12/10/2020 What happens to sulphur oxides in an exhaust gas cleaning system using fresh water with a chemical additive such as sodium hydroxide? – EGCSA Welcome Members SOx Regulation Map EGCS Q&A Resources News & Comment Contact Technical Reference What happens when fuel oils containing sulphur are burnt in a diesel What happens to sulphur oxides in an exhaust gas cleaning system using fresh water with a chemical additive such as sodium hydroxide? engine without an exhaust gas cleaning system? What are the e ects of sulphur oxides on human health and ecosystems? What is an exhaust gas cleaning system? What qualities must the In a freshwater scrubber using caustic soda, the simpli ed chemical reactions with sulphur oxides are shown below. A mixture of sodium sulphite, sulphate and bisulphite is produced. The proportion of each depends on the pH and amount of oxidation [22] RELEVANT CHEMISTRY Caustic Soda NaOH(s) + H2O > Na+(aq) + OH–(aq) + H2O water supplied to an Sulphur Dioxide exhaust gas cleaning 2Na+ + 2OH– + SO2 > Na2SO3 (aq sodium sulphite) + H2O system have? 2Na+ + 2OH– + SO2 + ½ O2 > Na2SO4 (aq sodium sulphate) + H2O https://www.egcsa.com/technical-reference/what-happens-to-sulphur-oxides-in-an-exhaust-gas-cleaning-system-using-fresh-water-with-a-chemical-additive-such-as-sodium-hydroxide/ 1/5 12/10/2020 What happens to sulphur oxides in an exhaust gas cleaning system using fresh water with a chemical additive such as sodium hydroxide? – EGCSA How can it be con rmed that the alkalinity of water is suitable for scrubbing in an open type exhaust gas cleaning system? Na+ + OH– + SO2 > NaHSO3 (aq sodium bisulphite) Sulphur Trioxide SO3 + H2O > H2SO4 (sulphuric acid) 2.NaOH + H2SO4 > Na2SO4 (aq sodium sulphate) + 2.H2O What emissions can be monitored to ensure that scrubbed emissions comply with the MARPOL % sulphur-in-fuel regulations? What happens if an EGCS emissions monitoring system should malfunction? What happens to sulphur oxides in an exhaust gas cleaning system using seawater? How does the sulphate from exhaust gas cleaning systems a ect seawater composition? How does seawater bu er or neutralize acids created by scrubbing? What happens to sulphur oxides in an exhaust gas cleaning system using fresh water with a chemical https://www.egcsa.com/technical-reference/what-happens-to-sulphur-oxides-in-an-exhaust-gas-cleaning-system-using-fresh-water-with-a-chemical-additive-such-as-sodium-hydroxide/ 2/5 12/10/2020 What happens to sulphur oxides in an exhaust gas cleaning system using fresh water with a chemical additive such as sodium hydroxide? – EGCSA additive such as sodium hydroxide? What levels of pollutants can a typical wet exhaust gas cleaning system remove from an exhaust stream? How wet is the exhaust gas after scrubbing? If an exhaust gas cleaning system adds or removes CO2 won’t this make the monitoring of emissions to air inaccurate? Do exhaust gas cleaning technologies contribute to increased global CO2 emissions? How much particulate matter could be controlled by exhaust gas cleaning systems? How much sludge could an exhaust gas cleaning system produce? How is it ensured that the water discharged into the sea does not harm the environment? What is the pH of the water discharged from an https://www.egcsa.com/technical-reference/what-happens-to-sulphur-oxides-in-an-exhaust-gas-cleaning-system-using-fresh-water-with-a-chemical-additive-such-as-sodium-hydroxide/ 3/5 12/10/2020 What happens to sulphur oxides in an exhaust gas cleaning system using fresh water with a chemical additive such as sodium hydroxide? – EGCSA exhaust gas cleaning system into the sea? How is pH of the discharge water controlled? Is the oxygen content of the discharged water measured? What are PAHs? How do exhaust gas cleaning systems prevent PAHs entering the sea? Why is turbidity measured? What is nitrate? How does exhaust gas cleaning relate to nitrogen-based nutrients in the sea? How are overboard nitrate emissions monitored? What about the potential environmental impact of exhaust gas cleaning systems using chemicals for scrubbing? References https://www.egcsa.com/technical-reference/what-happens-to-sulphur-oxides-in-an-exhaust-gas-cleaning-system-using-fresh-water-with-a-chemical-additive-such-as-sodium-hydroxide/ 4/5 12/10/2020 What happens to sulphur oxides in an exhaust gas cleaning system using fresh water with a chemical additive such as sodium hydroxide? – EGCSA SEARCH OUR SITE Search Website by Function28 RECENT POSTS OUR LATEST MEMBERS Oman Belman November 24, 2020 December 3, 2020 - 9:42 am New Zealand Flebu October 23, 2020 October 27, 2020 - 1:13 pm Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute (SMDERI) October 26, 2020 - 7:51 am © 2019 Copyright - Sustainable Maritime Solutions Ltd for EGCSA https://www.egcsa.com/technical-reference/what-happens-to-sulphur-oxides-in-an-exhaust-gas-cleaning-system-using-fresh-water-with-a-chemical-additive-such-as-sodium-hydroxide/ 5/5