik mati Sabun di lantai Terlentang Patah, mati Longkang yang tidak berpenutup Terjatuh Patah, mati Air panas di tepi meja Tersentuh objek panas Melecur, mati Objek di bawah meja study (limited Regangan otot leg room) Sakit belakang Sarang lebah di tepi bangunan Lebam/mati Disengat lebah Hazard (Personnel Basket Transfer) Which can cause Effect Netting yang licin Jatuh Patah , mati Bottom deck ring yang licin Tergelincir Patah, mati Passengers bag sling on the bottom Tersadong deck ring Lebam, Patah, mati Halangan di sekitar lifting zone Tersadong Lebam, patah, mati Uneven weight distribution on the basket Terjatuh ke laut Lemas, mati Uneven floor Tersadong Lebam, patah, mati Slippery floor Tergelincir Lebam, patah, mati Lantai deck bergoyang melebihi ?? darjah Terjatuh Lebam, patah, mati Cargo yang tidak di ikat di sekitar lifting zone. Tersepit Lebam, patah, mati Objek tajam di sekitar lifting zone Tercucuk Luka, mati Obstruction along the basket transfer path Terjatuh ke laut Mati Hazard (office) Which can cause Effect Overloaded socket outlet/extension wire Wayar panas Kebakaran Wire running from the wall to the meeting table Tersadong Lebam, Patah Insufficient Illumination Regangan otot mata pening Exposed food Termakan makanan tercemar Keracunan Loose chair Terjatuh Lebam, patah Shelf above head level Regangan otot Sakit tengkok Bleach(peluntur) liquid in the pantry Terminum larutan peluntur Keracunan, mati Moles on the ceiling Terhidu spora Jangkitan pernafasan Sharp white board edge Terguris Luka Toluene (thinner) vapor in the meeting Terhidu toluene room Keracunan Stairs without hand rails Terjatuh Patah, mati Loose object on the ceiling Dihempap objek Lebam, luka, mati Limited leg room ( kotak di bawah meja) Regangan otot Sakit belakang Wayar elektrik yang luka Renjatan elektrik mati Hazard (office) Which can cause Effect Overloaded socket outlet/extension wire Wire heated Fire Wire running from the wall to the meeting table Trip Bruise Insufficient Illumination Eye strain Dizzy Exposed food Ingestion of contaminated food Poisoning Loose chair Fall Bruise Shelf above head level Muscle strain Muscle strain Bleach liquid in the pantry Ingestion of bleach Poisoning Moles on the ceiling Inhalation of spore Coughing Sharp white board edge Cuts Wound Toluene (thinner) vapor in the meeting room Inhalation toluene Poisoning Stairs without hand rails Fall Fracture Loose object on the ceiling Knock by an object Bruise Limited leg room Muscle strain Back pain Frayed electrical wire Electrocution Fatal Hazard (Plant) Low head room Which can cause Terhantuk Effect Benjol Gap between sampling line and the Terjatuh platform Patah, mati Un covered drain Terjatuh Patah, mati Tools on the catwalk Tersadong Patah, mati Slippery sampling station Tergelincir Patah, mati Uncovered rotating parts Tersepit Lebam, putus anggota badan, mati Shallow sampling pot Percikan sample Sakit mata, buta Un even floor Tersadong Patah, mati Pipes running on the floor Tersadong Patah, mati Uncovered hot pipes Tersentuh object panas Melecur Exposed live wire at pumping station Renjatan elektrik Mati Narrow sampling/maintenance platform Regangan otot Sakit belakang Slippery monkey ladder Terjatuh Patah, mati Heavy main hole cover Regangan otot Sakit belakang , slip disc Hazard (Training room/centre) Which can cause Effect Insufficient Illumination Regangan otot mata pening Wire running on the floor Tersadong Patah, lebam Loose carpet Tersadong Patah, lebam High projector projection Regangan otot Sakit tengkok Loose chair Jatuh Lebam, patah Wire running from the wall to the table Tersadong Lebam, patah Exposed food Termakan makan yang tercemar Keracunan makanan Participant’s Bag on the floor (become obstacle) Tersadong Lebam, patah Narrow space(row) between front and back table Regangan otot Sakit belakang Loose object on the ceiling Dihempap object Benjol, lebam, mati Air Cond drain water on the floor Tergelincir Patah, lebam Broken socket outlet Renjatan elektrik mati Overloaded extension wire Wayar panas Kebakaran Limited leg room (ruang bawah meja yang sempit) Regangan otot Sakit belakang Hazard (warehouse operation) Which can cause Effect Loose heavy object on the shelve Di hempap objek berat Patah, mati Unguarded mezzanine floor Terjatuh Patah, mati Tilted rack Di hempap rack Patah, mati Unguarded gaps between rack and the wall Tersepit di antara objek Patah , mati Unfastened rack Di hempap runtuhan rack Patah, mati Pintu warehouse yang longgar Di hempap pintu Patah , Mati Temporary un organized project material on the floor Tersadong Patah, lebam Obstruction Infront of material access Regangan otot Sakit belakang Un even floor Tersadong Patah, lebam Heavy object above head level Regangan otot Sakit tengkok Frayed electrical wire on the floor Renjatan elektrik Mati Forklift on the walk path Dilanggar forklift Patah, mati Suspended heavy object on the walk path Di hempap objek Patah, mati Gaps between two heavy object Tersepit Patah, Mati Hazard (Sembelih Lembu Di Kampung) Which can cause Effect Ikatan kaki lembu yang longgar Ditendang lembu Patah, mati Stesen kerja yang rendah Regangan otot Sakit belakang Tapak projek yang tidak rata Tersadong Lebam, patah Objek yang berat Regangan otot Sakit belakang Stesen sembelihan yang bergoyang Regangan otot Sakit belakang Ruang kerja yang sempit Regangan otot Sakit belakang Ruang antara mata pisau dan tangan yang rapat Terhiris Luka Kaki lembu yang tidak berpengikat Ditendang lembu Patah, Mati Hazard (Makmal) Which can cause Effect Meja makmal yang rendah Regangan otot Sakit belakang Sinki makmal yang rendah Regangan otot Sakit belakang Wap bahan kimia yang tidak Terhidu bahan kimia yang tidak dikenal pasti di Kawasan kerja (Bau) dikenali Keracunan/ mati Bikar yang sumbing Luka Terguris Spatula yang tercemar dengan Tindakbalas luar kawalan bahan kimia yang tidak dikenalpasti Luka, mati Pintu fume hood yang longgar Dihempap pintu fume hood Patah, lebam Wayar pH meter yang basah Renjatan elektrik mati Meja makmal yang basah Renjatan elektrik mati Hose butana (gas memasak) yang reput Letupan mati Socket outlet dalam fume hood yang retak Renjatan elektrik mati Switch yang basah Renjatan elektrik mati Tong yang longgar Regangan otot Lenguh tangan Makanan di dalam makmal Termakan bahan kimia yang tidak dikenali Keracunan, mati Hazard (Penumpang kapal terbang) Which can cause Effect Limited leg room Regangan otot Lenguh kaki Pintu cabin bag yang longgar Dihempap object Benjol, lebam Halangan di lantai Tersadong Lebam Sling bag yang terjuntai dari bawah kerusi Tersadong Lebam Air panas di bucu tray Tersentuh objek panas Melecur-minor Kerusi yang tegak Regangan otot Sakit tengkok Hazard (Boiler house) Which can cause Effect Insufficient Illumination Fall Bruise Narrow walk path Muscle strain Back pain Slippery ladder Fall Fracture Uneven floor Trip Bruise Exposed conductor Electrocution Death Tools on the floor Fall Fracture Pipes running on the floor Fall Fracture Low work station Muscle strain Back pain Loose material above work station Hit by object Bruise Exposed hot pipes Contact with hot surface Burn Crack pressurized pipes Hit by pressurized liquid Bruise/wound Slippery floor Fall Fracture Platform without rail Fall Fracture Sharp edge without protection Punctured Wound Hazard (Mechanical Handling ) Which can cause Effect Reduction in wire rope diameter Hit by object from high level Death Broken rope guide Hit by object from high level Death Worn out work floor Stuck in between object Death Loose hook Hit by object from height Death Curved boom Hit by object from height Death Loose safety latch Hit by object from height Death Narrow operation area Stuck in between object Death Frayed Cable Hit by object from height Death Uneven floor Overturning of vehicle/ Stuck in between object Death Insufficient illumination Stuck in between object Death Exposed conductor Electrocution Death Loose handle Muscle strain Back pain Sharp edge Cuts Wound Slippery floor Fall Bruise Lack of control Basic Cause ????? Contractor selection Hazard Which can cause (Incident) Effect (Loss) Air kopi tumpah di lantai Lantai yang licin Terlentang patah - Inadequate aircond Lantai yang licin maintenance (air aircond menitik di lantai) Terlentang patah ?????? Paku terjatuh di lantai Paku di lantai (satu paku dilantai) Tercucuk paku luka Management of contractors Inadequate contractor selection Paku di lantai (banyak paku terpacak di lantai) Tercucuk paku luka ?????? Mata drill bit yang tidak ikat dengan ketat Mata drill bit yang longgar Tercucuk drill bit luka Preventive maintenance system Inadequate adjustment / Pengikat mata drill bit repair / maintenance yang longgar Tercucuk drill bit luka Remarks Tak sesuai OK Tak sesuai OK Tak sesuai OK ITEMS Name of company Job activities Overall work process (ayat management @ nama department Specific work process (ayat ayat how) HI method 1 HI method 2 HI method 3 HIRARC HIRARC exercise OSH ENGAGEMENT SESSION WITH ZAMRI SAHARI 2021