Uploaded by Ma. Abbychel L. Almario

Facebook in E-Learning: Impact on Tertiary Education

Almario, Ma. Abbychel L.
Tanyag, Gabrielle L.
Title: Facebook in tertiary education: The impact of social media in e-Learning
Author: Christina Giannikas
The present study is an indication of influence using Facebook in e-learning higher
education postgraduate programs. Particularly, (1) the current situation of Facebook in
higher education, (2) also inquires about the nature of Facebook in e-learning, and (3)
shows the investigation of the effects of Facebook on the learning community
emphasizing on their viewpoints. The study shows the majority of the students prefer
Facebook groups rather than Learning Management Systems (LMS). The survey also
specifies that there was an interactive learning element to the use of Facebook that
made it more engaging than their university's Course Management System (CMS) to
use during the course. This study’s findings suggest that Facebook is a social tool that
can be the “pedagogical glue” that brings students together and helps them settles into
contemporary university life. Therefore, it is important that the tertiary sector is aware
and accepting of Facebook tools that could be used in e-learning courses.
Facebook, tertiary education, e-learning, student engagement