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A Formalist Analysis of Joyce Kilmer’s “Trees” with Reference to Translation into Arabic Maha Tahir Eesa,ph.D University of AL-Qadisiya / College of Education / Dept. of English 2006 Abstract The formalist analysis represents one of the approaches for analyzing literature in modern criticism .This approach comprises different modes of thinking that start with Russian formalism and end with structuralism .The Russian Formalists mode searches for some aspects that bring literariness and estrangement to literary texts . These aspects could be reflected in the content (theme) and the form (literary devices) of literary works in general and poetry in particular. Unlike form, content is not important for formalists and it can be reached only through form. A formalist analysis is applied to Joyce Kilmer’s “Trees” to see the extent to which it helps in analyzing and consequently translating the poem in terms of these elements: rhythm, sound and syntax with relation to the source and target texts. Following such approach helps the translator a great deal in producing an adequate translation that preserves the value of the original text that resides in its form only because no deep content could be detected in this simple poem. 1. Formalism Formalism refers to a general term for literary analysis. It is concerned with the properties of the text itself. It started with Russian formalists in the early twentieth century and extended with the Prague School in the thirties and New Criticism along the forties and fifties and Structuralism in the fifties and sixties. The search here is confined to Russian Formalists mode of thoughts. Formalist analysis emphasizes the autonomous nature of literature. Works of arts should not be seen as reflective of life . It isolates literary works and defines their formal properties. It searches for the devices that bring literariness to literary texts. The essence of literature is not as important as the form which is seen as the source of beauty and artfulness. In their study of poetry and prose Russian formalists pursue literariness(the use of literary devices). This literariness distinguishes literary language from the rest of language. It is the object of literature; an aesthetic function that constitutes a text as a literary text and makes it a verbal message in which this function is the dominant (Jacobson,1971:84).Moreover, for Sklovsky, it is a process of “defamiliarization” which involves “estranging” perception by deautomizing the reader’s perception ,and impeding his automatic relations to the objects around. As he argues "The technique of art is to make objects ‘unfamiliar’, to make form difficult, to increase the difficulty and length of perception because the practice of perception is an aesthetic end itself and must be prolonged" ( Sklovsky, 1965:12). Hence Russian formalists look to the rhythm ,sound ,and syntax of poetry as literature’s most unique and critically revealing aspects (Hall,2001:15). These aspects are defined below: 1.1. Rhythm The Greek word for rhythm is rhuthmos which means measured motion(Scott,1967:247).It refers to the flow or movement of a line , Peck and Coyle (1984:61-62) assert , whether this movement is slow or fast, calm or troubled. Yet, Drew(1959:41) believes that this flow is determined by meaning more than meter ,by feeling more than feet .It refers to the “ freedom the poet can use within his own self imposed necessity. It is the personal voice speaking through the formal convention”(ibid). 1.2. Sound Sounds represent a very important aspect in literary texts because they convey senses and express moods. They are not used only to encode meanings but they can be arranged for aesthetic purposes as well. Sounds are associated with senses .Some sounds express certain moods, imitate a natural phenomenon or define a movement .For example, the English consonant sounds /l/ ,/r/ ,/n/,and /n/ are associated with softness (Leech,1969:98). 1.3. Syntax Syntax is the ground work of the poet’s art(Nowottny,1962:9)because poetic syntax is the most powerful element that makes an utterance meaningful by controlling word order and consequently the mental order of impressions . Jacobson (1960) emphasizes the importance of parallelism ,reiteration and repetition of syntactic structures in poetry .Dillon (1978) also stresses the importance of parallel and repeated structures in poetry .The sentence pattern has its bearing on content as well .To illustrate, the SVO or OVS patterns impart different messages and ,thus ,are used for different purposes. 2. Analysis and Translation of the Poem Joyce Kilmer’s “Trees” is a poem of 12 lines. Each line consists of 8 syllables in Iambic tetrameter except lines 2 and 11 which possess 7 syllables. The poem is organized in rhyming couplets aa bb cc dd ee aa . Trees I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast ; A tree that looks at God all day And lifts her leafy arms to pray ; A tree that may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair ; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain Poems are made by fools like me , But only God can make a tree. The poet uses many anthromorphic* imageries .The tree is depicted as a female that presses its mouth to the earth’s breast raising leafy arms to pray to God .The earth also is personified as a female nursing the tree. The (human) female physical attributes are given to both the tree and earth. The tree and earth are personified in a strange way. Such defamiliarization is presented in the following translation(by the researcher): اﻟﺷﺟر ﻗﺻﺎﺋد ﺗﺣﻠو ﺣﻠّ َو اﻟﺷﺟر َ ِ ﺑﻊ ﺟوع اﻟﻔم اﻟﻣﻧﺣــدر َ ﻟﺗُﺷ ﯾﺧﯾلُ ﻟﻲ أنْ ﻣﺣﺎلٌ أرى ِ ﺻدرﻫﺎ ﺗَ ُد ّر ﻟﻬﺎ اﻷرض ﻣن إﻟﻰ اﷲ دوﻣﺎ ﺗطﯾ ُل اﻟﻧظر ﯾن ﻓﯾﻪ اﻟﻐرر ّ اﻷزﻫﺎر َ ﻓﺗز ِ ﻟﯾﺻﺣب ﺛﻠﺞ اﻟﺷﺗﺎ واﻟﻣطر َ َ ﺣﺳب اﷲ ﺑدﯾﻊُ اﻟﺷﺟر ُ ِ ﺗﺿرع ﺑﺄﯾدﯾﻬﺎ اﻟﻣور ﻗﺎت ّ اﻟﺻﯾف ﻋ ًﺷﺎ ﻣن ﯾﻛﺳوﻫﺎ ُ و ﺗرﻧو ﺣﺎﻧﯾﺔ ِﺣﺟرﻫﺎ ﻗﺻﺎﺋد ُﻧﻧظم َﺣ َﻣﻘًﺎ وﻟﻛن ---------------------------*An anthropomorphism is from a Greek word anthropos , which means human beings, and morphe, which means form. It is a modern term that refers to a form of personification that applies human or animal qualities to an inanimate objects.(www.Encyclopaedia of The poem is translated with a poem(metapoem) that has a different form that is appropriate to Arabic prosody .Each line of the metapoem has two hemistiches, as called by Wright(1971:351) :اﻟﺻدر ( the breast) and ( اﻟ ـﻌ ـﺟــزthe rump).The rhyme of the metapoem is ﻣ ـﻘ ـﯾ ـ ـ ــد (fettered) since each verse ends with a consonant (/r/ sound).It is given this form :ab ab cb db ab cb . Grammatical units in the original poem are separated by semicolons .Such pauses have rhythmic effects. They show a sequence of descriptive sentences .Setting the verse of the metapoem into two hemistiches creates such rhythmical pauses. Alliteration in line 6 in “lifts” and “leafy” and line 8 in “her” and “hair” and line 11 in “made” and “me” has rhythmical effect .Such alliterative aspect ,which is a source of literariness, is not lost in the translation ,though with different sounds in different places . The translation has these alliterative words: أن، أرىin the first hemistich( )اﻟﺻدرof the first verse. اﻟﻔمand اﻟﻣﻧﺣدرare alliterative as well in the second hemistich in the second verse. The words ﻟﻬﺎand ﻟﺗﺷ ـ ـ ـ ــﺑﻊare alliterative as well. The article of definiteness (al) الthat recurs in اﻟﻣورﻗﺎت , اﻟﻧظر, in verse ٣ (in the translation) creates an alliterative effect. Such rhythm is found also in verse 4 in the words : اﻷزﻫﺎرand اﻟﻐررand in verse 5 in اﻟﺷﺗﺎand اﻟﻣطر. Sounds in the original poem are associated with the sense. The sounds /l/ , /r/ , and /n/ are associated with softness to convey tender atmospheres that suit the feminine images the poem contains. The sound /r/ recurs 11 times while the sound /l/ recurs 14 times. As for the sound /n/ ,it recurs 15 times. Such a fact(of association between sound and sense) is considered by the translator though sounds in the metapoem are associated with different meanings . The sound /r/ in Arabic is associated with “continuity and consistency” (Sultan,2006:57).It represents the rhyme and recurs in the breast and rump in each verse in the metapoem. Yet, this sound does not appear in the breast of the last verse . This breast ends with the sound /n/ which is associated with “pause and termination in Arabic”(ibid.) .Having this hemistich ends with /n/ shows that the description of the trees does no more continue and prepares for the end of the poem. Moreover ,the sound / ح/ recurs in the poem to show softness because this sound is associated with softness and purity in Arabic (ibid:81). It recurs for 8 times to endow the atmosphere of the poem with softness. As for syntax ,one of the important syntactic phenomena in the poem is parallelism .The poet uses a parallel construction of the indefinite article “a” plus a noun as in : “a poem” (l.2), “a tree” (ll.3,5,7) and “a nest”. Moreover ,the construction “a tree” is repeated 3 times in lines 2,5,and7.Such a repetition in each line and another endows the text with beauty and gives the sense that each time “a tree” is mentioned a new description is to be given to the tree. The translation shows parallel constructions as well in verses 2,3 and 5 by using simple present whose subject is implied as a pronoun referring to the earth as in : ﺗدر ّ (l.2) ;and the implicit subject that refers to the tree in:ﺗﺿرع ّ and ﺗرﻧوin lines 3 and 5 respectively. Another syntactic aspect is the sentence pattern .The passive voice in line 11 is used to foreground “poems”. Such a foregrounding is transposed in the translation by means of using a deviated sentence pattern in Arabic .The word ﻗﺻـ ــﺎﺋد,which is an object, comes at the beginning of the sentence in the last verse to be foregrounded. Moreover, the last word in this verse “a tree” is translated as اﻟﺷ ـ ــﺟرand not اﻷﺷ ـ ــﺟﺎرbecause such a form of plural ( )اﻷﺷ ـ ــﺟﺎرis used with specific kind of trees and not for trees in general while the word اﻟﺷﺟر is a cover term for all kinds of trees .Thus, the translation asserts the Almighty’s power to create different kinds of trees that all these kinds move their boughs and leaves out of hallelujah praising God for perfecting their creation. 3. Conclusion Any attempt to analyze and translate a literary work should start with adopting a certain approach to make such an analysis fruitful and such a translation adequate .The formalist approach adopted in analyzing and translating Joyce Kilmer’s “Trees” serves this research a great deal in revealing the most significant aspects and the peculiarities of the poem so as to make a literary appreciation that serves translating it adequately . Bibliography Dillon ,George L. 1978.Language Processing and the Reading of Literature. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Hall ,Donald E.2001.Literary and Cultural Theory. Boston :Houghton Mifflin Company. Jacobson , Roman.1960. Poetry of Grammar and Grammar of Poetry . Lingua.21.pp.597- 609. --------------------.1971. “The Dominant” in Readings in Russian Poetics. Eds Matejka and Pomorska . Leech, Geoffrey N. .1969. A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry. London :Longman. 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