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Subsidiary ICT Practical Exam Paper - Uganda

Paper 3
Jul./Aug. 2017
2 hours
Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education
Paper 3
2 hours
This paper is made up of five equally weighted questions.
Answer any three questions.
Any additional question(s) answered will not be marked.
Each candidate is provided with support files in the folder Support Files
on the Computer Desktop. Use the support files where applicable to supplement
the questions.
Each candidate is provided with a new blank Compact Disc (CD).
Candidates should continuously save their work.
Each candidate must produce a hard copy for each of their work to accompany the
Compact Disc (CD).
© 2017 Sharebility Uganda (sharebility.mukalele.net)
Turn Over
Answer any three questions on this paper.
1. (a) Using a word processing application, load the file letterformat.rtf and save it as
mainletter.doc into your Examination Folder.
(1 mark)
(b) Change the orientation of the whole document to portrait paper size A4 (do not print) and
(1 mark)
Insert an automatic updating date above the text To the members of the Windsurfing Club.
(1 mark)
Justify the text in the paragraph beginning This is a call…
Indent the agenda items from Election of the Chairman… to Expedition planned… by 2
cms from the left margin.
(1 mark)
Apply double underline to the subheading URGENT after the agenda items. (1 mark)
Delete the soft line break after the word Sea in the paragraph beginning There are still
(1 mark)
Set and apply a left tab of 1 inch to the text beginning Special Rate For...
(1 mark)
Apply superscript formatting to the text See Anne for details.
(1 mark)
Insert a page break immediately before the text 2018 EXPEDITIONS.
(1 mark)
Apply a dark blue-color 6pt box border and a yellow shading fill to the text 2018
EXPEDITIONS at the top of page 2.
(1 mark)
Insert 3 airplane symbols () from the wingdings symbols font under the text 2018
EXPEDITIONS at the top of page 2.
(1 mark)
(1 mark)
(m) Insert a new column to the right of the Dates column in the table on page 2, add the heading
Fares to the new column and insert the fares as shown below.
(1 mark)
Replace all occurrences of the word club with association.
(1 mark)
Use a spell-check program and make changes if necessary. Proper names or place names
are not included in this spell checking and may be ignored.
(1 mark)
Insert the image file sail.jpg between SOUTHAMPTON WINDSURFING
ASSOCIATION and the name Gareth Williams at the top of the letter. Resize it to 40% of
its original width, maintaining its aspect ratio and center it on the page.
(1 mark)
Enter your name and number in the left hand side of the header and print the file
(1 mark)
Mail Merge: Save the current version of mainletter.doc as formletter.doc (1 mark)
Use the file contactlist.doc from your support files folder as the data source to be merged
with the formletter.doc form letter. Replace the existing name, address and city lines at the
top of the document by inserting the following merge fields:
<<First_Name>> <<Last_Name>>
(1 mark)
Merge the address list data source with the formletter.doc form letter to create the mailmerged document. Save the mail merge document as agm2017.doc. Save and close all
open documents.
(1 mark)
2. (a) Open a spreadsheet application and open the file called games.xls from your support files
folder. Save the games.xls spreadsheet as sportsbudget.xls to your Examination Folder.
(1 mark)
(b) Adjust the height of row 3 as appropriate so that entered data is fully visible. (1 mark)
(1 mark)
Enter 15220 in cell D7.
Enter a formula in cell B13 to calculate the sum of the cell range B5 : B12. (1 mark)
Copy the formula in cell B13 to the cell range C13 : F13 and save.
Format the cell range B5 : F13 to no decimal places with a separator for thousands.
(1 mark)
(1 mark)
Enter a formula in cell B16 to calculate the maximum sales in the cell range B5 : B12.
Copy the formula in cell B16 to the cell range C16 : F16.
(1 mark)
Enter a formula in cell B17 to calculate the minimum sales in the cell range B5 : B12.
Copy the formula in cell B17 to the cell range C17 : F17.
(1 mark)
Enter a formula in cell G5 with an absolute cell reference (for one cell only), that divides
cell F5 by cell F13, to express the footwear sales as a fraction of the total sales. Copy the
formula in cell G5 to the cell range G6 : G13. NB: % formatting has been pre-applied to
this cell range.
(1 mark)
Enter a formula in cell J8 that subtracts cell J6 from cell F13.
Enter a formula in cell J11 that displays the text in cell L2 if the number in cell F13 is
greater than the number in cell J6 and otherwise displays the text in cell L3. (1 mark)
(1 mark)
(l) Format cell I2 so the date displays the year as well as the day and month. (1 mark)
(m) Change the top and bottom margins for the budget worksheet to 2.
(1 mark)
(n) Add your name and candidate number into the right section of the header of the budget
(1 mark)
(o) Adjust the cell range B2 : E2 so that the contents display at a 45 degree angle. (1 mark)
Turn Over
Change to landscape page setup and apply a scaling so that the contents of the worksheet
would print on 1 page.
(1 mark)
Print 1 copy of the contents of the budget worksheet to an output printer. Save the
(1 mark)
On the sportswear worksheet, create a pie chart (accept default pie chart) from the data
contained within the cell range A2 : B5.
(1 mark)
Add the title Sportswear Sales to the chart.
(1 mark)
On the accessories & gamesfitness worksheet there is an #REF! error value in cell B7.
Why would this error message appear? Enter your answer 1, 2, 3 or 4 in the shaded cell
B12 of the worksheet from the 4 options displayed in the worksheet.
(1 mark)
3. (a) Using a DBMS of your choice, load the Antiques.mdb database in the support files
folder and save it as your name in your examination folder.
(1 mark)
Create a new table with the 3 fields and their properties as shown below. Set the Chair ID
field as the primary key. Save the table as Chairs.
(2 marks)
Field Name
Data Type
Field Size or Format
Chair ID
Long Integer
Date Purchased
Short Date
Add the following records to the Chairs table. Save and close the table.
Chair ID
(1 mark)
Date Purchased
In the Clock Makers table move the First Name field immediately before the Surname
(1 mark)
Open the Clocks table. Modify the Buying Price field to show the Dollar symbol instead of
the pound symbol for all the records and save.
(1 mark)
In the Clocks table select the Clock Description field and apply an index that will ensure
duplicate values are not allowed. Save and close the Clocks table.
(1 mark)
Create a new query using all the fields from the Clocks table to show all clocks where the
Buying Price is greater than 7000. Save the query as ClockCostOver7000 and close the
(1 mark)
Using the First Name and Last Name fields from the Customers table and the Antique
field from the Customer Interests table, create a query that will show customers who are
interested in the Antique Love-Seat. Save the query as Love-Seat List and close the query.
(1 mark)
Modify the Less than 5000 query to show only records with a Price less than $5000. Save
and close the query.
(1 mark)
Modify the Clocks Purchased before November 2007 query to show only records with
clocks purchased before November 2007. Save and close the query.
(1 mark)
Open the Chairs and Cabinets query and remove the criteria Or "Clock" from the Type
field. Save and close the query.
(1 mark)
Create a simple form using all fields from the Furniture table. Accept default settings.
Save the form as Furniture Stock and close the Furniture Stock form.
(1 mark)
(m) Create a report using the First Name, Last Name and Town fields from the Customers
table. Accept default settings. Save the report as Customer Names and close the
Customer Names report.
(1 mark)
Create a report using all the fields from the Furniture table. Group the report by the Type
field showing the sum of the Prices field for each type of furniture. Save the report as
FurnVal and close the FurnVal report.
(3 marks)
Delete the Obsolete report.
(1 mark)
Open the Clock Makers report. Add a label containing your name and candidate number
to appear on the right hand side of the report header and save.
(1 mark)
Print one copy of the Clock Makers report to an output printer. Save and close the Clock
Makers report. Close the database application.
(1 mark)
4. (a) Using a presentation software application, open the file interior.pptx and save as a
file called design.pptx to your Examination Folder, and carryout the following tasks
using design.pptx:
(1 mark)
On slide 1 replace the # character below the subtitle Exceeding Expectations with
your name and candidate number and move the building image to the top right
corner of the slide.
(1 mark)
Change slide 2 titled Mission to a Title and Content slide layout.
On slide 2 apply a custom animation effect of your choice to the numbered list.
Accept default settings.
(1 mark)
Insert a new slide immediately after slide 2 with a Title and Content slide layout.
Add the slide title Interior Design Specialities and save.
(1 mark)
(1 mark)
Turn Over
On the new slide 3 titled Interior Design Specialties create a table from the data
(1 mark)
On slide 5 titled Design Team add a shape with the name Adam York and the title
of CAD Technician below John Pullman titled Interior Architect in the
organisation chart and save.
(1 mark)
On slide 5 delete Susan Parks titled Personal Assistant from the organisation chart
and save.
(1 mark)
On slide 6 titled Interior Design V Consultation (€M) change the column chart to a
line chart.
(1 mark)
On slide 6 add a text box directly below the chart with the text Gains expected for
(1 mark)
On slide 7 change the paragraph spacing before each bulleted paragraph to 4 pt.
(1 mark)
Hide slide 8 titled Sourcing and Supply for presentation purposes.
(1 mark)
(m) On slide 9 titled Furniture change the fill colour of the “Café” image to a colour of
your choice and resize it picture so that it is 4 inches high and 4 inches wide.
(1 mark)
On slide 9 add a presenter note Access to skilled Cabinet Makers and save.
(1 mark)
Open the file called consultation.pptx from your support files folder. Copy slide 2
titled Summary from the consultation.pptx presentation and paste it into the
design.pptx presentation so it becomes the last slide. Close the consultation.pptx
(1 mark)
On slide10 titled Summary increase the list level of the bulleted text, durable,
practical and beautiful.
(1 mark)
Remove the logo image from the bottom right corner of the slide master so that it is
removed from all slides in the presentation.
(1 mark)
Apply a transition effect between all the slides in the presentation.
Insert the current date that can automatically update into the footer of all slides in
the design.pptx presentation.
(1 mark)
Print slide 1 titled The Bright Interior Design Company in outline view to an
output printer. Save and close the design.pptx presentation.
(1 mark)
(1 mark)
5. Using a desktop publishing application of your choice, you are required to design a flier
for the annual Kabaka Birthday Run marathon sponsored by Airtel. The theme for this
year’s marathon is “Together against Cancer”, and all proceeds will be used to support
cancer patients at Mulago Hospital. The marathon will take place on 20th October. The
following are the specifications of the flier:
a) Should setup two fliers per A4 size paper, flier size 10cm x 28 cm. (1 mark)
b) A top margin of 0.9cm and a side margin of 0.25cm with a horizontal gap of
(3 marks)
c) Add a simple and suitable border on the publication master page. (1 mark)
d) Use appropriate, well sizes WordArt(s) for the main title of the flier, Kabaka
Birthday Run 2017
(1 mark)
e) Using shapes and the draw curve tool, design and Insert the airtel logo below:
i. Start by drawing a rectangle shape first. Apply a red outline and fill colour
to the rectangle.
(1 mark)
ii. Add the right aligned text ‘airtel’ in arial narrow font to the logo. Give it a
white font color and an appropriate font size.
(2 marks)
iii. Use the curve tool to draw a closed path shape similar to the one shown
above on the left of the airtel text within the logo. Fill the shape with white
color and outline.
(2 marks)
iv. Group all the logo elements.
(1 mark)
Use text boxes to add the suitable details such as the Theme, Entry fees, Date,
and Telephone Contact of organizer. T shirts will be provided to all
participants. NB: Invent the above details where not provided. (5 marks)
Add your name in the footer area below the flier.
(1 mark)
Print one A4 page of your work showing the crop marks.
(1 mark)
Save your work as Kabaka Run 2017.
(1 mark)
Turn Over