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Copy of Ray MPC scholarship 03 16 2018

Ray MPC scholarship
1). Achievement and goals (500 words)
Despite my dyslexia (see below) I have received mostly As and Bs. This includes taking the AP
Psychology and AP Government courses. Additionally, last semester I finished the introductory course in
Criminal Justice Administration at Monterey Peninsula College (which does not show up on my
submitted transcript). Last semester I completed section “A” of the Pre-calculus course through the
National University Virtual High School (sanctioned by Pacific Grove High School and will
EVENTUALLY show up on my transcript). Finally, I am now taking the final section “B” Pre-calculus
course through NUVHS which will be finished by end of this semester. My plans in this regard are to go
directly into calculus at MPC next year.
My overall aim is to eventually enter the criminal justice system at the Federal level in an agency, for
example, like the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Thus, I see my educational path as one of gaining
practical skills to make myself worthy of use. My major at Monterey Peninsula College will be Computer
Science with an emphasis on security. I plan to transfer to a university after two years, hopefully the
University of California at Davis. Eventually I will get a post-graduate degree, but perhaps after a stint in
the Navy. I have spoken twice to our local Representative Jimmy Panetta; he followed a similar course
though the Office of Naval Intelligence.
I played basketball for PGHS through the Jr. Varsity level and was the Defensive Most Valuable Player in
2016. A knee injury sidelined my high school basketball career, but this past year I have been the school
mascot (Billy the Breaker) for most sports at almost all home games and at some away competitions. I
was selected to PGHS Leadership this past year and, along with my fellow members, have been active in
planning and executing a number of PGHS events including school assemblies, rallies and dances. I have
been interested in leadership generally, and find that I tend to be chosen as the leader of small groups and
larger. My dad says that I have “command presence.” But I’m not sure if that is a complement.
I have been active locally for four years in supporting the Big Sur International Marathon and the
Monterey Bay Half Marathon. In different capacities there, I have raised money for the nonprofit Cancer
Patients Alliance, and PGHS sports teams. I delivered papers for the Cedar Street Times. I volunteered
and worked at the Forest Hill Retirement Community. And I participated in plays and events at St. Mary’s
by-the-Sea Episcopal Church. In school, I have worked for this past year as a Teaching Assistant in
mathematics for younger students.
Receiving the Joseph and Betty Spradling Scholarship would mean the world to me. Along with standard
grants and modest family help, this scholarship would allow me to work less hours at Trader Joe’s to
improve my grade average for transfer to UC Davis. And that is my focused serious short-term aim.
Thank you for your consideration.
2). Challenges / Overcome (100 words)
I’m dyslexic. Early on reading, writing and math were a problem. In those early days, I drilled hard with
my father. We found that I tended to flip letter and numbers. I underwent testing. Dyslexia affects my
grades, but the repetition helps. By high school, I had to up my game. I realized that I just had to work
harder than others. And I found a kind of “hyper aware” mental space held with effort – where I don’t
make many mistakes. And now, for example, I can cashier at Trader Joe’s for four hours or more with
few mistakes.