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Article Response Assignment: Summary, Relate, Opinion, Opposing Views

Article of the Week
Each week, you will be assigned an article, for which you will read, annotate, and write a
response. Follow the format outlined below for your response to the article.
Paragraph 1: ​Summary
Write a healthy paragraph that summarizes the key ideas of the article. The summary should be
paraphrased (written in your own words). You will receive no credit if you do not paraphrase.
Note that you may refer to short quotes in the article occasionally, but these should be brief,
sparse, and in direct quotes.
Paragraph 2: ​Relate
When we read articles, essays, and literature, we can often relate parts of the issue to our own
lives. In this paragraph, explain how the issue in the article relates to you, your life, or
something you’ve observed in your life. This will be easy to do for many articles; however, you
may have to dive deep to find a relationship in some articles. “I do not relate to anything in this
article” is not an acceptable response. Use your imagination.
Paragraph 3: ​Opinion/Reflection
This paragraph should explain your stance on the issue in the article. What is your opinion on
the topic? Do you agree or disagree with the author? Explain your stance on the issue and
provide evidence to support your claim.
Paragraph 4: ​Opposing Views
In this paragraph, you will recognize the other side of the argument (opposite of your opinion on
the issue). You might use phrases like, “Some people claim…”, “There are those who disagree
with me, claiming…”, etc. It is important to remember that you are to answer these opposing
views with a ​rebuttal​ (​the action of proving a statement or theory to be wrong or false). Stay
firm in your own opinion, but recognize that others may disagree, explain why they might
disagree, and then provide your reasons why the other side is wrong.