intro WELCOME TO THE MSI "IMMERSION AND ENJOYMENT" STUDY! Your participation means a lot to us ­ thank you for helping us gain new scientific insights into how people think, feel, and behave. We study immersion and enjoyment, and we're recruiting participants for a study that involves completing 2 tasks in total. For Task 1, we'd like you to go through a particular exhibit here at the MSI, close to where we are now, on your own and at your own pace. There is no "check list" for what to do; we want you to simply go through the exhibit however you would normally do so. When done, you'll come back to us and make a brief computer­ based rating, privately and anonymously. You will rate your enjoyment of the exhibit. Then, for Task 2, we'd like you to go through another exhibit in a similar way (i.e., go through privately and then come back here to rate your enjoyment of it). As compensation for completing both tasks, you'll receive a $5.00 Starbucks gift card and a handful of tasty chocolates. And of course, we hope you enjoy the study and learn something along the way! We're certainly grateful for you helping to contribute new knowledge to the science of enjoyment. Please continue to the next screen to read your informed consent form; after reading the consent form, the experimenter will begin the study. begin Ok, great! Let's begin. Please leave this screen up & alert the experimenter that you're ready to start. These page timer metrics will not be displayed to the recipient. First Click: 0 seconds Last Click: 0 seconds #QuestionText, TimingPageSubmit#: 0 seconds #QuestionText, TimingClickCount#: 0 clicks TIMERFIRST NOTE TO RA: EXHIBIT #1 TIMING: LEAVE THIS SCREEN UP FOR THE ENTIRE DURATION OF WHEN PARTICIPANT IS IN EXHIBIT! This screen is serving as the timer, and it is CURRENTLY timing; when you continue to the next page, the timer will STOP. Only click to the next page when the participant returns to you. This machine belongs to the participant with the initials "${q://QID67/ChoiceTextEntryValue}" These page timer metrics will not be displayed to the recipient. First Click: 0 seconds Last Click: 0 seconds #QuestionText, TimingPageSubmit#: 0 seconds #QuestionText, TimingClickCount#: 0 clicks 00 00 00 thanks1 Thank you! Please continue to the following pages to rate your experience. Keep continuing onwards until you reach a "STOP" screen. RateTask1 Overall, how much did you enjoy your experience of the Genetics exhibit during this Task 1? not at all enjoyable 1 extremely enjoyable 2 3 4 5 6 7 Roughly speaking, how much time did you spend doing each of the following things within the Genetics exhibit, while going through it for Task 1? no time at all 1 "baby chicks, hatchery" area "mice, cloning" area "frogs, eye development, genetic engineering" area "DNA, hair, Lincoln" area a ton of time 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A (wasn't there/open) no time at all 1 a ton of time 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A (wasn't there/open) "genetic counselor, consult with doctors and patients" area "3­D genome, genes, DNA fingerprinting" area "Vote on ethics and privacy issues surrounding DNA databases" area "Future of medicine, tailoring to genetic makeup" area Did you spend time doing anything else while going through the Genetics exhibit for Task 1? If so, indicate here and rate on the same scales as before. no time at all 1 a ton of time 2 3 4 5 6 LEAVE BLANK IF NO: Other area? (describe and rate): LEAVE BLANK IF NO: Other area? (describe and rate): LEAVE BLANK IF NO: Other area? (describe and rate): LEAVE BLANK IF NO: Other area? (describe and rate): LEAVE BLANK IF NO: Other area? (describe and rate): stop STOP Thank you! Please alert the experimenter that you have reached the "Stop" screen for this part of the survey. These page timer metrics will not be displayed to the recipient. First Click: 0 seconds Last Click: 0 seconds #QuestionText, TimingPageSubmit#: 0 seconds #QuestionText, TimingClickCount#: 0 clicks TIMERSECOND NOTE TO RA: 7 EXHIBIT #2 TIMING: LEAVE THIS SCREEN UP FOR THE ENTIRE DURATION OF WHEN PARTICIPANT IS IN EXHIBIT! This screen is serving as the timer, and it is CURRENTLY timing; when you continue to the next page, the timer will STOP. Only click to the next page when the participant returns to you. This machine belongs to the participant with the initials "${q://QID67/ChoiceTextEntryValue}" These page timer metrics will not be displayed to the recipient. First Click: 0 seconds Last Click: 0 seconds #QuestionText, TimingPageSubmit#: 0 seconds #QuestionText, TimingClickCount#: 0 clicks 00 00 00 thanks2 Thanks again! Please continue to the following pages to rate your experience this second time around. Like last time, keep continuing onwards until you reach a "STOP" screen. RateTask2 Overall, how much did you enjoy your experience of the Genetics exhibit the second time during this Task 2? not at all enjoyable 1 extremely enjoyable 2 3 4 5 6 7 Roughly speaking, how much time did you spend doing each of the following things within the Genetics exhibit the second time, while going through it for Task 2? no time at all 1 "baby chicks, hatchery" area "mice, cloning" area "frogs, eye development, genetic engineering" area "DNA, hair, Lincoln" area a ton of time 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A (wasn't there/open) no time at all 1 a ton of time 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A (wasn't there/open) "genetic counselor, consult with doctors and patients" area "3­D genome, genes, DNA fingerprinting" area "Vote on ethics and privacy issues surrounding DNA databases" area "Future of medicine, tailoring to genetic makeup" area Did you spend time doing anything else while going through the Genetics exhibit the second time for Task 2? If so, indicate here and rate on the same scales as before. no time at all 1 a ton of time 2 3 4 5 6 LEAVE BLANK IF NO: Other area? (describe and rate): LEAVE BLANK IF NO: Other area? (describe and rate): LEAVE BLANK IF NO: Other area? (describe and rate): LEAVE BLANK IF NO: Other area? (describe and rate): LEAVE BLANK IF NO: Other area? (describe and rate): Demographics Great, thanks! You're almost done. Please answer these demographic questions. Then, on the next screen, we'll tell you more about what you did today, and why. To what gender do you most identify? (choices presented in randomized order) Male Female To what ethnicity do you most identify? (choices presented in randomized order) Asian American/Asian Mixed Ethnicity Other African American/Black Caucasian American/White What is your current age? 7 10 Slide the scale to your current age: End RAnotes Do not proceed any further. Please hand everything back to the experimenter, as is. Thank you. These page timer metrics will not be displayed to the recipient. First Click: 0 seconds Last Click: 0 seconds #QuestionText, TimingPageSubmit#: 0 seconds #QuestionText, TimingClickCount#: 0 clicks For experimenter only: ­Initials of Research Assistant ­Other Notes 100 intro WELCOME TO THE MSI "IMAGINATION" STUDY! Your participation means a lot to us ­ thank you for helping us gain new scientific insights into how people think, make decisions, and form judgments. We study how people imagine different experiences ­ for example, how you imagine different kinds of exhibits here at the MSI from reading a text description. Here, you will imagine an experience like this, and rate what you think it'd be like via multiple­choice questions. Please continue to the next screen to read your informed consent form; after reading the consent form, you will continue onward to begin the survey. Task1predict Ok, great! Let's begin your first imagination task: For this task, we want you to imagine going through the Genetics exhibit here at the MSI for the very first time. Even though you actually saw this exhibit in real life today, we want you to pretend that you've NEVER SEEN IT before for purposes of this imagination task. So far so good? Please continue to the next page for instructions. "Imagination" instructions: Imagine that, here and now, we recruit you to participate in a research study on enjoyment. Imagine we ask you to complete two tasks, involving exhibits. Specifically, for Task 1 imagine we ask you to go through the Genetics exhibit here at the MSI, and then come back to us and rate your enjoyment for it. [Pretend that you haven't seen this exhibit before, and doing so for our study represents your very first time through.] Moreover, for our "requirements," we explain that you will go along with whoever is in your current group, you can walk around at your own pace, and you can check out whatever parts of the exhibit you wish. Please continue to answer some questions about how you imagine this experience. At this point, suppose you just came back to us after going through the exhibit, and we ask you to complete a computerized survey about your experience. All responses are anonymous and confidential, and cannot be seen by us. The survey asks you the following question, presented below. What do you predict your ratings would be? Keep in mind that (in this imagined task) you just came back from seeing Genetics for the VERY FIRST TIME. "Overall, how much did you enjoy your experience of the Genetics exhibit during this Task 1?" Your predicted rating: not at all enjoyable 1 extremely enjoyable 2 3 4 5 6 7 ...Also, imagine the survey asks you to rate what you actually did while going through, via the following question. Again, keep in mind that (in this imagined task) you went through Genetics for the VERY FIRST TIME. "Roughly speaking, how much time did you spend doing each of the following things within the Genetics exhibit, while going through it during this Task 1?" Your predicted ratings: no time at all 1 "baby chicks, hatchery" area "mice, cloning" area "frogs, eye development, genetic engineering" area a ton of time 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A (I don't know what this area is) no time at all a ton of time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A (I don't know what this area is) "DNA, hair, Lincoln" area "genetic counselor, consult with doctors and patients" area "3­D genome, genes, DNA fingerprinting" area "Vote on ethics and privacy issues surrounding DNA databases" area "Future of medicine, tailoring to genetic makeup" area Other #1? (if yes, describe and rate; if no, click the N/A option) Other #2? (if yes, describe and rate; if no, click the N/A option) Task2predict Thanks! One last step: Suppose your "enjoyment" study wasn't done just yet. Imagine you were instructed to go through the exhibit again as part of this study. In other words: imagine that right after you finish going through Genetics, coming back to us, and rating the experience...we inform you that the study is really about repeated experiences, and so we want you to go through Genetics again for a second time right then and there (you can do whatever you wanted the second time through, keeping the same requirements as your first time around). Make sense? Please continue to the next page. Now: Imagine you just finished and returned to us again. What do you predict your ratings would be specifically for this second experience, via the following question? Keep in mind that (in this imagined task) you came back from going through Genetics for a SECOND TIME right then and there as part of the same study. "Overall, how much did you enjoy your experience of the Genetics exhibit during this Task 2?" Your predicted rating: not at all enjoyable 2 3 4 5 6 extremely enjoyable 1 7 ...Also, imagine the survey asks you to rate what you actually did while going through, via the following question. Again, keep in mind that (in this imagined task) you went through Genetics for a SECOND TIME right then and there as part of the same study. "Roughly speaking, how much time did you spend doing each of the following things within the Genetics exhibit, while going through it during this Task 2?" Your predicted ratings: no time at all 1 a ton of time 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A (I don't know what this area is) "baby chicks, hatchery" area "mice, cloning" area "frogs, eye development, genetic engineering" area "DNA, hair, Lincoln" area "genetic counselor, consult with doctors and patients" area "3­D genome, genes, DNA fingerprinting" area "Vote on ethics and privacy issues surrounding DNA databases" area "Future of medicine, tailoring to genetic makeup" area Other #1? (if yes, describe and rate; if no, click the N/A option) Other #2? (if yes, describe and rate; if no, click the N/A option) demographics, debriefing, end Great! We truly appreciate your participation. You're almost done. Please answer these demographic questions. Then, on the next screen, we'll tell you more about what you did today, and why. To what gender do you most identify? (choices presented in randomized order) Male Female To what ethnicity do you most identify? (choices presented in randomized order) Mixed Ethnicity African American/Black Asian American/Asian Other Caucasian American/White What is your current age? End Do not proceed any further. Please hand everything back to the experimenter, as is. Thank you. These page timer metrics will not be displayed to the recipient. First Click: 0 seconds Last Click: 0 seconds Page Submit: 0 seconds Click Count: 0 clicks For experimenter only: -Initials of Research Assistant -Other Notes