OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH VISIT ASSESSMENT Name Reason for Visit Date/Time DOH Dept. Assessment: ID# Supervisor Allergies ☐ Initial Visit ☐ Property Damage ☐ Work Related ☐ Follow Up ☐ RTW ☐ Non- Occupational Visit Assess for alert, orient, lethargic, dizzy, SOA, pain, swelling, deformity, discoloration, crepitation, weakness, paresthesia, limitation of motion- note any difference between affected side and unaffected side, local tenderness, contusion, abrasion, laceration, hematoma with trauma, rash, drainage, bleeding, burn. BP HR O2 Blood Sugar Temp Reason for Visit Treatment Provided: ☐ Band-Aid ☐ Finger Cot/Splint ☐ Cohesive Wrap ☐ Steri-Strips ☐ Non-Adherent Pad ☐ TAO ☐ Oxygen ☐ Bio-Freeze ☐ Orajel ☐ Sting Kill ☐ Burn Jel ☐ Bacitracin ☐ Glucose ☐ Eye Wash ☐ Refresh Tears ☐ Elastic Bandage ☐ Stretch Gauze ☐ Hydrocortisone Cream ☐ Claritin ☐ Back Pain Off x 2 po q 6 hrs PRN ☐ Tyl 325 mg x 2 po ☐ IBU 200 mg x 2 po ☐ Aleve 220 mg x 2 po ☐ Wax Therapy ☐ Cold/Heat Pack x 20 minutes 4 times a day (Can start heat TX for muscle strains only after 24-48 hours) Education Given: ☐ Heat / Ice Therapy Info ☐ Stretching PKT ☐ Proper Body Mechanics ☐ Job Rotation OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH VISIT ASSESSMENT Head-to-Toe Assessment Date Assessment Completed By Time LOC ☐Alert ☐Drowsy ☐Lethargic ☐Stuporous ☐Coma Orientation ☐ Person ☐ Place ☐ Time ☐ Situation Head ☐ Hair ☐ PERRLA ☐ Nose ☐ Ears ☐ Mouth ☐ Midline Tongue ☐ Moist ☐ Lesions ☐ Dentition Neck ☐ Carotid Pulse ☐ JVD + ☐ Trachea Midline Chest ☐ Apical Pulse ☐ Muffled ☐ Arrhythmia ☐ Breath Sounds- Anterior ☐ Posterior ☐ Lateral ☐ Chest Symmetry ☐ Skin Turgor (Clavicle) Abdomen ☐ Inspection ☐ Auscultation Active Hyper Absent ☐ LUQ Active Hyper Absent ☐ RUQ Active Hyper Absent ☐ LLQ Active Hyper Absent ☐ RLQ ☐ Palpation Upper Extremities ☐ Radial Pulse = +2 ☐ Other Warm Cool ☐ Temp vs Trunk ☐ Grip equal and strong ☐ Capillary refill <3 sec ☐ Vein filling rapid OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH VISIT ASSESSMENT Lower Extremities ☐ Hair Present ☐ Edema ☐ Foot Strength +/Claudication ☐ Homain’s Warm ☐ Temp vs Trunk ☐ Nails ☐ Yellowed ☐ Thickened ☐ Pedal Pulse ROM ☐ Upper R ☐ Upper L ☐ Lower R ☐ Lower L ☐ Sensation R Palp / doppler +/Cool ☐ Ingrown L Palp / doppler Strength ☐ Upper R ☐ Upper L ☐ Lower R ☐ Lower L General Assessment ☐ Weight ☐ Height ☐ BM Pain Assessment What symptoms are the employee experiencing? Onset: when did the symptoms start? Location: What body part/s are effected? Do the joints above/below the part have symptoms? Does the pain or symptoms radiate? If so, where? Character: type of pain (dull, stabbing, aching, etc) Alleviating factors: does anything reduce or eliminate pain? Make the pain worse? Temporal Patterns: do symptoms have a set pattern, such as occurring every evening? Have you injured this body part before? Do you have any medical issues? Rating of pain on scale of 1-10 Is there swelling, discoloration, deformity? (describe) Can the employee demonstrate ROM? Describe movements demonstrated Are pulses at or near the body part palpable? Is there bleeding or other drainage of the body part? (describe) ☐ Acute / Chronic ☐ Location ☐ Duration ☐ Characteristics ☐ Precipitation ☐ Frequency ☐ Non-Verbal ☐ Relief Factors ☐ Sleep Skin Assessment ☐ Description ☐ Intensity 0-10 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH VISIT ASSESSMENT Is the skin compromised? (laceration, abrasion, etc) Describe (measure) Any other objective findings? (popping, crepitus) What protocol applies? Treatments provided: include time length (cold compress x 10 minutes, dose, time, and next dose of any medications given. How often should problem be reassessed/treated? Advisements: (include how often to f/u, when to refer, etc) Outcome of visit: (to ER, RTW, home, etc) Any other information to include: