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T/G1 E Term Overview 2021: Elementary Curriculum

T/G1 E Term overview 2021
Key events
Week 3 Parent information session. Thursday 11th of February 6pm
Week 7 Three way conferences. Thursday the 11th of March times TBA
PYP Assemblies week 2, 4 and 6. Friday mornings 9am - 9.45am
Tug of war house competition. Friday 19th of January 2.00pm
Public Holiday Wednesday 3rd of March, week 6.
Unit of Inquiry
• Trandisciplinary theme: Who we are
• Central Idea: Choices have consequences
• Lines of inquiry:
o Identifying roles in different situations
o How perspective affects my choices
o The impact and consequences of our choices on us and others.
Learning focus
Maths inquiry - Number and place value
* Exploring numbers from 0-5
* Recognize instantly the quantity of a small group of objects to 5
Key learning outcomes
• Counts forwards and backwards to 5 / skip counting forward and back wards
Count objects to 5 / simple addition fact and fact families
Read and Write numbers to 5 / 100
Maths inquiry – Measuremnt and Geometry
* Sort, describe and name familiar two-dimensional shapes
Key learning outcomes
• Identify and create 2D shapes
• Identify attributes of 2D shapes
• Classify and sort 2D shapes
Reading and writing
• Developing the morning reading routine, book selection based on interest and ability.
• Daily reading groups with a focus on strategy and comprehension.
• Author focus – Joy Cowley
• Reading eggs and phonics based games as part of literacy groups
• Class novel
• Writer’s workshop. Daily modelled, shared and individual writing with teacher.
• Magic Words, Jolly Phonics
Read, Build and Write
• Handwriting focus sessions during literacy groups including pencil grip, letter placement and formation.
Specialist lesson focus
Introduction to music. Students will be learning about the different tempo (fast/slow) and pitch (high/low) and how
music influence people’s feelings.
explore sounds as they learn to listen to and make music (from ACARA, Australian Curriculum).
A focus on building class community and trust. Playing games that involve everyone. Movement and gross motor skills
such as catching, throwing, balancing, body and space awareness, visual and spatial skills.
Practise fundamental movement skills and movement sequences using different body parts
Cooperate with others when participating in physical activities (ACPMP012)
Timorese Culture
Classes are a mixture of Tetun language and culture. We will start off by focusing on Timorese Stories, and
development of basic language skills like counting and greetings. This will be done primarily through gameplay and
singing. We will be contributing to the class inquiry through looking at the different ways Timor-Leste shows respect
to each other.