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Descriptive Essay Guide: Writing Tips & Structure

What is a Descriptive Essay?
Our brain is so powerful that it can easily imagine scenarios and
make use of our senses. The job of such an essay is to appeal to our
senses in a way that it creates an image in our minds. Hence a
descriptive essay plays with at least one of our five senses (touch,
smell, taste, hearing, sight).
In other words, the description of the person, place or thing in an
essay should be really vivid. This means it after reading the essay, the
reader should be left feeling like they actually know the person, have
held the object or have visited the place.
In the light of the above-mentioned things, it is comfortable to say
that a descriptive essay provides for artistic freedom. For example,
assume you’re writing about a house.
Instead of simply stating that the house was beautiful, you should talk
about the color of the house, the garden in front of it i.e. all the details
about the house. In that way, the readers would be able to imagine the
house because of a nicely written essay.
Quick summarywith stories
Contents of a Descriptive Essay
As it is with most of the written forms of English literature, the basic
structure of a descriptive essay also comprises of an introduction, a
body, and the conclusion.
The introduction of a descriptive essay should be interesting
enough to catch a reader’s attention. The introduction should
be all about creating a base or a background for the person,
place or thing you’re going to describe in your essay.
Next, the main body of a descriptive essay should appeal to
the reader’s senses. This includes unfolding the information
by creating images in the reader’s mind. A trick to achieving
this is to explain how the subject about which you’re writing
in your descriptive essay, appeals to your senses.
Lastly, the conclusion should summarize the whole essay.
Along with again going over the main details about the
essay’s subject, you should end the essay in a way that it
gives a sense of completion.
How to Write a Descriptive Essay?
Before starting off with a descriptive essay, thinking about the
subject in detail will be your best bet. Just take some time off and
imagine about the subject. This means to imagine how the subject
appeals to your senses- how does it smell, looks like and so on.
Further, if the subject is related to a past experience think about how
it felt or your experience with the subject. Next, express all of these
on the paper right in front of you. You can also take some time to
think about how you want your essay to unfold. Lastly, a revision of
the essay provides a great opportunity for improvements and small
tweaks. Remember that a descriptive essay is all about teasing the
reader’s senses.