Uploaded by Edwin Nganga

BTEC Engineering Assignment: Mechanical Systems

BTEC Assignment Brief
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Pearson BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Engineering
Unit 12: Application of Mechanical Systems in Engineering
Learning Outcome 4: Know about the uses and operation of plant equipment
and systems.
12.4 steam power generation plant, refrigeration systems and conditioning
Mr E. Nganga
Mechanical systems are found in land, sea and air transport, power
generation, manufacturing plant and domestic products. The design,
manufacture and maintenance of such systems is the concern of engineers
and technicians who must be able to apply a blend of practical and theoretical
knowledge to ensure that these systems work safely and efficiently.
You are a Level 3 student on work placement in an engineering company and
your line manager has asked you to investigate the mechanical systems it
1. Using a schematic diagram, explain the general layout and operation
of a hydraulic actuation system of your choice.
Task 1
2. Using a schematic diagram, explain the general layout and operation
of a pneumatic actuation system of your choice.
3. Explain the general layout and operation of a mechanical handling
system of your choice.
Checklist of evidence PowerPoint Presentation (10-15 slides)
Criteria covered by this task:
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:
describe, with the aid of diagrams, the general layout and operation of a
pneumatic actuation system, a hydraulic actuation system and a
mechanical handling system
2019_20 BTEC Assignment Brief Template
Issue Date: 16 July 2019
Owner: BTEC Assessment
DCL1 Public (Unclassified)
Version 1.0
With the aid of diagrams, create a PowerPoint presentation. that describe
the Following:
 The general layout and operation of a steam power generation plant.
You must describe the main stages of the process by relating to the
Task 2
The general layout and operation of a vapour-absorption refrigeration
system. You must describe the main components and devices used in
the system
the general layout and operation of a vehicle’s Air-conditioning
Checklist of evidence PowerPoint Presentation (10-15 slides)
Criteria covered by this task:
Task 3
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:
Describe, with the aid of diagrams, the general layout and operation of a
steam power generation plant, a refrigeration system and an air
conditioning system.
Compare and contrast the operation and use of pneumatic and hydraulic
actuation systems in task 1, explaining the advantages, disadvantages
and limitations of each system.
Checklist of evidence 500 words report uploaded on Google Classroom
Criteria covered by this task:
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:
Compare and contrast the operation and use of pneumatic and hydraulic
actuation systems.
Sources of information
to support you with
Videos to Watch
this Assignment
Other assessment
materials attached to
this Assignment Brief
2019_20 BTEC Assignment Brief Template
Issue Date: 16 July 2019
Owner: BTEC Assessment
DCL1 Public (Unclassified)
Version 1.0