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Energy Test Review Game

1. The picture is an example of _____________
A.Kinetic Energy
B.Light Energy
C.Elastic Potential Energy
D.Gravitational Potential Energy
2. The picture is an example of _____________
A.Kinetic Energy
B.Thermal Energy
C.Elastic Potential Energy
D.Potential Energy
3. What is energy?
A.The ability to do work
B.Moving energy
C.Stored energy
D.Renewable energy
4. What is potential energy?
A.Non renewable energy
B.Moving energy
C.Stored energy
D.Renewable energy
5. What is kinetic energy
A.Non renewable energy
B.Moving energy
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC
C.Stored energy
D.Renewable energy
6. When a golf club hits a golf ball, what
is transferred from the club to the ball?
A. energy
B. force
D. elements
7. Kinetic energy is the result
A. light
B. heat
D. sound
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
8.Which of the following describes how
energy is converted when someone knocks a
glass of milk off the countertop?
A. The potential energy of the person is
converted into kinetic energy.
B. The kinetic energy of the person is
converted into potential energy.
C. The potential energy of the glass of milk
is converted into kinetic energy.
D. The kinetic energy of the glass of milk is
converted into potential energy.
9. Lucy is doing jumping jacks. At the top of
her jump, which of these is TRUE?
A. The kinetic energy is at a maximum.
B. The potential energy is at a maximum.
C. The potential energy is at a minimum.
D.The kinetic energy and potential energy
are equal.
10. In the roller coaster diagram below, ignoring
friction, at what point is the kinetic energy the
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
11. Two students investigate the relationship between potential and kinetic
energy. They create an investigation using a pendulum. One student holds
the bob at Position A and releases it. Which statement correctly describes
the relationship between potential and kinetic energy at Point B?
A. There is no potential or kinetic energy
B. Potential and kinetic energy are equal
C. Kinetic energy is lowest and potential
energy is highest
D.Kinetic energy is highest and potential
energy is the lowest
12. The mass of kinetic energy of 3 objects is shown in the
table. All three objects are traveling at the same velocity.
What is the relationship between mass and kinetic energy?
A. As the mass of an object increases, the Object
kinetic energy increases.
B. As the mass of an object increases, the
Skateboard 5
kinetic energy decreases.
C. As the mass of an object decreases,
Motorcycle 318
kinetic energy stays the same.
D. As the mass of an object decreases, the
kinetic energy increases
13. Which situation has the most potential
A. An 80 kg student diving from 2 meters
off the water
B. An 80 kg student diving from 3 meters
off the water
C. A 200 kg student diving from 2 meters
off the water
D.A 200 kg student diving from 3 meters
off the water
14. Which ball has more kinetic energy?
A. Ball B
B. Ball C
C. Balls B and C have the same amount of
kinetic energy
D. More information is needed to
determine which ball has move kinetic
15. Two oranges are falling from a tree. Both oranges are
falling at the same speed. orange #1 weighs less than orange
#2, which orange has more kinetic energy (motion energy)?
A. Orange 1 has more kinetic energy
B. Orange #2 has more kinetic energy
C. Both oranges have the same amount of
kinetic energy
D. Neither orange has kinetic energy.
16. A student holds a toy car at the top of a ramp. He lets go of the car and the
car speeds up as it rolls down the ramp. Which description best explains how
the gravitational potential energy and the kinetic energy of the car change?
A. The gravitational potential energy decreases and the kinetic
energy increases. The gravitational potential energy is
transformed into kinetic energy as the car rolls down the
B. The gravitational potential energy decreases and the kinetic
energy increases. As soon as the ball starts moving it no
longer has gravitational potential energy; it has only kinetic
C. The kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy both
decrease. Both forms of energy are used up as the ball moves
and are not transformed into any other form of energy.
D. The gravitational potential energy and the kinetic energy
both stay the same. One form of energy cannot be
transformed into a different form
17. Which graph BEST represents the relationship between
height and gravitational potential energy (PE)?
D. 4
18. Which type of energy is the stored energy of an object or
material due to its position?
A. kinetic
D. potential
19. Which type of energy is the energy of an object due to the
motion of its atoms and molecules?
A. nuclear
D. thermal
20. Which type of energy is the energy produced when an atom
splits apart (fission) or when two atoms join to form one atom
A. nuclear
D. thermal
20. Which type of energy is the energy stored in the
connections or bonds between atoms?
A. nuclear
D. thermal
21. Which is an example of electrical energy being
converted or changed into light energy?
A. solar panels
B.A television
C.The sun
D. A glowstick
22. When one form of energy is transformed into another,
some of the original energy is always converted into what
type of energy?
A. Light energy
B.Sound Energy
C.Chemical energy
D. Thermal energy
23. Water that flows from behind a large dam can cause
machines to produce electricity. What transformation of
energy takes place?
A. mechanical to electrical
B.Sound to electrical
C.Light to mechanical
D. Friction to electrical
24. What is the energy transformation that occurs when
turning on a battery-powered flashlight?
A. mechanical  electrical  light
B.thermal  mechanical light
C. chemical  electrical  light
D. light  electrical  chemical
25. Which transformation represents light energy
transforming into chemical energy?
A. a stalk of corn growing in a field
B.A fire burning
C. a lightbulb turned on
D. Gasoline in the tank of a car
26. Electrical Energy is transferred to _____ energy, when a
toaster is turned on.
A. solar energy
B.chemical energy
C. mechanical energy
D. Electrical energy
27. What is the energy transformation
taking place?
A. Kinetic to Mechanical and Electrical
B.Chemical to Thermal and
Electromagnetic (light)
C. Electromagnetic (light) to Chemical
and Electrical
D. Kinetic to Sound and Chemical
28. The law of conservation of energy
A. Energy is all around us.
B.Energy can be created or lost. It can also be
transformed from one form to another.
C. Energy cannot be created or change forms.
D. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. It
can only be transformed from one form to
29. What is the energy transformation
taking place in the photo?
A. Mechanical to Kinetic to Sound
B.Mechanical to Electrical to Light
C.Electrical to Thermal to Mechanical
D. Kinetic to Sound to Potential.
30. What is the energy transformation
taking place in the photo?
A. kinetic to potential
B.electrical to kinetic
C.potential to kinetic
D. kinetic to light
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