Daftar Isi Prakata 1. Ruang Lingkup 2. Acuan Normatif 3. Istilah dan Definisi 4. Data Hasil Survey 4.1. Data Topography The following topographical data is required for the design of the various civil works: (i) Contour plan of the project area from about 200 metres upstream of the proposed intake works or 200 metres upstream of submergence, whichever is more upto about 200 metres down stream of tailrace junction with the stream. In the lateral direction the contour plan should extend by about 10 metres above the proposed full supply level except in case of surge tank where it should be extended by about 10 metres above the upsurge level in an area of about 100 metres around the proposed surge tank location. The scale of this contour plan shall not be lesser than 1 in 1000 with atleast 2 metre contour interval. (ii) Contour plan of the area around intake and diversion works from 200 metres upstream of intake to 300 metres downstream of the proposed dam / weir location and upto atleast 10 metres above the proposed full supply level. The scale of this contour plan shall not be lesser than 1 in 200 with a maximum of 1 metre contour interval. (iii) Contour plan of the area around desilting tank from the river upto 5 metres above F.S.L. from 100 metres upstream to 100 metres downstream of the proposed location and in a scale not lesser than 1 in 200 with 1 metre contour interval. (iii) Contour plan at the locations of cross-drainage works in an area of 200 m x 200 m with the proposed location of cross drainage work at the centre. The scale of these contour plans shall be at least 1:200 with 1 metre contour interval. (iv) Contour plan of the power house complex covering proposed locations of the surge tank / forebay, penstock, power house, switchyard, tailrace. The area covered should be atleast 100 metres beyond the proposed locations of the above works on either side. The scale of this contour plan shall be atleast 1:200 with 1 metre contour interval. (v) Longitudinal section of river water line on a particular day from 200 metres upstream of the proposed diversion / intake location or 200 metres upstream of submergence whichever is more upto 200 metres downstream of the proposed junction of tailrace and the river. The proposed locations of various works and those of the junctions of rivulets crossing the water conductor system should be marked on the longitudinal section. (vi) Cross-sections of the river at the locations of diversion weir and junction of river and tailrace and 50 metres upstream and downstream of the same. These sections shall also be marked on contour plans mentioned in above paras 3.1(i), 3.1(ii) and 3.1(vii) and 3.1 (viii). (vii) Longitudinal sections of the rivulets from about 200 metres upstream to about 200 downstream of the proposed locations of the cross-drawing works. (viii) Cross-section of the rivulets at the locations of cross-drainage works. Hasil pemetaan topography disimpan di Lampiran-1 4.2. Data Geologi dan Geoteknik The following geological data is required for the civil design of the various works. Geological descriptions of the various locations of the civil works. These should be supported by the following: (i) Geological logs of one to three drill holes at the location of proposed weir specially where the weir is to be designed on impermeable foundation. (ii) Geological log of atleast one drill hole at the proposed location of intake. 4.3. (ii) Geological plan of the proposed weir & intake location with the drill holes locations marked on it. (iii) Geological plan of the desilting tank location. In case of underground desilting tank, atleast one hole should be drilled at that site & geological log of the same supplied. (iv) Geological mapping along the headrace tunnel alignment on the basis of surface geology. (v) Geological log of atleast one hole drilled at the proposed location of surge tank. (vi) Geological mapping along the proposed alignment of penstock. It should be supported by geological logs of holes drilled at a spacing of not more than 100 metres along penstock alignment. (vii) Geological details of foundation strata below power house. Geological log of atleast on hole drilled at power house location in case the power house is proposed to be founded on firm rock. (viii) Maximum level of the ground water table at the proposed power house & tailrace sites. (ix) C & ϕ values of the foundation material at power house & tailrace locations. (x) (xi) Soil grain size distribution curves at weir, intake and power house locations when these works are proposed to be founded on permeable foundations. (xii) Maximum electrical resistivity of foundation strata. Data Hidrologi The following hydrological data is required for the design of civil works: (i) Design flood discharges at locations of diversion structure and confluence of tailrace & river. (ii) Design discharge of power house. (iii) Gauge and discharge data at the locations of diversion structure and confluence of tailrace and river. 4.4. Data lainnya (for all) (i) Number and capacity of machines. (ii) The sediment particle size and concentration that is allowed to be passed though the turbine. (iii) d50- 50% of finer size of boundary material of the river. (iv) The following data is required for power house design from the supplier of electro-mechanical equipment: (a) Layout of the power house appurtenant works such as cable tunnel, switchyard, by-pass water conductor system including tail race and access road. (b) General plan of the power house showing the erection bay, control room, offices, workshop, utilities, etc, and other allied structures. (c) Plan at generator floor level showing location of staircases, equipment and openings, etc. (d) Plan at turbine floor level showing location of staircases, equipment and openings etc. Plan at centre line of spiral casing showing location of butterfly / spherical valve, expansion joint, etc. (e) (f) Plans showing features such as (i) galleries, (ii) draft tube deck, (iii) Transformers and fire walls, (iv) Transformer and gantry crane rails, (vi) Draft tube gates and gantry crane, (vii) Drainage and dewatering sump, (vii) Ducts, trenches and openings etc. (g) (h) Plan of the erection bay, control rooms and cable room. Transverse section (along the flow of water) through the centre line of machines, through the control and administration block and erection bay. (i) Longitudinal section (at right angles to the direction of flow) through the centre line of machines. (j) The shape and profile of the draft tube and its gated control along with hoisting arrangement and its liner. (k) (l) Shape and profile of spiral casing. Plan and elevations of generator foundations showing details of base plates anchor bolts, blockouts, etc. (m) Drainage and dewatering arrangement comprising : (1) penstock, (2) draft tube (n) Dimension, location and arrangement of inlet valve (if provided) supports. Dimensions and clearances of EOT cranes and drawings giving details of crane. Loads – The loads imposed by the equipment and accessories should be shown in plan and section such that the point of application of the load as well as its base area are clearly indicated. (o) (p) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Vertical load on stator sole plates Tangential force in direction of rotation on stator sole plates Tangential force in direction of rotation on stator sole plates Vertical force on lower bracket sole plates. Tangential force in direction of rotation on lower bracket sole plates Force due to unbalanced magnetic pull (radial force) Seismic force on stator sole plate; Seismic force on lower bracket sole plate Impact factor; and Directions and points of application of above loads (q) Load of the inlet valves including its auxiliaries (r) Details of crane giving information on (1) (2) The number and spacing of wheels of crane Maximum wheel loads & impact factor (s) Thrust due to servomotors (t) Reaction of pelton turbine showing jet (u) Vertical and horizontal loads of each switchyard equipment along with its supporting structures / towers, pulls of conductors and directions and points of application 5. 6. (v) Horizontal thrust due to water to penstock indicating mode of transfer (w) Water-hammer load due to sudden closure of the machine Tata Letak (Layout) Pembangkit 5.1. Pemilihan Tata Letak Bangunan 5.2. Gambar Tata Letak Pembangkit Komponen, Pemilihan dan Spesifikasi Bangunan Sipil 6.1. Bangunan Pengelak 6.1.1. Jenis Bangunan Pengelak 6.1.2. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Pemilihan Bangunan Pengelak Ada sejumlah jenis bangunan pengelak yang biasanya dibangun. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan jenis bangunan pengelak terdiri atas: (i) Pentingnya dan ukuran PLTMH (ii) Ketersediaan dana (iii) Jenis fondasi (iv) Kemiringan sungai pada arah longitudinal (v) Ketersediaan head 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.1.3. Teknik Pemilihan 6.1.4. Spesifikasi Teknik Bendung 6.2.1. Jenis Bendung 6.2.2. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Pemilihan Bendung 6.2.3. Jenis Bendung 6.2.4. Teknik Pemilihan 6.2.5. Spesifikasi Teknik Intake 6.3.1. Jenis Intake 6.3.2. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Pemilihan Intake 6.3.3. Teknik Pemilihan 6.3.4. Spesifikasi Teknik Kolam Penangkap Pasir 6.5. 6.6. 6.4.1. Jenis Kolam Penangkap Pasir 6.4.2. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Pemilihan Kolam Penangkap Pasir 6.4.3. Teknik Pemilihan 6.4.4. Spesifikasi Teknik Saluran Pembawa 6.5.1. Jenis Saluran Pembawa 6.5.2. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Pemilihan Jenis Saluran Pembawa 6.5.3. Teknik Pemilihan 6.5.4. Spesifikasi Teknik Pelimpah 6.6.1. Jenis Pelimpah 6.6.2. Factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan Jenis Pelimpah 6.6.3. Teknik Pemilihan 6.6.4. Spesifikasi Teknik 6.7. 6.8. 6.9. Bak Penenang 6.7.1. Jenis Bak Penenang 6.7.2. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan Jenis Bak Penenang 6.7.3. Teknik Pemilihan 6.7.4. Spesifikasi Teknik Trashrack 6.8.1. Jenis Trashrack 6.8.2. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan Jenis Trashrack 6.8.3. Teknik Pemilihan 6.8.4. Spesifikasi Teknik Flushing 6.9.1. Jenis Flushing 6.9.2. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan Jenis Flushing 6.9.3. Teknik Pemilihan 6.9.4. Spesifikasi Teknik 6.10. Pipa Pesat 6.10.1. Jenis Pipa Pesat 6.10.2. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan Jenis Pipa Pesat 6.10.3. Teknik Pemilihan 6.10.4. Spesifikasi Teknik 6.11. Surge Tank 6.11.1. Jenis Surge Tank 6.11.2. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan Jenis Surge Tank 6.11.3. Teknik Pemilihan 6.11.4. Spesifikasi Teknik 6.12. Expansion Joint 6.12.1. Jenis Expansion Joint 6.12.2. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan Jenis Expansion Joint 6.12.3. Teknik Pemilihan 6.12.4. Spesifikasi Teknik 6.13. Bend 6.13.1. Jenis Bend 6.13.2. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan Jenis Bend 6.13.3. Teknik Pemilihan 6.13.4. Spesifikasi Teknik 6.14. MIV 6.14.1. Jenis MIV 6.14.2. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan Jenis MIV 6.14.3. Teknik Pemilihan 6.14.4. Spesifikasi Teknik 6.15. Tail Race 6.15.1. Jenis Tail Race 6.15.2. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan Jenis Tail Race 6.15.3. Teknik Pemilihan 6.15.4. Spesifikasi Teknik 7. Komponen, Pemilihan dan Spesifikasi Bangunan Mekanik 8. Komponen, Pemilihan dan Spesifikasi Bangunan Elektrik 9. Komponen, Pemilihan dan Spesifikasi Monitor, Kontrol, dan Proteksi