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Onion Production in India: Plagiarism Scan Report

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In India onion (Allium cepa L.) is an important commercial crop grown on a large area for local consumption, medicinal and export purpose.
India is the second largest producer of onion in the world next after China. In India onion is cultivated in an area of 1.32 Million hectares,
with the annual production of 22.47 metric tonne with an average productivity of 17.01 tonne/ha. Maharashtra is the largest producer of
onion in India, grown in an area of 4.41 lakh hectares with the production of 53.61 lakh tonne contributing 29% of market share. Madhya
Pradesh is the second leading state for growing of Onion in an area of 1.17 lakh hectare with the production of 28.42 lakh tonne next to
Maharashtra. In 2013-14, production of onion in India was declined by around 15 percent to 30.9 million tonnes due to a decrease in planted
area in response to poor planting conditions in major growing regions despite yield scaling a new record of 17 tonne per hectare
(Anonymous, 2014-2015). There are two methods of seed production. Seed to seed and bulbs to seed methods and both the methods are
in practice for onion seed production. However, bulb to seed method is the most widely followed method for seed production. In the seed-toseed method, onion crop is raised using seed and the bulb produced, from this crop is continued in the field to bloom and form seed. In the
bulb to seed method, the bulbs produced in the previous season are harvested, selected, stored, and replanted to produce seeds in the
second year. Mostly the bulb to seed method is followed for seed production because it permits selections of ‘true-to-type’ and healthy bulbs
for seed production and seed yields are comparatively very high. The seed to seed method, however, can be practiced for varieties having
poor keeping quality (Agarwal, 2008). However, bulb planting for seed is done mostly by the manually operated machine which is laborintensive and time-consuming. It requires about 60 to 82 man-hours/day to plant one hectare of land by maintaining row to row spacing of
15 cm and plant to plant spacing of 10 cm. So, this problem can be resolved by mechanization (Singh, 2015). Mechanization not only
increases production and productivity but also reduces the labour cost and drudgery. As a result, it produced more within the shortest
possible period of time by using minimum manpower and improved cultural practices. The present study is related to the development of a
metering device for planting onion bulb for seed purposes and this metering device applies to a small onion bulb usually less than 35 mm
diameter which is used for propagation. A metering device for the onion bulb planter was developed in the College of Agriculture
Engineering, JNKVV Jabalpur. However, some problems like cutting, crushing, elevating, damaging, and choking, etc. were observed in the
metering device. To overcome these problems, an inclined plate metering device has been developed.
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