Uploaded by Shariq Baig

Thank You Letter for Book on Money Management

A colleague gave you a book which you used for your presentation. Write a letter to your colleague.
In your letter, you should say:
what the presentation was about,
why the presentation was important
how the book helped you.
Hi shuja,
I hope you are doing well, first of all I want to thank you for book that I had borrowed as it helped me a
lot in my presentation. Actually, it was a presentation about money management as you know that we
have to give presentation on our major subject in order to obtain good GPA.
Well, I must say that I was completely unaware about how to manage the money and spending as I am
always spend by will without even thought of its consequences but this book changed my perspective
entirely about saving and spending behaviour as it taught that spend money with the head not by heart.
I found this book very helpful and very easy to understand as I took only two days to learn each and
every aspect of spending habit. After reading this book, I planned and visualize my entire presentation
and I delivered that in an appropriate way and I got 90 marks in it, everyone praised me on that
Now i am going to end the letter by thanking you again