EXPT NO. 1 COLOUR, TURBIDITY, AND CONDUCTIVITY DETERMINATION OF COLOUR, TURBIDITY, AND CONDUCTIVITY OF WATER AIM To analyse the physical characteristics viz. colour, turbidity, and conductivity of a given water sample and to determine its suitability for drinking purposes. 1. DETERMINATION OF COLOUR Objective To determine the Colour of the given water sample using Platinum Cobalt (Visual Comparison) Method. Introduction Pure water should not pose any colour. Colour in water may result from the presence of natural metallic ions (iron and manganese), humus and peat materials, plankton, weeds, and industrial wastes. Impurities in water may exist either in the colloidal from or in suspended state. Colour caused by dissolved and colloidal substances is referred as "true colour" and that caused by suspended matter, in addition to dissolved and colloidal matters, is called "apparent colour" as it can be easily removed by filtration. Ground water may show colour due to the presence of iron compounds. The colour value of water is extremely pH-dependent and invariably increases as the pH of the water is raised. For this reason, recording pH along with colour is advised. BIS requires drinking water to meet the "highest desirable" World Health Organisation (WHO) standards of less than 5 colour units. Environmental Significance Though presence of colour in water is not always harmful to human but in most cases it is. Even if the water is not harmful, aesthetically people do not prefer to use water with colour. Moreover, disinfection by chlorination of water containing natural organics (which produces colour) results in the formation of tri-halomethanes including chloroform and a range of other chlorinated organics leading to problems which is a major concern in water treatment. So, it is important to limit the colour of water for domestic supplies. Principle Colour is measured by visual comparison of the sample with platinum – cobalt standards. One unit of colour is that produced by 1 mg of platinum per litre in the form of chloroplatinate ion. A small amount of cobalt may be added to aid in colour matching. The Hazen scale (platinum-cobalt units) is usually satisfactory for most waters, but the hues and shades of some waters may not easily be compared with standards. If the hue of the water does not compare with that of the standard, very little can be done except to visually compare the absorbances of the sample and standard. Highly coloured waters should not be diluted more than necessary because the colour of the diluted sample often is not proportional to the dilution. Materials Required Apparatus required 1. Nessler tube (50ml) 2. Reference standard solutions Chemicals required 1. Standard chloroplatinate solution - Dissolve 1.246 g potassium chloroplatinate (K2PtCl6) (equivalent to 500 mg metallic platinum) and 1.00 g crystalline cobaltous chloride (CoCl2.6H2O) (equivalent to 250 mg metallic cobalt) in distilled water containing 100 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Dilute to 1000ml with distilled water. This standard solution is equivalent to 500 colour units. Procedure Preparation of Standards 1. Prepare standards having colours units of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60 and 70 by diluting 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 mL standard chloroplatinate solution with distilled water to 50 ml. 2. Use distilled water as 0 unit standard. 3. Protect these standards against evaporation and contamination by use of clean inert stoppers. The standards should also be protected against absorption of ammonia, which causes increase in colour. Apparent colour 1. Observe the colour of the sample by filling a matched Nessler cylinder to the 50 ml mark with water and compare with standards. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, SNIT ADOOR EXPT NO. 1 COLOUR, TURBIDITY, AND CONDUCTIVITY 2. Compare by looking vertically downward through the cylinders towards a white surface placed at such an angle that light is reflected upwards through the column of liquid. 3. If turbidity has not been removed, report the colour as ‘apparent colour’. 4. If the colour exceeds 70 units, dilute the sample with distilled water until the colour is in the range of the standards. True colour 1. Remove turbidity by centrifuging or filtering sample until the supernatant liquid is clear. 2. Compare the centrifuged or filtered sample with distilled water to ensure that turbidity has been removed. 3. If the sample is clear, then compare with the standards as given for apparent colour. Observations SAMPLE NO. Volume of Estimated Colour Units pH sample colour 1. 2. Calculations Calculate the colour units as follows: Colour units = 50𝐴 𝑉 where A = estimated colour of diluted sample, and V = volume in ml of sample taken for dilution. Report the results in whole numbers as follows: Colour units Record to nearest 1 to 50 1 51 to 100 5 101 to 250 10 251 to 500 20 Results 1) The colour of the given sample 1 = _______ 2) The colour of the given sample 2 = _______ Inference True colour is caused by dissolved compounds in water. It can be natural or anthropocentric. Dissolved and suspended solids (together) cause apparent colour. For example, brown coloured water could be the result of dissolved by-products of plant biodegradation (true colour) or suspended clay particles (apparent colour) or both (also apparent colour). Colour is measured in Platinum-Cobalt units (Pt-Co). A Platinum-Cobalt solution mimics natural water colour. 2. DETERMINATION OF TURBIDITY Objective To determine the turbidity of given water sample. Introduction Insoluble particles of soil, inorganic and organic materials and other micro-organisms impede (obstruct) passage of light by scattering and absorbing the light rays. The interference to passage of light is turbidity. It is usually caused by the finely dissolved and sometimes suspended particles of clay loam sand and microscopic organisms all in suspension.Turbidity is measured photometrically by determining the quantity of light of given intensity absorbed/ scattered. Jackson turbidity meter and Nephlo turbidity meter in generally used to measure turbidity of water samples. Jacksons turbidity meter in generally is based on light absorption and nephlo turbidity meter is based on intensity of light scattered by the sample, taking a reference with standard turbidity meter suspensions. Nephlometric turbidity meter is generally used for samples with low turbidity and expressed as NTU or mg/ltr. For portable water allowable turbidity is between 5 to 10 mg/L. Environmental Significance Turbidity is objectionable because of aesthetic and engineering considerations. Disinfection of turbid water is difficult because of adsorptive characteristics of some colloids and their tendency to solid organisms from the disinfectant. In natural water bodies, turbidity interferes with light penetrations and pathogenic reactions of DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, SNIT ADOOR EXPT NO. 1 COLOUR, TURBIDITY, AND CONDUCTIVITY aquatic plants. Turbidity measurements are useful to determine whether a supply requires special treatment by chemical coagulation before public water supply. It is also used to determine the effectiveness of treatment produced with different chemicals and dosage needful. Measurement of turbidity in settled water prior to filtration is useful in controlling the chemical dosage so as to excessive loading of rapid sand filters. It is also useful to determine the optimum dosage of coagulants and to evaluate the performance of water treatment plants. Principle The method presented below is based on a comparison of the intensity of light scattered by the sample in specific conditions with the intensity of light scattered by standard reference suspension under the same condition. The higher the intensity of scattered lights, higher the turbidity. Formazine polymer, which has gained acceptance as the turbidity standard reference suspension is used as a reference turbidity standard suspension for water. It is easy to prepare and is more reproducible in its lights scattering properties than the clay or turbid natural water standards previously used. The turbidity of a given concentration of formazine has an approximate turbidity of 100 NTU, when measured on candle turbidity meter. Nephelometric turbidity units based on formazine preparation will have approximate units derived from Jackson candle turbidimeter but will not be identical to them. Materials Required Apparatus Required 1. Nephlo turbidity meter Sample Tubes Chemicals Required 1. Hexamethylenetetramine 2. Hydrazine Sulphate 3. Distilled water Procedure Reagents Preparation 1. Dissolve 1.0gm Hydrazine sulphate and dilute to 100ml 2. Dissolve 10gm Hexamethylenetetramine and dilute in l00ml 3. 5ml of each of the above solution (1 and 2) in a l00ml volumetric flask and allow to stand for 24 hrs at 25±3°C and dilute to 1000ml. This solution has a turbidity of 40NTU. Testing sample 1. The Nephelometer turbidimeter in switched on and waited for few minutes till it warms up. 2. The instrument is set up with a 4ONTU standard suspension 3. The sample is thoroughly shaked and kept it for sometimes so the air bubbles are eliminated 4. The sample is taken in Nephelometer sample tube and the sample is put in Sample chamber and the reading is noted directly. 5. The sample is diluted with turbidity free water and again the turbidity is read. Observations Sample. Temperature Turbidity No. Results The Turbidity of given sample 1 = The Turbidity of given sample 2 = The Turbidity of given sample 3 = Inference Turbidity is a measure of light transmission and indicates the presence of suspended material such as clay, silt, finely divided organic material, plankton and other inorganic material. If turbidity is high, be aware of possible bacterial contamination. Normally the groundwater may get contaminated by intrusion of domestic or industrial wastewater causing turbidity of the sample. Turbidity in excess of 5NTU is usually objectionable for aesthetic reasons. In case of freshwater lakes and ponds, due to contamination and algal growth the turbidity of these water increases to very high levels. The clarity of seawater is very low because of huge amount of suspended particles, thereby increasing the turbidity. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, SNIT ADOOR EXPT NO. 1 COLOUR, TURBIDITY, AND CONDUCTIVITY 3. DETERMINATION OF CONDUCTIVITY Objective To determine the Conductivity of given water sample. Introduction Electrical conductivity (EC) is a measure of how conductive the water is to electrical current. Greater the ion concentration, greater is the EC. Generally, higher the EC, higher is the total dissolved solids. Electrical Conductivity is an indirect measure for finding the total dissolved solids in a water body. To convert the electrical conductivity of a water sample (micro Siemens per cm, μS/cm) to the concentration of total dissolved solids (ppm), the conductivity must be multiplied by a factor between 0.46 and 0.9 (depending on the unique mixture of the dissolved materials). A widely accepted conversion factor is 0.67. TDS (ppm) = Conductivity {(μS/cm) x 0.67}. The instrument used for measuring conductivity is conductivity meter. Environmental Significance Electrical conductivity measurements are often employed to monitor desalination plants. It is useful to assess the source of pollution. In coastal regions, conductivity data can be used to decide the extent of intrusion of sea water into ground water. Conductivity data is useful in determining the suitability of water and wastewater for disposal on land. Irrigation waters up to 2 millisiemens / cm conductance have been found to be suitable for irrigation depending on soils and climatic characteristics. It is also used indirectly to fine out inorganic dissolved solids. Principle Conductivity is measured with a probe and a meter. A voltage is applied between the two electrodes in the probe immersed in the sample water. The drop in voltage caused by the resistance of the water is used to calculate the conductivity per centimeter. Conductivity (G), the inverse of resistivity (R) is determined from the voltage and current values according to Ohm’s law. i.e. R=V/I then, G=1/R=I/V. The meter converts the probe measurement to micro mhos per centimeter and displays the result for the user. Materials Required Apparatus Required 1. Conductivity meter Chemicals Required 1. KCl 2. Distilled water Procedure Preparation of reagents Potassium Chloride Solution (0.1N): 1. Measure 50 mL of distilled water and transfer it to the beaker. 2. Weigh 0.7456g of Potassium chloride. 3. Transfer the 0.7456g of potassium chloride to the beaker contains distilled water and mix it by the glass rod until it dissolves thoroughly. 4. Transfer the contents to the 100 mL standard flask. 5. Make up the volume to 100 mL, by adding distilled water and shake the contents well. This solution is used to calibrate the conductivity meter. Testing the sample 1. Connect the conductivity cell, temperature probe to the socket in the meter. 2. Connect the meter to the power supply and switch on the supply. 3. Allow the meter for few seconds. 4. Dip the conductivity cell and temperature probe in standard KCl solution. 5. Calibrate the instrument after placing the standard KCl solution. 6. Remove the conductivity cell and temperature probe from the solution and rinse it with distilled water. Wipe the conductivity cell and temperature probe with tissue paper. 7. Dip the conductivity cell and temperature probe in water sample and note down the reading in the display. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, SNIT ADOOR EXPT NO. 1 COLOUR, TURBIDITY, AND CONDUCTIVITY Observations Sample no. Temperature of the sample (0C) Conductity (μmho) 1. 2. 3. Results The Conductivity of given sample 1 = The Conductivity of given sample 2 = The Conductivity of given sample 3 = Inference The conductivity value gives us a rapid and inexpensive way of determining the ionic strength of a solution. This is an easy measurement to make and relates closely to the total dissolved solids content of water. The total dissolved solids are about seventy percent of the conductivity. In the ground water, the ionisable salts are lesser and thereby the conductivity is also lesser in nature. Water having a greater number of ionisable salts for example sea water, is having high conductivity. The fresh water bodies only have a minimum amount of salts and have moderate conductivity. Solution Conductivity (μS/cm) Totally pure water 0.055 Typical DI water 0.1 Distilled water 0.5 RO water 50-100 Domestic "tap" water 500-800 Potable water (max) 1055 Sea water 56,000 Brackish water 100,000 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, SNIT ADOOR