CHAPTER I PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Write a short overview of this chapter, 2 to 3 sentences.) Description of the Organization (Write the history of the organization here – including but not limited to who, when and why it was established, where it is located, etc.) Description of the Existing System (Write the detailed description of the existing system (pen & paper or computerized) here. The existing system must be described completely and detailed.) Statement of the Problems (Write the problems here. Based on the existing system, what are the identified problems? 1st paragraph: what is the main problem? 2nd paragraph: numbered list of all identified problems.) Description of the Proposed System (Write the description of your proposed system here. 1st paragraph: how will your proposed system solve the main problem? 2nd paragraph: numbered list of how it will solve each of the listed problems, 3rd paragraph: list of additional features, if any.) Objectives of the Study (Write the main objective of the study here. Write the main objective of the study here. Write the main objective of the study here. Write the main objective of the study here.) 1 Specifically, the proposed study aims to: (list all specific objectives below) 1. 2. 3. Scope and Limitations of the Study (Write the scope and limitations of the study here. 1st paragraph: what is the scope of the system? Including the name of the proposed system, number of users, types of users – ex. administrator, cashier, etc., and the features that each user can do using the proposed system. 2nd paragraph: what features the system can’t do? Including how the system can be accessed, is it through web browser, mobile app, online, offline, etc.) Significance of the Study (Write the significance of the proposed system here. What is the uniqueness of the proposed system as compared to existing computerized/automated systems? What will be its impact to the company/users? Include also the list of individuals who can benefit from the system.) 2 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED SYSTEMS (Write a short overview of this chapter, 2 to 3 sentences.) Related Systems Name of Related System 1 (RS1) (Write important information about the system including but not limited to who and when it was developed, and the features of the system.) Figure 2.1 Screenshot of Name_of_related_system_1 (Paste the screenshot here.) Name of Related System 2 (RS2) (Write important information about the system including but not limited to who and when it was developed, and the features of the system.) Figure 2.2 Screenshot of Name_of_related_system_2 (Paste the screenshot here.) Name of Related System 3 (RS3) (Write important information about the system including but not limited to who and when it was developed, and the features of the system.) 3 Figure 2.3 Screenshot of Name_of_related_system_3 (Paste the screenshot here.) Table 2.1 Comparison of the Features of the Proposed System and the Related Systems Features Proposed System RS1 RS2 RS3 1. Login Yes Yes No Yes 2. Logout Yes Yes No Yes 3. Change Password Yes No No Yes (List all features. Order: features of the proposed, followed by the features of RS1, RS2, and RS3) 4 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY AND REQUIREMENTS (Write a short overview of this chapter, 2 to 3 sentences.) Methodology (Write a short introduction here.) Planning (Write what happened during this stage of SDLC including the steps. Write what happened during this stage of SDLC including the steps.) Analysis (Write what happened during this stage of SDLC including the steps. Write what happened during this stage of SDLC including the steps.) Design (Write what happened during this stage of SDLC including the steps. Write what happened during this stage of SDLC including the steps.) Implementation (Write what will happen during this stage of SDLC including the steps. Write what will happen during this stage of SDLC including the steps.) Testing & Debugging 5 (Write what will happen during this stage of SDLC including the steps. Write what will happen during this stage of SDLC including the steps.) Requirements (Write a short introduction here.) Developer Requirements The following are the minimum hardware and software specifications for the development of the proposed system. Table 3.1 Developer’s Hardware Requirements Table 3.2 Developer’s Software Requirements Client Requirements The following are the minimum hardware, software, and network specifications for the client to use the system. Table 3.3 Client’s Hardware Requirements 6 Table 3.4 Client’s Software Requirements Table 3.5 Client’s Network Requirements Server Requirements The following are the minimum hardware, software, and network specifications for the server to efficiently store and manage data. Table 3.6 Server’s Hardware Requirements Table 3.7 Server’s Software Requirements Table 3.8 Server’s Network Requirements 7 CHAPTER IV PROJECT MANAGEMENT (Write a short overview of this chapter, 2 to 3 sentences.) Project Organization (Write a short introduction here.) Table 4.1 Project Members and Responsibilities Member System Module Responsibilities Firstname MI. Lastname (ex. enrolment module) (ex. Researcher, Analyst) Firstname MI. Lastname (ex. billing module) (ex. Researcher, Analyst) Project Time Frame Table 4.2 Time Frame of the Project Activities Month 1 ... Month N (Note: base the activities on the stages and steps as discussed; shade the appropriate coverage properly) 8 Risk Management (Introduction here) Financial Constraint (1st Paragraph: Describe the constraint. 2nd Paragraph: How will you face the constraint? What will you do to solve or to avoid the constraint?) Health Constraint (1st Paragraph: Describe the constraint. 2nd Paragraph: How will you face the constraint? What will you do to solve or to avoid the constraint?) Power Constraint (1st Paragraph: Describe the constraint. 2nd Paragraph: How will you face the constraint? What will you do to solve or to avoid the constraint?) (Note: you may add or remove constraints from the list) 9 CHAPTER V UNIFIED MODELING LANGUAGE (UML) MODELS (Write a short overview of this chapter, 2 to 3 sentences.) Overall Use Case Diagram Figure 5.1 Overall Use Case Diagram (Diagram here) 10 Overall Class Diagram Figure 5.2 Overall Class Diagram (Diagram here) 11 Use Case Narratives and Graphical User Interface (GUI) Designs Log In Use Case Narrative Table 5.1 Use Case Narrative for Log In Use Case Name: Log In ID: UC-1 Actor: Administrator, … Description: This use case describes how the actors can log in into the system using a valid user account. The actor may not succeed in doing this action due to invalid inputs, not existing user account, or deactivated user account. Trigger: The actor needs to access the system. Trigger Type: √ External Temporal Preconditions: 1. The server is online. 4. The actor has an active user account in the system. 2. The database is up-to-date. 5. The actor opens a web browser and enters the link for the system’s 3. The system is available. index/log in page. Normal Course: Information for Steps: 1. The system displays the “log in” page. “Log in” page 2. The actor enters his/her username and password. Username and password 3. The actor clicks the “log in” button. (Alternative Course 1.1) 4. The system validates the inputs. Validation criteria 5. The system checks if the user account exists and active. Select query result 6. The system updates the user account’s log in status to “logged in”. Update query 7. The system displays the “home” page. “Home” page Alternative Courses: Information for Steps: 1.1 The actor decides to cancel the “log in” action. (branch at step 3) 1. The actor clicks the “close” button. 2. The system closes the “index/log in” tab or the web browser. Postconditions: 1. The log in status of the user account is updated to “logged in”. 2. The “home” page is displayed. Exceptions: E1: Inputs are not valid. (occurs at step 4) 1. The system displays a message that the username or password is not valid. 2. The system asks the actor to enter a valid username and password. E2: Account does not exist or does not have system privilege. (occurs at step 5) 1. The system displays a message that the account does not exist or is deactivated. 2. The system asks the actor to try another account. Summary: Inputs Source Outputs Destination Username and password Actor “Log in” page Actor Validation criteria System Update query Accounts table in DB Select query result Accounts table in DB “Home” page Actor 12 Graphical User Interface (GUI) Design Figure 5.3 Graphical User Interface Design for Log In (Diagram here) Log Out (Continue all use cases like in Log In) 13 REFERENCES 14