Asuncion, Trisha Angeline P. BSN 1-D Search and define the different barriers to effective communication. 1. Physiological Barrier Physiological barriers to communication are related with the limitations of the human body and the human mind (memory, attention, and perception). Physiological barriers may result from individuals' personal discomfort, caused by ill-health, poor eye sight, or hearing difficulties. 2. Environmental Barrier Environmental barriers to communication are anything that hinders or prevents effective communication within the environment around you. This could be a number of things including noise and time. ... This would prevent clear and effective communication and might cause you to miss vital information. 3. Psychological Barrier The psychological barrier of communication is the influence of psychological state of the communicators (sender and receiver) which creates an obstacle for effective communication. Communication is highly influenced by the mental condition that the communicators are in and is disturbed by mental disturbance.4. Social Barrier 5. Cultural Barrier Cultural barriers are challenges to cross-cultural communication within an organization. When people from different cultures who might speak different languages have different cultural beliefs or use different gestures and symbols to communicate, their cultural differences might become barriers to workplace success. 6. Semantic Barrier The Semantic barrier in communication can be defined as the misunderstanding and interpretation of meaning which restrict effective communication. It can be in form of language, sign and symbol. 7. Organizational Barrier The Organizational Barriers refers to the hindrances in the flow of information among the employees that might result in a commercial failure of an organization. 8. Communication-Related Barrier Lack of attention, interest, distractions or irrelevance to the receiver. Differences in perception and viewpoint. Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties. A communication barrier is anything that prevents us from receiving and understanding the messages others use to convey their information, ideas and thoughts.They can interfere with or block the message you are trying to send.