E LVIS PR E Y S L E Y A S A N IN FL U E N C E R W HA T IS HIS WOR L D VIE W ? HOW DOES HE HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE AMERICAN SOCIETY? CULTURAL IMPACT OF ELVIS PRESYLEY Since the beginning of his career, American singer Elvis Presley has had an extensive cultural impact. According to Rolling Stone, "it was Elvis who made rock 'n' roll the international language of pop." The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll describes Presley as "an American music giant of the 20th century who single-handedly changed the course of music and culture in the mid-1950s".[1] His recordings, dance moves, attitude and clothing came to be seen as embodiments of rock and roll CALLED REVOLUTION OF POP MUSIC! . His music was heavily influenced by African-American blues, Christian gospel, and Southern country., Elvis style of music and dancing was totally different from the calm tones of popularcitists. Through his music, he sheltered Americans society to African culture. Presley introduced and created a whole new social revoulation. ELVIS PRESLEY IS A REVOLUTIONIST! His music spoke to teenagers for them to get crazy and express themselves. Elvis Presley opened up to door for teenagers to express themselves sexually. At this point, his style of music seen as a threat to Moral well being of American youth. American society was terrified and fearful of the possibility that moral values could be challenging., HE CHANGED THE HISTORY OF AMERICA! Altough, Elvis received great hatred and criticisms throughout his carrier. He had a positive impact on American society. One very positive influence Elvis had was that he was a significant figure in the integration of whites and African Americans., Not only Elvis was a main figure in the integration o whites and African Americans , but also in changing sexuality., HIS VIEW TO THE WORLD From the beginning of his carrier, Elvis expressed “respect for African American performers and their music” and he was on his way to provoke teenagers to express themselves sexually., When he asked why he became the phenomeon he did , he replied “People were looking for something different and I just came along., I was lucky. CONCLUSION He redefined the pop music. Rock n Roll had been brewing for years but it is defining moment was Elvis. Through his music he sheltered Americans society to African American culture. He opened up the door for youngers to express themselves sexually and created a revouliton with his music, language, clothes and dance He did not change the history of music but he changed American history forever.