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"This I Believe" Essay Graphic Organizer

This I Believe Graphic Organizer
Please refer to Canvas for the specifications needed in this essay.
Belief Statement: Just like a theme of a literary work, your belief should not be able to be expressed in one
word, but rather, a full, complete sentence. (For example, NO “I believe in friendship.”)
I believe you should not give up in life even at hard times
Life experience that caused you to realize/reaffirm your belief in this.
I was taken away from my birth mother when I was about to give up on life- I realized I still have people that care.I
always to this day look bad at it, and see how now and then has affected me greatly. First, bad to good. Something
bad has happened, but I realized I should not give up. One bad apple can not spoil the rest.
Give three concrete details related to that experience in order for that anecdote to really come alive to your
reader. Concrete details are concrete, sensory-based details. Use crisp, specific language. Avoid vagueness.
a.I remember being so depressed when my brother, sister and I was taken away from my birth mother because my
birth mother had overdosed and had done some bad things
b. I was given another mother who cares deeply about me, I am so blessed, and I enjoy every moment with the
c.I have a caring mother who I can depend on, and I care deeply about.
How does your belief continue to influence your life today? Again, use concrete details and precise
I believe it comes from my past events, and now I look at how blessed I am to be granted another mother
who loves & takes time to care for me.
How can you restate your belief statement, or otherwise conclude your essay? You want to end on a strong
note! I believe when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. (When my birth mother did those bad things,
and I was taken away… My brother, sister & me I had learned that maybe it was for the better… If not, I
wouldn’t have met the wonderful mother I have now!
How are you going to organize your essay? Will you organize it traditionally, with your belief statement at the
beginning, or will you try something different and explain the past event before you disclose your belief to the
reader? I want specifics!!
I will start off with the belief statement and then explain the past and explain how it affected me back then til now.
Title: Give your essay an interesting, original title.
Don’t give up