SCSVMV Department of Civil Engineering Subject Subject Code Assignment Number Date of Assignment Date of Submission : Hydraulic Engineering : BCEF184T20 : 02 : 31.01.2021 : 09.02.2021 PART A 1. Define uniform flow. Give Examples. 2. What are the instruments used for measuring velocity in open channels? 3. List the factors affecting Manning’s roughness co-efficient. 4. What are the empirical equations used for Chezy’s constant calculations? 5. What is meant by most economical section? 6. On what conditions, most economical trapezoidal section is derived? 7. What are the conditions for obtaining most economical circular channel? 8. What is meant by normal depth of flow? 9. What is the condition for most economical rectangular channel section? 10. How can current meter can be classified? PART B 1. (a) In a hydraulic laboratory, a flow of 0.412 m3/s was measured from a rectangular channel flowing 1.22m wide and 0.64m deep. If the slope of the channel was 1/1000, find its roughness factor using the Manning’s formula. (b) Derive Chezy’s equation for uniform flow in open channels. 2. A Trapezoidal channel has side slopes of 3 horizontal to 4 vertical and the slope of its bed is 1in 2000. Determine the optimum dimensions of the channel if it is to carry water at 0.5 m3/s. Use Chezy’s formula, assuming that C= 80. 3. Derive the conditions for i. The best rectangular section. ii. The best Trapezoidal section. 4. A Trapezoidal channel with side slope of 1to1 has to be designed to carry 10 m3/s at a velocity of 2m/s, so that the amount of lining of concrete for bed and sides is minimum. Calculate the area of lining required for one meter length of the channel. 5. A lined rectangular channel with Manning’s ‘n’= 0.015 is 5m wide and has a flow depth of 2m with a bed slope of 1 in 1600.Retaining the rectangular shape of channel section and same total area of lining, to what extent can discharge be increased without changing the slope? R.Sumathi, Assistant Professor (S-II) Civil & SE Department