...IN STEM-CELL RESEARCHES AVOKEBZIZA MIREGIA YB ENOD SSLAC YGOLOIB E T H I C A L C O N C E R N S EMBRYOS? ADULTS? There are many methods and answers to that. TNEMNGISSA YGOLOIB NRAEL DNA YRT HOW AND FROM WHERE? Embryos -Blastocyst -pluripotent stem cells in vitro fertalization SSALC YGOLOIB SOYRBME FIRST METHOD Adult Stem Cells SECOND METHOD SSALC YGOLOIB SOYRBME -the brain - bone -marrow -blood - blood vessels -skeletal muscles - skin -the liver Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) - genetical reprogramming - new places: umbilical cord, amniotic fluid SSALC YGOLOIB SOYRBME THIRD METHOD Opponents: MORALS, RESPECT WHERE ARE THOSE? Supporters: "It's done with an agreement" "Embryos are not yet humans" "Sacrifice one to save million" SSALC YGOLOIB SNRENOC LACIHTE ETHICAL CONCERNS "We all started as an embryo." "Embryos should have respect too" "What if it goes the wrong way?" SSALC YGOLOIB E EMIT EVITAMROFNI NA ROF UOY KNAHT THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION. Y B