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Cell Division Worksheet: Mitosis, Fission, Reproduction

Basic Questions
Chapter 1, Sec 1.1
LP1 Identify the functions of cell division.
1. Circle the function(s) of cell division
a) movement
b) reproduction
c) growth
d) photosynthesis
e) repair of damaged cells and tissues
f) replace old cells
2. Fill in the blanks:
a) In a single-celled organisms like bacteria ___asexual_ reproduction produces new
b) The __vegatative reproduction involves cell division in which new organisms form
from plant parts.
LP2 Describe what happens during interphase:
1. State whether the following statements are true or false:
i) _false Some organisms have a life cycle.
ii) ___true All organisms have a life cycle.
iii) ___true Most of cell’s life cycle is spent in interphase.
iv) _false_ Cells divide during interphase.
2. Use the phrases in the box below to fill the blanks:
cell division
life cycle
a) All organisms have a ___life cycle.
b) The life cycle of a cell is called a ___cell-cycle.
c) The cell cycle has ______two___ parts.
d) A cat is born, grows, develops, __reproduces_, and dies.
e) The cell cycle of plant and animal cells consists of interphase_ and cell division.
3. Fill in the blanks:
a) The genetic material of the cell ____copies__ at the end of interphase.
b) Most of the cell’s life is spent in _interphase_.
c) The cell is not ___resting_ during interphase.
d) The cell is ____growing during interphase.
LP3 Describe the cell division part of the cell cycle.
1. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate terms from the box below:
a) __mitosis__ is the part of cell division in which the ____nucleus___ divides.
b) During cell division, the parent cell’s genetic material is equally distributed between
two new __nuclei____.
c) The nuclei produced by mitosis are __equally___ to each other and to the parent’s cell.
d) The length of the cell cycle ____varies with different kinds of cells.
Use the above diagram to answer the following questions:
i) The diagram represents the ___cell____ ____cycle____.
ii) Part A represents ____interphase____.
iii) iii) Part B represents division of the nucleus.
iv) iv) Part C represents ____cytokinesis___.
v) Both parts B and C represent ____cell_____ _____division.
vi) During which part of the cell cycle does the nucleus divide? _________b____.
During which part of the cell cycle does the cytoplasm divide? _______a_____.
LP4 Describe the stages (phases) of mitosis.
1. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate terms from the box below:
a) A structure in a cell’s nucleus that contains the cell’s genetic material is called a
b) Each chromosome is _____copied__ at the end of interphase.
c) When mitosis begins, the cell contains _______twice_ the normal amount of genetic
d) The result of cell division is the formation of two new ____cells____.
2. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate terms from the box below:
a) The copied chromosomes line up at the centre of the cell during _____metaphase_.
b) New nuclear membranes form during _telophase__.
c) The chromosome copies split, separate then pulled to opposite sides of the cell during
d) The nuclear membrane disappears during ___prophase_.
3. Match:
_______B_ i) Prophase
a) The nuclear membrane form around the two
groups of chromosomes.
_______D_ ii) Metaphase
b) The copied chromosomes become thicker,
nuclear membrane disappears.
_____A___ iii) Telophase
c) The chromosome copies split into two separate
chromosomes which are pulled to opposite side
of the cell.
d) The copied chromosomes line up at the centre of
the cell.
_____C____ iv) Anaphase
4. Label the following diagrams:
____copied chromosome
LP5 Describe the process of fission:
1. Define fission __________________________asexual reproducion_____________.
2. Fill in the blanks:
a) Fission occurs in ____microscopic_ organisms.
b) Fission is a form of ______asexual reproduction.
c) Fission occurs in cells that have _____________no___ nuclei.
d) _____bacteria__ reproduce by fission.
3. Fission is different from mitosis because:
a) There is no nucleus to divide.
b) Three new cells form.
c) Occurs in bacteria.
d) Anaphase follows telophase
e) (a) and (c) are correct.
f) none is correct
LP6 Describe vegetative reproduction and budding:
1.Define vegetative reproduction.asexual reproduction for plants___________.
2. Define budding. ______________________________________________________.
3. True or False:
______T___a) Vegetative reproduction is a form of asexual reproduction.
_______F__b) During vegetative reproduction two parents are involved.
_______F__c) The offspring are different from each other.
__T_______d) The offspring are identical to each other and to the parent.
_________e) Yeasts are simple animals.
_______T__f) Hydra is a simple animal.
_________g) Yeasts and hydras can reproduce by budding.
_____F____h) Budding is an example of a sexual reproduction.
________T_i) Budding is an example of asexual reproduction.
LP7 Recognize when regeneration is considered a form of asexual reproduction.
1. Define regeneration _________the process of replacing a lost or damaged limb______.
2. Specify whether regeneration is reproduction or not.
a) Some lizards can grow a new tail to replace one that breaks of ________not__.
b) A sea star is cut into pieces, each piece regenerate to become a new sea star. yes____
See important Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6hn3sA0ip0
See important Youtube video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMEyeKQClqI
1. G A ________chromosome is one of several long, thin structures in a cell’s
_____________nucleus_ that contain the cell’s genetic material, DNA.
2. G Most of the life-cycle, of a “cell with a nucleus” is just_______ growing___ and making
_____copies______ of its organelles and its chromosomes. A typical life cycle of a cell is one
day long, but cell division (mitosis) takes of this only about 1 ¼ hours.
3. G Mitosis is the process of dividing the ______duplicated___ DNA of the cell into two new
____________nuclei___; and this is followed by cytokinesis in which the large cell with two
nuclei ____________splits______into two new cells.
4. G The first stage of mitosis is prophase, in which the nuclear membrane breaks__
___down_ and long strands of DNA organize themselves into condensed __chromosomes___.
5. G The second stage of mitosis is metaphase, in which _microtubles___ attach to the
chromosomes and the chromosomes get ______aligned_ in the middle.
6. G The third stage of mitosis is anaphase where the chromosomes __split___ as they are
____pulled__ to either side.
7. G The fourth stage is telophase where new nuclear membranes _reappear__ around the two
sets of chromosomes forming two nuclei within one cell. This is the __end_ of mitosis.
8. G Important point: Humans have ___23___ pairs of “homologous” chromosomes, each pair
being a copy of the chromosome of one parent. In mitosis Every chromosome makes an
identical copy of itself and the identical two copies remain attached to each other at the centre,
forming an identical-pair. When chromosomes align in the middle during metaphase, there are
46 different “identical-pairs” aligned in the middle. When they separate, they form two
identical nuclei, so the two daughter cells are ___identical____.
9. G Once mitosis is complete a process called cytokenisis__ takes place where the splitting_of
the cell occurs to form two new identical _____cells_.
1. G There are four types of asexual reproduction: budding, ___fission__, regeneration and
____vegatitive ___________reproduction___.
2. G Cells without a nucleus, such as ___bacteria____, divide (or reproduce) by fission___.
3. G _______________budding__ is the process by which a bud grows from the body of the
parent cell and later breaks off to form a new organism.
4. G _______fission_ is the process in which a single-celled parent copies the genetic material
in its cytoplasm (so it will have _two__ identical copies) and then splits in two cells.
5. G regeneration is the process by which some organisms can _grow a new body part_ to
replace a lost or damaged part. e.g. a lizard grows a new tail to replace one that breaks off.
6. G Vegetative reproduction in plants is when the parts, like _roots, __stem_ and _leaves__
give rise to new plants. (e.g. a small branch of rose, a carrot or an African violet leaf can grow
into a whole new plant).
G A [chromosome] is one of several long, thin structures in a cell’s [nucleus] that contain the
cell’s genetic material, DNA.
2. G Most of the life-cycle, of a “cell with a nucleus” is just [growing] and making [copies] of
its organelles and its chromosomes. A typical life cycle of a cell is one day long, but cell
division (mitosis) takes of this only about 1 ¼ hours.
3. G Mitosis is the process of dividing the [duplicated] DNA of the cell into two new [nuclei];
and this is followed by cytokinesis in which the large cell with two nuclei [splits] into two new
4. G The first stage of mitosis is prophase, in which the nuclear membrane [breaks down] and
long strands of DNA organize themselves into condensed [chromosomes].
5. G The second stage of mitosis is metaphase, in which [microtubules] attach to the
chromosomes and the chromosomes get [aligned] in the middle.
6. G The third stage of mitosis is anaphase where the chromosomes [separate] as they are
[pulled] to either side.
7. G The fourth stage is telophase where new nuclear membranes [reappear] around the two
sets of chromosomes forming two nuclei within one cell. This is the [end] of mitosis.
8. G Important point: Humans have [23] pairs of “homologous” chromosomes, each pair being
a copy of the chromosome of one parent. In mitosis Every chromosome makes an identical
copy of itself and the identical two copies remain attached to each other at the centre, forming
an identical-pair. When chromosomes align in the middle during metaphase, there are 46
different “identical-pairs” aligned in the middle. When they separate, they form two identical
nuclei, so the two daughter cells are [identical].
9. G Once mitosis is complete a process called cytokinesis takes place where the [splitting] of
the cell occurs to form two new identical [cells].
1. G There are four types of asexual reproduction: [fission], [budding], [regeneration] and
[vegetative reproduction].
2. G Cells without a nucleus, such as [bacteria], divide (or reproduce) by [fission].
3. G [Budding] is the process by which a bud grows from the body of the parent cell and later
breaks off to form a new organism.
4. G [Fission] is the process in which a single-celled parent copies the genetic material in its
cytoplasm (so it will have [two] identical copies) and then splits in two cells.
5. G [Regeneration] is the process by which some organisms can [grow a new body part] to
replace a lost or damaged part. e.g. a lizard grows a new tail to replace one that breaks off.
6. G Vegetative reproduction in plants is when the parts, like [roots], [stem] and [leaves] give
rise to new plants. (e.g. a small branch of rose, a carrot or an African violet leaf can grow into a
whole new plant).
HW Material: SIH15-WRCC
Book / Chapter / Section
Describe the cell cycle.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Know how many parts the cell cycle has.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Identify the parts of the cell cycle.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Identify the longest part of the cell cycle.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Define mitosis.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Recognize the diagram that represents the cell
Recognize which part of cell cycle represents
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Recognize which part of cell cycle represents
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Recognize which part of cell cycle represents
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
cytoplasm division.
Recognize which part of cell cycle represents
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
cell division.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Describe the genetic material during mitosis.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Know the number of stages in mitosis.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Describe mitosis
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Describe the stages of mitosis.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Describe the stages of mitosis.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Describe the stages of mitosis.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Identify the result of fission.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Identify the functions of cell division.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Identify forms of asexual reproduction.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Recognize types of asexual reproduction.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Identify the functions of cell division in
unicellular organisms.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Describe fission.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Describe fission.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Describe cells that result from fission.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Know how bacteria divide.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Know that vegetative reproduction is a form
of asexual reproduction.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Know the number of parent(s) involved in
vegetative reproduction.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Define budding.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Define regeneration.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Know that regeneration is a form of asexual
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Describe cell division of the cell cycle.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Know that vegetative reproduction involves
cell division.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Know the stage in which the cell divides.
Know the amount of genetic material at the
end of interphase.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Identify the second part of the cell cycle.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Know that as a result of mitosis, the parent
cell’s genetic material is equally distributed between
two new nuclei.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Know that vegetative reproduction is a form
of asexual reproduction.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Know how yeast and simple animals
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Identify an example of regeneration.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Know what happens if a sea star is cut into
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Know the length of the cell cycle varies with
different kinds of cells.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Describe cell division of the cell cycle.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Identify an example of regeneration.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Know the length of the cell cycle varies with
different kinds of cells.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Identify the longest part of the cell cycle.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Know the number of parent (s) involved in
vegetative reproduction.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Know that budding is a form of asexual
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Know an example of a simple animal.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Know in which cells fission occurs.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Relate cell division and reproduction in
unicellular organisms.
Most of the life-cycle, of a “cell with a
nucleus” is just [growing] and making
[copies] of its organelles and its
chromosomes. A typical life cycle of a cell is
one day long, but cell division (mitosis) takes
of this only about 1 ¼ hours.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Describe cell division of the cell cycle.
IL.01.001 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
1. I am sorry I couldn’t fix your broken bike.
2. He felt bad because he accidentally pushed his friend.
3. Stick to the speed limit.
4. We rolled up our sleeves and dug a hole in the soil to plant a tree.
5. Thankfully, everyone survived the car crash.
6. Although I do not have the whole amount, I will donate some of it.
7. The scale shows that I have lost a few pounds.
8. We threw a stone in the spring.
9. There is a pothole in the middle of the street.
Moral Education :
1. Moral rules include [stealing], lying, breaking promises are wrong. Stopping wrong doing is
2. Moral imperative rules are rules that we [must] obey, which include good behavior in class,
never to bully or allow it to happen, always to be [honest], always to do what is [right], never do
what is [wrong].
3. We need to protect our environment by the three Rs: [reducing] what we use (do not eat too
much and throw food or good clothes), [reusing] what we use (paper, plastic bags, bottles, etc.)
and [recycling] what cannot be used any more.
4. Always follow safety instructions of [electrical] and other equipment; don’t run indoors, on
stairs or in the street. Cross a street only where and when it is [allowed]. Wear a safety helmet
when on a [bike], and always place rubbish in the [bin]
1.Mitosis is the process of dividing the duplicated DNA of the cell into two new nuclei; and
this is followed by cytokinesis in which the large cell with two nuclei splits into two new cells.
2. Once mitosis is complete a process called cytokinesis takes place where the [splitting] of the
cell occurs to form two new identical cells.
3.Cells without a nucleus, such as bacteria, divide (or reproduce) by fission.
4. Budding is the process by which a bud grows from the body of the parent cell and later
breaks off to form a new organism.
5. Fission is the process in which a single-celled parent copies the genetic material in its
cytoplasm (so it will have two identical copies) and then splits in two cells.
6. Regeneration is the process by which some organisms can grow a new body part to replace
a lost or damaged part. e.g. a lizard grows a new tail to replace one that breaks off.
7. G Vegetative reproduction in plants is when the parts, like roots, stem and leaves give rise to
new plants. (e.g. a small branch of rose, a carrot or an African violet leaf can grow into a whole
new plant).