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Newspaper selling report

Course Code: MKT312
Course Title: Workshop on Selling Skills
Course Instructor: Saman Ru
Academic Task No.: CA 1
Academic Task Title: Project on Selling skills
Date of Allotment:
Date of submission: 08/04/2020
Student’s Roll no: B49
Student’s Reg. no: 11709567
Evaluation Parameters:
Learning Outcomes: I learnt about Different selling skills and behavior of consumer toward
I declare that this Assignment is my individual work. I have not copied it from any other student‟s
work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made explicitly in the text,
nor has any part been written for me by any other person.
Student Signature
Evaluator’scomments (For Instructor’s use only)
General Observations
Suggestions for Improvement
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Evaluator‟s Signature and Date:
Marks Obtained:
Max. Marks: …………………………
Every person generally starts his day with the aid of analyzing the Newspaper in the
morning. In these contemporary days; rather of having many different options like
24x7 News Channels, Online news, Mobile updates etc. The significance of the
is no
longer but changed in
the existence of
Newspaper always handled asmostreliable,analytical, trusted news source however
really the content material of the newspaper has been modified over the duration of
newspaper analyzing habit in understanding of
newspaper start from writing style, editorial, layout, sense of the newspaper
& comfort of studying etc. It’s makes human beings to resistant to change their
newspaper company from take years to cultivate a newspaper manufacturer in to the
family. Most of the time the household newspaper the house begins with
the traditional family newspaper. The one to another not like FMCG product or
to substitute it with the electronic news. It’s or Secondly is the English newspaper.
The 1" and the 2d choice of newspaper generally mirror into their socio-economic
a aggressive and became a
very complex market. The morning newspapers compete with each different and
with different media such as TV, radio, the net and other on-line services. In order
be aggressive in
media landscape of
newspapers need to improve the manufacturing and the distribution of newspapers
as well as different procedures inside the newspaper companies. This find out
about has
to understand the
newspaper enterprise majorly
concentrating on Mumbai area examining the Three essential market players: The
Times of India, Hindustan Times & DNA. Other English dailies will also be
the phase of the research as the setup participant in the market.
Objectives of my study
The objective of this report is to find the brand preference for newspaper among
consumers. the aim of was to find out consumer buying behavior of the particular
brand of newspaper.
1) To find out the brand preference for newspaper.
2) To study the relationship between the various personal factors, such as Price,
In-depth Intelligent articles, More number or spicy bites, Prediction of
economic trends / business houses, widest game out of news coverage,
professional approach of news description.
3) To find out the different factors for preferring the particular brand.
4) To know the sources of information which provide about newspaper to the
5) To know the degree of satisfactions derived by the consumers.
6) To find out the alternative choice of consumers in case of non-availability of
their preferred brand.
7) To find out the awareness of the consumers about the newspaper brand
The data in the above table indicates that, 48% percent of respondents age is between
18-21 years, 42 percent of respondents age is Between 21-25 years, 6% percent of
respondents having age between 25-30 years, 4% percent of respondents having age
below 18 and remaining none of respondents having age above 30.
It is concluded that Majority of the public (48%) of respondents having age between
18-21 years. It means 18-21 years old students are more likely to fill the form.
Respondents are currently pursuing different courses in LPU. Like MBA, B Com,
Dual Degree B Com and MBA, BBA, B Pharma, Integrated courses etc.
As we know courses matter a lot in newspaper survey. on their current course it
depends that they will buy the newspaper or not.
The data in the above table indicates that, 80 percent of respondents interested in
reading current news, 10 percent of respondents are not interested in current affair,
10 percent of respondents are neutral means they may be interested in newspapers.
It is concluded that Majority of the public (80%) that are interested in current news.
So, they may likely to buy newspapers.
The data in the above table indicates that 40% of respondents gather information
through newspapers, 40% of respondents gather information through online
applications, 18% of respondents gather information through television and remain
2% gather information through Instagram.
It is concluded that majority of respondents (80%) gather information through
newspapers and online applications. It means they can easily buy the newspaper.
The data in the above table indicates that 66% of respondents like to read
newspapers, 20% of respondents do not like to read newspapers, 14% of respondents
are not confident that they like or dislike to read newspapers.
It is concluded that majority of respondents (66%) like to read newspapers. It means
they can easily buy the newspaper.
The data in the above table indicates that 52% of respondents didn't subscribed for
newspapers, 32% of respondents already subscribed for newspaper, remaining 16%
of respondents are not sure about that (maybe they purchase newspaper on daily
It is concluded that majority of respondents (52%) haven't subscribed to newspapers.
It means there are more chances that they can easily buy the newspaper.
The data in the above table indicates that 26% of respondents would Like to purchase
newspapers on semester Subscription, 26% of respondents like to purchase
newspapers on weekly basis, 22% of respondents would purchase newspaper on
monthly basis, 18% of respondents purchase newspaper on daily basis and remain 8
% purchase newspaper on annual basis.
It is concluded that majority of respondents purchase newspaper on subscriptions.
It means there are more chances that they can easily buy the newspaper.
The data in the above table indicates that 44% of respondents would Like to purchase
newspapers on from their hostels, 36% of respondents like to purchase newspapers
by self-subscription and where they are currently, 14% of respondents would
purchase newspaper from outside, remaining respondents purchase newspaper on
online app or they won't to buy newspaper.
It is concluded that majority of respondents purchase newspaper from hostels and
which block they belong to. It means there are more chances that they can easily
buy the newspaper.
The data in the above table indicates that 44% of respondents read newspaper on
weekly, 40% of respondents like to read newspaper on the daily basis, 10% of
respondents don't like to read newspaper, remaining respondents prefer to read
newspaper monthly.
It is concluded that majority of respondents life to read newspapers on the daily
basis. It means there are more chances that they can easily buy the newspaper.
The data in the above table indicates that 52% of respondents would Like to purchase
Economic Times newspapers, 24% of respondents like to purchase The Indian
Express newspapers, 18% of respondents would purchase The Tribune newspaper,
remaining respondents purchase newspaper business standard newspaper and
It is concluded that majority of respondents purchase Economic Times newspaper.
It means there are more chances that they can easily buy the newspaper.
The data in the above table indicates that 38% of respondents are extremely agree
with the statement, 38% of respondents are agree with the statement, 18% of
respondents are neutral with the statement, remaining 6% respondents are disagree
with the statement.
It is concluded that majority of respondents are agree with the statement that the
newspaper they selected above cover all aspects happening in the world. It means
there are more chances that they can easily buy the newspaper.
The data in the above table indicates that 88% of respondents interested in business
news, some are interested in political news some in regional news and some people
like sports news etc.
It is concluded that majority of respondents like business news and newspaper. It
means there are more chances that they can easily buy the newspaper.
The data in the above table indicates dislike of which of the news section respondents
dislike some people dislike business news, some are dislike in political news some
in regional news and some people dislike sports news etc.
It is concluded that vey less of respondents dislike business news and newspaper. It
means there are more chances that they can easily buy the newspaper.
The data in the above table indicates that 40% of respondents can spend monthly
between Rs. 50-100, 32% of respondents can spend monthly between Rs. 100- 200,
22% of respondents can spend monthly between Rs. Upton 50, remaining 6%
respondents can spend monthly above Rs. 200
It is concluded that majority of respondents are agree to spend money on newspaper.
It means there are more chances that they can easily buy the newspaper.
The data in the above table indicates that 56% of respondents like to read newspapers
after increasing its price, 34% of respondents do not like to read newspapers or
switch to another newspaper, remaining 10% of respondents are not confident that
they switch the newspapers or not.
It is concluded that majority of respondents (56%) like to read newspapers. It means
they can easily buy the newspaper.
The data in the above table indicates that 48% of respondents are satisfied with the
price of newspapers, 30% of respondents do not satisfied with the price of
newspapers, 22% of respondents are not confident for the price of newspapers.
It is concluded that majority of respondents (48%) like to read newspapers. It means
they can easily buy the newspaper.
The data in the above table indicates that 40% of respondents spent time 5-10
minutes in reading the newspaper, 28% of respondents spent time 10-15 minutes in
reading the newspapers, 22% of respondents spent time 5 minutes in reading the
newspaper and remain 10% spent time more than 15 minutes in reading the
It is concluded that majority of respondents (40%) spent time 5-10 minutes in
reading the newspaper. It means they can easily buy the newspaper.
The data in the above table indicates that 56% of respondents reads newspaper due
to new content, 46% of respondents reads newspaper due to authenticity and
supplements, 44% of respondents reads newspaper due to habit and remain people
due to pricing.
It is concluded that majority of respondents (56%) reads newspaper due to new
content and habit of reading the newspaper. It means they can easily buy the
The data in the above table indicates that 58% of respondents are choose newspaper
to develop their language skills, 26% of respondents are choose newspaper to gather
information, 16% of respondents think newspapers are trustworthy source of
It is concluded that majority of respondents think that newspaper good source for
developing language skills. It means there are more chances that they can easily buy
the newspaper.
The data in the above table indicates that 62% of respondents are purchase
newspaper due to improving language skills, 58% of respondents are purchase
newspaper due to availability, 46% of respondents purchase newspaper due to saving
time, remaining 21% respondents purchase newspaper due to low price.
It is concluded that majority of respondents think that newspaper good source for
developing language skills. It means there are more chances that they can easily buy
the newspaper.
Here 1 Rating (poor) is given by single person, 2 Rating is given by 5 persons and
3 Rating given by 15 respondents 4 Rating given by 23 respondents and 5 Rating
(Highest) given by 6 respondent.
Here 1 Rating (poor) is given by nobody, 2 Rating is given by 8 persons and 3
Rating given by 10 respondents 4 Rating given by 19 respondents and 5 Rating
(Highest) given by 13 respondent.
Here 1 Rating (poor) is given by nobody, 2 Rating is given by 3 persons and 3
Rating given by 12 respondents 4 Rating given by 24 respondents and 5 Rating
(Highest) given by 11 respondent.
Here 1 Rating (poor) is given by single person, 2 Rating is given by 9 persons and
3 Rating given by 19 respondents 4 Rating given by 11 respondents and 5 Rating
(Highest) given by 10 respondent.
Students are the most plausible market for newspapers, so newspapers Should give1.
new technology come
organization, lessons or colleges so
be ordinary to
2. More career information on regular groundwork (twice or thrice a week) on
newspapers newspaper or start two dietary supplements on profession per week.
 As we all recognize that slowly newspapers market share got smaller. To
stand in the market every brand of newspaper must advertise to
the subsequent level.
 Apartfromthat companies provide discounts vouchers,a magazine and short s
tories, puzzles on any week day to the customers of the newspapers.
By understanding the process, it becomes feasible to decide the place upgrades can
be of value. The model can serve as
the groundwork for discovering methods inside the discipline of distribution to be
 72% respondents agree with newspapers that newspapers are going to
add value in their existence if they study it regularly.
 Approx. 64% of students are like to take knowledge from internet, TV, radio.
They do now not like to spend their time to study newspaper.
 56% respondent think that paying more cost of newspapers over being
subscribe newspaper is essential for them.
 Due to appropriate branding, enchancment in reader’s life, and fame majority
of students assume newspapers is going to add fee in their life.
Newspaper Survey
* Required
1. Name *
2. Registration Number *
3. Email Id *
4. How old are you ? *
Mark only one oval.
Under 18
18 -21 years
21-25 years
25-30 years
30 above
5. Your course/Highest Qualification *
6. Do you like to read current affairs and news? *
Mark only one oval.
7. From where do you gather information ? *
Mark only one oval.
Online Apps
8. Do you like to read newspaper? *
Mark only one oval.
9. Have you Subscribed to any newspaper ? *
Mark only one oval.
10. How would you like to purchase newspaper * Mark only one oval.
Monthly Billing
Semester Subscription
Weekly subscription
Daily basis
11. What is source of your Newspaper * Mark only one oval.
Hostel outside
12. How often you read newspaper ? * Mark only one oval.
Prefer Newspaper Daily
Prefer newspaper weekly
Prefer monthly
No I don't like to read newspaper
13. Which newspaper do you like? *
Mark only one oval.
The Tribune
Economic Times
The Indian Express
Business standard
14. Do you agree your above selected newspaper covers all aspects happening in the
world *
Mark only one oval.
Agree Agree
Extremely Disagree
15. Which section news of newspaper is your first preference? *
16. Which section news of newspaper you dislike? *
17. How much do you spend on newspapers monthly? *
Mark only one oval.
₹ 0-50
₹ 50-100
₹ 100- 200
200 and above
18. If the price of the newspaper increase, would you continue to purchase the same or
shift to cheaper one ? *
Mark only one oval.
yes, I will continue
No, Shift to another
one can't say
19. Are you Satisfied with he price of newspaper? *
Mark only one oval.
20. How much time you spend in reading newspapers every day ? *
Mark only one oval.
Less than 5 minutes
5-10 minutes
10-15 minutes
More than 15 minutes
21. What binds you to your current newspaper? *
Check all that apply.
New content
22. Why do you choose newspaper rather than other media? *
Mark only one oval.
Devlpoing Language Skills
23. What particular factors do you look for deciding to opt for the particular newspaper ?
24. How would you rate 'The Tribune' newspaper *
Mark only one oval.
25. How would you rate 'Times of India' newspaper *
Mark only one oval.
26. How would you rate 'Economics Times' newspaper *
Mark only one oval.
27. How would you rate 'Business Standards' newspaper *
Mark only one oval.
Any comments