Manuel Alejandro Molina (SAP Consulting) Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 October 14, 2008 Copyright 2008 SAP AG. All Rights reserved Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 Contents 1 Preface ............................................................................................................................3 1.1 Objectives ..............................................................................................................................................3 2 Procedure........................................................................................................................4 2.1 Activating BCM......................................................................................................................................4 2.2 Basic Settings........................................................................................................................................5 2.2.1 Basic Settings for Approval .................................................................................................................5 2.2.2 Reservation for Cross-Payment Run Payment Media ..........................................................................6 2.3 Payment Grouping ................................................................................................................................7 2.3.1 Rule Maintenance ...............................................................................................................................7 2.3.2 Additional Criteria for Payment Grouping...........................................................................................11 2.3.3 BAdI for Additional Grouping Criteria (NEW functionality in EhP 4) ....................................................12 2.3.4 Payment Medium. Create / Assign Selection Variants .......................................................................12 2.4 Release Strategy .................................................................................................................................13 2.4.1 Mark Rules for Automatic Payments (No Approval) ...........................................................................13 2.4.2 Change and Release: Assign Role to Release Steps ........................................................................14 2.4.3 Change and Release: BAdI: Action on Original Payment on Reject/Resubmit (NEW functionality in EhP4) ...............................................................................................................................................17 2.4.4 Additional Release Steps: Define Release Procedure........................................................................17 2.4.5 Additional Release Steps: Assign Role to Release Steps ..................................................................18 2.4.6 Additional Release Steps: Assign Workflow Template to Release Procedure.....................................20 2.4.7 Specify Signature Method for Approval Using Simple Signature ........................................................21 2.5 Payment Status Management .............................................................................................................22 2.5.1 Map External Status to Internal Status ..............................................................................................22 2.5.2 Timeout for Batch Status Update.......................................................................................................23 2.6 Bank Statement Monitor......................................................................................................................24 2.6.1 Settings for Bank Statement Monitor .................................................................................................24 2.7 Additional Functionalities in EhP4 .....................................................................................................25 2.7.1 Urgent Payments and Charge Bearer................................................................................................25 2.7.2 Different User ID for Signature ..........................................................................................................25 3 Appendix: Creating a SEPA Payment Method ...........................................................27 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 Preliminary steps ..............................................................................................................................27 Payment Method in Country..............................................................................................................30 Payment Method in Company Code ..................................................................................................32 Payment Medium Selection Variant...................................................................................................33 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 2 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 1 Preface The following document describes a step by step methodology to implement Bank Communication Management with a special focus on the new features in EhP 4. This guide provides only a basic approach to the customizing, with simple batching rules, a dual control and a triple control approval process. 1.1 Objectives Provide a basic customizing guide of Bank Communication Management Emphazise the new features in EhP4 Provide hints on the capabilities of Bank Communication Management 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 3 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 2 Procedure 2.1 Activating BCM SAP Bank Communication Management is delivered in the Enhancement Packages, starting with EhP2, and needs to be activated. The procedure to activate it, is a follows: 1. Go to transaction SFW5 (Switch Framework) 2. Select ENTERPRISE_BUSINESS_FUNCTIONS 3. Look for FIN_FSCM_BNK and check the checkbox ‘Planned Status’. It changes from Off to On 4. Select ‘Activate Changes’ 5. Save Please note: The new BF (FIN_FSCM_BNK) includes the functionality already delivered with EhP2 (FIN_FSCM_Integration) plus the enhancements delivered with EhP4 Customers on EhP2 or EhP3 need to activate BF „FIN_FSCM_Integration“ Customers updating to EhP4, already using SAP Bank Communication Management on SAP ERP, EhP2 or EhP3, select FIN_FSCM_BNK in addition 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 4 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 2.2 Basic Settings 2.2.1 Basic Settings for Approval In this IMG activity, you can define the default currency, resubmission date and whether or not a signature is needed for payments. 1. In IMG go to Financial Supply Chain Management > Bank Communication Management > Basic Settings > Basic Settings for Approvals 2. Select ‘New entries’ 3. Enter the following information: Field name Description User action and values Rule Currency EUR Exchange rate type G Days resubmission 3 Signature required Checked 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Comment When a batch is resubmitted the calendar will suggest a resubmission date of today + this parameter Page 5 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 2.2.2 Reservation for Cross-Payment Run Payment Media In this activity, you reserve the payment run IDs that will result in payments being processed by Bank Communication Management 1. In SAP Easy Access go to Accounting > Financial Supply Chain Management > Bank Communication Management > Environment > Current Settings > Reservation for Cross-Payment Run Payment Media 2. Select ‘FI AP/AR Payment program for customers and vendors’ 3. Select ‘New Entries’ 4. Enter the following information: Field name Description Identifier Checkbox 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Indicator: call Bank Communication Management User action and values Comment XY* Enter any identifier you wish followed by a * (star) Checked Page 6 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 2.3 Payment Grouping On this cookbook only simple rules will be configured. The batches will be generated according to the amount in local currency as follows: RULE ID Description LOW Payments less than 500 EUR MEDIUM Payments equal or greater than 500 and equal or less than 5.000 EUR HIGH Payments greater than 5.000 EUR Payments greater than 5.000 EUR will also be batched according to the posting date of the payment document. 2.3.1 Rule Maintenance In this IMG activity, you can define the rules for the kind of grouping you desire for payments. Rules should be prioritized, so that when there is more than one rule satisfying the criteria for grouping, your priorities determine the batching rule. Once a rule is defined, click on the maintain button to specify the criteria for batching rules. Here all attributes of the payment are provided. Only attributes that make sense for the batching rule should be double clicked and then maintained. NOTE: For previous versions of BCM, it may be necessary to implement SAP Notes 1107851 and 1072573 to correct a program error when creating rules. 1. In IMG go to Financial Supply Chain Management > Bank Communication Management > Payment Grouping > Rule Maintenance 2. Select ‘New Entries’ 3. Enter the following data: Field name Description User action and values Rule ID LOW Priority 0 Description Payments less than 500 Comment 4. Save 5. Select 6. Select New entry 7. Enter the validity of the rule 8. Select ‘Attributes to define Rules for Batches’ 9. Double click on ‘Merge ID’ 10. Double click on ‘Amount in local currency’ 11. Enter the following data: 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 7 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 Field name Description User action and values Comment Merge ID AM000B This refers to the collector ID which is given in TA FBPM1 (Merge Payments). The system gives automatically a B. To AMZZZB Amount in local currency -499,99 To 499,99 To also include incoming payments 12. Select ‘execute’ 13. Save 14. Go back Now the rule MEDIUM will be customized 15. Select ‘New entries’ 16. Enter the following data Field name Description User action and values Rule ID MEDIUM Priority 0 Description Payments between 500 and 5.000 EUR Comment 17. Save 18. Select 19. Select New entry 20. Enter the validity of the rule 21. Select ‘Attributes to define Rules for Batches’ 22. Double click on ‘Merge ID’ 23. Double click on ‘Amount in local currency’ 24. Enter the following data: 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 8 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 Field name Description User action and values Comment Merge ID AM000B This refers to the collector ID which is given in TA FBPM1 (Merge Payments). The system gives automatically a B. To AMZZZB Amount in local currency -5000,00 To -500,00 25. Select ‘execute’ 26. Save 27. DON’T go back 28. Select New entry 29. Enter the validity of the rule 30. Select ‘Attributes to define Rules for Batches’ 31. Double click on ‘Amount in local currency’ 32. Enter the following data: Field name Description User action and values Comment Amount in local currency 500,00 To include incoming payments To 5000,00 To include incoming payments 33. Select ‘execute’ 34. Save 35. Go back Now the rule HIGH will be customized 36. Repeat steps 15 to 34 with the following data 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 9 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 Field name Description User action and values Rule ID HIGH Priority 0 Description Payments greater than 5.000 EUR Field name User action and values Comment Merge ID AM000B This refers to the collector ID which is given in TA FBPM1 (Merge Payments). The system gives automatically a B. To AMZZZB Amount in local currency -999999999,00 To -5000,01 Field name Description Comment Description User action and values Comment Amount in local currency 5000,01 To include incoming payments To 999999999,00 To include incoming payments Now you need to transport the rules: 37. Go to transaction SA38 38. Execute program ‘RBNK_RULE_TRANSPORT’ 39. Select the 3 rules 40. Select ‘Execute’ 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 10 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 41. Select the rules that you want to transport 42. Select ‘Transport’ 43. Enter a transport request 2.3.2 Additional Criteria for Payment Grouping In this IMG activity, you can set additional criteria (apart from batching rules) such as requiring all payments of a batching rule to belong to a certain date. Two grouping fields are provided, one of which you select for the batching. It was mentioned in the introduction to payment grouping that the payments greater than 5.000 (rule HIGH) would also be batched according to the posting date of the payment document. In order to create batches for each posting date it is not necessary to list every single day, instead: 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 11 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 1. In IMG go to Financial Supply Chain Management > Bank Communication Management > Payment Grouping > Additional Criteria for Payment Grouping 2. Look for rule HIGH 3. Enter the following data: Field name Grpng. Field1 Description User action and values Comment ZALDT Posting date of the payment document 4. Save 5. Ignore the warning 2.3.3 BAdI for Additional Grouping Criteria (NEW functionality in EhP 4) In this activity, you implement a logic that populates the two grouping fields that are relevant for batch creation (payments with different grouping values go into different batches) and the batch approval process. The rules concerning the number of approval steps and approval user assignment use the grouping field values as criteria. There are two methods: One to populate the first grouping field, another for the second. In another IMG activity (section 2.3.2) you can enter field names for the automatic population of the grouping fields, depending on the rule ID that was used for batching. The relationship between those activities is as follows: A field name entered in the other activity (section 2.3.2) has preference; that is the grouping field BAdI method is only called in case the field name is empty. 2.3.4 Payment Medium. Create / Assign Selection Variants In this activity you can create and assign selection variants for a format. Selection variant maintenance is a requirement for automatically scheduling the payment media of the Payment Medium Workbench in the payment program. For the customizing on PMW please check the appendix: Creating a SEPA payment method section 3.1.4. 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 12 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 2.4 Release Strategy Bank Communication Management offers a tool which allows certain users to approve the payments associated to the batches. Once the payments are batched, it can be decided whether the batch has to go for approval or not. For the release strategy it uses the already available functions of SAP Business Workflow. It already contains predefined templates for the approval process that can be adapted to suit the processes in your company. The workflow tool distributes the approval tasks to the corresponding staff members defined as approvers in BCM. Bank Communication Management works with two release objects, BNK_INI also called Edit Workflow and BNK_COM also called Main Approval Workflow Since the first approver has the possibility of changing the batch by, for example, resubmitting certain payments or rejecting some others the Release Object BNK_INI is used to enable the editing possibilities. The subsequent approvers can only approve or return at a batch level, for this, the additional Release Object BNK_COM is used. A combination of the two objects enables dual, 3x and 4x control. On this guide the following approval processes will be used: RULE ID Release Process LOW No approval necessary MEDIUM One approver HIGH Two approvers Should experience troubles with the workflow please refer to SAP Note 1041016 2.4.1 Mark Rules for Automatic Payments (No Approval) In this IMG activity, you can mark the the batching rules that need no approval, meaning that no approval process is required. 1. In IMG go to Financial Supply Chain Management > Bank Communication Management > Release Strategy > Mark Rules for Automatic Payments (No Approval) 2. Select the row for the rule LOW 3. Enter the following data: Field name Auto Description User action and values Comment Checked Automatic payment 4. Save 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 13 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 2.4.2 Change and Release: Assign Role to Release Steps In this IMG activity, you can assign a standard role to the individual release steps of the release procedure that applies for a certain release object. Processing (users, workplace, organizational units, positions and so on) is linked to the standard role. The system uses the standard role to find the processors responsible and, through the SAP Business Workflow, forwards the release object as a work item to them for processing further. 1. In IMG go to Financial Supply Chain Management > Bank Communication Management > Release Strategy > Change and Release > Assign Role to Release Steps 2. Select ‘New Entries’ 3. Enter the following information Field name Description User action and values Rel. Object BNK_INI Rel 01 WF Release Step Comment Dual control st 1 1 Release Step 4. Save 5. Select the the row you just created 6. Select below ‘Create Rule…’ 7. Select all rule parameters 8. Select ‘Generate Rule Now’ 9. Select ‘Save’ 10. Select ‘Copy Generated Rule’ 11. Write down the given rule number 12. Save 13. Go back and save 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 14 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 Now the approver for the rule MEDIUM will be defined 14. Select the row you just created 15. Select ‘Display Rule…’ 16. Select ‘Create Responsibility’ 17. Enter the following data: Field name Description Name User action and values Comment MEDIUM 18. Select ‘Enter’ 19. Enter the following information: Field name Rule ID Description User action and values Comment MEDIUM 20. Save NOTE: if you wish to see a full description of the Responsibility Specs select ‘Container’ 21. Go back 22. Select the responsibility you just created 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 15 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 23. Select ‘Insert agent assignment’ 24. Select ‘User’ 25. Select ‘Enter’ 26. Enter the name of a user (or part of it) 27. Select ‘Create’ 28. Go back 29. Save You also need to define the approver for the rule HIGH. Follow the steps 14 to 19 for the rule HIGH. 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 16 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 2.4.3 Change and Release: BAdI: Action on Original Payment on Reject/Resubmit (NEW functionality in EhP4) In this activity you implement a logic to change the original payment program documents and the Cash Management (TR-CM) data derived from them, in case those payments are rejected or resubmitted (postponed to another date) in the approval process. One possible action is, for example, automatic reversal (transaction FBRA) in case of rejection. There are two methods: one for rejection and one for resubmission. Standard settings SAP provides a default implementation for this BAdI. This is executed if you do not implement your own logic, and it acts as follows: It changes the value date in the bank clearing line item of the original document, and adjusts the corresponding cash management data for cash position. On resubmission, the new value date is the resubmission date. On rejection, the program takes the last day of year 9999 to indicate that this payment will never leave the company. 2.4.4 Additional Release Steps: Define Release Procedure In this IMG activity, you can make basic settings for the release of a particular release object. Since the release of release objects is regulated by the SAP Business Workflow, in the group frame release you must define if and when the system forwards a release object to the release process. In plain English, you define here which conditions need to be fulfilled in order to trigger a 2x, 3x or 4x approval process. In the example of this guide, the rule HIGH has 2 approvers. The first one was already customized in section 2.4.2, now the second one will be added: 1. In IMG go to Financial Supply Chain Management > Bank Communication Management > Release Strategy > Additional Release Steps > Define Release Procedure 2. Select ‘Conditional’ 3. Enter the following information: Field name Description Release Procedure User action and values Comment 01 Dual control 4. Select ‘Execute’ 5. Select ‘New Entry’ 6. Expand ‘Payment approval Release structure’ 7. Double click on ‘Rule ID’ 8. Enter the following information: Field name Rule ID Description User action and values Comment HIGH 9. Select ‘Execute’ 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 17 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 10. Save 2.4.5 Additional Release Steps: Assign Role to Release Steps This activity is identical to the one described in section 2.4.2 with the exception that here the Release Object being configured is BNK_COM. 1. In IMG go to Financial Supply Chain Management > Bank Communication Management > Release Strategy > Additional Release Steps: Assign Role to Release Steps 2. Select ‘New Entries’ 3. Enter the following information Field name Description User action and values Rel. Object BNK_COM Rel 01 WF Release Step Comment Dual control st 1 1 Release Step 4. Save Use the instructions in section 2.4.2 and the following screenshots as orientation. 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 18 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 A more complex example: On this example there is a batching rule for payments above 250.000 EUR. The company wants to exercise a triple control of those payments given the high amount. Due to the increasing compliance task the Financial Vicepresident needs to give the final approval. To customize this workflow on your company‘s system, first you assign the agent ACCOUNTANT to rule VERYHIGH in the Release Object BNK_INI (Edit Workflow). Now the user ACCOUNTANT can approve, resubmit or reject payments or whole batches. In order to trigger the pure approval workflow (Release Object BNK_COM), you need to define a Condition for the release of this object. You define that for the rule VERYHIGH the principle of treble control be used. Finally, you assign the agent TREASURER to the first release step of BNK_COM for the rule VERYHIGH and the agent VICEPRESIDENT to the second release step of BNK_COM for the rule VERYHIGH. 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 19 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 Note that in this case you have a three step release procedure (three approvers). The first step is customized in the Release Object BNK_INI; the second step is customized in the object BNK_COM (1st release step); nd and the third one in the object BNK_COM (2 release step). BNK_INI has only one release step whereas BNK_COM has three release steps. By combining them you can customize up to four release steps. 2.4.6 Additional Release Steps: Assign Workflow Template to Release Procedure In this IMG activity, you can assign a release workflow and a release procedure workflow to every release procedure of a release object. The release workflow realizes the technical processing of the release in the system. The release procedure workflows realize the technical processing of the various release procedures (such as the principle of treble control) in the system. 1. In IMG go to Financial Supply Chain Management > Bank Communication Management > Release Strategy > Additional Release Steps: Assign Workflow Template to Release Procedure 2. Select ‘New Entries’ 3. Enter the following information: Field name Descri ption User action and values Comment Rel. Object BNK_COM Release Procedure 01 Release Workflow 50100024 Template Workflow for Dynamic Release Process Release Procedure WF 50100021 Template Workflow for one-step release procedure 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 20 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 4. Enter the following information on the second row: Field name Descri ption User action and values Comment Rel. Object BNK_COM Release Procedure 02 Release Workflow 50100024 Template Workflow for Dynamic Release Process Release Procedure WF 50100022 Template Workflow for two-step release procedure 5. Enter the following information on the third row: Field name Descri ption User action and values Comment Rel. Object BNK_COM Release Procedure 03 Release Workflow 50100024 Template Workflow for Dynamic Release Process Release Procedure WF 50100023 Template Workflow for three-step release procedure 2.4.7 Specify Signature Method for Approval Using Simple Signature In this IMG activity, you define the signature method for the release of payments. 1. In IMG go to Financial Supply Chain Management > Bank Communication Management > Release Strategy > Digital Signatures > Specify Signature Method for Approval Using Simple Signature 2. Select ‘New Entries’ 3. Enter the following information: Field name Description User action and values Object Payment release BC_LOG Sign. Meth. 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Comment System Signature with Authorization by SAP User ID/Password Page 21 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 Comment Possible Remark Possible Document Possible 4. Save 2.5 Payment Status Management 2.5.1 Map External Status to Internal Status In this IMG activity, you can interpret the status codes from the external world. Any incoming status message has a code which can be mapped to an internal status based on a company code and house bank. If an alert needs to be triggered for an external status code, you must define the alert. You can define the alert category using transaction ALRTCATDEF under classification Map External Status to Internal Status. 1. In IMG go to Financial Supply Chain Management > Bank Communication Management > Payment Status Management > Map External Status to Internal Status 2. Select ‘New Entries’ 3. Enter the following data: Field name Description Ext. Status Code User action and values Comment SUC_COMPLETED PymTr Payment business transaction BRS Aknowledgement Field name Description User action and values Comment Ext. Status Code DLV_ACCEPTED PymTr Payment business transaction BAC Accepted by Bank Field name Description User action and values Comment Ext. Status Code PymTr 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved DLV_REJECTED Payment business BRS Rejected by Bank Page 22 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 transaction Field name Description Ext. Status Code PymTr User action and values Comment DLV_TESTERROR Payment business transaction BRA Reject automatically 4. Save 2.5.2 Timeout for Batch Status Update In this IMG activity you can specify a maximum allowed time interval between two status updates. An alert will be triggered after the allowed time elapses. You must define your alert categories in transaction ALRTCATDEF. Please check the help for more information on how to create alert categories. 1. In IMG go to Financial Supply Chain Management > Bank Communication Management > Payment Status Management > Timeout for Batch Status Update 2. Select ‘New Entries’ 3. Enter the following information Field name Description User action and values Comment Stat. ICB15 Payment medium created Stat. ICB17 Accepted by bank Duration value 2 Unit H Hour Alert Category TIMEOUT 4. Save 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 23 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 2.6 Bank Statement Monitor 2.6.1 Settings for Bank Statement Monitor In this IMG activity you make the required settings for the house bank accounts that you want to view using the bank statement monitor. 1. In IMG go to Financial Supply Chain Management > Bank Communication Management > Bank Statement Monitor > Settings for Bank Statement Monitor. 2. Select ‘New Entries’ 3. To ensure the system selects and displays the relevant account in the monitor, enter the company code, house bank, and house bank account. 4. Activate the status you wish to use to define the account and to display the account in the monitor: Processing status Difference status Serial number status Reconciliation status 5. In the Interval and Interval Unit fields, define the time period in which you want to receive a bank statement for this account. (This setting is taken into account when determining the processing status.) 6. Specify where the account should be displayed in the bank statement monitor. 7. When determining the difference status, if you want to define a tolerance between the bank statement balance and the internal general ledger account balance, then enter a specific difference amount. Note: The account currency is determined automatically from the account data. 8. Save your entries. 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 24 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 2.7 Additional Functionalities in EhP4 2.7.1 Urgent Payments and Charge Bearer Classically in SAP Financials, the information on urgency and charge bearer is contained in the Instructions that are attached to the payment. There is the Concept of an Instruction key. They are maintained in customizing (View V_T015W) and contain direct information on the charge bearer in Column CA (Cost Allocation Key). 1. In IMG go to Financial Accounting > Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable > Business Transactions > Outgoing Payments > Automatic Outgoing Payments > Payment Media > Data Medium Exchange > Define Instruction Keys 2. Enter the Bank Country: DE 3. Select ‘New Entries’ 4. Enter the following information: Field name Description User action and values Comment Pmt Method Payment Method = In this example corresponds to payment method MT101 Instruction Key UR Choose any two-digit instruction key Cost Allocation Key 1 All charges payable by payer Urgent Checked 5. Save 2.7.2 Different User ID for Signature In some systems, the normal users are only allowed to log on by single-sign-on and do not even have a password. Thus they could not approve payment batches with an SAP password. With the new development, we make it possible, that every logon user is assigned a specific signature user. And on release, the password of the signature user must be entered. 1. In SAP Easy Access go to Accounting > Financial Suppy Chain Management > Bank Communication Management > Environment > Current Settings > Maintain Signature User 2. Select ‘New Entries’ 3. Enter the following information: 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 25 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 Field name Description User action and values User Refers to the single sign on user SSO-USER Signatory Is the user that will sign the change logs in BCM SIGN-USER Comment 4. Save 5. A different user needs to approve the user assignment (dual control). Go to Accounting > Financial Suppy Chain Management > Bank Communication Management > Environment > Current Settings > Confirm Signature User 6. Select ‘Execute’ 7. Select the assignment to be approved 8. Select ‘Confirm’ 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 26 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 3 Appendix: Creating a SEPA Payment Method 3.1.1 Preliminary steps You can skip this section if you have imported the corresponding support package for SEPA Credit Transfer. 1. Go to transaction OBPM1 2. Click on ‘New Entries’ 3. Enter the following information: Field name Description User action and values Comment Format SEPA_CT There is already a SEPA_CT tree on the DMEE with this name Description Give a meaningful description Payment medium without docs. Check Type 01 File Mapping using DME engine Check Company code Check House bank Check House bank acct. Check 4. Click on ‘Save’ 5. You will receive a warning message. Press ‘Enter’. 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 27 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 6. Enter the following information, using as orientation the screenshot 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 28 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 7. Go to transaction OBPM2 8. Customize the desired Note to Payee 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 29 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 3.1.2 Payment Method in Country 1. Go to transaction FBZP. 2. Click on ‘Pmnt methods in country’. 3. Click on ‘New Entries’. 4. Enter the following data: Field name Description User action and values Country Country where the customer is located Pmnt Method Select ONE character that has not been assigned Description SEPA Credit Transfer Payment Method for Outgoing payments Payment method classification Bank transf Bank details Check SWIFT-Code and IBAN Check Document type for payment AB Clearing document type AB Payment medium Use payment medium workbench Format SEPA_CT 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Comment In this example Á Page 30 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 5. On the dialog structure on the left select the folder ‘Currencies Allowed’. 6. Click on ‘New Entries’. 7. Fill out the Currency field with the value: ‘EUR’. 8. Click on ‘Save’ 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 31 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 3.1.3 Payment Method in Company Code 1. Go to transaction FBZP. 2. Click on ‘Pmnt methods in company code’. 3. Click on ‘New Entries’. 4. Enter the following data: Field name Description User action and values Comment Company code The company code of your customer In this example 0001 Pmnt method The payment method you created in the last step In this example 5 Minimun amount 5 Maximum amount 999.999.999 Foreign business partner allowed Check Cust/vendor bank abroad allowed? Check Bank selection control No optimization 5. Click on ‘Pyt. adv. Ctrl’. 6. Enter the following data: Field name Description User action and values Note to payee lines on the form Restricted to 4 rows Payment advice output according to no. of lines Pymt. Adv. after … lines Comment 7. Click on ‘Save’ 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 32 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 3.1.4 Payment Medium Selection Variant 1. Go to transaction OBPM4. 2. Click on you payment medium format in the table on the left. 3. Look for the combination ‘Company Code’, ‘House Bank’ and ‘Account ID’ and in the field ‘Sel. Variant’ enter the name of the variant. 4. Press ‘Enter’. 5. Click on ‘Yes’. 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 33 Implementation of Bank Communication Management in EhP4 6. Click on ‘Continue’. 7. Enter the following data: Field name Description Payment medium format User action and values Comment SEPA_CT 8. Click on 9. Enter the following information in section ‘Print Control’: Field name Description User action and values Data medium exchange Check Payment summary Empty Error log Check Comment 10. Click on 11. Select ‘Yes’, when asked to save the changes. 12. In the new screen enter a description in the corresponding field. 13. Click on ‘Save’ 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved Page 34