2021 MID Take Home Exam Submitted to: Ma’am Madiha Liaqat Submitted by: Izhar Hussain(19-SE-12) University University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila Object Oriented Programming MID EXAM UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, TAXILA Department of Software Engineering 3rd Semester Mid Examination Date: 11/01/2021 Subject: Object Oriented Programming Marks: 10 Outcomes Assessed: CLO-3: Apply appropriate techniques to write programs. Question#01. Write a program to compute how many days are spanned by two given days. The program will include a method called day-span that returns the number of days between and including its two inputs. The example inputs to day-span represent dates in 1994 (a non-leap year); each input is a two-element list. whose first element is a month name and whose second element is a legal date in the month. Assume that the first input date is earlier than the second. For Example Input Output (January 3) (January 9) 7 (January 30) (February 2) 4 (June 7) (August 25) 80 (January 1) (December 31) 365 NOTE: PLEASE ADD COMMENTS TO YOUR CODE. Solution: Explanation: The program will include a method called day-span that returns the number of days between and including its two inputs. The example inputs to day-span represent dates in 1994 (a non-leap year); each input is a two-element list. whose first element is a month name and whose second element is a legal date in the month. Assume that the first input date is earlier than the second. Source Code: // Java program to find number of // days between two given dates import java.text.*; import java.util.*; public class date { // Calculate number of days public long days_span(Date one,Date two) { long difference= (one.getTime()-two.getTime())/86400000; return Math.abs(difference-1); } public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); DateFormat formatDate = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM dd yyyy", Locale.US); // A date has day 'd', month 'm' and year 'y' System.out.println("Enter First Date = "); String Date1 = input.nextLine(); System.out.println("Enter Second Date = "); String Date2 = input.nextLine(); input.close(); //Enter the date as "January 12" etc. Date Date1P = formatDate.parse(Date1+"January 02"); Date Date2P = formatDate.parse(Date2+"February 01"); date myDate = new date(); long days = myDate.days_span(Date1P, Date2P); //Output of the code will be given as: System.out.println("\t"+"INPUT"+" "+"\t"+"\t"+"\t"+"\t"+"\t"+"\t"+"\t"+"OUTPUT"); System.out.println("("+Date1+")"+" "+"("+Date2+")"+"\t"+"\t"+"\t"+"\t"+days); } } Output: