REFERENCE CALCULATION OUTPUT CROP WATER REQUIREMENTS. From CROPWAT ETo=5.13mm Kc=1.15 ETc=5.13*1.15=5.8995mm/day FAO manual 9; Table 1. ETc=5.38995mm/ Day. ETcrop-loc=ETc*Kr Taking Ground cover as 40% Kr=0.4 ET crop-loc=5.8995*0.4=2.3598mm/day D gross=ET crop-loc/Ea ET crop-loc= 2.3598mm/day. Ea=KS*EU; Where Ks : Average water stored in root volume / Average water applied. EU: Coefficient reflecting the uniformity of application. Ea=0.91*0.9=0.82 D gross=2.3598/0.82=2.878mm/day. Irrigation Requirements IR n=2.3598-R + LR LR ; Leaching requirement. R; water received by plant other than irrigation(rainfall). Dgross=2.878 mm/day. N/B; R will be taken as zero assuming worst case scenario ie no rainfall. FAO maual 9; Table 2. Where ; LR=LRt*(IRn/E a) LRt= EC w / (2*(MAX ECe) LR=2/ (2*10) =0.1 LR=0.1 LR=0.1*(2.3598/0.82) =0.288mm/day IR g= (2.3598/0.82)-0+0.2888=3.1659mm/day Percentage wetted area. Pw = 100% FAO manual 9; table 3. IRg =3.1659mm/day. Pw=100% Area wetted by one emitter. Aw = 1.5m2 Emitters per plant and spacing. Potato Spacing 1.5m by 1.5m Emitters per plant = (1.5*1.5*1) / 1.5 = 1.5 (take 2 emitters per plant). Emitter spacing = Sp / Np = 1.5 / 2 = 0.75m. Where Sp; Distance between plants in a row. Np; Number of emitters per plant. Aw = 1.5m2 Emitters per plant =2 emitters Emitter spacing =0.75m. IRRIGATION FREQUENCY AND DURATION. Effective rooting depth=0.6m Available soil moisture=140mm/m Moisture Depletion for drip system=20% Net Irrigation Requirement (IR n) =2.3598mm/day Potato Spacing 1.5m by 1.5m Net Irrigation Per Potato = (2.3598/600) *1.5*1.5=8.85*10600) *1.5*1.5=8.85*103m3/day/potato or 8.85L/day/potato Area to Wetted Soil=SP*SR*Pw =1.5*1.5*0.87=1.9575m2 Available Soil Moisture Per Potato = (140/1000) *1.9575=0.2741m3 OR 274.05L/Potato Net irrigation per potato =8.85L/day/potato. Wetted area= 1.9575m2 Moisture to be replenished per potato by drip irrigation =274.05*(20/100) =54.81L/Potato Irrigation Frequency= (54.81/8.85) =6.2days Adapt 6 Days Net amount of water to be applied =6*8.85=53.1L/Potato Irrigation Frequency =6 days DURATION OF IRRIGATION PER DAY. Ta= IR g/ (Np*q) IR g=3.1659mm/day = (3.1659*1.5*1.5) / 1000=7.123*103m3 OR 7.123 L/Potato/Day IRg=3.1659mm/day Taking a 2Lph emitter Ta=7.123/ (2*2) =1.78 hours=2 hours Farm will be divided into 6 sections Lateral spacing=1.5m Ta=2hours Number of laterals per section 98/1.5=65.333=66 laterals 132 laterals per section 66*2=132 laterals Length of lateral=170/2=85m Number of potatoes per lateral=85/1.5=56.7=57 potatoes Number of emitters per lateral= 57 * 2 = 114 114*132=15048 emitter per section emitters per lateral= 114. 15048 emitter per section Length of manifold=98meters Length of main line =500 meters Discharge for each potato with spacing of 1.5m by 1.5m = (2.3598/600) *1.5*1.5=8.85*10^-3m3/day/potato In 24 hours (8.85*10^-3/24) =3.688*10^-4m3/hr. (24 hours a day) For 2 hours of operation per day, discharge required =3.688*10^-3*24/2=4.425*10^-3m3/hr. =4.425L/hr.=1.23*10^-3L/s With application efficiency of 82% required per potato = (1.23*10^-3)/0.182=1.5*10^-3L/S The discharge per emitter with 2 emitters per potato is then, = (1.5*10^-3)/2=7.5*10^-4L/S Discharge of each line LINE No. of potatoes HALF LATERAL 57 HALF 3762 MANIFOLD FULL 7524 MANIFOLD MANIFOLD TO 45144 PUMP Lateral length=85m No. of emitters 114 7524 Required Discharge 0.0855 5.643 15048 11.286 90288 67.716 Manifold Length=98m Mainline Length=500m Selecting emitter with k=4.0, x=0.48, q=7.5*10^-4L/S Substituting in q=K h ^x with average discharge of 7.50*10^-4L/S =Log q= log k+ log h =Log h= (Log q-Log k)/X = (log 7.50*10^-4) -(log 4.0*10^-4) 0.48 =Log h =0.5687 =h=3.7m This is the average operating head Operating Head=3.7m Total allowable pressure loss of 15% in both lateral and manifold =3.7*0.15=0.55m of which 0.55*0.55=0.30m for lateral and 0.45*0.55=0.25m for manifold From Hf=K*L*Q^1.75*D^-4.75 to select the required diameters LINE Q(L/S) F 0.0855 PIPE L(M) DIAMETER 25mm 85 HALF LATERAL HALF MANIFOLD FULL MANIFOLD MANIFOLD TO PUMP 5.643 120mm 98 0.357 11.286 120mm 98 1 67.716 207.8mm 425 1 Calculating F=(1/M+1) + (1/2N) Where M=1.852, N=114 Half Lateral F= (1/2.852) + (1/228) =0.36 Half Manifold =F= (1/2.852) + (1/15048) =0.351 =Hf(m)=(KL(Q/C) ^1.852)/D^4.87 HALF LATERAL. Hf(M) 0.36 0.21 =Hf(m)=0.30m= (7.89*10^5) *(85) *(0.0855/150) ^1.852 =D^-4.75=3.309*10^-7 =Log 3.309*10^-7=-4.75 =log (3.309*10^-7) =-4.75 Log D =-6.480 =-4.75 Log D =-4.75Log D =-6.480 =Log D=1.364=10^1.364=23.12mm=25mm HALF MANIFOLD. =0.25= (7.89*10^5) *98*(5.643) ^1.75*D^-4.75 =D^-4.75=0.25= 1.565*10^10 (1597517656) =Log 1.565*10^10=-4.75 Log D =Log D 1.565*10^-10=-4.75 =-9.805=-4.75 Log D =Log D=1 -9.805 -4.75 =Log D =-9.805=2.064 -4.75 =10^2.064=112.8mm =120mm was adopted Hf(m)=0.21m MAIN /SUBMAINS. =Hf(m)=K*L*Q^1.75*D^-4.75 = (7.89*10^5) *(425) *(67.716) ^1.75*D^-4.75 =Q=AV =A=Q/V =A= (0.067716)/2=0.0339m2 =A=3.142*D^2 4 =D^2=0.0432 =D=0.2078m=207.8mm Half Lateral D=25mm Half Manifold D=120mm Hf(m)=0.21m Main/Submains =207.8mm