______Make changes then add to portfolio ______Add to portfolio CD Cover Rubric/Checklist Name: Due Date: Date Handed In: Criteria CD Thumbnail Sketch/Brainstorming Notes (Thinking) Thumbnail Sketch completed for CD Front and Back/Sides Brainstorming notes were included with the layout Content (Communication) CD content is appropriate. Front/Inside o Front contains appropriate information such as name of artist, name of CD and graphics. The Inside contains appropriate information such as a list of songs, graphics, and members of bands or artists that performed on CD, etc. Back/Sides o The Back contains a list of songs, Record Label, and UPC Code. A design is created for both sides and contains the name of the artist, name of CD and the record label. No spelling/proofreading errors. Page Layout & Design (Application) Adobe InDesign and Photoshop were used to create the project; correct page dimensions are used and all fit into the CD Cover correctly. Graphics Appropriately sized (not too large or small) Quality is clear. Graphics are not distorted as a result of sizing (no pixelization is present) Cropping is done effectively. Text Is easy to read based upon size, color selection, etc. Appropriate sizing and color is used for each item. Repetition is used to create consistency throughout the cover. Contrast is used effectively. Placement Good use of proximity and alignment. Like items are grouped together. Each item has a visual connection to something else on the page. Graphics/text look like they were purposely placed. Manipulation of graphics enhances the layout of the page (cropping, rotating, backgrounds, etc.,) Creativity (Thinking) Creative use of InDesign features to design an original looking product and to enhance the project design. Target Audience, graphics selected and layout chosen are effective Final Describe one aspect of your design you are particularly proud of: Teacher Comments/Next Steps: ______.pdf added to the exemplar folder Possible Marks 10 20 20 Front 20 Back 10 T: /20 C: /20 A: /40 Comments