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11 Ways to Revamp Online Training

11 Ways to Revamp Your Online Training - Training Industry
11 Ways to Revamp Your Online Training
August 16, 2019 • Viren Kapadia • 2 min read
Creating easy-to-consume and accessible e-learning is the need of the hour. If
you are planning on revamping your online training for a modern audience, here
are some elements to keep in mind.
1. Add Gamification
If your current training programs lack gamification, consider adding it to boost
learner engagement. Gamification uses functions like achievements, badges,
leaderboards and points to motivate learner to actively participate in the course.
2. Introduce Social Learning
11 Ways to Revamp Your Online Training - Training Industry
Humans are social. We like interacting with people and sharing our thoughts. In
your online training, enable learners to easily communicate and help each other
explore new learning topics.
In your online training, enable learners to easily communicate
and help each other explore new learning topics.
3. Add Rich Media
Adding rich media to your online courses will help your learners understand how
what they’re learning works in real life. For example, adding 3D models of a
machine can help new users quickly and easily understand its parts and how
they work.
4. Pay Attention to Content Relevance
Technology is constantly evolving. What was considered advanced yesterday
may not be today. As a result, it’s important to update e-learning courses for new
workplace technologies and strategies. Only then can you expect that
employees to be prepared for the future.
5. Focus on VR, AR and MR
11 Ways to Revamp Your Online Training - Training Industry
Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) are important
attributes of a future-friendly online course, making learning more engaging and
interactive than before. While VR enables 360-degree immersion, AR enables
users to view graphics and images over reality. MR is a combination of the two.
6. Adopt Big Data
Big data enables e-learning administrators to provide timely motivation,
personalize learning content, and test the effectiveness of different learning
plans and strategies.
7. Promote Mobile Learning
If your online training doesn’t yet incorporate mobile learning, its high time you
should. Making course content compatible with mobile devices ensures that your
learners always have access to it, no matter where they are.
8. Be Prepared for AI-enabled Video
As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes the biggest innovation in the learning
management system (LMS) industry, it is important to be prepared. One way AI
will improve training is by enabling learners to search for specific topics within a
video library using algorithms.
As AI becomes the biggest innovation in the LMS industry, it is
important to be prepared.
11 Ways to Revamp Your Online Training - Training Industry
9. Refresh E-Learning Templates
Refreshing your e-learning templates can revamp your online training programs
and will help ensure that they cater to the needs of the modern learner. While
refreshing templates, be sure to test course layouts on different devices.
10. Promote Microlearning
Microlearning is also an important trend to pay attention to. Promote objectdriven learning in your organization by providing information in small chunks,
such as three- to five-minute videos and quick quizzes.
11. Separate Learning Paths
Divide learners into groups based on their departments and job duties. Assigning
separate learning paths to each group will help employees to focus on their
individual objectives and skill gaps.
Divide learners into groups based on their departments and job
duties, and assign separate learning paths to each group.
Using these techniques, you can revamp your online training programs and
better engage your learners. Get started today!
11 Ways to Revamp Your Online Training - Training Industry
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#artificial intelligence
11 Ways to Revamp Your Online Training - Training Industry
#augmented reality
#big data
#mixed reality
#mobile learning
#mobile training
#online training
#Social Learning
#virtual reality
Viren Kapadia
Ways to Revamp Your Online Training - Training Industry
Viren Kapadia is11president
and CEO of Gyrus Systems.
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