STUDYROO - EDUCATION CONSULTANT PERTH | STUDY IN PERTH ADVANCE YOUR CAREER WITH BUSINESS MANAGEMENT COURSES WHAT IS A BUSINESS COURSE? A Business Course is the most popular field of study at universities worldwide, particularly at the graduate level. You might have some vague ideas about why this is the case – business graduates are in high demand worldwide, business touches on pretty much every aspect of modern human society, careers with a business degree are diverse and often highly paid – and these assumptions are likely to be largely true. BENEFITS OF THIS COURSE • L O G I C AL AB I L I T I E S TO I N T E R P R E T I N F O R M AT I O N AN D D R AW R E F E R E N C E S • B E T T E R C O M M U N I C AT I O N S K I L L S I N B O T H O R AL AN D W R I T T E N • U N D E R S TA N D I N G O F B U S I N E S S P R O C E S S E S AN D P R O TO C O L S PAGE 03 AVAILABLE BUSINESS COURSES CERTIFICATE IV IN BUSINESS DIPLOMA OF BUSINESS DIPLOMA OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ADVANCED DIPLOMA OF BUSINESS DIPLOMA OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING CERTIFICATE III IN BUISNESS AVAILABLE CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN BUSINESS COURSE • Office Manager • Risk Management Consultant • Program Manager • Financial Planner WHY CHOOSE AN EDUCATION CONSULTANT TO PICK THE BEST COURSE? Students are increasing day-by-day and more likely to use the service of an Education Agent. A good education agent can provide invaluable assistance in deciding where to study and which course is best for the student. Some more reasons to choose an Education Agent in Perth are as follow:• Education Agents are experts in the local market and the education industry. • Education agents can help students study for the longest possible time at the most affordable rate. • Education agents are aware of school specials (cheaper priced courses) that students may not know about. CONTACT US FOR INQUIRY WEBSITE EMAIL ADDRESS MAP PHONE NUMBER +61 861170999 THANK YOU!