18ITE04 - CROSS PLATFORM APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT Programme & Branch Prerequisites IT 18CSC11 Problem solving and programming Sem. Category 6 PE L T P Credit 3 0 0 3 Preamble This course focuses on creating frameworks for development cross platform mobile applications using PhoneGap Unit - I Introduction to PhoneGap 9 Hours History - Designing for the Container - Applications- Limitations – Plug-Ins – Resourses - Hybrid Application Frameworks - PhoneGap Development, Testing, and Debugging : Hello, World app – Initialization – APIs- Enhancing the User Interface - Testing and Debugging - Running a PhoneGap Application on a Physical Device and Simulator Debugging Capabilities - Debugging Tools - Dealing with Cross-Platform Development Issues. Unit - II PhoneGap Developer Tools 9 Hours Configuring an Android Development Environment for PhoneGap - Installing the Android SDK – Creating and Testing an Android PhoneGap Project - BlackBerry - Installing the WebWorks SDK – creating and Testing BlackBerry PhoneGap Applications - iOS - Registering as an Apple Developer - Xcode Creating and Testing an iOS PhoneGap Project Applications - Symbian - Nokia Web Tools - Creating and Testing a Symbian PhoneGap Project - Using PhoneGap Build Unit - III Events and Device APIs 9 Hours Contacts - Device - Events - File - Notification - Camera - Capture Unit - IV Network and Location APIs 9 Hours Media – Geolocation – Network Connection - Accelerometer – Compass Unit - V Storage 9 Hours Storage: Local Storage – SQL Storage - Connect PHP & MySQL - Parse JSON - Upload Images - Login System. Total:45 TEXT BOOK: 1. John M. Wargo, "PhoneGap Essentials: Building Cross-Platform Mobile Apps", 1 Edition, Addison-Wesley Professional, United States, 2014. REFERENCES: 1. http://docs.phonegap.com/tutorials 2. Purusothaman Ramanujam, Giorgio Natili - PhoneGap: Beginner's Guide - Third Edition ,Packt Publishing Limited,2015 COURSE OUTCOMES: On completion of the course, the students will be able to BT Mapped (Highest Level) CO1 Summarize the concepts of PhoneGap platform tools Understanding (K2) CO2 Design and validate a simple cross platform native applications using android, BlackBerry, iOS and Symbian OS Applying (K3) CO3 Elaborate the mechanisms for PhoneGap APIs Applying (K3) CO4 Develop a simple Applications using different types PhoneGAP APIs Applying (K3) CO5 Create a simple storage based application Applying (K3) Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs COs/POs CO1 PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 3 2 1 1 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2 3 2 CO2 3 2 1 1 3 2 CO3 3 2 1 1 3 2 CO4 3 2 1 1 3 2 CO5 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 – Slight, 2 – Moderate, 3 – Substantial, BT- Bloom’s Taxonomy ASSESSMENT PATTERN - THEORY Test / Bloom’s Category* Remembering (K1) % Understanding (K2) % Applying (K3) % CAT1 20 40 40 100 CAT2 15 45 40 100 CAT3 15 35 50 100 ESE 15 45 40 100 * ±3% may be varied (CAT 1,2,3 – 50 marks & ESE – 100 marks) Analyzing (K4) % Evaluating (K5) % Creating (K6) % Total %