Cleaning & Bed Making Procedure Checklist

Name of Student:
1. Remove all things like tables, chairs and other articles,
which can be moved to one side.
2. Clean the ceiling by removing the cobwebs and pay
attention to the cracks.
3. Dust the furniture.
4. Clean and return all the things in the proper places.
1. Bring the dusting tray to the room and place either on a
table or a chair over newspaper lining.
2. To begin, move the furniture on one side of the room,
cover the surfaces with newspaper and begin dusting at the
ceiling of the entrance then proceed to the other areas.
3. Use long straight strokes to prevent overlapping of
strokes and sipping corners and edges.
4. In dusting the walls, start from the highest point then
down towards the floor using the brush or broom.
5. Use the damp cloth. If necessary, use soap and water on
the dust cloth or brush on the wall.
6. Dust all furniture with damp cloth and move them to clean
area. Never use damp cloth on articles/ surfaces that will be
destroyed by moisture.
7. In using dusting bar slates or rods, hold them with the
folded dust cloth and rotate from the top to bottom.
8. To remove the dust in between the bars or crevices or if
the area is too small for hands to enter, wrap the end of the
stick with a piece of cloth and insert.
9. Never forget to dust all the parts of the bed and the articles
inside the drawer.
10. Inspect your work.
11. After dusting, tidy the room and clean, dry the
instrument and return to their proper places.
1. Bring the equipment to the area to be swept.
2. Move the pieces of furniture away from the area to be
3. Start sweeping the floor areas opposite to the door.
4. Sweep with the proper long stroke towards the center of
the room.
5. When dust is heavy on the rough surface, tap the brush
broom on the floor at the end of each stroke to free from dirt.
6. Inspect your work.
7. Sweep the accumulated dirt into the dustpan and deposit
it into the dustbin.
8. Proceed to the other cleaning procedure as washing,
mopping, scrubbing and waxing.
9. Dust them including their drawers, doors and sides and
move them to their proper place.
10. Clean the equipment and return them in their proper
1. Bring the tray to the area to be cleaned.
2.Protect the floor from drippings, by lining the floor with a
3. Wipe away loose dirt with a damp cloth.
4. Dip the cloth into the cleaning solution. Wrench the cloth
and wrap it around the hand to prevent from dangling.
5. Wash small areas in a circular motion.
6. Rinse cloth, and then dry the area with another wash
7. Continue washing, rinsing and drying the entire area.
8. Change the water as frequent as necessary.
9. To wash the receptacles and containers, wash out the dirt
from the inner surfaces with running water. Use a separate
dust cloth for the surfaces soiled with body waste and
10. Prevent yourself from contamination by using a handled
brush or a rod with apiece of cloth wrapped at one end. In
cleaning the surfaces soiled with body waste and discharges.
Do thorough cleansing.
11. Return the furniture and equipment to their proper
1. Sweep the floor to be mopped.
2. Soak the mop with disinfectant or detergent solution.
3. Through gloved hand, wring the mop and the mop floor
using side to side stroke in general floor areas.
4. Start mopping from the rear part of the room. Pass the
mop parallel to the baseboard when mopping the floor areas.
5. Soak the mop with disinfectant and with gloved hand,
wring the mop dry.
6 Change the disinfectant or detergent solution as necessary.
7. Dry the surface using another mop.
8. Sweep again.
1. Use the brush and solution in removing hard dirt that
attached to the floor by scrubbing vigorously.
2. Do the final mopping.
1. Mop the floor dry, and then apply wax. Use dry mop to
apply wax in wide areas. Follow waxing with polishing.
2. Use the appropriate wax for the right floor material.
3. Ability to answer questions:
Total Score
Equivalent Grade
Name of Student
1. Secure the necessary equipment.
2. Remove all jewelry and place them in the uniform
3. Roll sleeves if it is long enough.
4. Stand in front but away from the sink. Do not touch the
outside or inside portion of the sink.
5. Turn on the faucet and regulate the flow and adjust the
temperature of the water to warm one. (If there is a
temperature regulator)
6. Wet hands with running water.
7. Apply enough soap to cover all hand surfaces.
a) Rub hands palm to palm
b) Right palm over dorsum with interlaced fingers and
vice versa.
c) Palm to palm with fingers interlaced.
d) Back of fingers to opposing palms with fingers
e) Rotational rubbing, backwards and forwards
with clasped fingers of right hand in left palm
and vice versa.
f) Rotational rubbing of right arm towards the
elbow and
vice versa.
8. Rinse hands with water. Keeping the hands lower than
the elbow.
9. Dry hands thoroughly with a single use towel.
10. Use towel to turn off faucet.
11. Ability to answer questions:
Total Score
Equivalent Grade
Final Grade
Signature of C.I.
Signature of Student
Name of Student:
1. Wash your hands and observe other appropriate infection
control measures.
2. Prepare the necessary linens. Fold them accordingly and
arrange in order of use.
3. Bring the linens to the bedside. Explain the procedure to the
4. Put on clean gloves. Loosen the foot part of the bed.
5. Change the top sheet with bath blanket, by placing the bath
blanket on the top of the chest, folded crosswise and draw
toward the foot part. Discard the top sheet into the hamper.
6. Raise the bedside rail.
7. Assist client to turn on the side facing away from you. Cover
with bath blanket. Adjust pillow under the client’s head.
8. Loosen the soiled linen moving from head to foot with same
side turned inward and rolled toward the center of the bed under
the patient’s buttocks, back and shoulder.
9. Wipe off any moisture on exposed mattress with disinfectant
and dry appropriately. Remove gloves.
10. Place the bottom sheet lengthwise starting from the foot part
towards the head part with the centerfold and center of the bed.
11. Do the same process with the rubber sheet and cotton draw
12. Put on clean gloves. Change the pillow case and place on
the clean side for client’s use with the opening facing away the
entrance of the door.
13. Assist client to rollover towards you onto the clean side of
the bed. Cover the patient and raise the bed side rail.
14. Move to the other side. Drop the bed side rail, loosen the
sides, roll and remove the soiled linen rolling them into a
bundle with soiled side turned in, discard into the lined bag or
hamper. If necessary wipe the mattress with antiseptic solution
and dry mattress surface. Remove gloves.
15. Pull bottom sheet from the center. Tuck and miter at the
head part.
16. Complete arrangement of the rubber sheet and cotton draw
sheet. Tuck excess under the mattress.
17. Reposition the client at the center of the bed. Adjust the
Return 1
18.Place the clean top linen, folded crosswise on top of the
patient’s chest (right side up) let patient hold on one edge and
bring the two edges down together towards the foot part. Place
the bath blanket into the hamper. Tuck and miter the top sheet
at the foot part.
19. Make necessary adjustment.
20. Make patient comfortable. Raise the side rail as necessary.
16. Ability to answer questions:
Total Score
Equivalent Grade
Final Grade
Signature of C.I.
Signature of Student
Name of Student
1.Wash your hands.
2. Prepare the necessary linens. Fold them accordingly and
arrange in order of use.
3. Bring the linens to the bedside.
4. Straighten the mattress and turn if necessary.
5. Place the bottom sheet to the mattress, wrong side up and the
center fold of the sheet over the center mattress, the edge of the
bottom sheet should be in line with the edge of the foot part of
the bed.
6. Draw the top fold forward the head of bed, while facing the
foot part of the bed.
7. Lift the top most side of the sheet and fanfold towards the
center of the bed
8. Tuck the head end of the sheet well under the mattress, miter
the corner and tuck the sides smoothly towards the foot part.
9. Place the center fold of the rubber sheet which is folded
crosswise, wrong side up across the bed at least 2 feet from the
head part of the mattress. Lift the top most side of the sheet and
fanfold towards the center of the bed.
10. Place the center fold of cotton draw sheet which is folded
crosswise wrong side up on top of the rubber sheet. Lift the top
most side of the sheet and fanfold it towards the center, tuck them
together, starting from the center to the sides.
11. Place the top sheet folded right side up starting from the edge
of the head part of the bed.
12. Draw the top folds toward the foot of the bed while facing the
head part of the bed. Get the top most side and fanfold toward the
center of the bed.
13. Tuck the top sheet under the mattress at the foot part and
miter the corner leaving the side untucked.
14. Fold back the top sheet at about 18 inches from the edge of
the head part of the mattress.
15. Move to the other side of the bed and secure the bottom linen.
Tuck in the bottom sheet under the head part of the mattress, pull
the sheet firmly and miter the corner of the sheet. Complete the
same process for the rubber sheet and cotton draw sheet.
16. Straighten the top sheet.
17. Place the pillow case into the pillow by gathering up the sides
of the pillow case and grasp the closed end of the pillowcase at
the center with one hand and pull over the pillow. Place the
pillow appropriately at the head of the bed.
18. Inspect the bed and make necessary adjustments.
19. Pie fold the top sheet towards the center of the bed.
20. Ability to answer the questions
Total Score
Equivalent Grade
Final Grade
Signature of the CI
Signature of student
Name of Student:
1. Secure the appropriate size and check the package including the
expiry date.
2. Wash and dry hands carefully.
3. Open the wrapper carefully and remove the inner package.
4. Place the sterile glove package on a clean and dry surface above
the waist.
5. Carefully open the inner package by grasping the flaps and
folded tabs.
6. Pick the glove for the dominant hand by its folded cuff edge.
Lift and step back.
7. Insert the dominant hand into the glove. Leave the cuff folded.
8. Insert gloved hand on the folded cuff into the other glove.
9. Adjust each glove and carefully pull the cuffs up.
10. After gloves are on, interlock hands.
11. To remove the gloves, grasp outside of one end of the cuff
with other gloved hand, avoid touching skin.
12. Pull glove off by turning it inside out.
13. Slide the 1st two fingers of the ungloved hand inside the
remaining glove. Grasp the glove inside and remove by turning
inside out from the hand and over the other glove.
14. Discard the gloves in an appropriate container and wash your
15. Ability to answer questions.
Return 1
Total Score
Equivalent Grade
Final Grade
Signature of C.I.
Signature of Student
Name of Student
1. Wash hands before the procedure.
2. Assemble all the needed equipment within reached.
3. Check if the hot water bag is in good shape and without any leaks.
4. To check for leaks, pour the water into the bag, cover then turn it
upside-down. If there is no leak, discard the water.
5. Measure the temperature of the hot water using the bath thermometer.
6. Pour the hot water from the pitcher into the hot water bag until it is
about ½ to 2/3 full.
7. Expel the air from the bag by laying it on a flat surface and turn the
opening upwards then screw the cap tightly.
8. Wipe the bag with cotton flannel and re-check for leakage.
9. Wrap the hot H2O bag with warm cotton flannel in an envelope style.
10. Bring the hot water bag to the patient’s bedside.
11. Explain the procedure to the patient.
12. Place it on the affected area as indicated. The opening of the bag
should face away from the patient’s body.
13. Apply the hot water bag for not more than 30 MINUTES. Check
after 5 minutes of application then re-check after 15 minutes and
observe for any untoward signs. Discontinue if any problem occurs.
14. When the use of the hot water bag is discontinued, remove the
cotton flannel and place it in the hamper.
15. Make the patient feel comfortable.
16. Empty the hot H2O bag. Wash it with soap and water. Rinse and
wipe it well.
17. Inflate it a little and screw the cap then return it to its proper place.
18. Ability to answer the questions
Total Score
Equivalent Grade
Final Grade
Signature of the CI
Signature of student
Name of Student:
1. Wash hands before starting the procedure.
2. Assemble all the needed equipment within reach.
3 Check the ice cap / ice bag for leakage by pouring
water. Cover, turn it upside down then discard the
4. Fill the bag with small pieces of ice about 2/3 full.
5. Expel the air from the bag by laying it on a flat
surface and screw the cap.
6. Wrap the ice cap with cotton flannel in an
envelope style, and then bring it to the bedside.
7. Explain the procedure to the patient.
8. Apply it on the specified area for 20-30 minutes
and remove the ice cap. Wait for one hour before reapplying it if necessary.
9. Examine the area and record client’s response.
10. Leave the patient in a comfortable position.
1. Clean the ice cap / ice bag. Hang it to dry or
place on a tray turning it upside down without
cover. Return to its proper place.
2. Ability to answer questions.
Total Score:
Equivalent Grade:
Final Grade
Signature of CI:
Signature of Student: